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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-10-16, Page 22Page 22 Times -Advocate, October 16, 1991"'i 1 t �J TS BELL • A pleasant 32nd anniversaryifs [or Grandma Liz and G Jim. Enc David, born October 10, 1991, briber for Ned aa. Proud partrnu art Dave and Lenore, Kitch- ener. 42' BUTSON • Big brother Tim U thrilled to an- nounce the birth of his baby brother Daniel James Wesley on October 2, 1991. His par- ents Al and Linda (nee Lining) welcome him with love, Daniel was born at Victoria Hospital, Leaden, weighing in at 9 lbs., 2 ozs. Spoiling privileges `o to grandparenu Bill and Mae Bursar of Suforth andl Anna Learing of Hensall and Grandpa Wes Lent- ing is smiling down from heaven. 42c COX • Terry and Janice are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daughter Natasha Shelby on September 12, 1991, weighting 8 lbs. 13 ozs. A baby sister for Brackyy and Tyler. Proud grandparents are Eileen Spurn, Centralia and William and Mary Cox, Exet- er. 42' LOVIE - Jim and Catherine (nee Lynn) are blessed with the birth of a little brother for Matthew. Michael Alan arrived September 18, 1991, weighing 9 lbs. 13 ors. Proud grandparare Gerald and Irene Lynn of Lucan and Carman and Verna Lovie of Grand Bend. A very special thank you to Dr. Teeple, Dr. Whynot and the Stnthroy Hos- pital nursing staff for their extra special care. 42' BENGOUGH - I would like to say thanks to everyone who came to visit me while I was in the hospital. All your concern and prayers will never be forgotten. To the nurs- ing staff at Exeter Hospital for the great aye I received and for letting Mommy stay with me. To Daddy and cousin Tammy for taking such good care of my brother who was bit by the flu bug when I wu away. A big hug and kiss for Narma and Pa who I know were thinking of me. I love you Mommy and Daddy and Jason. Thanks. 42c Jacqueline BROCK • The family of the late Myrtle Brock would like to express sincere appreci- ation to the many friends, neighbours and relatives for the aces of kindness extended during the past few days. Special thanks to Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, Rev. Hil- bon, Exeter Villa and South Huron Hospi- tal. Your thoughtfulness will always be re- membered. 42c BURGIN - A special thank you to our fami- lies, relatives and friends who helped us cel- ebrate our 60th Wedding Anniversary and 90th Birthdays. Many thanks for cards, gifts, and flowers. To the U.C.W. ladies who served a delicious dinner and evening lunch. To the "Blenders" orchestra for their lively music. You all helped us make our 60-90 Party a memorable occasion. Thank you all. 42* Harry and Elsie CARLILE • The family of the late Elsie Carlile wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for Floral Tributes, Memorial Donations made in her memory, to the church ladies for the lovely lunch and to those who sent food, calls of sympathy and cards to our homes during the time of our bereavement. Special thanks to Ruby and Elm& for their acts of kindness to Mother during her illness. Also Dr. Wallace, Marg Visacher and staff, the nurses and staff of South Huron Hospital and the V.O.N. 42* Elaine, Glenn Weido, Bill, Bob Carlile CREDITON HALL BOARD • On behalf of the Crediton Hall Board I wish to thank all those who made our turkey supper such a roaring success. We apologize to those we were unable to serve and look forward to seeing you at our dinner in Mardi. Drew Robertson Chairman, Creditor Hall Board LOVIE • We would like to thank our family and friends for their cards, gifts, prayers, vis- its and phone calls while in hospital and since returning home. 42• Jim, Catherine and Michael NEGRIJN • A sincere thank you to all my friends and relatives from whom I received so many cards, gifts and best wishes on the occasion of my 80th birthday. Thank you also to my family for organizing the Open House and meal. 42nc Wilma THE TAG DAY COMMITTEE of South Huron Hospital Auxiliary wish to thank the many willing canvasser and the public for their generous support which made our an- nual Tag Day a great success. 