HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-11-13, Page 23• Annual
Meeting• •
•Rirkton Community
Association 0
Tues., Nov. 19 0
8:30 p.m. 0
$ 0
j Kirkton-Woodham
Community Centre /
1 Everyone welcome! 0
SOth Anniversary
The fancily of Jade and Enna Bourne invite
friends and relatives to a "Come and Go' tea
in honour of their parents' 50th anniversary
on Sunday, November 24,1991; 2-4 p.m. at
The Qintan Lawn BowlireL Oman club
house, Mary Street. Clinton, Ontario. Please
accept this u you personal invitation. Best
wishes only. 46,47c
Elizabah P. Roberti of West Chesser,
Pennsylvania and William B. Rowdiffe,
Henson were married in a joyful ceremony
an October 26, 1991 at the Trivitt Manorial
Anglican Church, Exeter, Ontario May God
bless the union of Betsy and Bill. 46c
HUM' • Jamie and Patti thank God for the
safe arrival of their first child Melanie Lau-
ra, born November 2, 1991 at St. Joseph's
Hospital, weighing 8 lbs. 12 ons. Proud fust
time grandparents are lid and Dorothy
Smith, Zurich and Bob and Norma Hunt.
Owen Sound. Another `rate -granddaughter
for Esther Devine, Parkhill, Margery Har-
tley, Owen Sound and Florence H r,
Durham. Thank you to Dr. Milne and third
floor nurses. Add one to Shipka's popula-
tion! 46c
LATHER/FISHER • Rich and Tracy am
pleased to announce the snivel of Jac kl
Paige on November 6, 1991 at St. Jaaeph s
Hospital, weighing 7 lbs. 13 on. Prod
grandparents am Mei and Glenda Lather,
Cauralie and Bob and Jute Fisher of Zu-
rich. 46c
McGUIRE - Tim and Sheila (nee Snider)
are proud to announce the birth of their sec-
ond son, Andrew Patrick, at Guelph General
Hospital, October 28, 1991. Andrew is the
8th grandson for Ted and Edna Snider, MU*
er, the 9th grandchild for Otv and Hilda
McGuire, Etobicoke, and the 9th great-
grandchild for Phyllis Game, of Misnssau•
ga. 46•
THOMSON . Brian, Sandy and b' broth-
ers Adam and Derrick am deli to an-
nounce the arrival of Evan Darnel on Octo-
ber 21, 1991. Another precious grandson for
Clarence and Isabel 'Thomson, Woodham
and Wayne and Marilyn Schlegel, Grand
Bend. A great-grandson for Bill and Rena
Silo, Pon Franks, Mary Thomson, Exeter
and Emma Schlegel, Ailsa Craig. 46'
BAiRD • In loving memory of a dear bus-
band/ether and grandfather, Tom Baird,
who passed away November 11, 1984.
We think of you in silence
We often speak your name
And all we have are memories
And your picture in a frame.
Our hearts still ache in sadness
And silent tears still flow
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.
Sadly mused by wa[e, Dew and family.
sincerely thank neighbours and friends on
Conc. 2 and 3, Stephen Twp. for the lovely
wedding gifts. These wooden gifts look
lovely in our home and are greatly appreciat-
446c Ross and Donna
CUDMORE • In loving menosy•a-a dear
husband and father, J.R. Qidmo e, who
puled away November 6, one year ago.
Sadly missed and always remembered by
your wife Florence and your daughters Shir-
ey and Marion. 46c
DOERR • Jack and Flom, and their Families
appreciate the thoughtfulness of friends and
nwthbotus who helped to celebrate their
S Wedding Anniversary. We are over-
whelmed by the many cards and innings
frau this wonderful community. We thank
you all sincerely for the Good Wisher from
near and fu. 46'
EDWARDS • Our sincere thanks to
one who remanbetod both of us with cards,
visits, treats, and phone alb, during our
stay in the hospitals, and since n zwnine
home. Spedal thanks to Dr. Sales and the
nurses as fourth floor, for their good care
they gave my husband while in St. Joseph's
Hospital Speoial thanks to Dr. Gams, all the
nursing staff, the rest of the hospital staff for
the good ane we both got while in South
Huron Hospital, and to the V.O.N. nutsee
who are caning to our home. We are truly
grateful to Leroy and Cheryl for all they
have done for us while in hospital and since
coming home. We would like to thank Rev.
