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Tknes-fdvocste, November 13, 1991
Hewitt- Morison
Anna Morson, Thunder Bay
and Tony Hewitt, formerly of
Crediton were united In mar-
riage at St. Lukes Anglican
Church, Thunder Bay on May
18, 1991. Their families and
friends wish them a future
full of love and happiness.
Forthcoming marriage - Tony
Merkel and Pauline Brannon
will be married on Saturday,
November 30, 1991. Pauline
is the daughter of Theresa
Brannon, of Varna and Tony
Is the son of Bill and Irene
Merkel of Stratford. The wed-
ding will take place at 3
o'clock in the afternoon at
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Church in Mount Carmel, On-
tario. Closed reception to fol -
Five generations
Five generations were recently together at the Dashwood
hall. Seated holding baby Colton William Preszcator is
great great, grandmother Leita Hill of Crediton. Seated on
left is Velma Preszcator, Seaforth, great-grandmother.
Standing on right, Jim Preszcator, Bayfield, grandfather and
on left Bill Preszcator, Brucefleid, father of Colton.
Board meeting
in CTed iton---
CREDITON - An Official Board
meeting of Zion United Church in
Crediton has been scheduled for
Thursday night, November 21 at 8
All members are urged to attend
as the 1992 budget will be dis-
cussed and planned. Doug Light-
foot is chairman of the Board of
All ladies of the church are invit-
ed to provide baking products for
an United Church Women bake
sale which is coming up shortly. It
will be held on Saturday, Novem-
ber 23 beginning at 10 a.m. in con-
junction with a bazaar and craft
show at the Stephen township com-
munity hall in Crediton.
This week's senior choir practice
is set for tonight, Wednesday at 8
Thames Road United Church
holds Remembrance service
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Rev. Sheila
Macgregor was in charge of the Re-
membrance Day Sunday church
service. The seasonal colour is
green and the responsive reading
was a paraphrase of Psalm 146.
The congregation sang the chil-
dren's hymn The Magic Penny. The
children's message was entitled
"The Parable of the Talents" with
the minister giving each child mon-
,ytosee what they could dowith it
in two weeks for Mission.
The choir sang an anthem accom-
panied by the organist Agnes Bray.
Judith Parker gave the Minute for
Missions based on Mark 12: 44.
Scripture Lesson 1 Kings 17: 8-16
and Mark 12: 38-44 was read by
Rev. Sheila and her sermon was en-
titled "Giving All We've Got".
United Church Women
The November meeting of the
United Church Women was held on
Monday evening with 26 ladies
Sharon Passmore welcomed eve-
ryone to the Remembrance pro-
gram and gave the Call to Worship
"Quest for Peace".
The ladies sang "For the Healing
of the Nations". Dorothy Duncan
read the poem "In Flanders Fields"
and the story of Colonel John
McRae who wrote the poem.
Rhoda Rohde read the Scripture
Psalm 46: 1-11 followed by a read-
ing "Remembrance Day" by Ferne
Stewart. Duncan and Stewart re-
ceived the offering and prayer was
offered by Rohde.
The grqup sang "Onward Chris-
tian Soldiers" and prayer was given
by Rohde.
Passmore closed the program
with Closing Thoughts on "Our Na-
tive Land".
Janis Richardson opened the
business part of the meeting with a
poem "Thames Road Church writ-
ten by the late Victor Jeffery for the
centennial in 1981.
The roll call was answered by
wearing a poppy or paying 25$.
It was also mentioned about the
Craft Show in K.W. Community
Centre, November 13 at 7 p.m.
The ladies are catering to the
Hensall Co-op Banquet on Novem-
ber 29 at S.H. Rec. Centre, Exeter.
The meeting was closed with the
singing of "0 God Our Help in
Ages Past" and Richardson gave
the closing U.C.W. prayer.
The meeting table had the
U.C.W. cloth a cross, and pictures
of soldiers.
Kay Hodgert brought in the Slate
of Officers for 1992 as follows:
Past President Janis Richardson;
President Judith Parker 1st Vice
Margaret Stewart; 2nd Vice Bea-
trice Dawson; Secretary Marilyn
Pym; Assistant secretary Rhoda
Rohde. Also selected were repre-
sentatives for 27 other positions.
