HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-08-14, Page 23Page 22 • Times -Advocate, August 14, 1991
DOYLE • Mance and Lori (nee Hodgins)
are thrilled to announce the arrival et Brady
James on August 8, 1991 at Victoria Hospi-
tal. Proud grandparents are Mac and Lois
Hodgins of Parkhill and Vincent and Marion
Doyle of Chatham. 33c
GILBERT - Greg and Lori (nec Booge-
mans) are pleased to announce the birth of
their daughter Stacey Anne, born Auguat 2,
1991 at 9:25 p.m. weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz.
Proud grandparents are Bob and Bernice
Boogernans, Dashwood and Lawrence and
Dorothy Gilbert, Strathroy. Great-
�randparents are Greta Rerte nayer, Frau
gemans and Ethel Noyes. Also Aunt
Wendy is very excited with her niece. Spe-
cial thanks to Dr. J. McKay and the OB staff
at Strathroy Hospital. 33*
HALL • Philip and Mary Agnes (nee Die-
trich) aro proud to announce the birth of
their first child John Philip, bom August 2,
1991, weighing 7 lbs. 14 or.. Happy grand-
mothers are Mary Dietrich of Exeter and
Mary Hall of Parkhill. Special thanks to Dr.
Milne and the third floor nursing staff at St.
Joseph's hospital. 33'
JOHNS - Gerald, Carolyn and big brother
Matthew are thrilled to announce the safe
and timely arrival of their baby girl Evelyn
Grace, on Friday, August 9, 1991. She
weighed in at 7 IN, 6 oz at Clinton Public
Hospital. Proud grandparents are Phil and
Marjorie Johns of Usborne Twp. and Harvey
McClure of Seaforth. 33nc
MASFRANKC - Dan and Donna (nee Gla-
vin) are pleased to announce the birth of
their daughter, Chantel Elizabeth, bom July
31, 1991, weighing 7 lbs., 8 oz. Proud
grandparents are Leona Glavin and Norm
and Marg Masfrankc. 33•
thy are delighted to announce the birth of
their sweet baby daughter, Elizabeth Cathe-
rine, at Women's College Hospital, Toronto
on August 5, 1991. Proud grandparents are
John and Barbara Corbett of London, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson of Ayre, Scot-
land. 33'
SKINNER - Steve and Audrey are thrilled
to announce the arrival of their precious lit-
tle boy - "Lucas Steven" born July 30,
weighing 7 lbs. 7 oz. Proud grandparents are
Joe and Rose -Marie Regier, Zurich and Bev
and Elaine Skinner, Exeter. Great-
grandmothers are Ina Skinner and the late
Lydia Regier, Lucas being Lydia's 135th
great-grandchild. Special thanks to Dr. May-
nard, Dr. Ism, the 3rd Floor Nurses at Sr
Joseph's Hospital and also to Laurie Haz-
zard. Lucas will be lovingly watched over
by his own special guarlfian angel "Stepha-
nie Lynn". 33*
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BALLANTYNE • I wish to express my sin-
cere thanks to my family and friends for
cards, flowers, treats and visits, also to Rev.
C. Henderson for his concern and prayers
while in University Hospital and since re-
turning home.
BLOM . I would like to thank my family,
relatives, neighbours and friends for Masses,
prayers, visits, Dowers, sweets, cards and
telephone calla I received while a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital, and while coming
home. Thank* to Dr. Sala and staff, all the
nurses of 4th floor, to Dr. Wallace, Mrs.
Visscher and staff and to Father Henry Cas-
sano. Your kindness will long be remem-
emem-bere L A special thanks again to my family
for their loving care.
GILL - We thank our immediate family,
brothers and sisters, relatives and friends for
the congratulatory expressions, cards, and
gifu honouring us on our Golden Wedding
Anniversary. "flue social gatherings, special
moments with children and grandchildren at
the cottage, dinners, and breakfast in honour
of our morning wedding on July 26, 1941
will become cherished memories.
