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Times -Advocate, May 29, 1991
BEAVER -GREGORY • Boni April 10,
1991, at 12:30 a.m., a 3 lbs., 1 oz healthy
baby ,u1, _Chantelle Marie, was born to Un -
da Quesnd of Woodham, and Ra yy Beaver of
Huron Park. And a third gnutdcltild to Ron
and Joan Gregory of Lakeside. Proud great-
gare Haruki Beaver of Exeter,
JeanrKaska of Pliny Sound, Marg Hutton d
Lakeside, Doris Gregory of Thomdale and
Bill and Vi Janes of Exeter. 22•
HENDRICK - Hi! My name is Kristen
Letter. I was boon at St. Joseph's hospital at
11:01 a.m. on May 9, 1991 weighing 7 lbs. 1
oz. My parents are Allen, Cindy and big
beadier Drew. My proud grandparents are
Hamid and Elizabeth Hendrick of Dash-
wood and Eleanor Connolly of Bayfield. I
would like to thank Dr. Gagnon and the 3rd
floor cures for their special help and sup-
port. Thanks again, Kristata. 22'
INDISPOSABLES • Congratulations to all
parents on your new arrival. Everyone wants
the best for their baby, so consider The In -
disposables Cotton Girth Diaper. The best
for your baby. For diapers and more all Ja-
nine 263-5124. Your Indisposable Diaper
Consultant. Open House June 1, 1-5 p.m.
MINER • Charles and Nancy (nee Ruther-
ford) dauro pleased to Annnc. toe the birth of
theft ter Julie Arne. She arrived on
May 19, 991 at 3:31 a.m., weighing 81bs.,
5 1R oz. at Groves Memorial Community
Hospital. Fergus. A little sister for William.
Proud grandparenu are Eileen and Ross
Rutherford. Fergus and Rev. Stewart and
Cora Miner, Exeter. 22nc
MORRIS • Am and Jim are pleased to an-
nounce the birth of their first ohild. Thames
James Josef was boon at 2 pan. on May 10,
1991 weighing 3 lbs. 5 oz. Proud grandpar-
ents are Doris Wroblewicz and Thomas and
Marie Morris. 22'
REID - Michael and Terri wish to announce
the arrival of their daughter Jessica Eliza -
bah Pad, born May 11, 1991, weighing 9
lbs. at Clinton Public Hospital. Z7intm.
Proud grandparents are Jerry and Carol Rad
and Remi and Ramon Verhoeven, Exeter.
Special thanks to Dr. Steed and all tate nurs-
es for their wonderful care. 22c
WILLSIE • Bryan and Bedky are thrilled to
announce the arrival of a new baby brother,
David Patrick Gestin. He was boon May 16
st SL Joseph's Hospital weighing 7 lbs. 5
ozs. Excited parents are Doug and Janet (Re-
gie.), RR 93, Thedford. Proud gratdparenu
are Mary and Allan Willaie, Thedford, and
Pat and Evelyn Regier, Zurich. Great-
grandparents are Anthony and Adeline De-
nomme and Ethel Regier, Zurich. Special
thanks to Dr. McKinnon and the nurses on
3rd floor. Also thanks very much" to Mom
and Dad for taking great care of the kids for
us. 22•
ANDERSON • Douglas Alin, in his 29th
year, suddenly as the result of an accident in
New Glasgow, Nova Scotia on May 21,
1991, formerly of Exeter and Huron Park.
Beloved son of Pat McFall: and Fraser An-
derson. Survived by brothers Chuck. Rick
and Mike of Nova Scoria, Robert of Victor-
ia, B.C., Wayne, Stephen and sister Dawn el
Exeter. Ontario. Also survived by several
aunts. uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews.
Predeceased by grandparents Millan and
Dorothy Wallace. also a cousin Kathy
Smith. Funeral services were held in New
Gtagow Nova Scotia:
John 15:13. Greater L rie U*t No Man Thai
This That He Lay Down His Life For His
Friends. 22e
ELLERINGTON • At South Huron Hospi-
tal, Excter, on Monday, May 27, 1991. Wil-
liam A. Ellerington of Exeter and formerly
of Usbome Township, in his 80th year. Be-
loved husband of Jean Ellerington (PcnMle).
