HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-11-06, Page 9JI'1'0R7. BOB HEYWOOD for PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE in Stephen Township _ J Spooky boo em , = ,f ht ll's Business Community were in the Hallo jve' r, �p{i'I;oe ings rpfir�; ay at e tarGh�ll. Shown here are, front: the Swamp Witch (leftj, Shcet and RoII. `Back row: Clip (left) partner Curl and Bonehead. it Sa ntsbury pair attend Great Chapter By H. Davis SA SBURY - Nadene Bedell and Jefferies attended Great Chap at St. James Stratford on Weds y evening. Co ey MacGillivray, Crystal Davis, Ryan Carroll and Hazel Da- vis attended "All Saints Day" chil- dren's event at St. James Church, Stratford on Friday. All enjoyed the day which included stories, studies of Baptism, the Saints, the Euchar- ist, music gimes and worship. Morning Prayer was held at St. Patrick's S day at 8:30 a.m. Rev. Stephen Emery spoke to the chil- dren about holding on to precious things and the hurt when these things are gone. Coming events Sunday, November 10 the service of Holy Communion will be held at St. Patrick's at 11 a.m. from the Book of Alternative Services page 230 with Nadene Bedell reading lessons 1 Kings 17:8-6, Hebrews 9:24-28. Responsive reading is Psalm 146, the Gospel Mark 12:38- 44. Rose Cunningham will act as server and Margaret Carroll lay as - Tom umphreys 7 years on council i1fia1-19881 - served on Public Works committee - Industrial Promotion Committee - Cemetery Board Committee - Drains Committee - Recreation Committee TrlvltttAsnmtia[Mplicsn Church , - Board of Management (1991) - Administration Committee (past) - Building Committee (past) - Peoples Warden: 5 year term (past) f Exeter Kinsmen Club (past) ( - 12 years of Executive Work - Past Zone Officer (Cystic Fibrosis Chairman) - last 7 years perfect attendance at all Kin functions - Kin Bridges Chairman Kin Auto Show Chain -flan Life Membership Award Winner D .slob( lilt - 28 years with the same company (Northern Telecom) -Family man - wife: Phyllis Children: Tom, Terry and Tracy - current member of: Exeter Rec Board Exeter Cemetery Board LET ME WORK FOR YOU VOTE FOR EXETER COUNCII. TOM HUMPHREYS . Authorized by C.F.O. for Tom Humphreys sistant, the Sunday being Pentecost 25. November 12 at 8 p.m. St. Pat- rick's A.C.W. will meet at the home of Hazel Eaton, the roll call an item for Daily Bread. November 19 at 7:30 p.m. St. Patrick's board of management to meet at Hugh and Hazel Davis' place. Heather McGillivray, Joyce Simpson and Hazel Davis enjoyed the Holiday Hone tour presented by the Thames Valley Children's Centre Women's Auxiliary on Sun- day. Times -Advocate, November 6, 1991 Page 9 IOF officers installed EXETER - On October 28 DDGM Brother Roy Elliott of Hu- ron District No. 8 and his installing staff from Lodge no. 83 Clinton were present and installed the offi- cers of Exeter Lodge No. 67 IOOF. The following Brothers were in- stalled in their respective offices: Noble Grant Brother Ray Cann, Vice Grand Brother Robert Glenn, Jr. PNG Brother Dan Smith, RS Brother Chas Atthilt, Fin. Secretary Brother Roy Pepper, Treasurer Brother Bev Parsons, Warden Brother Wilfred Bowman, Condus- tor Brother Lloyd Hodgins, Chap- lain Brother Don Stuart, 1.G. Broth- er Don Dearing, OG Brother Sam Skinner, RSNG Brother Dennis Miekle, LSNG Brother Wilmer Ad- kins, RSVG Brother Bruce Del - bridge, LSVG Brother Fred Del - bridge, RSS Brother Wm Baech- ler, LSS Brother Delmer Skinner, Flagbearer Brother Norman Wil- son, Musician Brother Wm. Rowe, press reposer PDDGM Brother Garnet Hicks, Lodge trustees PDDGM Brother Gerald McFaUs, PG Brother Robert Blair and PG Brother Norman Wilson. Several interesting events are planned for the season. On Tues- day the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, Brother Harrld F. Eyre of Brockville will official- ly visit Huron District No. 8 at a dinner meeting at the White Carna- tion Holmesville. October meeting for Lucan Seniors LUCAN - The last meeting for October of the Lucan Seniors was held October 31 in the Boy Scout Hall. 0 Canada was sung with Mary Kooy as pianist. Since our meeting day fell on Hallowe'en some of our members arrived in costume. After a parade around the hall, prizes were given to Chris Hall, Helen