33• Doug and Edith
GWALCHMAI • We would like to thank
everyone from far and near for helping us
celebrate our 25th Anniversary. Also thank
you for the gifts and ands. I'm sure they will
remind us of the good times. A special thank
you to our family Rick, Tracy and Chad.
Aho Bruce and Donna Pernall. Gary and
Sue Wilcox, Dan and Joan Gwalchmai and
anyone we may have missed. Thank you.
3k Ride and Gnette
HERN • The family of the late Dorothy K.
Hem wish to express their thanks to friends,
neighbours and relatives for their kind ex-
pressions of sympathy. 33
KENNEDY • The family of the late Pauline
Kennedy with to extend our sincere thanks
and appreciation to all aur relatives, friends
and neighbours throughout her illness and at
our time of loss. Thank you for your cards,
visits, Doral tributes and memorial dona-
tions. Thanks to Dr. Steciuk, nurses and staff
at S.H.D.H. Also special thanks to Rev. J.
Udall for her comforting visits. We would
also like to extend our sincere thanks to Rev.
J. Sloan for his comforting service and to the
staff of the Ball and Falconer Funeral Horne
and Maitland Bank Cemetery for their help-
fulness and understanding. Special thanks to
the pall bearers and Dower bearers and the
Seaforth Legion Ladies Auxiliary who pro-
vided lunch after the services. Your land -
nen and support has been deeply appreciat-
ed and will not be forgotten
33' Harvey Kennedy and family
LAYE - We wish to express a sincere thank
you with God's love to family for spoiling us
with their care and since resuming home.
Also thanking friends, neighbours and co-
workers for your kind wishes and for spoil-
ing us with card, and lovely gifts to Zakery
and morn. Especially to two very special
people for the lovely baby shower, it was
well enjoyed. Words alone cant express
enough for the way we feel, a heartfelt
thanks again to everyone and God Bless
33• Love,
Sharon and Zakery and family
MATHERS • A special thank you to friends
and neighbours for the lovely shower gifts
received at the Brinsley United Church on
August 7. A warm thanks to all those who
helped with preparations and refreshments.
33c Tammy
REGIER • We would like to express our
sincere thanks to our relatives, fnends and
neighbours for their support and kindness
shown to us in our recent bereavement of
our mother and grandmother. The Donal trib-
utes, prayers, cards, food sent to our homes,
mass cards, charitable donations were all
overwhelming and very much appreciated.
Special thanks to Dr. Wallace and Mrs.
Visscher, Brad Lucas and Zurich Ambu-
lance staff, to the staff of South Huron Hos-
pital and to the staff of Bluewater Rest
Horne for all their kindness and special care.
Special thanks again to Father Moms and to
Father Hayes for their prayers and funeral
mass, also thanks to the ladies of St. Peter's
C.W.L for the delicious lunch served at the
hall. A special thank you to the Michael P.
O'Connor Funeral Home and staff and to the
Dower bearers and pall beaten for their
kindness and support. Your thoughtfulness
shown to our family will be remembered al-
The family of Lydia Regier
RITCHIE • I would like to thank my rela-
tives, friends and co-workers for the "scav-
enger" hunt and the surprise retirement par-
ty. A special thanks to my children Leisa
and Blaine Stephenson, Varna, Paul and Ju-
tl% Ritchie, Hunan, Mari and Dave Par-
tridge, Exeter for puning tt all together and
to Linda and Jame Alexander, Salt Spring,
B.C. for the phone call. Thanks for corning,
hope you had a good time. Doug
SQUIRE • I would like to thank all those
who remembered me with cards, treats and
visits while in University Hospital and since
returning home. It was much appreciated.
33e }Tarry
VEAL - A sincere "Thank you very much"
to our family, relatives, friends and custom -
en for the many beautiful flowers, planu,
cards, treats, phone calls and visits while we
were in hospital - Alexander Marine, Gode-
rich and University, London, and since re-
turning home. All was much appreciated.
33c Ross and Patricia
BLOMMAERT - In loving memory of a
dear father and grandfather, Andrew Blom-
maen, who passed away August 10, 1990.
God saw you were getting weary
When a curt; was not to be,
So he closed his arms around you
And whispered "Come to Me".
