HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-06-12, Page 1Don't
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Serving South Huron
North Middlesex & Lanibton
Since 1873
Torch Run
Police boost
page 2
New store
page 5
Kaak wins
Second front
pages 17 & 18
EXETER - Exeter Police are cur-
rently investigating several fraud
incidents which involve the sale of
advertising space for businesses in
a telephone book cover.
London and Stratford Police, as
well as Sebringville O.P.P,. a e in-
vestigating similar incidents.
Any local businesses who have
contracted for such advertisement
with Advanced Design, Stratford,
are requested to contact the Exeter
Police Service.
County wants
liquor bottle
GODERICH - Huron County
Council has made a resolution to
ask the Ministry of the Environ-
ment to consider putting a deposit
on liquor bottles.
"What's wrong with a deposit.
Let's make them take these bottles
back," said Hay Township's Lio-
nel Wilder.
He reported of an incident in
which a $300 tractor tire had to be
replaced because it ran over a liq-
uor bottle.
The county received a letter
from the Ontario Multi -Material
Recycling Inc. urging them to en-
courage the ministry to have the
bottles recycled. The OMMRI be-
lieves well over 70 percent of liq-
uor bottles can be recovered if re-
"There is a lot of pressure going
to the minister," said Hullett Town-
ship's Tom Cunningham of MOE
minister Ruth Grier.
"She's determined to make the
blue box program work," added
He added that Grier wants to see
the glass liquor bottles in the blue
boxes for financial revenue rea-
But Wilder did not agree.
"It makes too much sense (too
have refundable bottles), that's why
we're having problems."
Wilder suggested county council-
lors put some pressure on their
member of parliament.
New windows
for Lucan hall
LUCAN - Village council opened
tenders Monday evening for the
sprucing up of the Lucan Town
Four contractors submitted tend-
ers for the job of replacing most of
the hall's aging wood windows with
aluminum storm windows with
The lowest tender was submitted
by Bill Sigsworth at $2,728.50,
who was awarded the contract by
more involved in Stephen Twp.
GODERICH - Stephen Town-
ship continues to get assistance
from Huron County in their at-
tempt to keep Grand Bend from
extending its boundaries.
Thursday at county council, Ex-
eter reeve Bill Mickle suggested
the county get more involved with
the issue.
He said if Lambton County's
Grand Bend does push into Ste-
phen Township, it could take as
much as two percent assessment
away from Huron County.
"We have to consider how do
we adjust it if we lose this," said
"This is very important not only
$11 million
to Stephen Township but to Huron
County Clerk -administrator Nigel
Bellchamber said that representa-
tives from the county have had dis-
cussions not only with the Ministry
of Municipal Affairs about the
boundary adjustment, but with
Lambton County as well.
"We've made it quite clear to the
ministry that we don't feel the ad-
justments in the boundaries are mi-
nor in nature," said Bellchamber.
He said Huron County has docu-
ments signed by the minister of
Municipal Affairs stating all three
municipalities, Stephen, Grand
Bend and Bosanquet Township
Wednesday, June 12, 1991 75 cents
Town releases
new salary grid
EXETER - Town council has
passed its first staff wage budget
under the new provincial pay equi-
ty legislation, and the good new is
that it hasn't affected wages all th
much. However, a grid systi
aimed at rationalizing town staff
wages did uncover a few inequities
in salaries.
"I felt we needed a grid," said
town administrator Rick Hundey.
"I felt some people were paid less
than they might have been in other
Hundey said all town jobs were
rated on a scoring system which
also was used for the pay equity
program to compare male and fe-
male -oriented jobs. Then the wag-
es for all positions were compared
to those in 12 other Southwestern
Ontario towns.
The result is that, on average,
town staff earning more than
$30,000 a year got about a four per-
cent increase, while thosebelow
the $30,000 mark got about five
"Nobody was wildly out of kil-
ter," said Hundey, noting that while
Exeter staff earn perhaps slightly
less than those in other municipali-
ties, no large discrepancies were
The administrator stressed that
the human factor was also consid-
"You just can't do it carte
blanche; you have to look at the
people as well," said Hundey, who
noted town council made the final
adjustments to the grid.