MacDonald, Mabel Need- ham, Greta Gibson and Liz Conlin. Two minutes' silence was observed Queensway Nursing Home HENSALL - Queensway resi- dents got off to a good start Mon- day morning with exercises for body and mind. They followed the range of motion exercises with word games and a spelling game. In the afternoon the Hensall UCW provided assistance and prizes for the last bingo of the month with them. In November the Bethel Re- formed Women will be assisting with the bingos. Rev. Wright of Hensall United Church led our worship service Tuesday afternoon with Joyce Pep- per as pianist. Wednesday evening Queensway resounded with dance music pro- vided by Mozart Gelinas and George Mathonia. Residents were celebrating the October birthdays. Quite often canes and walkers are set aside as residents enjoy dancing and moving to the music with vol- unteers and staff. Birthday greet - Zings to Roland Grenier, Stuart ,;ZMcEwen, Erna 'Schroeder, Myrtle Rodd and Lavine Watson. Auxiliary Volunteers and resi- dents had a great time Thursday af- ternoon they carved pumpkins for the Hallowe'en display. They also enjoyed listening to music provid- ed by Doug Insley as he played popular requests on his keyboard. With his keyboard Doug sounds like a one man band. Everyone had a wonderful afternoon. Residents took turns on Hal- lowe'en night sitting in our lobby handing out treats to all the little ghosts and goblins that visited Queensway. Coming events include Novem- ber 8 at a welcoming tea for Donna Turcott, the new Queensway ad- ministrator; November 13 at 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. a craft and bake sale and November 10 at 7 p.m. the Fellow- ship Singers will be at the nursing home. Minor hockey craft show By Vanessa Cook HENSALL - The minor hockey craft show and bake sale is all set for Saturday November 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is only $1.00. This event will be held at the Hensall Community Centre. Come on out and bring a friend. you never know what you will find. The Queensway Nursing and Re- tirement Home is also holding a Craft and Bake Sale on Wednes- day, November 13, from 2 to 4 p.m. Donations of crafts and baking are most welcome. There will be tea tables and door prizes. For Hensall news items my phone number is 262-3433 and my address is 176 Oxford St. Api 202, Hensall. TOWNSHIP of STANLEY RE-ELECT JACK COLEMAN DEPUTY -REEVE Your Vote at the Polls on November 1.2 would be appreciated At .' `rd��i;�t Novernber,2 Atit/IO d iby the CFO for lack Coleman for Jessie Lewis, a long time mem- ber, who passed away October 30. The minutes were read an ap- proved. Jean Miller gave the treas- urer's report. On next week's meet- ing day, November 7, we'll have our usual potluck meal at 12:30. Chris Hall is our new assistant president. Readings were given by Mary Kooy "The Little House Out- side", Greta Gibson "The night be- fore Hallowe'en" and Mabel Need- ham "A Night of Fun". The hall was tastefully decorated by Greta Gibson. Muriel Cobleigh, our guest played the piano for a very enjoya- ble singsong, after which euchre and other games were played. A get well card was signed by all for Dean Gibson. Re -Elect David Urlin Exeter Town Council On November 12 Vote for Mark Laye For Councillor Elect Mark Laye Someone who is concerned about the future of Stephen Township f f f f If f f 1 MEETYi ,UR :1,13. .. mpipest ,• r,, Tuesday Nov. 12, 1991 Huron Park 10 a.m. - 12 noon Centralia College Hensall 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Community Centre PAUL KLOPP, MPP HURON Drop by with a question or concern... or just to say hello! 11111111111111/1111111111111,1111111,111,1111111 111 1111111P 111:111111h II11111111p 111'I1I1111�111111111111111'IIII IIUII�i On Tuesday, November 12 As a ratepayer and businessman within this cornmuntty, and as a parent of three children in the public school system, 1 am concerned: 1) In maintaining a desirable and accessible education system within our municipality with less provincial, intervention. 2) In providing better education by more effective use of the school taxation dollar. 3) With more accountability within the system, concerning policy changes and allocation of funds. Authorized by the CFD for Bob Heywood 4