HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-09-04, Page 26Page 26 Times -Advocate, September 4, 1991 Unloading a new piece of equipment at Hamilton's Machine Shop in Exeter required the assis- tance of a crane on Wednesday. BRAD'S MUSIC STUDIO is now accepting students for keyboard, piano and guitar lessons Call 235-1263 420 Main St., Exeter crcte DANCE (R; HALL 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. fdagata Singles Dana Lee Davidson & Sagebrush •**at*at Sat.. Sept.7 Smokey Mountaineers 349-2678 Huron County Family Planning Services Invites you io.atiend FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Clinic Open 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Every Tuesday HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT ANNE ST., EXETER For information Call 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday Eveninils. Everyone welcome High attendance at 4wflroffil*wto",Pesticide courses TORONTO - A record number of 400 percent to 781 this year, with course like this 20 years ago'." cer- Ontario Pesticide Educa- growers and pesticide vendors at- 17,000 farmers obtaining theirThe tan tended the Ontario pesticide Educa- tificate during the past season, com- tion Program was created in 1986 ? t's; don Program courses this year. pared to 10,000 the previous years. through Ridgetown College of Ag - The two courses are offered by the This brings the total number of ricultural Technology. The ven- `y Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and growers who have completed the dors certification course was de Food and the Ministry of Environ- pesticide safety course to 38,000. veloped with support from the r,;a`. ment. The program's objective is to reach crop Protection Institute of Canada `! A new legislation to make the a total number of 45,000 growers and the growers certification -.. Grower Pesticide Safety Course by 1992. course was developed with sup - mandatory became effective April In addition, approximately 1,900 port from AG Care, an umbrella 1, 1991. This led to an increase in vendors had successfully complet- organization for Agricultural the number of courses offered from ed the Pesticide Vendor Certifica- Groups Concerned about resoure- tion Course by June 30 this year. es and Environment "Growers' and vendors' accep- To keep up with changing legis - lance of the course has been excel- lation and new information, the lent, with most of them consider- program is developing new course ing the courses time well spent," material for both the vendor and says Susan Kelner, acting program grower courses. Persons interested co-ordinator. "One of the most fre- in taking a course should contact quent comments heard by instruc- their local Ministry of Agriculture tors is 'We should have had a and Food office. Western creates new seniors policy LONDON - A new seniors' poli- cy in Western's continuing educa- tion program, while increasing sen- ior fees, will in fact enlarge the number of seniors eligible for re- duced rates in many of Western's non -degree classes. The former seniors' fee required stringent quotas to be set, said Tom Guinsburg, Dean of the Faculty of Part -Time and Continuing Educ- tion. "Due to the cost -recovery nature of the non -degree program and fact that these courses do not receive funding, we were previously able to offer only a very limited number of spaces for those not paying the full tuition fee," said Guinsburg. In several instances, filled quotas prevented seniors from registering at the reduced rate, so they had the choice of paying full fee or missing the course. As well, certain courses which were popular with seniors had to be cancelled because they were not financially viable under the former policy. Planned small power dams just as damaging to environment PETERBOROUGH - The Onta- spawning, wildlife migration and rio government's plans to create a wetlands ecology, Rich Morgan, patchwork of small power dams OFAH Executive Vice President, across the province could cause as much disruption to ecological pat- terns as mega hydro projects, ac- cording to the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH). "Species such as bass, walleye The government has made it and muskie can't use ladders coh- clear it plans to steer Ontario Hy-.