"We had to make a lot of adjust-
ments...a lot of adjustments," said
Mayor Bruce Shaw, who said that
have to agree before any boundary
adjustments are made.
Stephen Township reeve Tom
Tomes said the ministry seems to
be telling Huron County one thing
and Lambton County another.
"I was talking with Grand Bend
councillors and they seem sincere,"
said former Huron County warden
Lionel Wilder.
"They say they have a conflicting
letter," said Wilder.
He said he believes also, the min-
istry is telling Grand Bend and
Lambton County one thing and Hu-
ron County and Stephen County an-
Lucan ready to tender
major servicing projects
LUCAN - Monday evening, vil-
lage council met with representa-
tives from the two engineering
firms who are handling Lucan's wa-
ter and sewage system projects:
The two projects, which will cost
a total of about $11 million, are
mostly funded through provincial
grants. When completed they will
dramatically increase the servicing
capacity of the village and not only
eliminate current water shortage
problems, but pave the way for new
residential and commercial devel-
opment in Lucan.
Don Pletch, from Huron Middles-
ex Engineering, presented a status
report to council Monday evening
on the Lake Huron water pipeline
project, saying that if Ministry of
the Environment approval is grant-
ed this week as expected, then tend-
ers for construction of the new wa-
ter tower, a booster station, and the
pipeline itself could be called for as
early as June 21.
Reeve Larry Hotson warned
council that if the ministry did not
have grant funds available they
would likely stall project approval,
or at least those parts they could
not fund at the time.
Councillor Tom McLaughlin
asked Pletch for assurance the pipe-
line would actually handle a popu-
lation of 6,000, as planned.
"I don't want to see a population
of 3,000 and we're out of water,"
said McLaughlin.
Pletch told council the system
could be expected to easily serve a
village of 6,000, even with higher
future household water use.
McLaughlin then asked Pletch
why the cost estimates for the pro-
ject have increased about 5.5 per-
cent above what was predicted. He
said that a project cost of $4.64 mil-
lion would mean that each house-
hold must contribute, after grants
$1,245 or $220 per year if deben-
tured over 10 years. This would be
above the $1,180 presented to vil-
ldge residents at a public meeting
over a year ago.
"I'm hoping this is a high dollar
value," said McLaughlin.
Pletch agreed and said the con-
tract costs may indeed be much
lower than current working esti-
mates, due to the present economy.
Pletch said his company has been
seeing tenders coming in at 30 per-
cent below 1990 prices.
Reeve Larry Hotson said exact
costs are not be as important to the
public as is letting them know
when water would be available and
when they would have to start pay-
ing for it.
`When?' is going to be the most
important question," said Hotson.
"Not 'how much'?"
"I think it is oin to ' 'ho
much?" replied McLaughlin, who
insisted he did not want to see the
costs inexplicably rise on the pro-
"If we don't go to tender this
year, it may all be out the window,"
said Hotson, who also said the pub-
lic were more concerned about pro-
ject delays.
"Yesterday, I was told on the
street that we won't get water for
three years yet," said Hotson.
"That may be true, but it sure
doesn't look that way."
Clerk Ed Mclanson noted that the
majority of Lucan's population ap-
pear willing to pay off their shares
of the water and sewage projects in
lump sum payments.
"Very few of them are going to
debenture it," said Mclanson.
In fact, Mclanson said he has al-
ready collected about $50,000 in up
front payments.
The engineer's schedule shows
the new water system should be
supplying Lucan with Lake Huron
water by May 1992.
Hisham Slim from M.M. Dillon
consulting engineers was also at the
meeting and told council tenders
for construction of the sewage
pumping station and the forcemain
would be advertised this week.
Slim also said he anticipated low
Continued on page 2
while some staff received substan-
tial increases of up to eight percent,
others were found to be near the
top range of their wage bracket and
received minimal increases.
Pay equity compensation, howev-
er, totalled only about $2,000 over
the entire salary budget, said Shaw,
meaning that the male/female job
alignment was already quite good.
But Shaw said the best benefit of
the new wage grid is that it clearly
sets out starting salaries for all posi-
tions and indexes four specific
wage increases according to perfor-
mance reviews of training and ex
perience. A top "job rate" salary is
listed as the maximum possible
wage for each position.
