HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-06-19, Page 22Page 22 Times -Advocate, June 19, 1991 1,1 p _4LTEL._ Breaking ground - Council dug out the official shovel last Monday to mark the start of construction on the new Stephen Township road shed Just west of Crediton. From left are road supt. Eric Finkbeiner, contractor Geny deLange, engineer Bill Kelly, reeve Tom Tomes, deputy reeve Gary Baker, and council- lors Bill Weber, Gary Eagleson and Pat O'Rourke. Farm families must deal with inter -generational stress REGINA - When two or more generations of the same family farm together, it can place enor- mous strain on the family unit, es- pecially during times of financial hardship. Elizabeth Gordon is a home econ- omist from Webb, a small town near Swift Current, who has studied the effect of stress on the farm fam- ily. As a member of the Saskatche- wan Women's Agricultural Net- work (SWAN), she is conducting daily seminars on managing inter- generational stress at the Western Canada Farm Progress Show from June 19 to 22. There is always the potential for tension between the different gener- ations in a family, but there are conditions unique to the farm fami- ly which can result in more than the usual amount of conflict, she says. "The farm family is a combina- tion of social and economic roles. Business partners are family mem- bers, so there tan be a role conflict: one's parent could be one's business partner; maybe one's employer; maybe one's supervisor," Gordon says. As well, the place of residence is the place of business, so the family members don't often get away from the source of stress, she says. Gordon defines stress as the point at which the demands placed on a person outweigh the resources of that person. Inter -generational stress can lead to conflict between the different generations which can destroy the family if not resolved. And because farm and family are so inter- related, a breakdown in family rela- tionships can destroy a business as well, she says. , "It is important that families dis- cuss ways to resolve a conflict. Talking is vital. All members should be involved in joint goal - setting and decision-making," Gor tion says. t, •• t , '' `h• There !Vetted, tietlt`bds of corn - batting stress. If it is a question of too much work and not enough time, the entire family should work to develop a new system of time management, she says. There are also different ways of coping with stress: some people take a walk, some read a book. It is important to take time out for relax- ation and togetherness, and equally important to avoid use of negative coping mechanisms such as alcohol or drugs, Gordon says. • The inheritance issue is another source of inter -generational ten- sion. Farmers often define success in terms of the ability to pass the farm on to the next generation. This is increasingly -difficult because the younger generation cannot afford to pay market price, and often the old- er generation's only retirement in- come is the capital invested in land and equipment, she says. It is also difficult to treat all the children equally in the inheritance and still) keep the farm as a viable unit. The only real cure for inter- generational stress is effective com- munication and compromise be- tween' family bey t. R'is impor- tant for each generation to accept_ and understand the needs and 'va ues of the other generations, shtil says. In stressful economic times it is more important than ever for fami- lies to be supportive of one another. Social support has been proven to be a buffer against stress," she says. Conservation twilight tour LONDESBORO - The Huron County Conservation Club will be holding a twilight crop scouting meeting at the farm of Bruce and Harriet Shillinglaw, east of Londes- boro, lot 18 Concession 10 of Hul- Iett Township. The meeting is scheduled to start at 7 p.m. on Thursday June 20. A broad range of topics will be covered at the meet- ing. Alan McCallum, Soil and Crop Advisor with OMAF, will discuss the current status of the province's new soil nitrate test. An equipment demonstration fea- turing no -till nitrogen applicators will be run along with a discussion of fertility placement in conserva- tion. Tom Harman from Centralia College of Agricultural Technolo- gy, will discuss what to look for when scouting fields. During this season he will pass on a few tips -There Is a difference - ask me - More farmers are switching to John Deere haying equipment for very Mood reasons Sales Rep. Wayne Lyon, Res: 523-9818 All new oqulpmenlooks good In a brochure or dealer's yard. Let mo demonstrate the John Deere difference working In your field, We have a Parts and Service Dept., you can rely oil. g1.n"Nf�-•iR.1!