Mr. Ellerington was predeceased by his son
Bill in 1958 and hit daughter Joan in 1981.
Loving grandfather of Robert and Florence
Tanner of Ghana West Africa, Richard Tan-
ner of Berkshire, England and Rebecca Tan-
ner of Toronto. Deer `rut -grandfather of
Angelica Tanner. Dear father-in-law of lark
and Melba Tanner of Guelph. Dear brother
and brother-in-law of Margaret and Les
Coates of Listowel, Roben and Elizabeth El-
lerington of Centralia, Doris Ellerington of
Exeter and Helen Ellenngton of London.
Bill was predeceased by 2 brothers Fred and
Tom. Rested at the Hopper Hockey Funeral
Home, William Street, Ewer for visitation
on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9. The funeral service
will be held at the Triviu Memorial Angli-
an Church, Main Street, Exeter on Wednes-
day, May 29, 1991 at 2:30 p.m. with Rev.
Fay Pauerson officiating. Interment in Exet-
er Cemetery. Donations to the Triviu Mano-
rial Anglican Church would be appreciated
by the Ellerington Family. 22c
VAN STEEG - At South Huron Hospital,
Ezc*er on Thursday, May 23, 1991, Barend
(Barney) H. Van Steeg of Exeter is his 82nd
year. Beloved husband of Gerritie (Van Car-
tel) Van Steeg. Mr. Van Steeg was prede-
ceased by his first wife Reintje 51969). Dear
father and father-in-law of Coal of Exeter,
Tennis (Teo) and Sick* Van Stoeg of Wer-
ke, Gary and Ric Van Steeg of lldenon,
Hank and Coby Kers of St. Thomas. Hans
and Anne Kers of Stayner, Martin and Bgge-
tine Kers of Aylmer. Dianne and John De
Vos of Guelph and Maria and Jim MacKi-
chan of London. Also surviving are 19
grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren and a
number of brothers and sisters in Holland.
Friends called at the Hopper -Hockey Funer-
al Home, William Street, Exeter, for visita-
tion on Friday 2-4 and 7-9. The funeral ser-
vice was held at the Bethel Reformed
Church, Huron Street Eat, Exeter, on Satur-
day, May 25 at 11 a.m. with Rev. Henry
VanEssen officiating. Interment in Exeter
Cemetery. Donations to The Organ Fund of
Bethel Reformed Church would be appre-
ciated by the Van Steep family. 22c
BECKER - My special thanks to family and
friends for their prayers and loving support
while in hospital and since returning home.
Thanks to everyone for the beautiful flow-
ers, cards, visits and telephone calls. Thanks
to the staff on emergency at South Huron
hospital, Hoffman's Ambulance and to the
excellent nursing care I received at SL Jo -
wpb's hospital.
22c• Nancy
BIEBER • I would like to thank my family,
our relatives, friends and neighbours for
cards, Bowen and visits while a >n
Victoria Ho at Also special t bks to
Pastor Lany Stojkovic.22* Evelyn
BOLAND • The family of the late Austin
Boland wish to express their thanks to rela-
tives, friends and neighbours for their per-
sonal visits, mau cards, sympathy- cards,
Bowen. food and charitable donations.
Thank you to the pallbearers and to the la-
dies of Mount Camel CWL for the lovely
lunch provided, *o Donahue PU leral Service
And special thinks to Mary Dietrich, London
1 for her gteaesupport.
22c Clement Boland and family
BRINE - A�big thank you to relatives,
friends, net and colleagues for their
cards, visits. gifts, flowers, inquiries and
food brought to our home while I was a pa-
tient in Victoria hospital and since returning
home. All was greatly appreciated.
22c Grace
COOPER • I would like to thank everyone
who sent cards, flowen and treats during my
stay in hospital and since returning home.
Your kindness is greatly appreciated. Norma
HODGERT • We wish to thank our former
neighbours and friends for our going away
party. Many thanks for the beauuful gift and
all the time and effort in planning and help-
ing with the wonderful evening. You have
been, and always will be great friends and
neighbours. It is all greatly appreciated.
