HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-09-18, Page 20Page 20 Times -Advocate, September 18, 1991 lb For Sole 155 CHUNKY KN TI1NG MACHINE t and knit radar by a, candidata, best offer - 1980 Buick Skylark. good condition, best offer. Phone 284-1580. USED STORM WINDOWS excellent for c{oaina is am partite, or greenhouses, etc. 510 Bads. Ca11 evenings 349-2770. WHITE CRYB, maaress and bedding included, used for one child $23500; Casco trainer -step stool and potty combination 320.00; Fisher Price nue pip safety gate 533.00; Playpen 26%40" $35.00; Bugg 520.00; Playscbool saima $12.00: walker $5.00. Call 262-3047. Now Accepting Appointments for Exeter & Area Home Bright CLEANING SERVICE CHERYL KENNEDY • We provide cleaning supplies and vacuums • Weekly- bl-weekly or monthly maid service • Fully bonded and insured 233-7930 1 JADON HOME IMPROVEMENTS Trim carpentry, replacement windows, doors, soffit, fascia, decks, fences, framing, rec rooms. John 238-285Q 16 For Sole 4 PC UVWGROOM SUITE (burgundy), 9z12 celesta rug and 4 matching accent mats, (burgundy and cream colour); coffee and end tables and electric stove and washer. Boa reasonable oda. Call after 4 oa WOOD FOR SALE - gwoaty d dry wood suitable for furnace. stove or fireplace, $40. for single cad Call 229-8858 anytime. SPLTT t KINDLING. is bap. 2842969. HARD TOP 7RAIIER. sleeps 8, good omdition. 31000. Phone 284-226U MUST SELL - cast iron wood burring stove. airtight. asking $299.00; Olsen gu furnace. 160,000 BTU's, can be convened to propane, asking 3150.00. Call 461-1398 or 461-0649 (everting.). CIIROMAL OX WALL MOUNT HEATER 240 volts, 3000 watts, 10,240 BTU/br. New $250.00. Asking $100. and lady's 5 speed bile asking 330.00. Phone 235-0535. TEC. ELECTRONIC CASH REGISTER Model MA21S. 2 built in tax systems. Priced to sell Phone 236-4812. PLAY IT WITH STYLET A slate top Brunswick "Pinehurst" pool table - 2 seu of ball, cues and scoreboard $3000. Call after p.m. 229-6226. 07:38c IT IS TIME to pick your own Macs and Contends at Apple Dale Orchards, 3 1R miles north of Lucan. The orchards at the comer of sideasd 15 and concession 4 Biddulph Fresh pressed cider this weekend. Pbone 227-4736. Containers available. Open ever' day. (37:38c) ARTIST SUPPLIES • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs • Sketch Pads • Calligraphy EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE REALTOR 235-1621 415 Main St. S. Exeter 238-5530 55 Ontario SI. N., Grand Bend NEW LISTINGS OPEN HOUSE 3 Sherwood Cr., Exeter Sun., Sept. 22 2-4p.m. Excellent location, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 1000 sq. ft. with lower level familyroom. CHARMING Close to downtown, main floor laundry and sunroom. Built in appliances, natural wood trim. GROW With Centralia, very attractive 2 year old bungalow, hi-eff. gas central air, 5 pc. ensuite and at- tached garage. NEWLY DECORATED In neutral colors, new roof and recent renovations, 3 bedroom. 1 1/2 storey, older home has pine kitchen cupboards. AW GO AHEAD... Call us, very comfortable starter or retirement home in small hamlet, 2 baths, dishwasher and det. garage. SPOT LIGHT ON COMMERCIAL Unlimited potential with this du- plex and office in good location in Exeter. For Sale or Lease, 230.5 ft. Main St. commercial Property. 