HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-07-17, Page 12• iMIVSMffi 1 •• .- •• • • Page 12 • Times -Advocate, July 17, 1991 COMM Il LAITY Forthcoming marriage - Mr. and Mrs. Pete Feddema are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their ,daughter Mi- chelle to Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rummell on Saturday, July 20, 1991. The wedding will take place at St. Patrick's Ro- man Catholic Church, Lucan at 3" p.m. The reception will follow in Lucan. Reading joins the list of top summer fun activities By Rhonda Vandeworp HURON PARK - For children, sum- malZ mer is the time to forget about books, teacheys and homework, and join their friends at the playground or communi- ty pool for hours of amusement. - Centralia College of Agriculture believes in the im- portance of keeping an interest in reading over the summer months, and has therefore sponsored a pro- gram, in conjunction with the Provincial government, which will combine reading -activities with tradition- al, outdoor summer fun. Jennifer MacGregor has been chosen by Centralia College to bring the Read Canada program to Huron, Perth, and North Middlesex Counties. She will be visiting specific playgrounds, swimming pools, campgrounds, day camps and libraries throughout July and August in order to provide a story hour for young children around the ages of four through sev- en. MacGregor says she will be doing most of the read- ing herself, but "welcomes the enthusiastic child to read aloud." The theme of the program is agriculture, and there- fore many of the stories will be based on farming and animals. MacGregor admits, however, that because young children still enjoy the traditional story book tale, those will also be included. Some specific dates for MacGregor's reading circle have already been established. She will be visiting: Exeter Pool at 10:45 a.m. on July 19, July 26, and August 2; Kirkton-Woodham Pool on Thursdays at 11 a.m. until the first week in August; and Hensa'.l Playground at 1 p.m. on July 29. Children will be able to find MacGregor and her reading circle at these locations sitting under a bright yellow beach umbrella. Forthcoming marriage - Tracy Lee daughter of Hugh and Ber- nice McPherson and Terry Wayne son of Audrey Zachar and Stan Zachar will exchange wed- ding vows oti Saturday, Juty 20, 1991 at the residence of the - bride's parents in Seaforth, On- tario. An open reception to fol- low In Exeter. To marry - Ms. Lynda lredale, Kirkton, Mr. Robert lredale, St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Humphreys Sr., Exeter wish to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their children Tracy Lee lredale to Thomas Martin Hum- phreys Jr. at 7:00 p.m. on Satur- day, July 27, 1991 at Trivitt Me- morial Anglican Church, Exeter. Open reception to follow. Forthcoming marriage - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hodgins, Ailsa Craig and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gadoury, Windsor are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of -their ifaldr n April Kris- tine and Luc Jos ph. The wedding will take place on Juty 21, 1991 at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Brinsley. Open reception to follow in Lucan. Reading Circle '"Tennifer MacGregor has everyone's attention as she shares a story at the Hensall Playground on Monday Thames Road awaits church picnic Church service THAMES ROAD - The eighth Sunday atter Pentecost Church Ser- vice was given by Rev. Sheila Mac- gregor. The seasonal colour is green. The organist for the service was Jean Hodgert. Rev. Macgregor read the chil- dren's Scripture Lesson 11 Chroni- cles chapter 5. The congregation sang the children's hymn, For the Beauty of the Earth. Rev. Macgregor gave the chil- dren's message "Seeing God In Beauty", read the old Testament Lesson Psalm 23, and the new Tes- tament Lesson John 14. The ministers message was enti- tled A Faith to Sing About - Part II. "Relief for the Troubled Life. 0 For a Closer Walk With God, God of Our Father, Known of Old and Come Thou Fount of Every Bless- ing was sung and information about the respective authors, Wil- liam Cowper, Rudyard_Kipling,_ Robert Robinson was given by Rev. Macgregor. The service closed with the Bene- diction. Special thanks to the Miner family of John, Laurel, Brenda, Su- san and Matthew, for providing the refreshments after the service. Personals Vic and Sylvia Post, Edmonton Alberta returned to their home after spending holidays with the latter's parents, Floyd and Margaret Stew- art and other relatives for two weeks. Phil and Marjorie Johns of Elim- ville visited Monday evening with Bill and Rhoda Rohde. Richard Macgregor returned hone on Friday evening after visit- ing with his parents of St. Andrews Scotland. The annual Hodgert reunion was held in the Park in Hensall on Sat- urday with over 85 in attendance. Dorothy Heard of St. Marys spent the weekend with her sister Hilda Kellett. On Sunday evening Steve and Carolyn Knight, Lind- sey and Miranda of Hensall were guests with Hilda celebrating their wedding anniversary. Mac and Helen Hodgert and Pa- tricia were guests at the wedding of David Sanford and Brenda Speaker to visit Hensall library By Vanessa Cook HENSALL - On Thursday, July 11, 12 children gathered at the Hen- sall Branch Library for an hour of stories, songs, games and crafts. The summer reading program has started. It is held on