22' Ross and Kathleen
STELLiNGWERFF • Tank you for the
love and concern shown to my family and I
during my stay at Victoria Hospital, West-
minster. Campus. It has been just wonderfuL
The prayers, visits, flowers, gifts, cards,
phone calls, food and coffee brought to our
home as well as the garage was very much
appreciated. May God bless all of you, fami-
ly, friends, neighbours and custanen. It has
given us much to be thankful for. Thank you
22c Jeannette
VAN WIEREN - We wish to express our
thanks and appreciation to our family,
friends, and neighbours for sharing our spe-
cial day with us! Your presence, bat wish-
es, Bowen, cards and gifts have left us with
memories we will always treasure.
22' Herman and Jane
COLE - In loving memory of a husband, fa-
ther and grandfather. Alvin Cole, who
passed away 3 years ago, May 24, 1988.
Those we love dm% go away
They walk beside w every day,
No longer in our lives to share
But in our hearer you are alwsys there.
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed, still very dear.
Thinking of you always. Margaret and fam-
ily. '
DOBSON • In loving memory of a dear hus-
band and father, Larry Richard, who passed
away 3 years ago, May 25, 1988.
Those whom we love go out of sight,
But never out of mind,
They are cherished in the harts,.
Of those they left behind.
Lovingly remembered by Sandra, Kristy
and Richie. 22
DOBSON • In loving memory of a dear ron-
in -law, brother-in-law and uncle. Larry, who
passed away three years ago, May 25.
We cant bring back the days,
When we were all together,
But loving thoughts and memories.
Will stay with us forever.
Ever remembered by Cecil and Eleanor
Desjardine and their familia. 22c
GLANVILLE • In loving memory of a dear•
husband, father and grandfather, Charles,
who left us suddenly one year ago, June 1.
You never failed to do your best. You lived
for those you loved. Those you loved re-
member your smile, your laugh, your kind •
words, wue weeds end web • more, s.,
memorial are AB iris bsve,our Milts
and team are shell.TOO -are air* 's 11047
and never forgotten.
Greatly missed by wife Pend and family.
GLANViLLE - In memory of a dear Father
and Grandfather, Charles Glanville, who
passed away June 1, 1990.
Have you ever lou a Parent
Who meant so much to you
One you carol for very much
And miss hint like we do.
So if you still have a Parent
Treat them with love and special care
For you'll never know the heartache
Till you see their anpty roaring chair.
Lovingly rcmemberodby . Shirley,
Donna. Daryll, Sandy and Susan. 22'
LIGHTFOOT - in loving memory of a dear
husband, father and grandfather, Harold,
who passed away 1 year ago, Jute 1, 1990.
He had a nature you could not help loving,
And a heart that was purer than gold,
And to those who knew him and loved him,
His memory will neverrow cold.
Ever rnbered by Doris, Ron and Hel-
en, Bruce and Gwen. Dm and Darlene and
grandchildren. 22
LIGHTFOOT • In loving memory of a
wonderful father, grandfather and great-
grandfather, Harold Lightfoot, who passed
away 1 year ago, June 1, 1990.
Those we love dont go away,
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near.
Still loved, still missed, still very dear.
No longer in our lives to share,
But in our hearts he is always there.
Loved always, Shirley, Carl, Dan, Dianne,
Bob, Don and Mark. 22•
MORENZ - In loving memory of Roy Al-
bert Morena, who palled away 5 yeah ago
May 31, 1986.
His memory is *keepsake,
With which we will never pati,
Though God has him in His keeping,
We still have him in our harts.
Lovingly. rananbered by family, • grand-
ttildren, brother and sisters. 22nc
TURNBULL - In loving memory of a dear
mother and father. Ida and Maxwell Tum -
bull, who passed away June 9, 1976 and
June 3, 1981.
We canna have the old days back,
When we were all together,
But deep in our hearer your memory is kept.
To love and cherish forever.
Lovingly retnembered by Elva and Uoyd
Lamport 22'
(NORM . Via,
Pastor -teacher Bob Drumm
Sunday, June 2
9:30 am. Sunday School
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
6:00 p.m. Communion SeTMoe
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
7:00 p.m. Kid's Club
7:15 p.m. Bible Study
All services are held at
Usbome Central School,
Huron St. E.