<.1vQ;1;i%l>nlp acid>tlw finance rate HURRU.I Exit.r236.1115Sales nt TRACTOR1400.2654220 la 11111111111111111111.11 on how to properly diagnose field problems. All interested parties are invited to participate in this tour. On July 18, the Conservation Club is planning on attending the Michigan State Agricultural Expo- sition. This is a one -day tour. The theme of the expo revolves around ; residue management and reduced • tillage. Anyone interested " in at- tending the agricultural expo should contact the Clinton OMAF office to facilitate car-pooling ar- rangements. 482-3428 or 1-800- It is refreshing to hear that Onta- rio's agminister, Elmer Buchanan, one of the few persons ever ap- pointed to the fann oho who is not a farmer, talking stridently about land use in this province. Buchanan displayed a great deal of candor when he was appointed by Premier Bob Rae. He said hegot the appointment, not because e was a fanner but because he came from central Ontario -- the Peterbo- rough area -- and Rae wanted to around.spread his. Cabinet appointment I think he has been a refreshing breeze on the job. He did not make outrageous statements when he gave public speeches. He did not make unkeepable promises. He took his time in assessing the job and the problems and met as many challenges as possible. Conventional farmers were a lit- tle worried because of Buchanan's obvious affinity for organic meth- ods. He appointed a high-profile or- ganic farmer to his staff. But the fears, so far, have been lilt -founded. His recent statements to reporters at the University of Guelph about land -use, though,. have left me open-mouthed in admiration. - "Something has to be done" to preserve farmland, he told a group of reporters. "Stricter" regulations are on the way. Oh, bully for you, John. I have mentioned it before, many times, ad nauseum, in this comer that something must be done to pre- serve farmland. It is disappearing at an alarming rate. Several other farm writers in this province have ficials, hydro and gas officials be- cause these power corridors take lots of land, the environment minis- try as well as a close relptionship with the ministry of transportation. It is a big job but it can be done and it looks to me like Elmer Bu- chanan may be the first agminister since Bill Stewart way back in back in the '60s who has the pres-. tige in Cabinet to get something done. pooh-poohed my concern over the M..r.w q Ole gam 4 I..r, M ion n .� years. "There is plenty of farmland in Canada," said one well-known writer to me meetly. I will keep him anonymous to protect him. Ho did not know I would _be quoting him. "There is enough farmland to grow all we need in this country. Bes des, why should we firearm farmland to grow foodstuff's that can be grown more cconomlcall someplace else," he "Why not let those countries that can do a better job, cheaper, grqw the stuff." It sounds good, doesn't it? Why spend more money to keep farm- land, in production when better land with better growing condi- tions can grow the same stuff? Because I do not like to see Can- ada dependent on other countries for food, that's why. If a drought comes, who is going to get that food/ Not Canadians, you _tan bet your aspidistra. Those countries are going to feed themselves first. If land is worth more for hous- ing, why farm it? 1 believe in saving foodland," Buchanan said recently.. "I believe having a domestic food supply is important." That is a blunt answer and it takes guts to say such things. Buchanan often makes reference to Europe and the aggressive farm policies of the common market. "They know the threat of starva- tion from two world wars," he says. He is well aware that it takes more than just the agricultural minister to save farmland. It takes the co-operation of the provincial planners, the municipal affairs of- ficials, hydro and gas officials be- cause these power corridors .take lots of land, the environment minis- try as well as a close relationship with the ministry of mon.. It is a big job but it can ba done and it looks to me like Elmer Bu- chanan may be the first agminister since Bill Stewart way back in back in the '60s who has the pres- tige in Cabinet to get something done. First Ontario Agricultural Training Conference held at Cen.traIia College,, ;.,_... HURON'`I'A'RK. -'Centralia 'Col- lege was the setting on May 30 and 31, of the first Ontario Agri- cultural Training Conference. Fifty-five major stakeholders in agricultural training came