Ten ladies of the U.C.W. were
guests of Zion U.C.W. on Wednes-
day evening. Linda Hodgins was
the guest speaker and showed
slides of her recent trip to China
which was really interesting.
Bill and Rhoda Rohde were
guests of Glenn and Marilyn Rohde
and family on Saturday evening
celebrating Danny's 20th birthday.
The Passmore family held their
Christmas dinner returning to the
home of Dave and Sharon Pass-
more, Tom and Jon on Sunday.
Coming events
Wednesday, November 13, 2:30
and 3 p.m. worship services at the
Exeter Villa, Thames Road ladies
to assist.
Christian Education meeting
Thursday, November 14 at 8:15
p.m. at the home of Karen Ether-
ington. Those who are to attend are
both Sessions Clerks, UCW Repre-
Queensway News
HENSALL - Queensway's No-
vember Craft and Bake Sale was
the main topic of discussion at.the
Volunteer Auxiliary Meeting, Mon-
day. People attending the sale can
look forward to door prizes, tea ta-
bles, a penny sale and lots of crafts
and baking.
Bethel Reformed women are pro-
viding assistance and prizes for
Bingo each Monday afternoon this
month. Residents also appreciate
the Hymn sing the women lead fol-
lowing Bingo.
Rev. Sheila Macgregor of
Thames Road and Elimville United
Churches led the worship service
Tuesday afternoon with Joyce Pep-
per as pianist. Tuesday evening the
Christian Reformed Singers pre-
sented a program of Gospel Music.
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary vis-
ited Wednesday afternoon to. dis-
tribute poppies to staff and resi-.
dents in honour of Remembrance
Day. Supper Club met Wednesday
to prepare and enjoy a delicious
meal of chicken and dumplings and
vegetables followed by homemade
applesauce. Supper Club will con-
tinue to meet every other Wednes-
day for the winter months.
The evening video "Showboat"
drew a capacity crowd Wednesday
evening as residents gathered to
view that musical extravaganza
which starred Ava Gardner and Ho-
ward Keel.
Several residents gathered for the
extra pampering of Ladies Hour
Thursday afternoon. The warm
handsoaks, lotion and polish are al-
ways appreciated in the relaxed at.
mosphere of the Activity room.
Friday was a big day, when resi-
Osborne Township
History Book
$35.00 - paid at Usborne Township Office
by November 29, 1991
$45.00 - paid at Usbome Township Office
Usbome Township Reeve and Council
R.R. 3, Exeter, NOM 1S5 (235-2900)
dents and volunteers hosted a wel-
coming tea for Donna to cott,�.
Queensway's new administrator. It
was an opportunity to visit lnfor
mally with Turcou over refresh -I
ments and get to know her.
Coming events: November 13, 2
p.m. to 4 p.m. Craft and Bake Sale:,
November 20, 7 p.m., Fellowship-
Singers: November 26, 2 p.m.,
Church Service with Grand Cove
Singers and Rev. Stojkovic.
sentatives, Sunday School Superin-
tendents, Mid -Week Group Lead-
ers, Minister, and Chairperson and
Sec. Treasurer of Christian Ed.
Committee. This is an important
Adult Fellowship Evening for
Adults of All Ages to meet Sunday,
November 17 at 7:30 p.m. at Elim-
ville church. Guest speakers: Dave
and Margaret McClure. They will
show slides and speak on their year
in New Zealand. Elimville please
bring sandwiches and Thames
Road bring dessert. Coffee and tea
Wednesday, November 20 - Joint
Session to meet at 7:30 p.m. fol-
lowed by Official Board at 8:30
p.m. at Thames Road. Session,
Board of Managers, UCW Reps.
S.S. Superintendents, Treasurers
and any interested persons.
E.T. Loonie Thiers (Youth
Group) next meeting is Thursday,
November 21 at 5:30 p.m. at
Thames Road Church. Please bring
$2 for craft.
The Sunday School children are
serving refreshment after church on
Sunday, November 17. Proceeds
for Missions.
Bible Study on Thursdays from
2-03 p.m. at Exeter Villa. All wel-
White Gift Sunday will be Sun-
day, December 8 at both churches.
"0 Come All Ye Faithful". You
are all invited to attend our Joint
Congregational Christmas Open
House at the Manse, Sunday, De-
cember 8 from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9
p.m. The hosts: The Thames Road
U.C.W. and the Macgregor Family.
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