Everyone Welcome
For more information please
cal 229-8881
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, June 2
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Moming Worship
7 p.m. Sunday Evening
Wednesday 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
Huron Street East, anise
Sunday, June 2
10:00 a.m. Worship
11:10 a.m. Sunday School
Nursery avalable
7:30 p.m. Worship
Everybody welcome
Come and Worship with us
Main Street at Galey
Rev. Fay Patterson
Sunday, June 2
Second Sunday after Pentecost
11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Sunday School
Nursery available
Everyone Welcome
68 Main Street South
Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Organist: Miss Carolyn Love
Sunday, June 2
Second Sunday after Pentecost
11:15 a.m. - Outdoor Worship Service
at McNaughton Park
12:00 - Church Picnic
Everyone Welcome
670 Main St. S.
Interim Pastor - Rev. Kevin Rogers
C.E. Director - Mrs. Verona Snider
Sunday, June 2
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Nursery available for al services
Everyone Welcome
Sunday, Jun* 2
9:30 a.m. - Christian Education
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service
Everyone Phloem*
Our Lady of
Mount Carmel
RR 18, Parkhill
Sat. 7:30 p.m.
Sun. 11:00 a.m.
Precious Blood
Main SL at Gilley,
Exeter (Trivitt)
Sun. 9D0 a.m.
Pastor: Fr. Frank Murphy
Sunday School offered at all morning
masses for children 4-6 years Incl.
Both churches are
wheeldiair accessible.
Visitors are welcome.
Corner of James and Andrew St.
Mrs. Bev Robinson
The Rev. Grant L. Mills
(Minister Emeritus)
Director of Music
Ralph C. Topp
June 2, 1991 - 11:00 a.m.
Youth Service
Courtesy Car : Bin Brock 235-0323
Grades 2-8 will worship
with their families.
Nursery Facilities available
Everyone Welcome!
Main St. North
Albert Vanderlaan
Worship Services
10:00 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daly T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
A truly rich man is one whose children
run into his anus when his hands are
Nt•'X. D.t ..
LUCAN-BIDDULPH Home and Scholl
Association is holding a Community Flea
Madket/Garge Sale on Saturday, June 1,
1991 from 9 a.m. - 2 pm. at Lucan Public
SdtooL Raindate Saturday, June 8,1991.
morial Church on Saturday, June 8 from 9
a.m. until 1 p.m. 21,22,(23)'
PENNY SALE, Hensall Legion Ladies
Auxiliary Branch 468. Sura: May 25 at
7:00 a.rn. Draw: June 8 at 4:00 p.m. Open:
10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. between above dates.
Location: Queen Mary Apt. Building, Main
floor, Apt. 111, Queen Street, Hensall (be-
hind post office). 22c
the White Carnation, June 20, from 7-11
p.m. For further details call Karen at The
Learning Resources Centre. 1-800-265-1778
or 482-5428. 22c
BUS TRIP to Wauseon, Ohio Steamshow.
One daytrip $25. Contact Bob Morrissey,
238.8584 or Albert Wydooghe, 294-6528.
country and westem singing and dancing,
Atwood Community Centre,Sunday, June 9,
1 p.m., Pork Barbecue, 53.00 per person,
Proceeds to Cancer Society. 22 •
Brumfield United Church, Wednesday. June
12, 5-7:30 p.m. Adults 58.00, children 6-12
53.50, preschoolers free. 22,23c
ran Employment Liaison Program
(H.ELP.) 4:30 - 5:30 p.m., Monday, June 3,
1991, at the H.ELP. Centre, 60 Mary SL,
Clinton. 22c
IS FOOD A PROBLEM for you? Overeat-
en Anonymous may be for you. Call 238-
8384 or 236-4061. 22,23,24c
BIRDS! BiRDS! The London and District
Caged Bird Association are hosting a Buy,
Trade and Sell Show on June 9 from 11-4
Q.m. It will be held at 4 Wellington St
Satoh, Mitchell, Ont at the home of P.
Hoekstra. 22,23c
ARNE BRYAN, founder of Prayer Canada
will be in Exeter on Tuesday, June 4 at the
Pentecostal Church. Time 7:30. 22•
Cemetery, June 9, 2 p.m. 22,23c
Wednesday, June 19, 5 p.m. -8 p.m., Dash-
wood Community Centro. Sponsored by
Dashwood UCW 18,22,23
Thames Road
Sunday School
June 211 a.m.