Hilbom and Mrs. Bev Robinson for their
visits. We really appreciate everything that
wu done for us.
46c Melvin and Evelyn
ERB • We wish to thank our many friends
and neighbours for their kind expressions or
sympathy in memory of our dear Dad and
Grandfather. The generous donations of
food, the many memorial donations, the
beautiful cards, flowers and all the prayers
for our family during this time we partly
a ted. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace,
Marg Viucher, Paul and Grace Brunner,
Ephriam and Elsie Gingerich, Blue Water
Rest Home, Zurich Ambulance, Exeter Hos-
pital, Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Home
and the W.M.S.C. for the delicious supper
served following the funeral service. Your
kindness will always be rernenbered.
The Gordon Erb Family
FLYNN - I would like to thank my family
and friends for the lovely cards and gifts I
received at the Open House held in ensall
United Church an Sunday afternoon, No-
vember 3 to celebrate my 80th Birthday. A
special thanks to my daughter Joyce and her
family for arranging it and to the ladies who
helped at the church. It was a special day ITI
always remember.
46 Evelyn
HODGSON • A special thank you to our
children. families, friends and neighbours
who in any way helped to organize and at-
tended our 25th anniverary party. The flow-
ers, gifts and cards we received will be :ten-
ured in our beans for years to come. Thank
you again.
46c Wes and Christine
LEWIS - Perhaps you sent a card or sat
quietly in a chair, perhaps you sent a floral
spray orave a donation in her name - if so
we saw Perhaps you spoke the kindest
words as any friend could lay - perhaps you
were not there at all, just thought of us these
days. Whatever you did to console our
beans, we thank you so vary muds, whatev-
er the part. Our sincere thanks to aur fami-
lies, to cite doctors and nurses from the staff
d St. Joseph's Hospital and University Hos-
pital for the cue our mother Jessie Lewis re -
caved. Thank you to the Bninsley United
Church Women for the lunch after the funer-
al and for all food brought to our homes.
Thank you to Rev: John McKay for his can -
forting words and visits. Thanks to Pat and
Bruce Fraser and staff of T. Stephenson &
Son Funeral Home for helping make a very
difficult time a little easier. Your kindness
will be remembered always.
46' Helen and Gearld Thompson and family
Donald and Edith Innis and family
Normae and Linda Lewis and family
Allan and Gladys Lewis and family
MO*LOCK • A thank yen to fsitlads and
relatives who ant cards sad meth daring
my anent say in hospital and limos return-
ing hams. Special thanks to ay family for
their prayers, visits and jot for bdag there
for me. I greatly appreccatc the prayers and
visits of Rev. Lakrmanu. Also a thank you
to Dr. Yee and Associates and nursing staff
in A.M.U. and 6th floor of University Roepi-
4466' Ray
OY TREICHER • A sincere thank you to
neighbours and friends for all the cards and
beat wishes received on my 70th Birthday.
Also thanks to my wife and everyone wbo
hd arange the Open House. Cori
STURDEVANT • Our sincere thanks to rel-
atives, friends and neighbours for loving
support expressed in so many thoughtful
ways during our recant bereavement.
46c Helm and family
ERS - A big thank you to the Pentecostal
Church youth group for the hard work they
did raking leaves for seniors. Thanks for the
support of Howard at BMA Foods, the Exet-
er Lions and the SAAN store.
DADD • At South Huron Hospital. Exeter,
on Thursday, November 7, 1991, Pearl B.
(Souks) Dadd of RR 1, Dashwood, formerly
of London and Glencoe, in ber 93rd year.