together to discuss key roles of Community Industrial Training Committees (CITCs) and other providers . of training. Ken Knox, Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture, said that "technology and production meth- ods are changing at almost break- neck speed, and these are the trends we must deal with to re- main viable in the future - paying close attention to our natural envi- ronment, and staying in tune with consumer preferences. Our job is read these trends - respond - talk and listen to people involved to help them be better equipped. The framing and education o our peo- ple, especially int agriculture and food, is a top priority". Conference participants identi- fied key characteristics of farmer training needs: financial manage- ment, client -driven, dealing with c26 -5170. effort and de- veopmentofainmisission to name a THE RUGGED, DEPENDABLE ZETOR Test Drive One Today and You Will Know Why. Silex $orvtcn (519)2364934 9)23&7330 22 Math Street, E, Zurich few. During her presentation on Bar- riers to Farmer Participation in Training Programs, DorothyMid- dleton, Policy Analyst, Agnculture Canada, advised organizers to con- sider language, child care arrange- ments, timing and cost. During a panel discussion, the cooperative efforts to enhance training opportunities by Commu- nity Industrial Training Commit- tees, teh Ontario Agricultural Training Institute (OAT), and the Ontario Ministryot Agriculture and Food, were shared. Participants at the conference, which was funded by the'Ministry of Skills Development, identified the need for networking and infor- mation sharing opportunities among agricultural training provid- ers and voted unanimously to meet again next year. Facilitator named for chicken marketing TORONTO - A facilitator has been appointed by the Ontario Fain Products Marketing Commis: sion, to help Ontario chicken pro- dues and processors resolve alloy cation and pricing issues Commission vice -chair, Garnet Nix, will act as facilitator. "The rNuest for a facilitator was made by the Ontario Chicken Pro- ducers Marketing Board and tic Ontario Chicken Processors' Mar- ket Committee Panel to the com- mission," said Russ Duckworth, commission chair. "All parties are hopeful that this process can chart a new direction for the Ontario chick- en industry." • Minister of agriculture 'and . food Elmer Buchanan approved the re- quest upon the recommendation. of the commission. The commission, which alipervis- es 25 provincial marketing board in Ontario, will make its -•recoml mendation to Buchanan after. the July 8, 1991. deadline. The chicken producers and pro, cessors have . been working under an allocation and pricing agreement called the Archer Agreement. A ruling of the Ontario Farm Products Appeal Tribunal ordered a rei'iew of the agreement in October 1990, Livestock 2000 returning LONDON - The Livestock 2000 competitive program and display is returning to • the annual Western Fair September 6-15, 1991. Live- stock 2000 it an. agriculture pro- gram which allows show animals to compete, based on live ,judging and predetermined eligibility- criteria. Animals are stabled for the dura- tide of the fair and are tended to by herdsmen in a clean environment. Approximately $100,000 in cash prizes, display payments, and. la- bour is earmarked for this broad based agriculture competition. There is an emphasis on agricultti- ral awareness for "city dwellers' cpgtmunica �a_cpp} �4Ia �. eUucationay, imam{¢. ; 0.',; r ,, • ; t !Livestock 2000featurost, 41 r 4 • easy to read prize list catalogues - which describe eligibility, pnzes, entry procedures; • live animal judging of individu- al breeds culminating with the se- lection of an overall interbreed champion; • • owners of animals on display for duration of the fair receive an exhibiting payment; • professional care of the animals is provided free by qualified herds- men for the duration of the fair; • professional signage identifying animal, breed and general produc- tion information. • open -concept stabling is provid- ed with cattle facing general public; The program will be augmented by ' a major exhibit entitled "The Story of Beef" aimed at the urban consumer to graphically 'portray and inform the public on the impor- tance of beef to Canadians "from farm to table." Rebuild Your Hoe ROTARY HOE OWNERS Complete Replacement Wheels For: Yetter, John Deere Single Wheels 25°. Ask about our Quality Discount HYDE BROS Farm Equipment Ltd. Hensall 262^26055 Ask for Terry, Jue or Bob We're your low ove►head - fair priced dealer, with a genuine commitment to our exact equipment 1