With guest speaker
Rev. Derek Shelly
Music by'the Sunday
School Choir
Refreshments following
service in Sunday School
Craigholme Nursing
May 31
Baking, crafts, tea room, white
elephant table.
Proceeds for the
Alzheimer's Society
Buck Cl Doe
Kristin Lovie and
Bill Vandeworp
in Zurich
Sat., June 1
9 -1
Lunch. Entertainment by
Hook's Party Sound
For information
235-0757 & 237-3240
Mike Finlayson
Connie Masnica
Fri., May 31
(age of majority)
For information call
Elim Haven Motor
Hotel, Clinton
Live Rock & roil, this
Friday May 31
"Sweet Cyanide"
Sat., June 1st - In
the flesh Pink Floyd
Clone Band perform-
ing "The Wall"
Following weekend;
Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, June 6, 7, 8
Big Trouble
Exeter Legion
Ladles Auxiliary
Thurs., May 30
7:30 p.m.
10 Regular Games
5 Specials
1 Share the Wealth
Jackpot $650
Lic. 11681098
SKINNER • We would like to take this
opportunity to thank all of you on the
huge success of our watkathon held
on Sunday April 28, 1991. With all
proceeds going to the Children's Hos-
pital of Western Ontario, In memory
of our precious little girl Stephanie-
Athank you goes out to the Exet-
er Uons Club for donating the use of
the Youth Centre, all the local busi-
nesses for allowing us to use their
stores as a pickup place for the
pledge sheets and to Stedman's for
donating the candy and the table
cloths. To the Precious Blood CWL for
the delicious treats and refreshments
and the women who donated their
time to serve them e bigt►ankstd t
Also to Father Murphy for your strong
support and to Donuts Note for the
cold drinks at the 'turn around' point.
I'm sure everyone appreciated that.
To Country Rowers for supplying the
helium for all the balloons. Thanks
Joanne and a special thank you to
Cherie Seldon and the staff at Sugar
n' Spice for your strong enthusiasm
and for making things a lot easier for
the pledge money to be dropped off
there. Also to the Times Advocate for
your complete coverage on our spe-
cial event
To all our family and friends a heart-
felt thinks for your strong support and
help once again.
Last but definitely not least - to alt
you walkers and your sponsors. You
all deserve a 'pat on the back' for go-
ing out there and helping us raise
over S22.000. Never in our wildest
hopes and dreams did we believe we
could raise that much. Your generosi-
ty and support once again has
touched our hearts and we believe
that the memory of our little girl and
all the sick children of Western Onta-
rio are not forgotten ..ever will bel
May God Bless each and everyone of
you arid your families with fhealth and
happiness today and always.
Steve and Audrey Skinner
SO,$s WEddiNq Armiivinsarry
Tim family of REq aid Gladys
McDosskII it�wiww fttiENds w.sd
of kTlves TTO t tot .let celdNutriNct,
t siddirq A,iItWM r* Az AN
Opts How
Standar 1tw* 2, 2 - 4 p.ss.
Best misiits orb pkste
40th WEddiNq ANNiVERSARy
TiIE ciaild,EN of Ross asd EvtlyN Mating REQUEST TILE Iroraou, of you, plums m
A REa:piioN iN Itonou, of TIN FoRTiEt Wtddisq ANraiaEtsA,y of tdiEiN WENN.
SAT., Junes tsr AT 9 p.M. is Exmjt. Foe in/or:wo on call 236-4420 o, 237.3742
PIEASE IET • ' SENCE bE • • sum.
Bluewater Rest Home
Annual Meeting
to be held
Tuesday June 118P.m.
at Bluewater Rest Home Zurich
Chairman Robert Westlake
Secretary Anson McKinley
Ellison Tours Ltd.,
Carlton Inn Toronto,
Country Flowers,
Murphy'S Pub and Eatery,
Colonial Hotel,
Big "V" Drugstore,
RSD Sports Den,
Pepsi, 7 Up,
Crush, Exeter,
Canadian Tire,
and the many individuals and organizations who contributed
time, services and funds.
Through your generous support we can continue to reach out to
the children who benefit from our program.
Brewer Retail Store,
Westbury Hotel, Toronto,
Oakwood inn,
Erb's Country Kitchen,
Good Times,
Thirsty Fox,
Brlghts Wines Ltd.,
Bank of Montreal,
Kentucky Fried Chicken.