You suffered much in silence
But your spirit did not mend,
You faced your pain with courage
Until the very end.
Although we feel the heartache
And muss your loving smile,
The memory that you left with us
We treasure now and always will.
Always remembered and sadly missed by
your children Alison, Joe, Lee, Adam and
grandchildren Amanda and Daniel. 33c
DYKSTRA • In loving memory of a dear
husband Lowell, who passed away one year
ago, August 11, 1990.
I think of the day you passed away,
There was little I could do,
But memories never fade away,
For I always think of you.
I think of you in silence,
And make no outward show,
What it meant to lose you,
No one wi"Fuer know.
You bid me no farewell,
Or even said goodbye,
You were gone before I knew it,
And only God knows why.
I do not need a special day,
To bring you to my mind,
The days I do not think of you,
Are very hard to find.
They say time heals all sorrow,
And helps us to forget,
But time so far has only proved,
How much I miss you yet.
Remembered and sadly missed by his wife
Bea. 33•
DYKSTRA • In loving memory of our dear
father and grandfather Lowell (Bob) Dyk-
stra, who passed away 1 year ago, August
11, 1990.
What we would give if we could say
"Hello Dad and Grandpa" in the same old
To hear your voice, to see your smile
And sit and chat with you awhile.
You meant so very much to us
That nothing we can say,
Can tell the sadness in our hearts
As we think of you each day.
So you who have a father
Cherish him with care,
For you'll never know tho heartache
When he's no longer thete.
Forever loved and sadly missed by Marten,
Laurie, Jason and Janelle, Grace, Randy,
Brent, Amanda, Shawn and Chantal, Mike
and Myla. 33'
For the months of
July and August
9:00 a.m. - Christian Education
10:00 a.m. - Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Mrs. Bev Robinson
The Rev. Grant L. Mills
(Minister Emeritus)
Director of Music
Ralph C. Topp
August 18, 1991 - 10:00 a.m.
Speaker: Rev. Clare Geddes
Junior Congregation for Children
Social Hour following the service.
Courtesy Car :Charles AtthiN 235-1536
Nursery Facilities available
Everyone Wekomel
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday, Augustl8
10:00 a m. Worship
11:10 a m. Sunday School
Nursery available
7:30 p.m. Worship
Everybody welcome
Come and Worship with us
Our Lady of
Mount Carmel
RR 18, Parkhill
Sat. 7:30 p.m.
Sun. 11:00 a.m.
Precious Blood
Main St. at Gidley,
Exeter (Trivitt)
Sun. 9:00 a.m.
Pastor: Father Joseph Bagatto
Sunday School offered at all moming
masses for children 4-6 years incl.
Both churches are
wheelchair accessible.
Visitors are welcome.
670 Main St. S.
Pastor Vemon Dean
Youth Pastor Kevin D. Rogers
Sunday, August 18
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
7:00 p.m. Evening Setvioe
Nursery available for all services
Everyone Welcome
Summer Schedule
Pastor -teacher Bob Drumm
9:30 a.m. Sunday School and
Communion Service
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
8:00 p.m. - Bible Study
All services are held at
Usbome Central School,
Huron St. E.
Everyone Welcome
For more information please
cell 229-8881
Main St. North
Pastor Rev. Sleds Vander Meer
Worship Services
10:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
264 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario
' The Rev. Fay M. Patterson
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
August 18, 1991
11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Nursery available
Everyone Welcome
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, August 18
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Moming Worship
Guest Speaker: Rev. Ed Norris
7 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
68 Main Street South
Minister: Rev. Malt B. Gaskin
Organist; Miss Carolyn Love
Sunday, August 18
11:15 a.m. - Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
LEWIS - In loving memory of a dear hus-
band, father and grandfather, Wilbert, who
passed away nine years ago, August 10,
Remembering you u easy,
We do it every day.
Musing you is a heartache,
That never goes away,
You had a smile for everyone,
You hada heart of gold,
You left the sweetest memories,
This world could ever hold.