42c MITCHELL AND DISTRICT Agricultu- ral Society Homecraft Division present The Crystal Palace Craft Gift Show, Saturday, November 2, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, No- vember 3, 12 p.m. -5 p.m. Comer of Welling- ton and Waterloo Se, Mitchell. Vendor in- quiries welcome, Box 23, Sebringville, NOK 1KO. 42,43c PRECIOUS BLOOD MISSION CWL An- nual Christmas Penny Sale. Wednesday, No- vember 6, 7 p.m., Exeter Legion Hall. Chil- dren under 12 with an adult - free, Adults - 31.00. Refreshmenu, door prizes, draws, baking, crafts, fish pond. Something for eve- ryone. See you there! 42-45c WOODHAM UNITED CHURCH Fall Anniversary Service, October 20, 1991 at 11 a.m. Guest speaker Muriel Coulees. 42' ST. MARYS HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Crafty Christmas Fair, Sunday, October 20, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Community Centre, James St., St. Marys. 42c AUCTION SALE sponsored by Knox Pres- byterian Church, Mitchell, Wednesday, Oc- tober 16, 1991 at 6:30 p.m. at the Mitchell Community Centre. Proceeds to Church Re- decorating. Coffee and pie booth, bake table. 40,41,(42)' TURKEY SUPPER, Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Lucan, Wednesday, October 23, 5-8 p.m. Adults $8.00; children $3.00; pre- school free. 40-44c INTERNATIONAL CRAFT SALE and Ta Room at the Zurich Mennonite Church an October 19, 1991 from 10.•00 am. - 4:00 p.m. All proceeds from this sale go directly to SelfHelp Crafts, a program working at longterm solutions to global hunger and pov- erty. This will be an excellent opportunity to do some early Christmas shopping. 41,42c FOURTH ANNUAL CRAFT SHOW And Sale, Sunday, November 3, 1991, Exeter Le- gion Hall, 10 am.-4p.m. Over 35 tables of quality crafts, including crocheting, knitting, folk art, pottery, decoys, wood working, jewellery, gift baskeu, grapevine crafts, etc., etch Adutissien31.00 41,42,4:: CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Annual Dinner, at Masonic Hall, William Street, Ex- eter, on Thursday, October 17. Reception 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. For tickets, call 482-7832. 41,42c FESTIVAL OF SACRED MUSIC, Sun- day, October 20, 7 p.m. Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Chureb, Clinton, presaned by the choirs of Dundas Street Centro United Church, London and Wesley -Willis United featuring church music by both choirs and by well known London organist, Angus Sinclair, for- mer conductor of the Blyth Festival Singers. Admission $3.00, 12 and tender free. 41,42c MEET THE LEADERSHIP CANDI- DATES for the Ontario Liberal Party. Short debate, free refreshmenu. Sunday, ovan- ber 3, 1991, 7:30 pm. Clinical Legion Hall. Everyone welcome. Adults - 35, youth under 2.5 - free. Tickets available from municipal chain, or call 235-2853, 482-9437, or 887- 9381. 42c SPINNING AND WEAVING SALE and Exhibition. Huron Tract Spinners and Weav- ers guild annual sale and exhibition, River - mill Conference Room, Ben Miller Inn. Sat- urday, November 2 from 10 a.m.-5p.m. and a. Sunday, November 3 from 11 m. pm. 42,43,44c HURON DAY CENTRE Tea and Bazar, Tuesday, October 29 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. 42,43c CRAFT AND BAKE SALE, Saturday, No- vember 2, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Town Hall, Exet- er, by Helping Hands, Bethel Reformed Church. 42,43,44' BIEBER • Suddenly at South Huron Hospi- tal, Exeter, on Tuesday, October 8, 1991, Gordon John Bieber of Exeter in his 74th year. Beloved husband of Evelyn (Fletcher) Bieber and dear father of Elaine Parsons, London, Marlene Maxwell, 'Medford, Law- rence Bieber, Seaforth. Also survived by three grandchildren, Kim Parsons, Jeff Max- well and Michael Bieber. Dear brother of Violet Nonhcou, Exeter, Verda Gartley, Centralia, and Henry Bieber, Clandeboye. Predeceased by a brother, Hiram, and sister Carrie Little. Friends called Wednesday at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home, William Street, Exeter where the funeral service was held Thursday, October 10. Interment Exeter Cemetery. Donations to the Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the family. 