3 buildings of over 4000 sq. ft. ,! Beautifully restored, 5 bedroom 100 yr. oid brick home used as bed and breakfast. Hansell, Hwy. location, 900 sq. ft. commercial space all utilities included. Front and rear en- trances. Exeter 400 sq. ft. plus 2 wash- rooms, excellent location, avail- ably immediately. Exeter, 2000 sq. ft. commercial/ retail space, excellent display window, available immediately. Heather Rogers* M.J. Chanyl " Marlene Parsons** • Associate Broker CaN the ProtessIOnsts 235-1732 Murray Wood.. 235-1077 Batty M.rnary" 235-1304 " Sales representative 235-092/ 262-3107 16 For Sale SNAP ONy�ar TOOL BOX -old, mintoaooditisp and batons y, oneCan 235-2858 suet Spm. (38-40")' QUEEN EENNaSIMIs-1WAATTER ED.31as Motionless 100 SQUARE BALES alfalfa hay, X19 pick m pick Geld. Mee 238-2713 a (3k) MAC 1NTOSH APPLES 36.00 bushel Eck . t26.yw ((3$.3afro 9c)cootaio t Edwin Miller 23 l5 APPLES - Mace, Wolf River, Cortland, Empire, Snows, Sweets, King, Cider apples. Plena bring 000tainen MMClymant Orchard, Varna. 233-3214. (38c) DINING ROOM SUfl'B, solid dant pine, 6 chain end table id. up to 12 with leave,. Hutch and buffet in mint orad. 31500 or best offer. Must be seen. Call Sandi 293-3633.(38') FIGURE SKATES - Misses Reidd. Size 3-4. Good conditim. Phone 235-2063. (38') EXERCISE EQUIPMENT - Professional Rebounder as new, cost over 3300. - sell 3150. Sean best Rowing Machine with computer. Coss 3300. - sell 3175. Both with minimal use. Phone 235-2656. (38') RIDING MOWER - John Deere 68 riding with rear bagger in excellent condition. 3875.00 and no GSTI Phone 262-3047. ELECTRIC WATER HEATER GSW 40 gallon, 4 years old - like new 3110; Kirby Heritage II vacwm system, complete with deluxe attachments, rug renovator, car. fluffer etc. 3500. Viking stove 36" 320 living root suite and end tables 3160.00 set. Phone 262-3047. DINING TABLE solid red oak 52" with 2 leaves, matching buffet and china cabinet and two matching chairs. Make us an offer. Also 40" padded bar $50. Phone 235-3281. (37;38c) OVERHEAD DOORS - two metal insulated with automatic 110V openers. Door dimensions are 13'6" w x 14' H and 12'2" wide x 14' H. White in colour. Call 228-6146. (37c) FOUR CANON DOWNRIGGERS Un -Troll 6, dual rod holders, swivel base, 4 foot boom 3225.00; Big John dual planner board 3225.00. Phone 227-4790. (37tfti) TRUCK TOPPER. fibreglass fits 1/2 ton 77 Dodge truck. Phone 237-3466. (37-39c) CHESTERFIELD, naugahyde 4 pc. blue sectional. excellent condition 3200; la 21 cu. ft. freezer 3100. Phone 235-3281. (37;38c) SECRETARIAL DESK with wing, metal tides. wood top 3165.00. Phone 235-2048 after 4 p.m. (3738c) REASONABLY PRICED, coffee and end tables, high chair, change table, baby swing, car seats, booster seat, playpen, umbrella stroller, girl's clothing to 24 months, carpet sweeper, exercise board, router stand, stereo epeaken and tapes. Phone 235-0741. (39') PORTABLE KEROSENE HEATER. 20,000 BTU. Good condition. $$y4�5.00; AM/FM stereo, 8 tick cassetteop�ycr ase• 2 separate speaker enclosures $45. 236-4488 after S p.m. IAMB, high quality. fresh or frozen. Call 283-6684. BEAUTIFUL BLACK TOPSOIL, 320 per yard delivered St. Marys area Steel, various lengths and sizes. Call 284-3400. LIVINGROOM SUITE, 3 pc. inood condition and kitchen table and chairs, 3300 for all, both ideal for cottage o5-• rec room. Call 273-3384 between 4:30 and 8:30 p.m. CHESTERFIELD, off-white with dusty rose floral spray trim, used one yeah. $250.00; gold velvet high back swivel rocker, like new, $150.00. Call 284-1853. CHAIN LINK FENCE approx. 250 including 2 gales and all hardware, 3125.00. Phone 284- FIREWOOD, seamed 340.00 a cad, 32 ah. ft., $80.00. IR ten truck or $1.25 cu. ft Limited amount of apple wood, 360.00 cord, 32.00 a cu. ft. Walter Dunbar 393-5388 (SL Pauls area). TWO CAPTAIN'S BEDS, white, 3 irawen in each. student desk sod bench, 5 irawer dresser, set for 3300; or will sell separately. Vanity 4 ft. with moulded rink 175; round glass coffee table 375. Phone 235-1827. (38c) ROXTON CHESTERFIELD and chair, excellent condition. 