HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-06-05, Page 4771,-17 Times -Advocate, June 5, 1991 rdiTir . i \ \ Publisher: Jim Beckett News Editor Adrian Harts • Business Manager. Don smith Composition Manager. Deb Lord w ► �� Ir i 8. � - ►� Second class Mea Registration Number 0388 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: CApADA Within 40 miles (65 kat.) addressed to non letter carrier addresses $30.00 plea $2.10 Q.S.T. Outbids 40 miles (65 km.) or any letter cagier address $30.00 pive $30.00 postage (total $60.00) plea $4.20 O.S.T. Ontslde Cansda $68.00 inion "Men are,never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely." ... Thomas Macau$Oy Dab" Ontede, NOM ISO TeMphess at 424 Mak at., ruMeatloin'LW. S.LT, e EDI'I'()R1AI, Boundary blindness I f the Lambton County Boun- dary Committee looked a little frustrated after last Wednes- day's public meeting at the Grand Bend Legion, it was understandable. The one question they came to ask went unanswered. They wanted to know if Grand Bend is allowed to ex- pand its boundaries into Stephen Town- ship, how far should they go? Public sentiment, however, was more obviously aligned into two separate camps, with one side arguing against any expansion, and the other saying it is essential for the village to grow. The debate was a little emotional at times, and a few ridiculous suggestions were thrown into the pot, just to keep things lively. Nevertheless, a couple of considera- tions became clear at the meeting, not the least of which is that Stephen Township residents appear convinced that no Lambton County committee has any right to decide the future of a Hu- ron municipality. Several argued that the committee would naturally put the interests of Grand Bend as a Lambton village ahead of another county's town- ship. This may very well be true. On the other hand, the committee were also reluctant to discuss their Jan- uary proposal to carve lands awayifrotfr ' Stephen and Bosanquet Townships and yet leave key developed subdivisions untouched. Chairman Larry O'Neil contended that the plan was not intend- ed to have been released, even though the committee had held a press confer- ence and gave out photocopies of the proposal. Likely, the refusal to discuss the com- promised boundaries was a result of not wanting it to be seen as the shoddy at- tempt at placating local politicians that it was. While Grand Bend reeve Bruce Wood- ley argues that the village needs room to grow, it is widely recognized that the re- sort really needs to get hold of the valu- able tax base that has snuggled up to its borders. Those subdivisions are full of people who bought or built on those properties because they wanted a part of Grand Bend. Today, they come to coun- cil meetings, asking why their children have to travel to Forest or Exeter to play hockey, and ask why the library is so long coming, but they pay their taxes to rural townships. Whether or not Grand Bend officials can convince those people that surren- dering to annexation will bring such_. benefits and more, is yet to be seen. Is the promise of sewers and water service enough to overcome the slightly seedy image Grand Bend has earned itself in the past few years? Whatever, the result, one can be as- sured that the next report of the Lamb - ton Boundary Committee will not be welcomed with open arms until �t!tey Are lire�pailed to debate boundaries On'i' ques- tion and answer basis. Sitting quietly during an houror so of "public com- ment" only serves to strengthen tlj' hy- perbole and rhetoric that surrounds the entire annexation question. A.D.H. In the ancient Roman republic, a man could not be elected to the supreme council until after he had celebrated his 60th birth- day and thus reached the magic age of wisdom. (Women, of course, no matter how old, ,wer- en't even considered persons, let alone wise enough to serve in the senate). • Senex was the Latin world for "old man". That's why the "par- liament" in Rome was called the "senate" = house of old men. The word senex is also the root of several English terms includ- ing "senior", "seniority", "Sir", "senile" and "senility". Yes, wisdom came to the Ro- mans at the age of 60, and not a day earlier. That's why I'm look- ing forward to this summer: I'll finally reach that wonderful, mature, magic age when foolish- ness will end, to be replaced by wisdom.. All my life I've wanted to be wise. Especially money -wise (not just penny-wise) and wise in decision making. The money will come in handy, and I've al- ready made all kinds of plans on how to spend it. Trouble is, I may have to revise my plans