Forever loved andremembered by wife
Nola, daughter Carolyn and family. 33 •
McILROY • In loving memory of a dear
nephew, Many Mcfroy, who was taken sud-
denly August 16, 1986.
Dear God in heaven
Pick a flower from above
Give a rose to Many
And send him all our love.
Loved and missed by aunts, uncles, and
cousins. 33'
MORENZ - In loving memory of Hugh's
parents, Mr. and Mn. Albert Morenz, Dad,
who passed away July 29, 1956, and Mother
on September 26, 1956.
Softly the leaves of memory fall,
Gently we gather and treasure them all,
There is a link death cannot sever,
Love and remembrance last forever.
Lovingly remembered by Hugh and Annie
Morenz, daughters Marjorie and Les Adams,
Hazel Corbett, Blanche Chapman, grand and
great-grandchildren 33nc
NEIL - In loving memory of a dear husband
and father Murray, who passed away August
20, 1977.
A husband and fathers love is special,
It is so hard to describe,
The way it made us feel,
Just walking by your side.
You were someone we could count on,
And knew we could depend,
You always had the time to share,
The time to be a friend.
You always had away,
To make the best of everything,
Mole laughter when things seemed most
And through your love was the greatest gift
we had,
To take your hand and proudly say to others,
He's my husband and my Dad.
Always loved and remembered by Thelma,
Bev and Carl, Jeff, Kim and Walter, Megan ,
Andrew and Madeline. 33c
ROGER • In loving memory of our son
Daniel Roger, who passed away so suddenly
6 years ago, August 17, 1985.
We did not see you close your eyes
Nor hear your final sigh,
We only heard that you were gone
Too late to say goodbye.
Our hearer still ache with sadness
And silent tears still flow,
For what it meant to lose you
Noone will ever know.
Always in our thoughts, Dad and Mom.33'
STRETTON - In loving memory of my
mother Norma, a very special person, who
passed away on August 17, 1990.
There is a special feeling
When I think about you Morn,
A feeling full of memories
Of all the things we've done.
When I am sad and lonely
And everything goes wrong,
1 always hear you whisper
Cheer up and carry on.
You were someone I could talk to
That no one can replace,
You were someone I could laugh with
Until the tears ran down my face. - - •
You were someone I could tum to
When I needed a helping hand,
You were someone Icould count on
To advise and understand.
You were a wonderful mother
And most of all my best friend.
Forever loved and deeply missed by Nancy
and Bob and grandchildren Lisa, Jeff and
Blair. 33'
STRETTON - In memory of a dear mother,
Norma Stretton, who passed away 1 year
ago, August 17, 1990.
No one knows how much we miss you,
No one knows the bitter pain,
We have suffered, since we lost you
Life has never been the same.
In our hearts your memory lingers,
Sweetly, tender, fond and true,
There is not a day dear mother,
That we do not think of you.
Dearest mother you are sleeping,
Free from sorrow, free form pun
Still your memory shall be cherished,
Till in Heaven we meet again.
Always loved and missed by Susan, Mau
and family. 33*
STRETTON • In Iovi nth memory of a dear
mother, Nonni, who paned away 1 year
ago, August 17, 1990.
Sometimes I hurt so much from wanting to
see you that I can't stop the tears from fall-
ing. But then, I think of the good loving
times we've shared, of the special moments,
the smiles and the laughter. The remember-
ing makes me feel u though you're here.
The tears stop and I actually find myself
smiling again. I miss you very much. I love
you even mote.
Love always from Lisa, Gerard and Greg.
NUAL CAMPOUT will be held August 16,
17 18 at Family Paradise RR4, Walton, On-
tario 527-0629. All welcome to reserve
space please contact Bill Coleman Kippen at
263-5031or Wilmer Adkins, Exeter at 235-
0523 by August 12, 1991. 31-33'
cordially invite past, present and future em-
ployees, customers, friends and neighbours
to share in our 40th AnniversaryCelebra-
tion. Port/beef barbecue and refreshments.
