HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-05-29, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, May 29, 1991 Graduate - Bob and Jean Sharp, formerly of Exeter are thrilled to announce the gradua- tion of their youngest daughter, Barbara from the Dental Hy- giene Program at Canadore Col- lege in North Bay. She took and passed the RCDS Licensing exam and is currently working and residing in London, Ontario. Fox at Crusade SCOTLAND - Billy Graham is presently conducting a series of meetings called "Mission Scotland '91" in three Scottish cities, May 25 - June 8, and the Times -Advocate has a reporter on the scene. Eugene Fox, who gave us a report on Dr. Graham's "Mission England '89" is in Bntain for ministry and personal reasons, and he will repeat his free- lance work for this paper again. Over 1,000 churches representing many denominations are participat- ing in this, the largest effort to share the Good News in Scotland, since the Billy Graham crusade there in 1955. Church leaders agree these 10 meetings are greatly need- ed, with church life in Scotland at a very low ebb. But confidence is ris- ing as they expect God to do great things through the Mission. Although Dr. Graham will preach only in three cities of Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Glasgow, the Mis- sion will be much more extensive than that. Through satellite technol- ogy there will be 15 "Live Link" centres set up throughout Scotland, the same in every way as the ve- nues where Dr. Graham will be speaking, except there he will ap- pear on huge television screens. An additional 45 Live Link centres have been organized throughout the rest of Great Britain, so effectively the Mission will involve 61 crusade outreaches that will take place si- multaneously..Tho Live Link ap- pi`oaCh has bein by the Billy Graham people f places, and it is often the case that the response to the message is greater in the Live Links than where Dr. Graham appears person- ally. Fox expects to file a full report on the Mission for the Times - Advocate shortly after the conclu- sion of the meetings. W.I. District Annual CREDITON - The eight branches of the Huron South Women's Insti- tute met in Crediton on May 16 for their 88th district annual meeting. Marylin Pym, treasurer, said that the catering to the Sportsman's Din- ner gave a boost to another success- ful year for the Institute finances. Guest speaker Barb Shipley spoke about literacy and how 17 percent of the population is func- tionally illiterate, and nine percent read at a grade one or two level. Only 62 percent of the population are considered to read well. Shipley encouraged the Women's Institute to play its part in promot- ing literacy. As a highlight of the evening, Mona Alderdice and Lois Hodgins presented Marilyn Pym and Marion Dougall with Life Membership cer- tificates. Since next year is the year of the tree, the Institutes are urged to plan something in recognition of it. The sesquicentennials of Stephen and Usborne Townships are also main events on the 1992 calendar. Jane Muegge reported the age of membership in 4-11 clubs has been lowered to 10 years, and 64 pro- jects are available over a three year span, since clubs only need a mini- mum of 14 hours per project. Dolores Shapton brought greeting from the area as the president was unable to attend, asking the mem- bers to make a list of what the W.I. docs for them and what they do for the W.I. The next project is "Women feed the World and S5 will buy a spade, S10 a food preserving kettle, $20 a wheelbarrow or a brooder, and S150 buys a nutrition kit for training courses. The group were also told the Fed- erated Women's institutes of Cana- da.convention will be In Ontario in 1997. Irene Richardson conducted the election of 1991-1992 officers. President will be Lois Hodgins, past president Marian Dougall. vice-president Eleanor Roessler. Fern Dougall as secretwytresowet. Marilyn 1 ym u assistant secretiry. All-round cords - These Exeter guides were awarded their all-round cords at the parent -daughter banquet at the Exeter Legion last Wednesday. Behind, from left, are Terri Hamather, Jennifer VanBa- kel, Laura Cook, and Michelle Snow. in front are Rebecca Harrison (left), Jenny Mercer, and Jennifer Grenier. Dolores Shapton as curator, Grace Drummond and Shirley Cooper as program coordinators, Mona Alder - dice as public relations officer and in charge of resolutions, and Shir- ley Cooper and Jean Lynn as audi- tors. fr SHOES OF ENGLAND ��lile�fif� GIVE YOUR FEET A SUMMER TREAT! "p robablymemastcoinfar>'trbkka her Araks in the world I" BY APPONMENT IOW THE CUE EN Most summer sandals are about as comfortable as blocks of wood...but not these unique sandals from England. When you pick up a pair of K Springers, the first thing you'll notice is how light they are. Then you'll observe that the soles are slightly thicker than usual and feel softer. That's because K Springers are constructed in two layers. On top (t), there's a soft springy layer of deep foam. Under that (2) is a layer of tough durable polyurethane designed to take a pounding . whether you're walking on a stony beach or concrete sidewalks. . Try therrt.,.you'll find that provide the Waal oomtortable walking sensation you've ever experienced. $75 Beige, grey or red Other styles to choose from also Sunbest • EXETER • MITCHELL • $IMCOE • STRATFORD • WOOD:TOCK • h� S The Home of Better Shoes 7e2 Main SUwt 'FMtet,IntMro 235.115 • STRATFORD • MITCHELL • EXETER • SIMCOE • MOODSTOCK Flying up - These second Exeter Brownies will be frying up to Guides this year and went through the ceremony last Tuesday at the annual parent -daughter banquet. From left are Megan Burke, Kathy VanBer- gen, Carly Riley, and Katrina Snedden. First Exeter - Flying up to Guides this fall are these former First Ex- eter xeter Brownies. Behind, from left, are Christine Wedge, Laura Miller, Meghan O'Rourke, Erin Miles. and Ann -Marie Parsons. In front are Natalie Broom (left), Leanne Snow, Carolyn Eagleson, Fallon Giles, and Pam Keys. At Beverly Hilts It's "A FAMILY AFFAIR" 6 weeks of weight loss S66°° for Ktrn lost 20 lbs and 33" •Professionally supervised by counsellors and nurses •Est ordinary grocery bought food (no pre- packaged bland foods) 410 exercise, shots or pHs Call for a FREE consultation today Clem lost 69 Ihs and 61 Myrtle lost 541, lbs and 49'and iscull going down vmumart ria/.. EXETER 235-3355 By following the never hungry pro- gram we were able to achieve our goals the fast effective way. 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