3350.00 or best offer. Phone235-0245. (38:39c) 3E FRIDGE and stove, portable washer, console stereo, infant and baby car seat, Sunbeam kerosene heater, two 15" new snow tires, 4 h.p. rototil er.Phane 263-2945. (38c) GOLF CLUBS DAIWA - graphite shaft. 3 - per, 1-3-5 metal woods, 8 mouths old. 1R original price. Call 23-1543 after 5 p.m. (38c) 17 Wanted To Buy WHY STORE THOSE UNWANTED or unused Lwnmowes or garden tillen anther season. Call 229-5193 will pick up. (37tfn) USED CAR SEAT, 20.40160 Ib. Must be in good condition. Recent model CSA approved. Phone 228-0280. (38c) 19 Property For Sale GRAND BEND Pineview Mobile Home Park, retirement community, paved roads and street lights. year sound living. Homes for ole, excellent canditm i. Cable T.V., pool and club house, pets welcome. Phone 338-5584 or 243-2294. (42tfih) EXETER - Private, used corner lot, 2 bedrooms + one bedroom with ensuise, combined country kitchen - family room with stone fireplace, dining and living looms, bathroom featuring pine, Inas( and skylight, Pella and Dashwood windows, high efficiency gas furnace, central air, seven appliances and garberasor, garage, 2 driveways. $160,000. Phone 1-235-2815, Ieavemessage. (32tfn) THREE PLUS ONE bedroom brick and stone home. 1 1/2 baths, hardwood floors, Teo not and decorating.. Large rtbrbhs e. All on 3 acres. Henson area Asking 3116,000. can 263-2686, (37:38c) LUCAN - spacious side split on quiet sweet. Large room living mom with firepiace, dining mom, kitchen and family roan. 3+1 bedroom, attached garage, immediate possession. Finance, rote` e. 3159,900.00. Phone 22'7-4312. (37:38c) 19 Property For Sale OPEN HOUSE - 150 Csnotrc St. Deadwood saves from Medical Centre. Sat. September 21 - 10:00 to 3:O0. For more info see "Dashwood House For Sale ad. Phone 237-3248 allot slot. (3$c) REDUCED - DASHWOOD - Excellent balk" need r�coosaer la on county road, came cedar deck. 4-5� bedroom, double main �e laundry and bedroom, targe couatrylen and livingroom, cable T.V., new furnace, recently installed new water Mater, insulation nod electrical panel, pipeline water, loci damn and storage, low taxes, easy to heat. Aa excellent family bane. 237-324*. (38tfnc) TO BE MOVED FROM PRESENT LOCATION - 1 1/2 storey frame house, includes furnace and water beater. Best offer. Phone 263-2515. (38;38c) 20 Property For Rent FOR LEASE - Excellent retail space, Dorking 2450-4500 sq. ft. Contact ample m 1Vhitmg, 63 Main St. Exeter. 235-1964or 235-1931. (10tfn) TWO BEDROOM apartments. Available immediately. First and last month's rent requited. Two month's free reef. Sanders St. Exeter. 1-660-6585 or 235-2395. (38dn) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT stove, fridge, broadlooned, beat included $273.00 per month. Not suitable for children or pen. Utilities extra. Pbgne 262-3146 after 6 p.m. (45tfm) THIRD MONTH FREE RENT. One bedroom apartment. Elizabeth Court Aputtnahta building. Phone 262-2612 after 6 p.m. (47tfn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. Basement, garage, fridge and stove 3500 per month. First and last month's paid in advance. Apply to Box 77P, Esau Times Advocate, Exeter, Ontario. References essenriiaL (13thi) OFFICE SPACE for rent in Henan. $240.00 per month. Heat and hydro included. all 235-2420. (19tfn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, ground door, downtown Hensall, carpeted, bright, paved larking, TV cable, special rate for senior citizens. Phone 262-2230. (33-42c) EXETER - 3 bedroom townhouse, Simcoe St. Available August 1st. Phone 235-1901. (26tfn) MAPLES - One bedtoorn 3312. Two bedroom at 3345. Available immediately. Heat included 236-4230 or 262-3124. SMALL ONE BEDROOM apartment, fridge and stove, laundry and parking. Phone235-1497. (30tfn) HENSALL - Two bedroom sparaner% in an attractive, well maintained 8 unit building with controlled entry and laundry facilities. 