42c BROCK • At South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Tuesday, October 8, 1991, Myrtle Irene Brock (Earl) of Exeter and formerly of Us - borne Township; in her 77th year. Beloved wife of the late Norman W. Brock (1985). Dear mother of Marion and Burton Morgan of Kitchener, Bill and Doris Spence of St. Marys, Doreen and Bill Strong of Seaforth, Margaret Skinner and Bob Fuller of London and Bill and Janice Brock of Exeter. Dear grandmother of Paul, Brian, Scott, and Nan- cy Morgan, David, Steven, and Sandra Spence and Susan Marriott, Lori and Liu Strong, Joan Baker and Julie Jackson, Jere- my and Melissa Brock. Dear sister of Gladys Hem of Exeter, Haul and Milne Pullen of St. Marys. Mn. Brock was predeceased by her brother Angus Earl and is survived by her sister-in-law Marotta Earl of Exeter: Also surviving are eight great- grandchildren Fnends called at the Hopper - Hockey Funeral Home, William Street, Ex- eter where the funeral service was held on Friday, October 11 at 2:30 p.m. with Re' John tinhorn officiating. Interment Exetalf Cemetery. A Rebekah Lodge Service was held at the funeral home Thursday evening at 7 p.m. Donations to the Alzheimer Socie- ty or to the Hurt & Stroke foundation would be appreciated by the family. 42c li lc A �i% DIRECTOR BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East, Exeter Minister REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN Sunday, October 20 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:10 a.m. Sunday School Nursery available 7:30 p.m. Worship Everybody welcome Come and Worship with us TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH 264 Maks Street, Exeter, Ontario The Rev. Fay M. Patterson 22nd Sunday after Pentecost October 20, 1991 11:16 a.m. Hoy Eucharist Sunday School Nursery available Everyone Welcome trel EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30-11:00 a.m. Felowship Time 1100 a.m. Famity Bible Hour 8:00 p.m. Communion service Nu Available Tuesday evenings 7:30 p.m. - Bible Study All services are held at Usbome Central School, Huron St. E. Everyone Welcome For mono information pleas* oai 229.11186 f EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge 235-2661 Sunday, October 20 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.Morning Worship 7 p.m. Evening Fellowship Wednesday 7 p.m. Family Night Everyone Welcome EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main St. North Pastor Rev. Sieds Vander Meer 235-1723 Worship Services 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Nursery Available Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Daily T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. God assures us ofa future that is better than all our past. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN 68 CHURCH idtra, 235-2784 Minister: Rev. Mads B. Gaskin Organist:Sunday, Love 11:15 a.m. - Worship Service Sunday School Nursery available. Everyono Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Dashwood Pastor LARRY STOJKOVIC 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service Everyone Welcome EXETER UNITED CHURCH Comer of James and Andrew St. Ministry The Rev. John C. Hilbom Mrs. Bev Robinson The Rev. Grant L. Mills (Minister Emeritus) Director of Music Ralph C. Topp October 20, 1991 - 11:00 a.m. Anniversary Sunday with The Rev. John Hilbom Message: 'A Touch of Madness Courtesy Car :Peter Snell, 235-1830 Young Aduh Class 9:00 a.m. Kindergarten and up will worship with their families. Nursery Facilities available Everyone