HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-06-12, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, June 12, 1991 PJ4MTTJY Dinner enjoyed by seniors EXETER - Hot weather has not hampered the the Youth Centre dinners ufor Senors. Meals are always tasty and served by volunteers, with Dawne Erb as cook. Tammy Antaya, program co. ordinator, and Jeanne Gladding from Town & Country Homemak- ers are there to carry the programs along. Games follow the dinner in the North Room. Maly 7: Jean Hodgen presided on keyboard. Four guests wen present from Zurich. Tammy read the poem, "All things Work Out". Kris Thompson spoke on Seniors Bank- ing, and stated they are renovating a section for Senior Citizens which will open sometime in June. Meine Eizenga and Mary Neil won the draw prices donated by the Royal Bank. Our regular draw prize win- ner was Norma Westlake. Several seniors went to the Exeter Public School, to watch the dress rehearsal of the play Clowns. May 14: Jeanne Gladding co •i - Five generations - Mr. James (Jim) McCullogh, Gravenhurs�'' 80th birthday, February 9, 1991. Daughter 'Maly Fisher, Exeter, granddaughter Yvonne Barnetson, London, great granddaughter Ju- lia Coulter, Greenway and great great granddaughter Tasha Coulter helped celebrate his birthday. Graduates - William James Clark Fisher son of Glenn and Mary Fish- er, Exeter and Wendy Jaye Morton daughter of Jack and Joanne Morton Oakville graduated Saturday, June 1, 1991 at Spring Convo- cation from Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo. Bill received a B.A. Degree in Geography. Wendy received a B.A. Degree in Honours Ge- ography as well as on the Dean's Honour Roll. Wendy received a scholarship to do her Master's at Waterloo University In Septem- ber. Wendy and Bill are both currently working in Waterloo. Congrat- ulations, love and best wishes from family and friends. Merry Rags 20-30% off selected White Stag, Mr. Leonard, Keret, Louben, Davi Hobnobber and much more. ria, 1 1/4 Mos south of Grad Band 238-2818 A SUMMEU SALE Give me a break! While reading my Bible, I came upon an intriguing story about two very intelligent, middle-class business men. Nicodemus was a very wealthy priest; a Pharisee and a ruling member of the Supreme Court. Jesus was an engineer who had left the construction business to share in full-time ministry. He was doing very well at his second career when Nicodemus approached him. Although Nicodemus had his own beliefs and practices, he seemed open to other possibilities in his life. Whatever else we may say about him, Nicodemus was always open to the ongoing revelation of God. I love the opening conversation! Nicodemus lays things right on the line and admits he's not a follower of Jesus' ways. However, gracious and diplomatic, Nicodemus is prepared to allow some validity to what Jesus speaks of. This is a story for Canadians today in 199! Our country is filled with many people whose sole contribution to any Church is to simply give their patronizing approval extended generously without any discernible cost or involvement on their part. I recall talking to a young man as he stood over the deathbed of his Dad. Wondering about life and death, this man said, "I don't have any love for God, but if he's as great as everyone says, then when I die, God will forgive me." Faith is more than a nice, socially approved attitude to life. If your only contribution to faith is to accept, in principle only, the beliefs and stances, then perhaps you're only fooling yourself! • A living faith is a new way of looking at reality.•Embracing this can; in many ways, have a shattering effect on life and on its decisions. And so we speak of that old religious slogan. You know the one. Its sometimes received as threatening, embarrassing; thought of as ex- treme, radical, fanatical, unreasonable, even subversive. Yes, you guessed it - "Being born again." • Many of us shy away from this language because for too many years we've heard the sales pitch that says if you turn your life over to Jesus, and are born again, then everything in life will work Wonderfully well forever! That sounds like the car dealer who convinces us that this is the car that will never give us any problems for as long as we own the car (which should be forever, if it doesn't ever have problems!) You don't need to be overly smart to figure out that every car needs maintenance, tuning and repair. Well, it works with faith too. Every faith needs nourishment, challen e,d support. Faith Taberpacle.chtrch, iaCc tra4a,.has a