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Times -Advocate, September 11, 1991
Blyth's Cornflower Blue travels
BLYTH - The Blyth Festival be-
gins a two month adventure on the
roads of Ontario and Manitoba, car-
rying its newest play. Cornflower
Blue to the stage of 32 theatres and
communities until December 1. A
2A foot truck, packed with a prairie
sky, cornflower clumps, bicycles,
lines of laundry, a portable beauty
salon, revolving kitchen, 300 feet
of cable, 36 lights and much more
will transform gymnasiums, thea-
tres and community centres into the
prairie town of Cornflower, Alber-
ta. Award-winning writer, Kelly
Rebar takes you home through the
lives of four childhood friends, as
they weave their comic and touch-
ing stories. Accompanied by music
of the country composed by Mi-
chael Taylor, Cornflower Blue is a
celebration of family and home.
"At the Blyth Festival, we are
committed to telling stories about
this country" says Peter Smith, Ar-
tistic Director of the Blyth Festival.
"Kelly Rebar tells a great story and
her characters leap to life. We're
delighted to be able to share these
imaginative stories with our audi-
ence in Blyth, in communities
throughout Ontario as we tour the
Corn roasts and b
Granton residents
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - The Lions club
held their annual family corn roast
at the park pavilion on Friday eve-
ning, September 6.
Granton residents attended the
beef and pork barbecue sponsored
by the Booster Club at the Lucan
Community Centre on Sunday
A social evening was held at the
St. Thomas' Anglican Church on
Friday evening, when Lynda Hod-
gins gave a commentary and
showed pictures of her recent trip
to China last March. The Rev. Ste-
phen Emery welcomed everyone
and Olive P. Hodgins gave a read-
ing about Hugs. Refreshments
were served by the ACW at the
close of the evening.
Jim and Rilla Bakker attended
the 45th wedding anniversary of
Ronald and Jean Dann, ' held at
their home in Grand Bend on Sun-
day. On Saturday August 31,
which was the actual date of their
anniversary, they renewed their
wedding vows with Irene Richard-
son officiating, in the presence of
their attendants Calvin Richardson
and Edith Eaton who witnessed the
wedding 45 years ago.
At the St. Thomas' Anglican
Church on Sunday the Rev. Ste-
phen Emery's message was about
the faith of the Gentile woman
whose daughter was healed by Je-
sus. The lessons were read by Syl-
via Beatson and the minister.
Flowers in the church were from
the funeral of Dorothy Foster of
Exeter, formerly of Granton.
At the Granton United Church
on Sunday Pastor Normalie
Voakes entitled her sermon "Who
do you say I am?" Vicki Burgin of
Kirkton was the organist. Flowers
in the sanctuary were in memory
of Dorothy Foster of Exeter.
Unit one met on Thursday after-
noon September 5 at Audrey West -
man's home. President Doreen
McRobert read lesson thoughts on
the theme Reduced Prices and
asked the member to tell of some-
thing they enjoyed during the sum-
mer. The roll call was answered
with games, readings and contests
for the program.
During the business some up-
coming events were discussed and
plans made. A pot luck lunch and
visit were then enjoyed with enter-
tainment provided by the hum-
ming birds visiting Audrey's feed-
Unit 2, met on Thursday evening
at the home of Nancy Mills when
the speaker was Kathy Pratt from
the London and area Epilepsy As-
sociation. She enlightened the
group about the different types of
seizures affecting adults and chil-
dren and how to treat them. Fol-
lowing a lunch break president Ju-
lie Riddell led the business
'discussion when plans were com-
pleted for the fall fashion show to
be presented by Purple Turtle and
Brigiues of Exeter September 19 at
the United Church. For more infor-
mation call Sherri McRobert 225-
2697 or Shirley Mills 225-2660.
The group's Fun Day participa-
tion and summer barbecue at the
park were evaluated and some up-
coming fall events discussed.
Unit 4 met at Norma Wissel's.
home on Wednesday evening.
Leader Marilyn Humphrey opened
with the Bible reading, another
reading entitled Conquest and a
poem Along your Way, followed
by prayer. Upcoming events were
discussed after which Betty Dann
led the program on the Aspects of
worship are only found in church.
She also read an article dealing in
our sacred graves by Rev. Gerald
Paul of Kingston. The meeting was
closed with prayer and the benedic-
Unit live met last Monday after-
noon at Verneta Baker's home in
St. Marys. Following a dessert tea
served by Florence Bryan and the
hostess, the president Margaret
Spence read a poem Sing a New
Song. The fall bazaar was dis-
cussed among other events. Alma
Nicholson then took over their pro-
gram, reading from Psalm 100,
also Lord forgive me when 1
whine, Value of a Smile and God is
like .
The meeting was closed with the
Lord's Prayer in unison.
The ladies spent the remaining
time working on a quilt which had
been set up.
The St. Thomas ACW met at the
church on Thursday evening. Rev.
Stephen Emery opened the meeting
with prayer. Irene Rolosn gave the
Invocation and Meditation on the
theme "Learning God's ways by
Trying Them" and Marlene French
read the lesson from Mark 9.