Thursday even- ings from 7 to 8 p.m. This Thursday, July 18, Rhonda Wright will be coming from Gode- rich to do the program. Susan and 1 will be on hand to help and we hopc to see a few more 5, 6, 7 and 8 year olds come qui to the reading program. It really is a lot of fun. Decoration Day Hensall Union Cemetery Memo- rial and Decoration Day will be held on Sunday, July 28 at 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Shumeboard High six game winners this week in shuffleboard were Dave Kyle 513, Jack Consiu 479, George Dowson 428, Pearl McKnight 411, Helen McKay 395, Eileen Dowson 381 and John Penner At 177 ENJOY SATELLITE T.V. THIS SUMMER ON US WITH... • NO MONEY DOWN • NO INTEREST CHARGES • NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS UNTIL OCTOBER 1 O.A.C. kWn f ... foist 9a FKtetlavt«ttxt THEDFORD 296-5565 Miller at Harcourt Memorial Unit- ed Church in Guelph on Satyrday. , Patricid was maid of honour. Coming events Joint services at 10 a.m. On Sun- day July 21 at Morrison Dam. Worship and congregational pic- nic Elimville - sports and games. Thames Road - Tables and hymn books, music courtesy of the Us - borne Guild. Please bring tablecloth, plates, cups, cutlery and picnic basket. Beverage will be supplied. In case of rain, the picnic and service wilt be held at Elimville Church. July 28 - Thames Road Church. Breakfast prepared by Thames Road men from 8:30 to 10 a.m. and 11 to noon. Cost: adults $4.00, children $1.50, preschoolers free. All welcome. Tickets available from Board of Stewards, Thames Road. Brothers graduate - John F. Weber, son of Richard and Jean Weber nee Taylor of Cornwall, Ont. has graduated from Carleton University with a Bachelor of Engineering (Me- chanical) degree. He is presently residing in Calgary, Alta. Philip A. Weber, son of Richard and Jean Weber nee Taylor of Cornwall, Ont. has graduated from Carleton University with a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) degree. He is employes with McNeely Engineering Ltd. in Kanata, Ont. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING - TOWNSHIP OF BOSANQUET VILLAGE OF THEDFORD BOSANQUET REQUEST TO AMALGAMATE THEDFORD In May, 1990, the Township of Bosanquet passed a by-law initiating procedures under the Municipal Boundary Negotiations Act, 1981. Bo- sanquet proposed that the Village of Thedford be amalgamated into the Township. The Township Council stated that the provision of ser- vices would be more efficient if the Village was included with the Township. Bill 35, the Sarnia-Lambton Act was enacted on July 13, 1989. Section 34 of the Act provided that all Boundary Act Applications were vested with a Boundary Application Committee appointed by Lambton County Council. The County of Lambton Boundary Application Committee wishes to ensure that Lambton County municipalities are strong and fi- nancially viable, and responsive to the needs of their constituents and can adequately perform their legislated functions. The Committee held a public meeting on Thursday, July 19, 1990, as directed in Section 37(4) of Bill 35, in order to obtain information, com- ments and opinions regarding this application. Meetings have been held between the affected Councils and with the committee. To clarify the discussion and narrow the issues, on Janu- ary 31, 1991, the Committee issued a preliminary report recommend- ing amalgamation. Thedford Council is against amalgamation with Bo- sanquet. The Committee has prepared a draft of the final report setting out the details of the amalgamation, such as the effective date of amalgama- tion, the retention of the Thedford Hydro -Electric Commission, the es- tablishment of ward boundaries throughout the Township, the increase of Bosanquet council size to 6 Councillors plus a Mayor (to be effec- tive for an election to be held iri November 1992) and guarantees for existing Thedford staff. Copies of this Draft Report have ben available at the Municipal Offices of the Township of Bosanquet and the Village of Thedford and at the County of Lambton Offices in Wyoming since June 26. Under Section 37(5) of Bill 35, the Committee must hold a second pub- lic meeting to obtain submissions and comments from the public in re- spect of the contents of the Draft Report. Amendments may be made before the report is recommended to County Council for approval and is passed on to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for consideration. The second public meeting was held on Wednesday, July 3 at the Thedford-Bosanquet arena. Due to a power failure, the meeting was not completed and it will be reconvened on Wednesday, July 24 al 7:30 p.m. at the Thedford/Bosanquet arena. A Public Meeting will be held on: Wednesday, July 24, 7:30 p.m. Thedford/Bosanquet Arena Thedford, Ontario For further information, please contact the Clerk -Treasurer of the Township of Bosanquet or the Village of Thedford or: Malcolm Boyd, Secretary Boundary Application Committee County of Lambton 845-0801 REACH THE WORLD BY The Times Advocate asked "Why Not?" and here it is - a Fax machine is in our office enabling you to contact any other Fax machine in the world... instantly. The Times -Advocate will offer the service of the Fax for a cost of $4.00 per printed sheet for the first one plus $1.00 per addi- tio aI sheet. (Overseas Rates are $7.50 for the 1st three minutes plus $1.50 per additional min- ute). 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