Welcome! EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 670 Main St. S. Pastor Vernon Dean Youth Pastor Kevin D. Rogers Sunday, October 20 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Evening Setvfoe Nursery availab{s for all services 'A piece to meet God and a friend' GACKKTEITER • At University Hosptal, London cc Wednesday, October 9, 1991, Gerald Gacksmuer, of Exeter, in his 50th year. Beloved father of Peggy Gaduteuer of Zurich, David and Kelly Gacksteuer of Wa- terloo. Beloved son of Esther Gadutcuer of Exeter and the late Elmore Gackstcuer (1985). Dear brother of Lorne of Hensall; Earl of Exeter and Carol of Calgary. Rested at the Hopper Hockey Funeral dome, Wil- liam Street, Exeter, for visitation on Friday, where the funeral service was held on Satur- day, October 12 at 1:30 p.m. Rev. John Hil- born officiated. Interment in Exeter Ceme- tery. Donations to the Kidney Foundation would be appreciated by the family. 42c LAWSON • Millie Irene (Zuefle), at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Wednesday, Oc- tober 9, 1991, in her 90th year. Beloved wife of the late Sanford Lawson. Predeceased by one sister lila (Mn. Ed Morgan). Also sur- vived by several nieces and nephews. Rested at the R.C. Dinney Funeral Horne, Main Street, Exeter, where the funeral service was held Friday, October 11, 1991 at 1 p.m. with Rev. Jeannie Udall of Centralia United Church officiating. Interment in Exeter Ce- metery. The family requesu that manorial donations be made to The South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter. 42c SWEET - Marian R. Sweet, age 61 of 420- 25 Kappele Circle, Stratford and formerly of Exeter passed away at the Stratford General Hospital on Thursday, October 10. She is survived by her loving husband Douglas Sweet. Dear mother of Gail Graham, Cheryl Kee and her husband Christopher, Valerie West and IanSwcet. Loving grandmother, of Erin and Allison. Dear sister of liordon Wan and his wife Mary Lou and Ann Nichols and her husband Calvin. There will be no funeral home visitation. Cremation will take place with a graveside service at Exeter Cemetery on Wednesday at 11 a.m. As expressions of sympathy, donuions may be made to the Huron -Penh Lung Association or to the Hears and Stroke Foundation through the W.G. Young Funeral Horne, 430 Huron St., Stratford. A luncheon will be held after the graveside service at the Royal Canadian Le- gion in Exeter. 42 WEIN - At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Monday, October 14, 1991, Erma Wein of Dashwood and formerly of Clinton; in her 72nd year. Dear sister of Cart Wein of Han - mer, Ontario and Dorothy (Mrs. A.C. Whit- tier) of Mississauga and Robert Wein of ru- ral mule, Dashwood. Loved daughter of the late Herb and Hilda Wein and predeceased by brother Raymond (1959). Resting at the T. Harry Hoffman and Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood, with funeral arrangements pend- ing. 42c WESTELAKEN • At her late residence, RR 1, Hensall, on Tuesday, October 8, 1991, Frances Joan Weatelaken; in her 65th year. Beloved wife of Arnold Westelaken. Dear mother of Mary Ann (deceased) and Rob Darling of Idderton, Amie and Judy Westel- aken of Camlachie, Irene and Dave Poaliff of London, Art and Ursula Westelaken of Sarnia, Margaret and Mike Intven of St. llamas, Mike and 'Sheila Westelaken of Kitchener, Brian and Ruth Westelaken of Hensall, Christine Westelaken of West Lorne, and Jackie Westelaken at home. Dear grandmother of Amy, Andrew, Keith, Leigh Ann, Carolyn, Katherine, Natalie, Luke, Eric, Julia, Rosha, Todd, Tammy, Tina and Lee. Friends called al the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, William Street, Exeter, for visitation on Thursday, 2:30-5 and 7-9 with prayers on Thursday evening at 8:30. The funeral Mass was celebrated on Friday, Oc- tober 11, at 11 a.m. at Precious Blood Mis- sion at Trivia Memorial Church, Main street, Exeter with Father Joseph Bagatto celebrant. Interment Exeter Cemetery. Dona- tions to the Canadian Cancer Society and the V.O.N. Perth -Huron would be appreciat- ed by the family. 