Beloved wife of the late Aubrey C. Dodd of
Landau (1951). Dear mother and mother-in-
law of Mn. Fairley Manan of RR 1, Dash-
wood. and Arthur and Zoe Dadd of Hay-
field. Loved grandmother of Rosemary
Croathwaite of Bayfield; Richard Dadd of
Goderidc; Fairieigh Munroe of Newbury;
Laurel Dadd. Brian Dadd and Gerald Dadd,
all of London. Also survived byt 10 greu-
granddu7dren. Predeceased by her sisters
, Violet. Rhoda and Lillian. Visitation wan
' held at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Puna-
' al Home, Dashwood, on Friday. The Funeral
and Carnmital Service was held at Mt
Pleasant Cemetery Chapel, London, on Sat-
urday, November 9, 1991 err 11 a.m. Rev.
Maurice Plans officiated. Interment in Mt.
Pleasant Cemetery. If desired, memorials to
Victoria Order of Nurses would be appe-
dnted as expressions of sympathy.
KNOWLES - Olive lv (Ensin a) Knowles
entered into rest at Spruce Lodge, Stratford
on Thursday. November 7, 1991; formnedy
of St. Marys and Granton in her 82nd year.
Beloved wife of the late Wilbert Knowles
(1978), loving mother of Marjorie and her
husband Don Swan, Alice and her husband
George Cubbedey, all of St. Marys, Reva
and her husband George Currie, Lambeth,
Shirley and her husband, Garth Stuart, Sau-
k, Audrey and her husband Dan Watt, Lu -
can, Kenneth and his wife Cathy Knowles,
Ilderton, Larry and his wife Brenda
Knowles, Surrey, B.C. A son-in-law Ray
Harris, Victoria, B.C. Loved by 30 grand-
children and 42 great-grandchildren. A
brother Ernest Ensinger, Milverton and Nor-
man and his wife Rita Ensinger of Waterloo.
Predeceased by a daughter Florence Harris
and a son Ivan Knowles. Rested at the LA.
Ball Funeral Chapel, St. Marys (Ball & San
Funeral Homes ), Water Street North,
whom the Viral envies was heist am Shtn-
day, November 10 at 1:30 ppm. with Rev.
Wilbert Dawson officiating. Ince neat in St.
Marys cemetery. Donations to Sprua Lodge
Building Fund or the charity of one's choice
would be appreciated as expressions d sym-
pathy. 46c
68 Main Street South
Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Organist: Miss Carolyn Love
Sunday, November 17
9:00 a.m. - Men's Weakliest
Guest Speaker: Scott Siddr
11:16 a.m. - Worship IMMob
Sunday SOW— --
Nursery available.
Everyone Welcome
Main St. Norti
Pastor Rev. Sleds Vander Meer
Worship Services
10:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CKNX 920 10:90 a.m.
' Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
We cannot rely on Gods promises with-
out obeying His commandments.
264 Main Street.
Exeter, Ontario
The Rev. Fay M.
26th Sunday after Pentecost
November 17, 1991
11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Sunday School
Nursery available
Everyone Welcome
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Missignary Conference
November 10-17
Theme: 'Building His Church'
Sunday, November 17
11•A6 a.m. 9is y School
1100 a.m.Mondrtg Worship
7 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
870 Main St. S.
Pastor Vernon Dean
Assistant Pastor Kevin D. Rogers
Sunday, November 17
1000 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
7:00 p.m. Evening Sen4ce
Nursery available for all servioes
"A piece to meet God ands friend
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday, November 17
1000 a.m. Worship
11:10 a.m. Sunday School
Nursery avaltahle
7:30 p.m. Worship
Everybody welcome
Como and Worship with us
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
Comer of James and Andrew St.
The Rev. John C. Hilbom
Mrs. Bev Robinson
I The Rev. Grant L MYIs
(Minister Emeritus)
Director of Music
Ralph C. Topp
November 17, 1991 - 1100 a.m.
Pentecost XXVI
Message: 'Snow on Desert Sands'
Young Adult Clan 900 a.m.