An invitation to the Perth dean-
ery was read and a donation made
to St. Monica house. Plans ere
-jade for a clot, 'g and food drive
Daily Bread in London. Marga-
-i Oakley gave a reading on
Friends and Irene Roloson served
Letters to Editor
Open letter, pumpkin wars continue
Mayor Fred Wuerth
Town of Port Elgin
Box 550
Port Elgin, Ont. NOH 2C0
Dear Fred;
As sporting agronomists we
were saddened to learn of the pre-
mature passing of your giant in-
fant pumpkin. Our council debated
at length whether our town flag
should fly at half-mast to chroni-
cle this catastrophe. We eventually
compromised by raising and low-
ering the flag more slowly on each
day of last week. (We feared there
might be some who could unrea-
sonably be upset that a vegetable
was accorded the same inspect as
a human).
We are not surprised that you
have waited until mid-August to
respond to our Radish gauntlet
with a pumpkin challenge. But be-
cause Ailsa Craig delegates to
your Pumpkinfests have always
experienced such an enjoyable
time, we have now planted some
pumpkins to indulge your chal-
lenge and provide us with legiti-
mate reason to attend Pumpkinfest
As you had undoubtedly antici-
pated, we have missed the season's
best growing period, but are hope-
ful we may have some token en-
tries. Not only do you have the
jump on us with our late start, but
we have compounded our handicap
by subjecting our pumpkin patch to
what we considered to be a suitable
period of mourning.
On receipt of
your August 10,
12 letter, one
of our councillors
picked up a pack-
age of pumpkin
seeds at the hardware store and we
tilled a place in which to plant
them. By way of a period of mourn-
ing, we have withheld both water
and chemical foods from our offi-
cial entries for a 10 -day period. (A
suggestion by one member of our
COME OFF POT Committee
(Committee of Members Endea-
vouring Only For the Future of
Pumpkins of Tomorrow) that we
wait until it surfaced and then sacri-
fice our leading contender, was de-
We're now experiencing a heat
wave in the Ailsa Craig area and
are hopeful the tiny shoots now sur-
facing may grow into something
we may bring with pride to your
Pumpkinfest '91.
On a personal note, I am sorry to
learn you will not be seeking re-
election this fall... but I can certain-
ly understand how you'll enjoy hav-
ing huge amounts of time you'll be
able to call your own!
I have thoroughly enjoyed the
good fun we have been able to in-
dulge over our various agronomi-
cal challenges. I hope they have
been helpful to your Pumpkinfest
as your participation has been help-
ful to our community recreation
centre, rapidly nearing completion.
As you know, you and your
council paid for some of those
After a lot of soul-searching I
have decided to offer my services
for one more term as Reeve of Ail-
sa Craig. I pushed long and hard --
and overcame a surprising amount
of opposition -- to make our des-
perately -needed recreation centre a
reality. 1 believe I owe it to the pro-
ject's detractors to help establish
the centre on a firm fiscal footing
before turning in my chain of of-
fice, getting re -acquainted with my
family, and letting my always -
ringing telephone cool down!
We took forward to seeing all
Publicity award
Dear Editor.
On June 15 at the 25th Ontario 5
Pin Bowlers Association Conven-
tion President's Dinner and
Awards night at Clevelands
House, Muskoka, I was presented
with my second successive "Pub-
licity Chairperson of the Year"
This award is bestowed annually
by the Ontario 5 Pin Bowlers' As-
sociation to the zone Publicity
Chairperson who has earned the
most incentive points by most ef-
fectively using all branches of the
news media during the bowling
The co-operation I have received
from you and everyone in the
Times -Advocate office in the print-
ing of my bowling news
copy every week
drying the 1990-
91 season con-
Mbnted m my11111
success in once
matin wining this
1 ainoerely thank you for your
recognition of our very find sport
and 1 look forward to the same
friendly, co-operative communica-
tion with you and your excellent
newspaper in the new 1991-92 sea-
Ron Dann
Bhtewater 5 Pin Bowlers' Asso-
ciation and Ontario 5 Pin Bowlers'
Publicity Chairperson of the
you pumpkinheads again in Octo-
ber and will be in touch soon about
suitable accommodations for our
considerable contingent of boost-
Warmest personal regards,
Donald M. Shipway
Reeve of Ailsa Craig
play beginning September 17 in
nine communities throughout Man-
itoba in November, and in Winni-
peg at Prairie Theatre Exchange
from November 12 to December 1,
1991. Our cast involves Canadian
artists from British Columbia, Al-
berta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and
The collection of characters in
Cornflower Blue can be found in
any town. It's Hockey Night In
Canada on Saturdays, maybe the
hairdresser on Thursdays and Fri-
day nights with your best friends.
Critics praised it as a "play audi-
ences can relate to no matter what
part of the country they grew up
in." "Perhaps one of the most ef-
fective aspects of this play is the
atmosphere created by the blue-
grass music of Michael Taylor,
which sidles into the Cornflower
story like a trout among smooth
rocks', says another review.`
Cornflower Blue features the act-
ing talents of Donald Adams, John
Jarvis, Maggie Nagle, Jan Wood
and musicians Michael Taylor and
Gary "Humphrey" Walsh.
For your convenience
Hair -on Wheels
for the whole family
and seniors
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• State the job title, a brief description of the responsibilities -
and the results you achieved.
• The next section of your resume should come under the sub-
heading of "Education". Start with the highest degree obtained
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which you studied. Follow this with previous education attain-
ments. At the end, list any specific instructional courses you
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• Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships and/or
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• Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests", list any activities
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unteer work, etc.
Your letter of application and your resume will be the factors
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We can help you get an impressive
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