HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-05-29, Page 6Paps 6 Times -Advocate, May 29, 1991 FAMILY St. Patrick's celebrates anniversary Whiting - Johnston Whiting - Difede Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister wish to announce the marriage of their sons, Melvin Whiting, London to Nancy Johnston, daughter of Mrs. Laird Thiel, London, on December 1, 1990 at One Island Hunt- ing unting Camp, MacTier and Larry Whiting, Grand Bend to Marlene Di- fede, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Difede, London, on April 26, 1991 at Silver Sands Resort, Barbados. Congratulations from your families. By H. Davis SAINI'SSURY - SL Patrick's celebrated their anniversary, Sun- day at 10 am. with the service of Holy Communion. Rev. Greg Smith of London was the guest speaker and for Trinity Sunday his homily told of experiences of God in different ways; the Prophet Isaiah meeting God the Father, St. Paul meeting God the Spirit and Nicodemus meeting God the Son. Lisa Carroll was server, Marga- ret Carroll lay assistant and Cheryl Carroll provided the music for the service. Rev. Smith and his wife Mau- reen sang a duet, "Here I am Lord", Rev. Smith accompanied on the guitar. On Friday evening, family and friends gathered at St. Patrick's to honour Julie Goos whose marriage will take place to Ferlin Sove- reign, June 15. Ferlin is the son of Pete and Joyce Soveriegn, Lucan. Guests were welcomed and a short programme was enjoyed. Gifts were presented and Julie thanked everyone for coming and their lovely gifts. Hostesses Sandra McDonald, Alexia Tindall and Ha- zel Davis, Lauralee McDonald, Marylou Tindall and Lisa Abeleira also assisted. A social time fol- lowed. Holy Communion was held at St. Patrick's at 8:30 a.m. Sunday, May 19. Rev. John Marsh of London took the service with his homily be- ing "God Working in and through Us" St. Patrick's hosted a most suc- cessful Perth Spring Deanery on last Tuesday at the church. Church- es represented were from Milver- ton, Listowel, Stratford, Mitchell, Exeter, Kirkton, Granton and Lu - can. St. Patrick's president Rose Cunningham welcomed the ladies and introduced deanery representa- tive Ruth Spencer of Stratford. Rev. Beverley Anne Wheeler pre- sented Mary Davis with a 60 -year faithful service award from the W.A. Cassie Ticknor was guest speaker and gave a slide presentation. She is co-ordinator of the Daily Bread Food me at Si. Pauls Ca- in Holy Communion Service fol- lowed in the church, with Rev. Wheeler taking the service. Mary Jefferies read the scripture readings and Rose Cunningham was server. Viola Atkinson and Heather Mac- Gillivray took up the collection that is to go to the Daily Bread fund. The A.C.W. members prayer was said in unison as the closing prayer. There will be no service at St. Patrick's Sunday, June 2. Kirictoo will celebrate their anniversary ser- vice etvice at l0 a.m. Anniversary visitors with Mary Kooy "were Helen Macdonald, Ho - Dolan and Jack Dickins. Visiting with Hugh and Hazel Davis were Rev. Greg and Maureen Smith, Andrew, Cate and Paul, Courtney and Katie Scarlett" Mac- Gillvray, Crystal and Harley Davis. .^ . • • Spring Deanery - At the Perth Spring Deanery held at Saintsbury's St. Patrick's Church, Mary Davis was presented with an award for her 60 years of service with the Anglican. Church Women. From lett are Spencer, Mary Davis, Revuest speaker Cassie . Beverley Anne kner from the SWheeler, and t. Paul's Daily PatrBread ick's program, presiders Rose Cunn ngham. Ruthtive Balmer - Kovacs Together with their parents, San- dra Balmer and John Kovacs are pleased to announce their wed- ding date. Sandra is the daugh- ter of Barbara and Donald Feav- er of Southcott Pines and the late James Balmer. John is the son of Emily and John Kovacs of London. The wedding will take place on Juty 20 at St. John's By -The -Lake Anglican Church, Grand Bend. Forthcoming marriage - Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rowe and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McLachlan are pleased to announce the. marriage