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Times Advocate, 1991-05-29, Page 11
L C()MM i avT Times -Advocate, May 29, 1991 Page 11 ..6.0.10" Yard sales a success in Hensall By Vanessa Cook HENSALL - If you like yard sales, Hensall was the place to be Saturday, with bargains to be found on every street. Close to fifty sales were held in conjunction with a car show and Firemeas' breakfast, attracting over 5,000 people to the village. Downtown businesses also staged a sidewalk sale, with many establishments reporting that it had been their busiest day of the year. Car show - Included in this year's Hensall yard and garage sale was the town's first annual.car show. Proudly displaying his 1952 Chevy Bel Air two -door hardtop is Ken Reichart of llderton. 40 Big Decisions - Saturday's Hensall Community Yard Sale attracted buyers from all over On- tario. Rummaging through items on the Hensall Minor Hockey's table include, from left, Gwen Bell of Goderich, Iva Miller, Peggy Obre, and Beryl Glenn, all of Exeter. Benmiller Camporee held for area scouts Ay Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Over 500 adults and kids attended the Benmiller Camporee at the Benmiller Conser- vation Area on the May 24-26 weekend for the Huron District Scouting Movement. It was consid- ered a very good turnout, with 171 Cubs and 30 leaders/ parents, and 200 Beaver with 100 leaders for Saturday. They came from Exeter, Zurich, Crediton, Goderich (3 or 4 groups), Lucan, Bayfield, Clinton, Ailsa Craig, Hensall and 13 out of 14 Cubs from Grand Bend, plus Beavers. The theme for the Cubs was Back to Basics, as each group had its own theme. Despite a few soggy sleep- ing bags, most dads want to accom- pany their sons next year too. The Swimming -up Ceremony for new Cubs in Grand Bend is sched- uled for Thrusday, May 30 from 7 Ito 8 p.m. the final meeting of the season. Grand Bend Legion meets By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - The General Meeting of Grand Bend Legion branch #498 was held on Tuesday May 21 at 8 p.m. Donations made to several local groups for summer spots, including the soccer team, minor baseball, swim team, and to the Port Franks Optimist club for baseball uniforms. Comrades Marg and Bob Hed- ley donated a silk Legion Crest, mounted and framed, to com- memorate their 50th wedding an- niversary June 1. Congratulations from all your comrades. The Hedleys also made up a photo album, a record of the con- struction work done to complete the recent building addition to the Legion Hall. The album is now on display there, The Zone A-4 meeting was hosted by Grand Bend on May 22, with Installation of all new of- ficers. The Installation Commit- tee was madeup of Zone Com- mander Fred Morley, Secretary Joan Mills, Deputy Zone Com- mander Muriel Coutts, and -Past Zone Commander Bob Lalonde. Winners of the Friday night meat raffle were: Chuck Howard and Joan Cowell, Marie j?arkhill and Mac Fleming, Nora Park and Morley Shantz, Jean Allison and Marilyn Nichols and Mac Flem- ing and Marion Shaw. Helen Bowman won the mystery prize. The Saturday Jam Session was a lot of fun for an appreciative au- dience, and Doug Smith of Turn - bull's Grove won the 50/50 draw. Get well wishes and welcome home to our comrades: Marlene Gibson, George Crosbie and Joan Howard. Paula Cormier is your new PR officer for Grand Ben:) Legion. Trinity Sunday celebrated By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Trinity Sun- da' celebrates the Feast of the Triume God, 3 persons in one God. God the Creator, God the Redeemer ad God the Sanctifier; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Grand Bend, Father Paul Beck spoke of the Trinity, and God's presence among His peo- ple. In both old and new Testaments the Spirit of God can be heard and touched in the persence of Christ, and as we mature in our re- lationship and knowledge of God. Congratulations to Arlene Belies - sen, who made her First Holy Communion on Sunday, and to Da- Gielen Design opens By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Gielcn Design of London has opened a new branch in Grand Bend, in the site of the former Prints Charming, on Highway 21. London designer and showroom manager Greg Walsh says the store will be open 7 days a week this summer, offering casual furniture and accessories. n©z4 T©igr (3_ 1 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS vid Lawrence McVittie and Clara Jenkins, who exchanged wedding vows Saturday. The Grade 2 class- es of Our Lady of Mount Carmel celebrated their First Holy Com- munion as a group, including some parish children. A. John Hughes, C.D. Denture Therapist Box 839 37 Green Acres, Grand Bend, Ontario (519) 238-5300 409 Baker St. (Rear) London, Ontario (519) 439-9386 Running for Municipal Office in 1991? You must register before you raise or spend any money for your campaign. To register and to find out what else every candidate should know, consult your local municipal clerk's office, then pick up your copies,of the "candidate's guide - municipal elections 1991" and the Municipal Elections .Candidate's Brochure. Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs On peut obtenir des renseignements en fr.+nc tis en tilephonant au (416) 585-6288 (nous accep(ons les fr.+is). Motor mania - Jake Kopetski of Grand Bend proudly displays his antique I.H.C. Type M motor at Sunday's Heritage Day. This spe- cial exhibition which included displays of motors and pumps, quilt- ing, uilting, tatting, and rope -making was sponsored by the Lambton County Museum. NOTICE SCHEDULE B ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 'DOWN OF EXETER SOUTHWEST SANITARY SEWAGE SERVICING PROJECT PUBLIC COMMENT NOW BEING ACCEPTED MAY 29, 1991 As a requirement under Ontario's Environmental Assessment Act, the Town of Exeter hereby notifies all interested individuals and parties that subject to comments received as a result of this Notice and the receipt of other approvals as necessary, the Town of Exeter intends to proceed with the planning, design, and construction of the above- mentioned project. The purpose of the project is to provide sanitary sewage servicing to the southwest area of the Town that is presently unserviced. The pro- ct involves new sanitary sewers on parts of Waterloo, Mary, Mill and Heuron Streets, a new sewage pumping station on Lot 302, R.P. No. 376 and a force main through easements in the Township of Stephen to the existing treatment ponds. A new trunk sewer will be constructed in easements from the intersection of John and Marlborough Streets to the new pumping station. This will permit the decommissioning of two existing pumping stations. The estimated cost of the project is $1,200,000. This project is being funded in part with PRIDE grants and there have been three public meetings to date to outline the project. The project has been Identified as a Schedule B Project - Approved Subject to Screening under the Class E.A. for Municipal Water and Sewage Projects. To see a copy of the Class E.A. document or for fur- ther information contact: B.M. Ross & Associated Ltd. Consuhing Engineers 62 North Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4 Phone: (519) 524-2841 Att'n: Matthew Pearson Environmental Planner Town of Exeter P.O, Box 759 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 Phone; (519) 235-0310 Att'n: Rick Hundey Chief Administrative Officer Interested individuals and parties have 30 calendar days from the date of this Notice to comment as the proposed comments must be in writ- ing and must be received by the Municipal Office by: 00 p.m. p.0 June_ 28. 1991 If concerns regarding this project cannot resolved a person/party may request that the ,this of the Environment 'bumpup" this project to an individual Environmental Assessment. -Bumpup requests must be received by the above date and submitted to the address below (copy to the Town). 11 there are no unresolved concerns by the above date, the Southwest Sanitary Sewage Servicing Project will proceed. Minister's Address: The Honourable Ruth Grier Minister of the Environment 135 St. Clair Avenue West 15th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4V 1 P3 Kime, Mills, Dunlop. Chartered Accountants Daniel B. Daum, B.A., M.Acc., C.A. Manager 412 Main St., P.O. Box 2405 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S7 (519) 235-0345 Fax: (519) 235-3235 John A.M. NOIT1s CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 497 Main Street South, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 Tel: (519) 235-3240 Fax: (519) 235-3246 AUCTIONEERS FILSON & ROBSON The Experienced Auctioneers that Guarantee You More SS Considering A Sale or Need an Appraisal 666-0833 666-1967 Call Collect Supplying You with 30 Yrs. Efficient Service • Mobile office Immediate Payment • 2 Auctioneers Iris OW Pleasure To Serve You NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courteous EHlcient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We giro complete cele servlc. PROM BY EXPERIENCE Memo Celled 235.1,64 EXETER MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTING SERVICES Bob Heywood, Licensed Auctioneer Specializing in household and estate auctions Reasonable rates Bob 235-0874 `Laverne 235-1278 =FRED SIMMONS -'7" B.A. Business & Financial Plans Call (519) 235-1854 AUCTIONEERS Bruce & Brett Coulter Household, Estate and Farm Auctions Grand Bend 238-8000 Parkhill 294-6164 REPAIRS tM1 REirs to on makes Fres estimates 90 Day Warranty Expariancad • sine 1952 Sow mid Savo 14r�� ow d. $t.,Strs4o rd ` Clesad Monday P ons 271�941100