Sunday School 11 a.m.
Nursery Facilities av i`" --
Courtesy Car: Ken Agnew 235-1358
Everyone Welcome
920 a.m. Su d�r School
10:30-11:00 a.m. F:Now.Mp Use
11:00 a.m. Family able Hour
600 p.m. Communion BWMoe
Nursery Avelhible
Tuesday awrtktgs
7:30 p.m. - Bible etudy
Ali services are held to
Usborrw Cental School,
Huron Sr. E.
Everyone Wik+orre
For mon information please
cell 229-8981
GARTLEY•LIGwi'FOdT • At South Hu-
ron Hospital. Eider, on Friday, November
8, 1991, oda M. Ganley (I �glrfoot) (Bie-
ber) d Centralia, in her 70th year. Beloved
wife of William Gardey d Ceatsalia and the
late Ralph Lightfoot 1984). Dear maker
and mother -in -Lw d and Pat Sokfan
of Grand Bend, Brenda and Peer Bos d
Waterloo and Dale and Lynda Gulley d
Toronto. Dear grandmother of Tracy and Ja-
son Soudan, Dwayne, Tyler, Hayley and Al-
lison Bos, Shawn, Scott, Stephan, and Kim-
berly Gardey. Dear sister of Violet
Nonhcou of Hay Township and Henry Bie-
ber of Mooresville. Mrs. Gurley was
ceased by her brothers Hiram and
and her sister Carrie. Rested at the
Hockey Funeral Home, William Street,
der, for visitation on Sunday 2-4 and 7-9;
where the funeral service was held on Mon-
day, November 11, at 1:30 p.m. Rev. Jean-
nie Udall and Rev. Deborah Carter officiat-
ed. Interment Exeter Cemetery. Donations to
the St. Joseph's Hospital, Cancer Society or
Sant Huronhe family. Hospital would be appreciated
LANE • .At Desert Samaritan Hospital in
Mesa. Arizona on Monday, November 4,
1991,Regina B. Lane 73, d 1057 W. Obis-
po Ae. Mesa. Mn. Lane was born in Mt.
Gimlet, Ontario and moved to Atizeoa front
Southfield. Michigan in 1976. She was a
registered nurse for the Red Cross, retiring
in 1976. Mn. Lane was the daughter of the
late Alonzo and Laura McCann. Survivors
include her sons, Michael of Mesa, and
Frances of Chandler, Patrick of Grand Band,
and daughters Laura Bryant and Sarah, both
of Chandler, sister and sister-in-law of Mary
and Tom Ryan; Madeline and her late hus-
band Leo Resler, Bill and Mary McCann,
Arnold andresa McCann, all of Mount
Carmel; Ruby and Herb Person of Drayton
Plains. Michigan. Predeceased by brothers
Lawrance, Jack and Joe McCann. Also sur-
vived by sisters-in-law Noreen and Nell
McCann of Mt. Carmel and Irene McCann
of Grand Bend and eight granddtildren. Fu-
neral Mass on Thursday, NNovunber 7 at St.