af- ter I get wise. 1 may decide to invest it all. And I wonder how else wis- dom is going to change me. Here is how I envisage my days after I reach the state of wis- dom. I'll set the alarm for 5 am. be- cause The Early Bird Catches the Worm and Early w Bed, Early to Rise Makes a Man Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. If you see me on the front lawn be- fore dawn, you'll know what I'm looking for. Would somebody please tell me the going rate for 3 can of worms these days? As a Wisdom non -fishing individual I've nev- er had to bother with such -knowledge. But as a wise man, I may decide to join the ranks of fishermen and produce some of the family's food supply. Af- Peter's Point • Peter Helsel ter all, we do live beside a creek. In the winter, when it's too much trouble digging for worms, I'll shovel snow before anyone else is up. And another thing: I'll probably never be late again for the garbage truck. My breakfast will be sensible and wise. Strictly fibre ,and skim milk, with no sugar .or anything else that tastes good and that makes you die young. What would be the point in reaching the age .of wisdom and then not living long enough to enjoy it? While the others are still snoring in bed, I'll be in my of- fice scheming ways to apply my wisdom, to tum it into prof- it and pleasure. Peter's Point might change drastically. It may no longer appeal to your sense of humour, but enrich you with solid knowledge. It may go straight from the ridic- ulous to the sublime: How alibut this for a new by-line: Peter's Providence. Or Prudent Peter's Profound Ponderings? Too pompous, you say? Time will tell. After lunch (an apple, three salt -free crackers, and a glass of water,) I will walk three miles. Refreshed and restored, I will be ready for work so diffi- cult I can only imagine it in my present days of pre -wisdom. I may even switch from prose to poetry. I wonder how I will manage to be as industrious as a beaver (which is supposed to be a vir- tue) without becoming a worka- holic (which I know is a sin). I will find the way. My kids will greatly benefit from having a wise father all of a sudden. Hell not only have the answers to their questions, but he'll always be fair. Because faimess is a prime ingredient of wisdom, as well all know from King Solomon. Not from his lusty Song of Songs, which is about his foolishness as a young man. But from the judgements he made after he had reached the Age of Wisdom: He was a proverb and a byword among all people, and His wisdom and prosperity exceedeth (his) fame... Yes, that's what i expect will happen to me. My inept and in- adequate nature will be shed like "the skin of a rattlesnake. And what emerged will be Sen - ex the Reliable. Solomon the In- fallible. Yes, the children will have to admit: their old man will be fair. And even the Queen of Sheba may come to realize that I know some things, that I do some things right, that I'm not completely without judgment. I can hardly wait. I'm count- ing the days and the hours. Af- ter a lifetime spent in the mar- tyrdom of ignorance, in the serfdom of blunderiand, I will achieve freedom at last, as 1 en. ter the kingdom of wisdom. "One laid -off husband, one over -tared wife, one bitter pensioner, two aimless teenagers for a total of five former Tories." A tarnished crown I have to admit that when I first began to cover the fair queen contests at the local fairs, I was more than a little horri- fied. To take a half-dozen or so young women, put them on a stage and ask them to compete for a crown in a beauty -queen/ fertility ritual seemed just a tad sexist. Why weren't males allowed to compete in these competitions, I asked. These were the 1980s, not the 1880s, I reasoned. Now, after a few years to re- flect on these points, I confess ,my '(-oit'th ijeenr Contest matter it,04tle itiplA.t4ntused. Ifone speaksofatiny town in Germany which has held an an- nual festival for the past five centuries that involves the selec- tion of a young girl as its queen, we call it tradition. To keep that tradition going, no one would dare suggest it be changed just to suit the social sensibilities of the times. Such traditions are reminders of a cultural and his- toric heritage. So what if our Ontario fair contests are only a century or so old? A century from now, they'd be 200 years old and re- garded as traditions going back to the pioneer days of when this area was first settled by a male - dominated oppressive society <but I digress). Farming today is more of a business than a way of life, and the annual harvest is conducted with more of an eye on com- modity prices than