Sunday, August 18, 1 p.m. -5 p.m. Sebring -
villa Community Centre. 32,33e
MONSTER BINGO sponsored by Clinton
Lions at Clinton Community entre on
Thursday, August 15 at 7:30 p.m. S 15.00r
package. 32,33c
ISTAauSH4O 1641
Thur., Aug. 15
at 5 p.m.
Morrison Dam
Conservation Area
(south area)
SOIL AND WATER Conservation Day.
Plan to attend Conservation Day, at Hayter.
Turkey Farms, located 1/4 mile west of
Dashwood on Highway 83. Featuring wagon
tours of no -till trials, equipment displays and
danenstrations, guest speakers dunng lunch
hour and morel Free admission. Call OMAF
at (519) 482-3428 for more info. 33c
Adult Health Clinic. Location: Health Unit
Office, South Huron H pita!, Exeter. Date:
Tuesday. August 20, 1991. Time: 9 a.m. -
11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 1. Health
Counselling; 2. Foot care (fee); 3. Blood
pressure testing. 33c
Regisuation ,Night, Monday, August 19, 7-9
p.m. at the Hay Twp. Hall, Zurich. 33c
AHONEN • At Exeter Villa on Wednesday,
August 7, 1991, Many Ahoncn, in his 88th
year. Predeceased by his mother and father,
Amanda and Marty Ahonen. Rated at the
R.C. Dinncy Funeral Home, Main Street,
Exeter, where the funeral service was held
on Thursday, August 8 at 2 pm. with Pastor
Larry Stojlcovic of the Zion Lutheran
Church, Dashwood, officiating. 33c
HARLTON • Arthur H. After a lengthy ill-
ness at Memorial Hospital, St. Marys, on
Thursday, August 8, 1991, Arthur Howard
Hariton of RR 1, Granton; in his 79th year.
Beloved husband of the late Marjorie Mabel
Henry (1986). Loving father of Ann and her
husband Gary Maxwell of Hensall and Mur-
ray and his wife Ruth Harlton of RR 2,
Granton. Dear grandfather of Sherri, Tracy,
Rebecca and Scat. Also survived by one
brother Elmer Harlton of Granton and one
sister-in-law Mrs. Myrtle Jardine of St. Mar-
ys. Predeceased by one sister Hazel Wallis.
Relatives and friends were received by the
family at the Sass Funeral Home (Ball &
Sass Ltd.), 47 •Wellington Street South, St.
Marys on Friday, August 9, 1991, from 2-4
and 7-9 p.m.; where the complete funeral
service was held on Saturday, August 10, at
1:30 p.m. Interment St. Marys Cemetery. In
his memory donations to the Canadian Can-
cer Society would be appreciated. 33c
McGREGOR - Suddenly at his residence in
West Williams Twp. on Monday, August 5,
son of the late William and Caroline (Arm-
strong) McGregor, Wesley James McGre-
gor, in his 65th year. Beloved husband of El-
eanor (Rowe) McGregor. Also survived by
two daughters, Edith at home and Elizibeth
Watson of RR 5, Parkhill and dearly loved
by two grandsons Brett and Brock Watson.
Also survived by three sisters Mary (Mrs.
Ralph) Weber of RR 3, Dashwood, Margaret
(Mrs. Gordon) Eagleson of Southampton
and Mildred (Mrs. Lyle) Steeper of Grand
Bend and one brother Stuart of Parkhill. Pre-
deceased by eight brothers and one sister. A
Masonic service was held on Wednesday,
August 7 under the auspices of Doric Lodge
*223AF&AMat the M.Box and Son Fu-
neral Home where the funeral was held on
. Thursday with Rev. Ray Lindsay officiating.