3460 per month. Available now. Call 262-2737. (33tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. 3262 pa month. Available Sept. 1st. Phone 235-1547 prior to 8:30 p.m. (33tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT 3300 pa month. Available Sept. 1. Phone 235-1547 prior to 8:30 pm. (33tfn) SOUTHCOTT PINES - 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on river. Furnished or unfurnished, dishwasher, AC, fireplace, garage. Secluded. Phone 238-8892. (38-41c) 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT Lucan. Pbone227-4993 after 5 p.m. (34tfn) GRAND BEND - �eptemJune. furnished3 bedroom house., ber' to1hoed38-0a 238-8674. (34ufn0 LARGE 2 BEDROOM APTS with fridge and stove. Phone 235-0349. (34t1n) GRAND BEND - 2 bedroom house, garage, washer, dryer. Available after Labour Day. 752-7122 or238-6347. (35tfn) GRAND BEND - furnished 4 bedroom modem house with 2 full bathrooms, AC, 5 appliances, finiuhed basement. Available monthly Oct to May. Phone 235-0690 or 238-6346. (36-38c) GRAND BEND - newly renovated 2 bedroom borne, year around. Available immediately. Phone Peter 238-5444. (36-39c) COMPLETE SELF CONTAINED cottages for rent. 3275.00 per month plus hydro. Very clean. 238-2299 Grand Bend. (37:38c) Apartments for Rent One & two bedroom Call Marlene M. Parsons Sales Rep. 235.1304--- Extate Realty Inc. Realtor 235-1621 EXETER Brookside Apts. Two months FREE rent New luxury 2 bedroom adult apartments with a view 393 Marlborough St., Exeter 235-2961 or 565.5062 EXETER One bedroom apts. For Rent - available Sept. 1st. Central air, new apt. fridge and stove supplied. $445.00 plus utilities. First and last months rent. - available October 1st, one bedroom, laundry facilities, $365.00 plus utilities. First and last months rent. Call Jack Taylor Evenings 235-3293 Because you aro behind in your payments • Power of sale - OK • Foreclosure - OK • No credit check • Open terms • One day approval "Money problems are my business" Ron Smith - Mortgage Broker (519) 661-0230 (collect) 20 Property For Rent 2 BEDROOM APT. for rent above Couiar Flowers. $275 plus militia. Av Oct. 1. Contact to-anne of Sue 235-2350. (37;38c) GRAND BEND - Luxury 2 bedroom riverfront omdo. Pool aid tennis courts. Fuuniabed or unfurnished. Available immediately. 235-0121 or 235-2618. (37:38c) COZY ONE BEDROOM apartment, beat included, fridge and stove, laundry facilities and parking. Available November 1. 5303.18 per month. Phone 235-0230. (37:38c) MOBILE HOME in Bauer red/anent ceras Race 235-0218 evenings. (37tfm) ONE BEDROOM APT. heated located between Crediton and Ailsa Craig. 3290 a month. Available Oct 1. Plane 293-3011. (37tfn) BACHELOR APARTMENT. Main SL with shower 3193.00 per month. CA Jon 235-0173. (37tfn) - HENSALL - 2 bedroom amt. on Main St. laundry facilities, fridge and stove $460 per month. Phone 236-4961 or 236-4365. (37tfn) BACHELOR APARTMENT. just off Main Sc Phone 235-3380. (3738c) 130-140 MODERN SOW FARROW TO FINISH set up. Latest up-to-date feature,. Ron O'Brian, Creditor 2346281. (37:38c) 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW in Exeter. Qose to schools. Available Nov. 1. First and last month's rent required. Responsible adults or families only. No pets. Phone 228-6531.