HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-05-22, Page 25Spring Heritage Day at Lambton Museum GRAND BEND - Sprin Heri- tage Day at the Lambton Heritage ,Museum will have something for your and old alike. On Sunday May 26, from noon until 4 p.m. vis- , itors can enjoy the sights and sounds of the past as museum staff and volunteers demonstrate 19th century crafts and lifeskills. Activities will include a full slate of pioneer crafts, which have fallen by the wayside in recent years. The arts of quilting, spinning, tatting, and blacksmithing will all be dem- onstrated. Engine enthusiasts will be on hand to operate original, and restored gas engines, an innovation that did much to ease the rigours of pioneer life. Visitors can also enjoy Proud Beginnings a film which vis- its six Ontario farm families that continue to farm land settled by 41,11 - Order Buyers for fats, feeders and stockers - Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily - Sorting cattle for Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. On Wednesday Contact: Office 263-2619 Greg Hargreaves Victor Hargreaves 263.2619 233-7511 Hensall Cattle Co. 263-2619 i ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Please note that each contract has a specific date and time for site visit to view the work. h is imperative that contractors come on a site visit. Contractors to meet at ODC Administration Office, Huron Park. HEATING CONTRACTORS - TENDER 91/37 SITE VISITS - Friday, May 24th or Thursday May 30th at 10 a.m. Provide and install gas-fired furnaces to replace electric heat in 31 resi- dential units at Huron Park. GENERAL CONTRACTORS - TENDER 91/38 SITE VISITS - Friday, May 24th or Thursday, May 30th at 11 a.m. To install 59 wooden porches and steps over existing concrete units in residential housing section. ROOFING CONTRACTORS - TENDER 91/39 SITE VISITS - Friday, May 24th or Thursday, May 30th at 1:30 p.m. Provide and install asphalt shingles on 61 residential units at Huron Park. Individual sealed tenders for the above contracts will be received until 12:00 noon local time on Friday, June 7th, 1991. . Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario Development Corporation, Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, Ontario, NOM 1Y0. For further information regarding these tenders please call (519) 228-6657. The lowest or any tender not necessarily acceptable. Ontario MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, TRADE AND TECHNOLOGY VILLAGE OF AiLSA CRAIG TENDERS FOR AILSA CRAIG COMMUNITY CENTRE Sealed tenders shall be received by the undersigned until 4 p.m. local time, Friday. May 31. 1991 for the construction of a Community Centre measuring approxi- mately 118 feet by 84 feet. The structure is a pre-engineeredfratr v with masonry walls. Tender deposit shall be a certified cheque or bid bond for $80,000.00 of the tender price. The successful tenderer shall be required to provide a 100% performance and a 50% labour and materials bond. Plans and specifications are available at the offices of the Con- sultant after 12 noon, Tuesday, May 21, 1991, upon receipt of a $100.00 deposit in the form of cash or certified cheque, which will be refunded upon the return of the above documents in good condition within two weeks atter tender closes. Lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Town of Ailsa Craig Municipal Offices Ailsa Craig, Ontario NOM 1A0 BEST SELLER NOVELS Times -Advocate, May 22, 1991 their ancestors over 200) years ago. Peek inside the Rokeby School- house which came to the Lambton Heritage Museum from its home in Brooke Township. Restoration and renovations are currently under- way, and while the project is not scheduled to be completed until sometime in 1992, the building will be open during Heritage Day to al- low visitors to view the work being done to restore the schoolhouse to the condition it was in nearly a cen- tury ago. Come out and be a part of the re- created sights and sounds of the past at the Lambton Heritage Mu- seum's Spring Heritage Day. The museum is located on highway 21, five miles south of Grand Bend. Poultry task force report released OTTAWA - Recommendations designed to make the poultry sector more competitive were released by Agriculture Minister Don Mazan- kowski. The recommendations were part of the comprehensive final re- port of the Poultry Task Force. The report, based on over a year of consultations with the poultry industry was unanimously support- ed by producers, processors, retail- ers, consumers, food service and government representatives on the 12 -member task force. All four national poultry market- ing agencies were represented on the task force. Among its recommendations, the task force calls for more non- producer representation on the na- tional poultry marketing agencies, more flexibility in the way deci- sions are made regarding price and quota, and a revamped National Farm Products Marketing Council. "This report reflects the commit- ment of the poultry industry an government to supply management and our resolve to develop a second generation of supply management that is more in tune with today's market environment, " Mazan- kowskie said. "I hope was will maintain this spirit of co-operation and partnership as we act on these recommendations." The Poultry Task Force, one of 11 industry -government task forces created under the National Agri -food