marque that gays 'Church people are like pianos - grand, upright and no'good unless in tune." So, if being born again isn't thiy cure-all, (and Carter's Little Liver . Pills didn't do everything their advertisers said they would), then what does it mean to be born again? Baptism, however that's practiced in your faith, symbolizes our blending into God's ways, and our being united with other people who have incorporated themselves into God's ways. That's a mouth -full. Here's the bottom line. God's purpose is ow sal- vation. God wishes that our lives have meaning and purpose for all time. The choice is in our hands. Being born again simply suggests a decision on our part to align our- selves with God and to do good, love others, play fair, and be consid- erate of life. With God's help all this can be accomplished. �1 . Open 7 days a weak 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11. ducted the meeting. Wilma Davis �,� co ybatte Thecons seniors cold plate consisting of sauce and salads,nd oc000kies. edA rhu- barbgsong followed by games. Mildred Thomson read a"Spring. time Joy", and Greta Lavender won the draw prize. Ma 21; Marjorie Johns from the Horticultural Society demon- strated flower arranging, and a plant was given to each Senior present. Many thanks to her, sorry so few were present at 10:30 am. Makoa played the keyboard and Hynes the violin. "Beyond Tomorrow". Door prizes were won by Marion Frayne and Louise Carson. May 28: Florence Ftnkbeiner at- tended at keyboard. Birthday hon- ours were sung for Vera Bullock and Ruth Skinner. Draw prizes were won by Mary Meikle and Beatrice Munn. Tammy will be away to •a convention the second week in June. Great Lavender was given a round of applause for her work on the Hymn Song Books. Mildred Thomson read a poem. Get well cards were sent to Kay Green and Beatrice Tate. A sym- pathy card to a special volunteer Norma Steele. Don Winter Winter retires from Optimists EXETER - The Exeter Optimists are saying goodbye to one of their longstanding members, Don Win- ter, who is retiring from the organi- zation this month. The Optimists are thanking Win- ter for his many hours of volunteer service with the club and their work for the youth of the area. Gerald Meurer said the Optimists are sorry to see Winter retire, but are secure in the knowlege any of his future endeavors will receive the same dedication he has shown to the club. BILL HASKETT We'reglad you asked! BOB FLETCHER WHAT IS KNOWN ABOUT SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, most commonly strikes in- fants between one and twelve months old. No one knows what causes it. These infants, about two of every 1,000, simply die in their sleep, without any sign that they are ill. Doctors are now investigating exactly how and why SIDS strikes, but little is known at present. Certain factors, however, are known to be associated with SIDS. It seems that infants who have died from SIDS often are boys, twins, were born prematurely to younger mothers or to yethersofSIDS but they cigarettes. ay help in These e research being noproven t causes h is known that the death's are no one's fault. SIDS victims are cared for as carefullyplyas are most infants, and there is no reason to believe—:i pare al as SIDS n�>tado their deaths. That, in panels what m DS so ling. We have more Information about SIDS and how to help the families who experience it. Please call us or stop by. ) The funotol Homo in Exeter who is o m• nbor or i Onlorto WPsrol Sonic* Aaociofion isr FUNEAAL NOME MAME 236'220 t� NMI - - , IN MO CASUAL INDUSTRIES INC. We invite you to come in and see the most extensive line of Casual Furniture Products available on the market today. J Life fromCat1al otylee IndustriesCasual Inc Oar` Ncek Linc€, of Distinction RESIN FURNITURE THAT WILL GUARANTEE YOU FRAM OF ENJOYMENT • FOLDING • STACKABLE • DURABLE • 'Will MMHY 111E 111.'!41 A ORORY PRAYER Hr-0LOeg Conte porter or Rattan Styling Beautif'u all weather vinyl ?uarniture for: sunrooms, solariums, glass - and semen enelosures. Canadian Made and Guaranteed 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mEltt?t�' 1111 INN IIN Ill• ▪ 11011 • 1111 "Naw" • Jacquard fabric, • Unsure umbrellas Crystal acrylic ware • Umbrella corers "Great S egoism Oi' • Artificial plan, and trees • Replacement cushions • Outdoor • Furniture covers • Cleaner and polish • Other accessorise I E.1 I% I� ort. 1 Hlpphway Eut , ilii ti -230.110 0• so 0• on 0• ao on Noe Ili Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i1dllCa8uatI Casual fic