(3738') TWO BEDROOM apartment and one bedroom apartment. Available now. One month's free rent Phone 681-6569 or 227-1107. (37:38c) EXETER - 2 bedroom townhouse on Nelson St. Available Nov. 1. Phone 235-1303. (37tfn) HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT - Highway 14, five miles south of Exeter. 2 units - 9 hundred square feet; 18 hundred square feet Self contained units. If interested nomad (519) 228-6946. (37th,) LARGE BRIGHT 2 bedroom apartment, laundry hookups, paved parking 3485.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 235-1449 or 235-1950. (37tfn) 2-2 BEDROOM, 1-1 bedrooms for rent in Lucan. Main St. available October I. For more info call 245-2440. (38tfn) APPROXIMATELY 2000 sq. ft. of floor span, building high, dry and clean. Call 235-2366. (38-40c) FURNISHED APARTMENT in Exeter. October to May. Phone 238-8659. (38:39') SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM APT. available for rent Oct. 1 or Nov. 1. Fridge and stove included. Parking and laundry available. For more information please call 235-2380 between 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. or leave message. (38tfx) 3 BEDROOM FARM HOUSE, no lease, available Oct 1. 3400 per month plus utilities. Hwy. 21 Smiley Rd. 20. Phone 236-4319 or 395-0330. (38:39c) COUNTRY HOME: 10 miles North of London, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, separate dining, broadloom, appliances, suit working couple, no pen, references. $705.00 plus. Call evenings 225-2205. (38:39c) ZURICH - Spacious upper duplex, antral location, neutrally decorated, reasonable rent, references, no. Available Oct. 1. Pbonel-453-1847. (38 stfn) EXETER - Large 3 bedroom apartment close to downtown. Available Oct Phone 235-2965. (38c) 20 Property For Rent NEWER 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, in mkt candidata $790 per month. references and sized family. Apply w aft 20P, Exeter lbnea Advocate, Exeter, NOM 1S6. (3*:39c) - 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HAW auditorium for rtaatals, including weddmpp, meetings, banquet rooua, lectures, tah►bidoat. filen, eta;. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 235-0318. (17tfn) STORAGE power.OR mWOR1id M>�speer 3 phase 238-6077. 7.39c 22 For Sale or Rent HOUSE - 4 bedrooms. 2 full bodes. fireplace, country kitchen on large treed 1d. 2 mils south of Greed Bend on Hwy. 21. 1-313-334-1415or 1-238-8061. (33tfn) 26 Legal Notices Notice To Creditors In tis Wale 4 WILLIAM wALLI E Mc$lEP*B* Lar d dr Twp al SrO r. w no Cora of tiers. Coat= sod onset Lades dal= seam no Lao gnat an at oror btfow ponicuboo d� doing to 191 .dra the •11011/11 arab r31 In dhorlbrooll Yn- ter/ air b ding cera hoe non baa waal•d. vfcrol1A 3IAlt SUNslll. sircM114t. tads. O•io- rb, by iN. PAUL DOWNS. Solider•. tl! Talbot Sink Lothian, OMaio.146A 234. NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of CLAYTON FLOYD PFILE Late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, retired shoemaker who died on or about the 15th day of June, 1991. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of September. 1991 after which date the estate assets will be dis- trbited having regard only to claims that have then been received. RAYMOND & McLEAN Barristers & Solicitors 387 Main Street Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitors for the Executrix 29 Yard & Garage Sales LOW COST ground transportation. 