"Most people were pleased they
could see an end - a goal," said
Council also heard eight appeals
from staff members who were not
satisfied with how their salary was
arranged on the grid. Shaw said
minor adjustments were made in
five of the cases.
While council has not released
exact salaries for town employees,
the grid is available to the public.
The top position of administrative
officer has a salary range of
$52,500 to $60,000. The clerk -
treasurer's position ranges from
$42,300 to $48,200; the fire chief at
$32,800-$38,000. Salaries for the
recreation centre's facilities manag-
er and director both appear on the
grid at $26,600-33,600, while town
labourers earn $20,000-26,200.
Secretarial salaries range from
$17,500-22,900. Part-time workers
earn between $7.50 and $9.50 an
Canada Post says
B1th•fled offIco.
options still open
GODERICH - The postal station
in Brucefield recently closed, but
there is a possibility if could be re-
Jim Craig, Officer of Communi-
ty Affairs for the Huron Division
of Canada Post said at present,
there is no retail business in
Brucefield which wants to take on
the mail service.
"If a retail business wants to
take on the service, we'll be there
with bells on," said Craig to the
Huron County council on Thurs-
Craig explained chanes occur
when there is a change in a post-
master whether it be through re-
tirement or the postmaster goes to
another outlet.
"It's not a withdrawal of retail ser-
vice within a community. This is
not the purpose of the conversion
program," said Craig.
Jack Coleman of Stanley Town-
ship, said in Brucefield once you
take the post office out of a gener-
al store, the store could close.
According to Craig, the post-
master in Brucefield retired four
years ago and at that time there
should have been a change.
"That's when the conversion
should have occurred. Canada
Post put that outlet on review," ex-
plained Craig.
He said Richard Israel had a re-
newable temporary contract but
chose not to renew it. Israel howev-
er, says it is Canada Post that chose
not to renew his wife's contract.
John Doherty the deputy -reeve of
Goderich, a former postal employ-
' ee, suggested Israel was not of-
fered enough money from Canada
Craig said the review of every
postal stations began in 1987, six
years after Canada Post became a
crown corporation.
"It touches a lot of people in rural
Canada in such a way that it strikes
a nerve."
In 1988, Canada Post made mon-
ey for thb first time since 1954.
Craig said in 1979 it lost $590 mil-
lion but last year made $140 mil-
Marie Hicknell of McKillop
Township asked Craig why there
has been a large increase in the cost
for mailing weekly newspapers.
The Department of Communica-
tions subsidizes Canada Post's cost
of handling the newspapers.
"The subsidy was cut back by the
Canadian government so they
(newspapers) have to come up with
the difference,' said Craig.
He added newspapers are a pri-
vate business and should not be get-
ting the subsidy.
"The private business will be out
of business," stated Hicknell.
Going on vacation?
EXETER - The Exeter Police sug-
gest the following tips may mini-
mize the risk of a break-in to your
home, during your absence.
Whether you go away for the day
or a week's vacation, use automatic
timers that will turn lights on and
off and give your home an occupied
Leave a key with a trusted neigh-
bour and a key to the burglar alarm
system, if you have one.
Notify close neighbours about
how long you will be gone and the
details of any persons who will be
visiting your home during your ab-
Have a neighbour pick up any fly-
ers or discontinue all deliveries
Arrange to have your lawn
If you have a second car - leave it
in your driveway, or arrange to have
a neighbour park a car in your
driveway. Check all windows and
doors to make certain they are
locked. Lock your garage. Consid-
er a house sitter.
Provide your neighbour with the
phone number of a close relative
or friend in case of emergency.
Leave your travelling schedule
and phone number with a neigh-
bour or relative so that you may be
contacted if necessary.
Check with your insurance agent
with regard to home checks while
your home is unoccupied. You
may not be covered if your home
has not been visited while you arc
away on vacation.
Register your home with the Ex-
eter Police vacant home check reg-
istry; however, REMEMBER your
best protection is to have a neigh-
bour checking on your property.
Returning the favour while they
arc away is the "neighbourly thing
to do."
"Enjoy yourself, knowing that
you left your home as secure as
you reasonably could make it?