uniting their children Laurie Anne and Nelson John. This celebration of love will be Saturday, June 8, 1991 at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Brin- sley. Open dance at 9:00 p.m. in Lucan. Crediton news Centralia by Mary Kooy CREDITON - Members of the United Church Women were in charge of Sunday's regular service at Crediton United Church. UCW presidept Fjeanor Roeszkr ‘i/as the chairperson and Mrs.' Doris Ohmayer provided a solo. The guest speaker was Carol Si- mons, president of the Varna UCW. She spoke about the impor- tance of enthusiasm in all walks of life. This week, senior choir practice will be held tonight, Wednesday at 8 p.m. Next Sunday morning at 10:30 ' a.m., former minister Rev. Douglas Warren will be the guest speaker for the annual anniversary services. Sunday school will be cancelled for this one Sunday and lunch will be served by the UCW following he anniversary service. CENTRALIA - The service at the Untied Church on Sunday was or- ganized by the elders of the church. Next Sunday at Centralia church at 11:30 a joint service will be held with Zion West. Following the ser- vice, a church picnic will be held at the manse. Members are asked to bring lawn chairs and either sandwiches or dessert. Summer service begins June 9 with Centralia worship at 8:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simmons of Woodstock spent the weekend with their daughter .Mary Walker and family.' Bonnie Kooy and Heather McWilliams spent the holiday weekend in Florida. Von Overholt spent the weekend with her daugh- ter Paulene, Brad Tait and Nathan of London. Linda Bedour of Texas was a re- cent visitor with her aunt Von Overholt. At the euchre at Heywoods res- taurant on May 20, prize winners were: High Score Jean Noels and Eileen Pullman, Lone Hands Helen Thompson and Norman Reeth, Low scores Irene Theander and Brian Clark. Next gathering is June 3 at 2:30 p.m. TIiartk, You Darling's Food Market for sponsoring the barbe- cue for the Exeter and Area Figure Skating Association Your support is greatly appreciated Katherine Ens, President : ••. . • • • . . : : . : . . : •••: . : . . . . • • • . . HOT SPRING SPECIALS CANADIAN & IMPORTED CHEESES $3.99 ib" $3.99 ib TASTY NU White Sliced 24 oz. BREAD Buy 3 loaves \and get one loaf FREE THiS WEEK'S SPECIALS • • • Fresh 29 COUNTRY '1 BUNS doz. San Fransisco Sour tough BREAD 450g. $1.29 loaf, aay�� MUMNS NS Delicious Strawberry TARTS TastyNu Bakery & eeae Goshen St: ZOO ,21¢-112 Print** 44 MS1ain E Exeter 235.0332' Ui opollAervast 84 pm Ridge •}MK'.itei $1.99 doz S for $1.99 FOR YOUR OUTDOOR B.B.G. • Fresh Salads! •Poulos Chipsl acreFlambtsd a and enth rs$1 •French &sad and Ftsnch tkks *Crusty Rola and mors! Try Qw dsldous adMa(r., daNM wrrA.. w.werrr arras, ..eyit! plu..t : •• • • . • • • • • • Save during our Spring • • Forthcoming marriage - Doug and Judy Dowson of Cambridge and Nancy Dowson of Wood- stock are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Cheryl Ann, to Gregory Lawrence, son of Lawrence and Dianne Becker of Crediton. Their wedding will take place on Satur- day, June 8, 1991 at 2:30 p.m. at Zion Lutheran Church, Dash- wood. Open reception to follow in Exeter. �E w It's that time of year, we must clear -out some end -of -lines, discontinued items, and floor stock to make room for new products 20 - 30' Off Select Sofas & Ch airs 0% All Mattress & Box Spring Sets 20%Off Special clearout prices on select dining furniture, bedroom suites and appliances At Least £Uoff MacPherson - Devine Grant MacPherson and Vikkt De- vine were married May 4, 1991 in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Mkt is the daughter of Howard and Lily Terry of Scarborough and Grant is the son of Douglas and Phyllis Johnson of Exeter and J riy and Elizabeth MacPherson of ctorla B.C. The couple is residing in Scarborough. 227 Andrew St, Exeter 235-2320 Recommend a friend , you get FREE KMS 225 mi. shampoo of your choice You're at All lamps, pictures and accessories while su • • lies last Campbell Appliances and Furniture 63 Main St.. Exeter 235-1501 t