42c MUNN • In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mabel A. Munn, who pa9ssed81. away 10 years ago on October 17, 1 Resting where the shadows fall, Silently remembered by us all, No longer in our lives to sham:, But in our hearts you are always there. Remembered with love always by Aileen, Don and grandchildren. 42c PRESZCATOR • In loving memory of a dear husband who passed away 7 years ago October 20, 1984. Your memory lingers in my heart, Death, pain still hard to bear, For in my life you were the part, That no one else could share, For seven long years I have been without you, The time has crept away, Oh how mucin I still mist you, Each and every Lovingly ttmem red by loving wife Mae. 42 WEiBERG - In loving memory of a very dear wife, mother and grandmother, Mary (Maxine), who quietly left us six years ago, October 17, 1985. Though your smile is gone forever, And your hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories, Of the one we love so much. Your memory is our keepsake, With which well never part, God has you in His keening, And we have you in our hearts. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Lorne and families. 42 Lucan Community Bingo 3 Wednesday October 16 Bingo starts 7:30 Regular Games increased Prizes $1000 Jackpot Game • Total prizes $2300 Duo to the licence regulations, no one under 16 afbwed to play licence .537495 } St. Paul's Anglican Church BAZAAR Sat. Nov. 2 Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre 2 - 4 p.m. Jam & Jellies, Baking, Needlework, Crafts and Mincemeat Happy 70th Birthday Carl Oestreicher An open house will be held on Sat., Oct. 19th from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the United Church Basement, Dashwood Best wishes only please Formerly of Dashwood, Carl now resides at 135 Becker St., Kitchener Frankenmuth Weekend Nov. 1 to 3 Exeter pickup Cost: from $135.00 per person, including all taxes 1020 Ontario St. Stratford, Ont. N5A 6Z3 1-800-265-1730 License #3106371 Community Shower at Huron Centennial School Brucefieid for Pete & Debbie Timmerman and family who lost their house and contents in a fire. Thurs., Oct. 24 at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome it'jlil -/01/1 `11 i'11111iiii -' ill ill ,.nu n., and .1 4,/,/ Family and friends are invited to an OPENHOZISE Sunday, October 27, 1991 2-4 p.m. kirkton-Woodham Community Centre Best 'Wishes Only Join Us For RENEW St. Patrick's Parish, Lucan, Ontario 2274726 THE LORD'S CALL Week of.. Theme October 20 God Loves Us October 27 God Heals Us November 3 God Calls Us As A Family November 10 God Calls Us To Be Church November 17 God Calls Us To Be Community November 24 God Calls Us In Hope Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Evening 7:30 p.m., Sunday Morning 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Come, Holy Spirit! Renew the Face of the Earth epew EXETER & AREA FIGURE SKATING ASSOC. NEW SKATING SCHEDULE 4:30 - 5x10 Canskate A 4:30 - 5:10 Canskate A 5:10 - 5:55 Canskate B 5:10 - 5:55 Canskate B 5:55 - 6:25 Intermediate Dance 5:55 - 6:05 Flood 6:25 - 6:40 Conditioning 6:05 - 6:50 Patch 6:40 - 6:50 Flood 6:50 - 7:35 Free skate 6:50 - 7:50 Patch 7:35 - 8:20 Dance 7:50 - 8:50 Freeskate 8:20 - 8:30 Flood 8,50 - 9:20 Senior Dance 9:20 - 9:30 Flood Thor. Is still room for mors skaters For Information phone Kathsrins: 235-0535 A QUALITY MEMORIAL NEED NOT BE EXPENSIVE NELSON MONUMENTS Ltd, • Local Rep. Jim & Donna Hoffman 114 Main St, Dashwood 237-3763 1-800-265-2677 x995 INCLUDES GST PRICE INCLUDES TABLET: 30- long by 6" thick by 18" high in Mountain Rose granite. ' BASE: 36' bng In matching granite with polished top. YOUR CHOICE of designs and lettering styles. - Combo, Foundation Extra - Other Granite Colours available sit Moldy tw Imo. • • • • • • • • • •