Policy Review, was established in December 1989 to examine current and long-term issues in the poultry industry. Page 25 1404, 40e4 Afwatiewsvut CLEV u t T 424 Main St. Exeter Swimming Lessons Red Cross Swimming Lessons Taught by Beckie McAlpine Registration June 10 7-9p.m. Sessions: July 8 -19 Aug. 12 - 23 For more information call 293-3057 Summer Hours OPEN Mon. - Sun. Sunday Brunch 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. l 236-7707 irre DANCE 41$ HALL 9 tolam p.m. . Fri. May 24 Singles Dance Country Versatiles * * * Sat., May 25 Lee Davidson & Sagebrush Reservations appreciated Hwy. 021, just north of St. Joseph You are invited to an OPEN HOUSE Sunday, May 26, 1991 at Zurich Metanonitte Church 2:30-4:30 PM Best Wishes Only . The Huron County Alzheimer Advisory Committee Presents a LEN FABIANO workshop "MOTHER I'M DOING THE BEST I CAN" 'Dress Code 'Group Reservations Welcome 'Hall Rental Available 349-2678 TUESDAY JUNE 18, 1991 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM at the GODERICH TOWNSHIP HALL HOLMESViLLE For complete details call 482-7405 or 482-7865 REGISTRATION FEE 40. REGISTRATION DEADLINE MAY 28, 1991 Fish and Seafood Restaurant Friday Night 1 Fish Fry Perch, Pickerel, or White Fish INDOOR FLEA MARKET OPEN 2 DAYS (Sat & Sun.) 10 a.m.-4 p.m. THIS WEEKEND ONLY for CLINTON'S CLEAN SWEEP AFFAIR Sponsored by Clinton B.I.A. at LOBB'S Bayfleld Rd., Clinton Spriet Associates London Limited Consulting Engineers and Architects 722 York Street London, Ontario N5W 2S8 895 R.E. Pooley Branch 167 Exeter, Ont. }lours: Closed Mondays. Open: Tues. - Frl. 12 noon - 8 p.m. Sat. and 'Sunt $ a.m...- §- u!n: Dine In or Take'661 238-2025 63 River Road Grand Bend COMING EVENTS Thurs., May 23rd - General meeting at 8:00 p.m. - Lunch to follow June 7,,11:dcOth -Slow Pitch Tournament, Exeter '- June 9' 'Zone Information Day, Kincardine : a« June 9 - Mixed Golf, Exeter Golf Club. $11.00/person Vendor Inquiries welcome For more Information oall BURT LOBB 4924377 REACH THE WORLD BY . l'' , I i 1 I ! I , ZURICH lat;on ,F •C' f"' i M Thurs., ; May23 Dabber Bingo Zurich Community Centre ; Bonanza Game In 53 calls i (Estimated value about $400) i, Jackpot $1400.00 Must Go! Bingo Starts at 7 p.m. i No one under 16 eligible to play li ::i ??Cf::C:. :+}'?.,I ??:;4• :ib'{. :-0j:: J.•i: Y.?4?:i}:4Sfi .O.?.%:gin.. �.`::.'F?: ijj{iii.'q`4 •?:>, g,:.}Y^:.r.?;%:.'rJr::;i'{'::iY.`,:isf '{.Cn:;:i!{ii�5;:!'.:f::})[;�5{ i. f1 •:v+.v.O. .f y�' .'i:..4�r:C`i"::;Y;.N:,`,.•i `y{:•:'J,'?::>.%:%;:.:i:.+.. .i:•: :•..!+;4. Join us for our loth Anniversary Open House May 24, 25, & 26 Fri., Sat. 9 - 6; Sun. 12 Noon - 6 See the latest in 1991 Park Models. Coffee and donuts, door prizes • • ci MYF1ELD ------� Recreational Sales Inc: Hwv. 21 565-2500 • • • • ; . • • . • • • The Times Advocate asked "Why Not?" and here it is - a Fax machine is in our office enabling ,. you to contact any other Fax machine in the world... instantly. The Times -Advocate will offer the service of the Fax for a cost of $4.00 per printed sheet for the first one plus $1.00 per addi- tional sheet. (Overseas Rates are $7.50 for the 1st three minutes plus $1.50 per additional min- ute). In addition our number is yours so if you want to be reached instantly - we will receive your messages for $1.00 per sheet. (Confidential services available). THE Q_NLY FAX TO REMEMBER iS 519-235-070 Plus we can suggest a few benefits. 1. INSTANT FAX... 0 Your finandals have been drafted... send a copy before the final statement is printed 3. INSTANT FAX... 0 The deal's closing and you need a signature... send the paperwork by FAX and relax. 5. INSTANT FAX... 0 The list Is 300 items long (i.e. auctioneer) and the long distance charge will be horrendous... FAX it and relax 7. INSTANT FAX... 0 Your daughter needs a favourite recipe (or any information) for an important engagement... FAX it to any Purolator office where they will contact her for a charge of $1.00 - instantly. 2. INSTANT FAX... 0 it's mom and dad's first grandchild - send a copy of baby's first picture. 4. INSTANT FAX... 0 There's been a death In the family, send the :.om- plete details for the obituary by FAX. 6. INSTANT FAX... 0 Fall's stock order is complete and they'd better not ship the wrong goods... try FAXING and relaxing so everything will be correct. 8. INSTANT FAX... 0 Your prize winning hogs have interested buyers in Brazil... relax and FAX the registration to verify blood lines. Call us at 235-1331 for details THE ONLY FAX TO REMEMBER IS 519-235-0766 PI��YHOUS HURON COUNTREY The Wizard of Oz By L. Frank Baum with musk: and lyrics of the MGM motion picture score by Harold Ar- len and E.Y. Harburg. Adapted by John Kane June 18 - July 6 Educating Rita By Willy Russell Juty 9 - July 20 Harvey By Mary Chase July 23 - August 3 Two and Two Make Sex By Richard Harris and Lesll.Darbon August 6 - August 17 Anne of Green Gables Based on books by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Book and Lyrics by Don Harron. Music by Norman Campbell. August 20 - September 7 Box office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Saturday Phone for reservations (519) 238-8451 R.R. 01, Grand Bend Ontario NOM 1 TO HOTEL (rnains1vt) 62 Main St., Grand Bend In our newly renovated lounge Fri., Sat., Sun., Van Wallin' Cafe Imperials" ffrOlaA We've gone Tex-Mex New Menu, New Look R om reservations 38-8821 Gran . Bend, Ontario