Interment in Parkhill Cemetery. Mr. McGre-
gor was a long time employee of Ausable
Bayfield Conservation Authority. 33
PARTRIDGE • Suddenly as the result of a
motor vehicle accident on Sunday, August 4,
1991, William (Bill) G. Panridge (Bachelor
of Divinity and Library Science) of Blueha-
ven (RR 2, Zurich) and Espanola, Ontario,
in his 51st year. Beloved son of Bill and
Irene Partridge of Vancouver, B.C. and dear
brother of Card (Mrs. Dr. Howard Smillie)
of Halifax N.S. Loved uncle of Andrea, Na-
dine and Leticia, all of Halifax. Mr. Par-
tndge was presently Director of the Espano-
la Public Library and had served for many
years as Director for Huron County Library
Bd. He has been involved in library Science
in both eastern and western Canada. He was
a recipient of the Ontario Librarian of the
Year Award (1986) and was an active mem-
ber of the Toastmasters Club and Espanola
U.C. Choir. Rested at the T. Harty Hoffman
and Sons Funeral !tome, Dashwood where
visitation was held on Friday, August 9,
1991 from 7-9 p.m. A celebration of a life
lived with dignity, kindness, love and fun
was held at North Street United Church,
Goderich on Saturday, August 10, 1991 at 2
p.m. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be
made to National, Provincial or Local Liter-
acy or Library Programs. 33c
REEDER • At South Huron Hospital, Exet-
er, on Monday, August 12, 1991, Ethel M.
Reeder (Houlden) of Exeter, in her 87th
year. Beloved wife of the late Elmer Reeder
(1952); dear mother and mother-in-law of
Dorothy and Harvey Pfaff of Exeter, Myrtle
and Earl Schroeder of Komoka, Maxine and
Don Graham of Paris; dear grandmother of
Steven, Greg, Janet, Tom, Jennifer, David,
Pau and Susan; dear great-grandmother of
Stacey, Soots, and Stephanie. Mrs. Reeder
was predeceased by her sisters: Violet Pen -
hale, Mary Elliott, Don Ford and Mabel
Kirk. Friends may call at the Hopper -
Hockey Funeral Home, William Street, Ex-
eter, where the funeral service will be held
on Wednesday, August 14, 1991 at 2 p.m.
with Rev. Charles Henderson officiating. In-
terment in Exeter Cemetery. Donations to
The Children's Hospital of Western Ontario
would be appreciated by the family. 33c
ROESZLER • At the University Hospital,
London on Monday, August 12, 1991, L Ei-
leen Roeuler of Crediton, in her 54th year.
Beloved daughter of the late William and
Beatrice (England) Roeszler, special sister
and sister-in-law of Grant and Doreen
Roessler, Uoyd and Eleanor Roeder, Don-
ald Roeszler, Betty and Cecil Glanville, Don
and Ruth Haines. Also loved by several
nieces and nephews. Predeceased by brother
Carman Roeszler (1989). Resting at the T.
Harty Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home,
Dashwood, with visitation on Wednesday af-
temoon and evening and where the funeral
service will be held on Thursday, August 15,
1991 at 2 p.m. Interment in Crediton Ceme-
tery. ken. Ed Laksmanis officiating. Memo-
rials to Community Living - South Huron
(A.R.C.) or Crediton United Church Memo-
rial Fund would be appreciated by the fami-
ly. 33c
50th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Ayotte
With many thanks for your
kindness and love, wishes
of happiness, good health
and love.
From all your family
for Joe Vermunt &
Laurie Pepper
Sat., Aug. 17
For more information call
235-2751, 236-7504
Buck Doe
Dawn Taylor &
Brad Snider
Sat., Aug. 24
8:00 - 1 a.m.
For information call
Bible lasllionary
Canadian Holiness
School Auditorium
(8 miles southeast of Goderich,
Just off No. 8 Highway)
Schedule of Services
Fri., Aug. 23 7:30 p.m.
Sat., Aug. 24 10:30 a.m.
2:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
Sun., Aug. 25 10:00 a.m.,
2:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Rodger Moyer
General Moderator
Special singing
For further information call:
(519) 524-4827
(Goderich Area),
(519) 236-4845 (Zurich Araa)
We welcome you
11.1.4 44
• A,
Happy 80th Birthday Mom
Love from your family
The family of Beatrice Eagleson
wish to invite you to an open
house honouring their mother's
80th birthday on Sun., Aug. 18,
1:30 - 4:30 at the aub House,
Old Orchard Park, Grand Bend
(2nd street south of bridge).
Best wishes only