Timothy's Catholic Church. Internment at Na-
tional Memorial Cemetery, Phoenix. 46
McBRIDE • At the Blue Water Rest Horne,
Zurich, on Wednesday, November 6, 1991,
Lome R. McBride, formerly of Windsor and
Kipper, in his 90th year. Beloved husband
of the late Myrtle (Armstrong) McBride
(1943). Dear brother of Elmore McBride of
Exeter. Predeceased by his brothers, Alvin,
Wilbert, Leonard, Edgar and Walter
McBride; his sisters, Mn. Margaret Schnell
and Mrs: Emma Beattie and his parents Rob-
ert and Forma (Wille,) McBride. Survived
by several nieces, nephews and their fami-
lies. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons
Funeral Horne, Dashwood Visitation was
on Thursday evening and the Funeral and
Cotnminal Service was on Friday, Novem-
ber 8, 1991. Rev. Don F. Robinson officiat-
ed. Interment in Bayfield Cemetery. If de-
sired, memorials to the Blue Water Rest
Home or clarity of your choice would be
preciated as cxpsessions of sympathy. 46c
McNICOL - • At the Exeter Villa on Tues-
day, November 5, 1991, Mabel C. McNiool
(McCurdy) in her 103rd year. Beloved wife
of the late John McNicol (1956) and dear
mother and mother-in-law of Eileen Tra-
qquair of Stratford, Eldred and Gladys
McNicol el London, Alvin and Ruby
'McNicol of London, Laurens and Jim
,!Young of Seaforth, Kay and Ray Coomof
Exeter,- Muie1' Moire 01 Landa►a ;Dons
idcNicd of Stratford and Bev and Jackie
McNicol of London. Predeceased is one
daughter Velma Dick and one son Jack
.McNicol. Also predeceased by 3 grandchil-
dren, Doug, Joan and Jimmie. Surviving are
28 grandchildren, several great-
grandchildren, several great-grardchddren
and great -great-grandchildren. Friends
called at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home,
William Street, Exeter. The funeral service
was held on Friday, November 8, 1991 at
1:30 p.m. with Rev. John Hilbom officiat-
ing. Interment in Exeter Cemetery. Dona-
tions to the Exeter Villa would be appreciat-
ed by the McNicol family. 46c
When is your Open House? So mark din
dates on your calendar, plan your outing
with fnemds and relatives. November 1,
1991 - November 23, 1991. Hours: Monday,
Friday, Saturday - 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I
and Tuesday, Wednesdaynand Thursday -
9:30 am. to 800 p.m. rty, not open ca_;.
Sunder. Came and visit "Once Upon a Spe- !
dal Christmas" and see our home decorated
front top to bottom with ideas galore. Mur- ;
ray's House of Flowers, 11 Richmond St., t
Arkoma, Ontario, 828-3398. See you loan.
43,44/451 46,47c
Ailsa Crag Recreation Centre, sponsored by
A.C.D.L Club. 510.00 per person, music by i
Warmer DJ Service. For tickets 293-3325 or
293-3356 or any member. 44,45,46,52c
Church, Staffs, Wednesday, November 20,
5.8 p.m. Adults 58.00, cbildreh under 12
53.00. Pre-school free. 44,45,46'
BAZAAR, November 16 at Triviu Memori-
al churdi. Home baking, crafts, deli from
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 44,45,(46)'
TRE Public Notice, Arcual Meeting, Tues-
day, November 19, 1991, 7:30 p.m., Sauble
Crt. Lounge, Grand Bend. 45,46c
MESSIAH PT 1 and Music of Christmas:
presented by the 65 voice Blyth Festival
Singers, Sunday, November 24 at 2:30 and
7:30, at Wesley -Willis United Church, Clin-
ton. Guest artists: Gordon McLeod, Canadi-
an Opera Ca, Toronto, Sarah Parkinson,
London; and from the area: Renee Stalen-
hoef John Dehisce Huron Scoia Cantorum,
and iluron String School Orchestra.
ZAA 2-4 p.m., Friday, November 29,
1991. , crafts, door prizes and tea
room. Creigfwbne Nursing}Farce Anditori-
urn. Proceeds to Residet oantcl.
SALE, Wednesday, Noveanbax 13, 1 p.m. -
10 pm.; Thursday, November 14, 10 ann. -
10 pm. Dashwood Community Caere, up-
stairs and downstairs. Admission 51.00; Un-
der 6 years free. Free refmahm nos and door
prizes. 45,46c
Hurormia Singers invite you to share the
scads of (Ninnies an &eaday, December
8 at 230 and 7:30 p m., Reeser United
Church. Tickets svat'labie from Country
Bakery. Baster Noised Church,charmember aur 235-2165. 45,447,41c
Adds Health CSiaic. Loaeian: Health Ueda
OBice, South Huron Hasp , Exe*sr. Daae:
19, 1991. Tuns: 9:00-
11:300a�an.; 140-310 p.m. 1. Health Coun-
selling; 2. Foot Case (fee); 3. Blood plenum
testing. 46c
Times -Advocate, November 13, 1991
dation will meet on Wednesday. November
20 at 8 pm. in the Olde Town Hall. Harry
and Tam Burke have baa very active in re-
searching the heritage of this area. They will
be our special guests std ddigM us with s
special presentation. Don't miss this oppor-
tunity. Everyone welcome. Refreahme is
will be served. 46'
EUCHRE PARTY at Shipka Community
Centre, Wednesday, November 13, 8 p.m.