40 likes - adults, children's. Tricycles - adults, children's. Saturdays - Yard Sale. Ede Crepair service. Antiques. Bike als. Phone 229-6433. (26tfn) YARD SALE - Sat. Sept. 21 - 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Rain date Sun. 22 9-2 p.m. 10 Norwood Village. Exeter, Ontario. Something for everyone. (38') MISCELLANEOUS SALE - 11 Redford Drive Exeter. Sept. 18 - 25. Lawnmower, air conditioner, tools, albums, tuxedo, small household items, microwave. Phone 235-2788. (38') YARD SALE - Saturday Sept. 21. 8-? 12 Norwood Village (south end trailer park). Toys, girl's clothes, glassware, etc. (38') GARAGE SALE - Furniture, plant stands, housewares, odds 'n ends, Huron St. 11. Exeter. Saturday, September 21 - 9 a.m. (38c) GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK G 6K Reals and Insurance Inc. 284 Main St. Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-2420 I it Grand Bend, Ontario REALTOR (519) 238-8484 NEW LISTING FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE IN CENTRAUA Brick home, central air, new large kitchen, 3 pc. and 4 pc. bath. In good condition. Listed at 99,500.00. THREE BEDROOM WELL KEPT HOME Two baths garage, paved drive. private lot, diningroom, located at 128 11LSt�aet-Listed at $132,500. but open for offers. SPACE AND EXCELLENT CONDITION Five bedrooms, family room, F.A. gas heat, huge lot, vertical blinds and some appliances included. Victoria St. Centralia. AU for $149,900. THREE PLUS ONE BEDROOM NEW HOME IN NEW AREA Gas heat, oak cupboards, french doors leading to deck, two baths, cement drive into single garage. priced at $162,500. Owner is open for offers and will assist in financing to qualified purchaser and pay the GST. RARE -FIND 2 miles from Grand bend, four bedroom country property with Lake Huron water and satellite dish. Listed at $109,000 THREE BEDROOM BRICK HOME Corner location in Village of Centralia, 200 amp service insulated work shop. Lake Huron water. Reduced 390,500. THREE BEDROOM HOME IN CORE COMMERCIAL ZONE This home is excellent for either a mainstreet residence or residence and business. Owner is anxious. Reduced. THREE PLUS TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW Devon Drew. Two year old brick. Forced air electric heat. Full finished basement. Asking 3147,000. EXETER Devon Drive. New 3 bedroom home with large kitchen diningroom, ensulte In master bedroom, 1620 sq ft. living area. Double car at- tached garage. Gas heat. $164,900. Owners will look at any offer. HENSALL 1 1/2 storey sided home M good condition on large lot. Centrally locat- ed. Close to school. Good starter or retirement home. 379,000. COUNTRY LIVING 3 + bedroom ranch in Shipka. Family room with firvlaa, pipeline wa- ter, satellite dish. Attachedarage, above gropool. Approx. 35 miles from North London. Asking $13ED , 00. RERICE Lot 212 ft. by 239 ft. contains a 3 bedroom bungalow and has the po- tentlal of up to 6 lots for future development. Reduced to 3124,900. Call Al Vasiy 235-2420 for more details. 75 ACRES Zone AG2, good level land, excellent building site, newer shed and good bam set up for beef. Concrete sib and two steel granaries. PRiME COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTiAL property for sale. Tenants in place for Investment opportunity, with vendor anxious to sell. Call Bill for information. NEW HOMES with reduced GST Owners of these two new homes are willing to look at any offer. They may also take back a mortgage to qual- ified purchasers. APARTMENT BUILDING for sale - excellent opportunity to invest for retirement. Call Bill for GQnfiderdial data&- FOR RENT - Two bedroom home in Norwood Village 3450.00 per month plus utilities. Bill Giifilian 235.0118, Murray Keys 235-2898, Al Vastly 235-2420 MEMBER ROYAL LEPAGE2 ■ -- Associate Broker Network i� ,. •11•1tI•.a.e.•••