concem for surviving a harsh winter. We can always rely on imported food if we have a bad year, but that's not the way it used to be. So the fair queen was chosen, according to centuries-old tradi- tions brought over from Europe, because her youth and gender Hold that thought.. Adrian Harte of any age over 18, male or fe- male. Has the time come to declare the queen contest extinct, or are we losing something here? Is this just being done to appease a government that will look favor- ably on organizations that press on with equal rights programs no matter what the cost - some- what on the lines of Premier Pe- terson making Ontario bilingual to impress Ottawa. The queen contest is usually the focal point of most local fairs. Would it be so with con- stants ' ; ltr, 04rY>b • "And our last two conies is are Ashley Smith, a South Huron High School student who some- day hopes to work with the te,- minally ill, and Jack Riddell, the former minister of agrieul- ture..." re fiectettfieli;' ty of th'etomii seajon. me if I'm being a little indelicate here, but someone has to say it. Nowadays, those values have faded, but the tradition goes on; although I do understand it is be- coming very difficult to find -dung ladies 'filling to enter the centesis these days. ...any I've spoken to won't have anything to do with what they consider a thinly -disguised beauty contest symbolic of male oppression - or something to that effect. But I've also spoken to others who take the whole thing very seribusly. Kathy McNaughton, CNE queen of 1988, assured me the queen contest was all part and parcel of preserving agricul- tural traditions. But next year, all that is sched- uled to change. No longer will there be a CNE Queen of the Fairs, female, aged 18-24. The tens ambassador will replace it, and all Ontario fairs will be en- couraged to submit candidates While I don't expect Jack would run, he technically could. I'm sure he would make a fine fair ambassador, only I don't ex- pect many people would be in- terested in' such a contest. So I would like to put the question to you, the reader. should the fair queen contest be allowed to die a natural death as a rejection of the objectification of women? Or is the fair queen contest a symbol of an agricultu- ral heritage that has yet to be recognized as part of a festival of deep-rooted cultural signifi- cance? Sign your letters, and I'll read them with interest and publish them here. Last letter to Grandpa On February 14, 1991 my grandfather Fred Picot passed away. After 95 years it was sim- ply time to say goodbye. Last Wednesday 1 went back to my grandfathers house and this is what I saw. If I could, write a let- ter to heaven, this is how it would go. Dear Grandpa: I saw something very strange today. People I didn't know and you probably never met, were sitting on your furniture. Your sons had to haul your treasured possesions out on the lawn to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. It hurt me grand- pa, and it hurt mea lot. For most of my life, you were my only grandparent and al- though I have a few tokens to re- member you by, there was one thing I really wanted. That was your rocking chair. Grandpa, I went looking for that chair which was in your kitchen the last few years of your life, but it was gone. One of your daughters took it even though she was told that every thing had to be put in the auc- tion. To tell you the truth grandpa, I Another word by Fred Groves wanted it so maybe someday I could rock my son or daughter in it and tell them about you. But I did manage to perk up a little bit on Wednesday. My sister Brenda got your bedroom set and she's giving it to her daughter for her 16th birthday. My other sister Pat got an old Steamer tnrnk which she used to play in as a child. When you were still with us grandpa, you said my mom could have your desk. But it went in the auction, 1 was a little worried that someone else might get it but grandpa, your desk, the one you spent all those hours at, will soon be going to by moni's house. Don't worry that I didn't get any furniture because I got something that few people know the real value of. Do you remember the duck - shaped crystal candy dish, the one you kept the mints in? That's sitting in my cabinet at home and it's a special reminder of you. Grandpa, your house was emp- ty at the end of the day and it felt cold and lonely, so I went for a little stroll and looked at my mom with your. desk, and my sisters with other reminders of you and I knew you would be a big part of all of us forever. I miss you grandpa but I know you're listening. Love your grandson, Fred h n