Lunch and prizes. 46c
Bazur, Saturday, November 30, 11:00 a.m.-
.m:2:30 pm. Free admiuion, lunch roan, home
baking, meat pies, Christmas crafts, jams
and pickles, tatting, knitting, sewing, chit-
. drams able, quilts and angel comer.
Show and Sale of stoneware, ponoelain and
raku pottery by Robert Tette, Saturday and
Sunday, November 16 and 17, noon to 6:00
p.m. at the studio 2 1/2 miles north of St.
Columban on McKillop Sideroad 10. 345-
2184. 46c
in Henson Arena. Tickets still available for
December 7. Call Jerry at 236-4039 for
more information. 46-49c
Tuesday, November 19, 7:30 p.m., Lepre-
chaun Hall, Lucan Community Centre.
Sponsored by Bill and Sue Haricot in coop-
eration with the Canadian Diabetes Associa-
tion. Everyone welcane. 46nc
IOOF EUCHRE, Wednesday, November
13, 8 pm. Ladies please bring lunch. 46c
Consultation Advisory Group, Monday, No-
vember 18, 2:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. in Clinton
Town Hall. planning for the County-
wide mitstilleft of longterm arm reform.
GRAND BEND AREA Medical Centre
Public Notice, Annual Meeting, Tuesday,
November 19, 1991, 7:30 pm., Sauble Crt
Lounge, Grand Bend. 46c
vaply Coan41.>
Open House
Sun., Nov. 17
from 2-4p.m.
185 Victoria St. W., Apt. 6
Information call 235-2097
Craft Show
8 Bake Sale
Sat.. Nov. 23
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Crediton On btis�
Community Hall
Tops & Trends Clothing.
ceramics, silk flowers,
woodcrafts, and more
Tea room sponsored
by Explorers
Free admission.
- Page 23---
for Dave Bogart
Nov. 30
Leprechan Hall
(Lucan Arena)
For information call
235-1314 days,
238-6410 evenin _ s
Buck C3 Doe
Rob Taylor &
Heather Thompson
Sat., Nov. 16
For further information call
228-6282 or 345-2058
Fifth Annual
Open House
Show C3 Sale
290 Sanders St. E., Exeter
Fri. Nov. 15
2 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Sat.. Nov. 16
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sun.. Nov. 17
1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Quilting, cushions, kitchen
accessones, quilts in a pock-
el, dolls, preserves, wood-'
working, toys, gift baskets. )1 d
O> and morel
Sun., Nov. 24
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission $1.00
New Convention Centre
Ages 6- 12$6.95,2-5$4.95
Reservations requested for
brunch 238-2328
Exeter and Area
Figure Mating Club presents
November 19 at 7:30 p.m.
• Purple Thrtle • Designers
• Madams (akatb g and Writer clothb )
$10 per person • $5 for 16 and under
Tickets available at above atom ,
Matta elbow or ohrb ~bon
Sunday, November 17
2:00 p.m.
Large Gymnasium - S.H.D.H.S.
Exeter Legion Band
S.H.D.H.S. Choir
S.H D.H:B: Cb Cert Band Admission - Free
Exeter and Area
Figure Mating Club presents
November 19 at 7:30 p.m.
• Purple Thrtle • Designers
• Madams (akatb g and Writer clothb )
$10 per person • $5 for 16 and under
Tickets available at above atom ,
Matta elbow or ohrb ~bon