� for the benefit of trout and dro toward a future dotted with salmon migration," Morgan said in tiny power projects which will di- the column. "In addition dams vert smaller water systems. cause an increase in stream temper - But the government's concept is atures, irregular flows, a disruption ill conceived and will disrupt fish of natural water level fluctuation SUCC8SSfUI. summer season at Stratford Festival wrote in recent columns published by The Ottawa Citizen and Angler and Hunter magazine. STRATFORD - Gary Thomas, to sold -out houses for its final three General Manager of the Stratford performances, and on Wednesday, Festival announced last week that August 7, we experienced sold -out as the final two productions of the performances in each of the Festi- season, Love Letters at the Tom val's three theatres!" Patterson Theatre and An Emmy of The Stratford Festival's 1991 sea - the People ate the Avon teatre, son continues in repertory with per - opened and with 11 weeks of per- formances of Hamlet, Much Ado formances remaining in the Festi- About Nothing, Carousel, and val's 39th season, Box Office re- Treasure Island in the Festival ceipts have passed $13.5 million. Theatre through Sunday, November In making the announcement, 10; Our Town, Twelfth Night, The Thomas said that, "as we began to School for Wives, and An Enemy of experience some gradual improve- the People in the Avon Theatre ment in the economy, our July through Sunday, October 28; and 1991 Box Office receipts exceeded Timon of Athens, The Rules of the those for the same month last year Game, The Knight u rhe Burning by 5 percent." He went on to add Pestle and Love letters in the Tom that other positive indicators have Patterson Theatre through Sunday, been that, Les Belles Soeurs, September 15. which closed on August 10, played MURDER MYSTERY DINNER THEATRE A Superb Evening of Despicable Entertainment) Saturday. (7 p.m.) 1 j On a,69 Oct. 5, 12, 19 Nov. 2, 9,113,30, Deo. 1,14 '7 Per couple (Plus taxes & Gratuities) Forest Golf 8 Country Hotel Royal Canadian Legion R. E. Pooley Branch 167 Exeter Ontario Coming Events Sat., Sept. 14th - Legion Chill Cook Off Sept. 15 - 22 - Legion Week Sun., Sept. 22 - Zone C-1 ConvenlbNParade at Branch Thum., Sept. 26 - General Meeting. Due to the Postal Disruption the Fall Bulletin available at Branch 25 years for Sunshine Gals EXETER - It was that time of year again, being the last Wednes- day in August, for the "Sunshine Gals" annual get together. This year was their special 25th anniver- sary and are down to seven now af- ter starting with 10. They still have a great fellowship together beginning with a noon luncheon returning to the home of Marjorie Hodgert to reminisce over old scrapbooks and take pic- tures. The hostess served a dessert, bringing the day to a very happ) ending. Those attending were: Agnes La. mond, Cromarty; Ella Somers, St Marys; Greta Gibson, Lucan, i Louise Creery, Norma Hooper Audrey McRoberts and Marjorie r Hodgert, Exeter. Elva Routly was unable to be with the group. patterns, blockage of navigable wa- ters, erosion and siltation, and the increased release of heavy metals such as mercury into the water". Morgan said the solution to Onta- rio electricity future lies in conser- vation - "the Ontario government must live up to that original diving sentiment," he said. "We must find new and innovative ways to use our energy. Clearly, we're not doing that today. "If we decide to redirect Ontario's water resources to make up for that gaffe, we'll be creating a long-term for landscape that may this andsca Y" Y never heal." Morgan urged the public to par- ticipate in public hearings this Sep- tember staged by the Class Envi- ronmental Assessment for Water Power Development. The process will decide Ontario's power future and all should have a say, he said. ANNOUNCEMENT 7,10 The McKillop Mutual Insurance Company Seaforth, Ontario is pleased to announce the appointment of Exeter Insurance Brokers Ltd. as representatives of our company in this area, servicing, farm, commercial and residential policyholders We look forward to a very pleasant and profitable association. James Cardiff, Manager CUNTOft*1 RACEWAY FINAL RACE DAY Of the season is this Sunday, Sept. 8 featuring the 10th Annual DRIVER'S CHALLENGE with twelve of Canada's top drivers including Lucan's own Buddy Gilmour and Ken Hardy • (winner of 43 million (winner of 8 million dollars in purses) dollars in purses) RON WAPLES - KEVIN WALLIS - DAVE WALL RAY McLEAN - TOM STRAUSS - TERRY KERR ROSS BATTIN - BUD.FRITZ 4v Q POST TIME 1:30 P.M. ONTARIO'S FAMILY TRACK At Beverly Hills It's "A FAMILY AFFAIR 5 weeks of weight los5s $5 00 for Pam lost 261/2 lbs. and 4614" Kim lost 20 lbs and 33" How Does Beverly Hills Weight Loss Clinic Measure Up? • Medically supervised • Consulting Physicians, RN's • Dining Out No Problem & RNA's on staff • Eat Regular Foods • Guaranteed Results • Minimum 1100 Calories • One to One Counselling (or more depending on BMI) These components recommended by Canadian Research tor Sats & Hselthy Weight Lose Clem lost 68 lbs. and 61" Myrtle lost 541/2 lbs. and 49" and is stile going down. By following the never hungry pro- gram we were able to achieve our goals the fast effective way. The direction A motivation by the STAFF at Beverly Hills made weight loos easy A best of all we are now a 'FOOD SMART FAMILY". Call for a FREE consultation today .EXETER aiumart I'la,a 235-3355