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Times -Advocate, May 15, 1991
HODGINS • Barry and Kelly are delighted
to announce the amvel of their second child,
Latoya Louwellcn, bom May 3, 1991 at St
Joseph's Hospital, weighing 8 lbs. 6 ors. A
lido sister for Ashley. Proud grandparaUs
are Ron and Marg Smith of Denfield, Lome
and Marjorie Hodgins of Lucan and great
grandma Ruth Douglas of Ailsa Craig. Spe-
cial thanks to Dr. Fellows, Dr. Backing and
Dr. Nanoekivilt. 20c
HUNTER - David and Ruth are pleased to
announce the birth of their daughter Andrea
Lomita, bom May 3, 1991 to Calgary.
Proud grandparents are David and Beverly
Niederauer, Vancouver and Roy and Anita
Hunter, Exeter. 20'
INDISPOSABLES - Congratulations to all
parents on your new arrival. Everyone wants
the best for their baby, so consider The In -
disposables Cotton Cloth Diaper. The best
for your baby. For diapers and more call Ja-
nine 263.5124, your Indisposebles Diaper
Consultant. 19,20c
KiRK • Don and Karen Rader, RR 3, Zu-
rich, thank God for the gift of a grandson.
Eric Andrew, son of Patricia and David
Kirk, London, was born May 10, 1991 at St.
Joseph's Hospital. First time great-
grandmothers are Irene Clausius and Violet
Rader, Exeter. 20'
PARTRIDGE • Dave and Mari wish to an-
nounce the arrival of their son Mitchell
Wayne, bom April 5, 1991 weighing 5 lbs.
14 ozs. at St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Proud grandparents are Doug and Fran
Ritchie. Special thanks to Dr. Kandice
McKee and the nurses on the third floor an-
tenatal ward for all the wonderful care. 20c
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kennedy of Huron
Park, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Carver
of London, Ontario and Mr. Donald Mont-
gomery of Mt. Forest, Ontario ars pleased to
announce the marriage of their children,
Alan Paul Kennedy and Kathleen Sandra
Montgomery on the fourth day of May, 1991
in London, Ontario. Reverend Cecil Cun-
ningham officiated. 20'
ARNOLD. - The family of the late (Red)
G.J. Arnold would like to express their
heartfelt gratitude and sincere thanks to rela-
tives, friends and neighbours for the support
and kindness received during our recent
loss. Your personal visits, flowers, cards,
and food brought to our home and memorial
donations will always be remembered. Spe-
cial thanks to the doctors and nurses at Strat-
ford General. Our thanks also go to Rev. Po-
cock for the lovely service and the Holy
Trinity ladies for the tasty lunch.
20' Evelyn and Family
CAMPBELL - I would like to thank my rel -
eaves, neighbours and friends for cards,
flowers, treats and calls while I was in hos-
pital. Special thanks to my family for trans-
portation provided for their Mother and I,
and for being there when we needed than.
20' Percy
teams heartily thank Finchers, Greeting Card
World, Country Flowers, Grammies Pizza,
Murphy's, MacLean's, Sugar and Spice
Chocolate, The Flower Pedlar, Three AAA
Family Restaurant, Gerrard's, Kentucky
Fried Chicken, Donuts Now, New Orleans
Pizza. Your generosity is appreciated. 20c
JOHNS • We would like to thank our rela-
tives, friends and neighbours for their cards,
gifts and visit to our open house for our 50th
Wedding Anniversary at the Legion on May
4. Many thanks to our family. It was all
greatly appreciated.
p Allen and Blanche
KERSLAKE • We want to thank our family
for planning our 50th Wedding Anniversary
celebration. and our grshddeldren, friends,
relatives and neighbours for sharing this spe-
cial day with us. The many good wishes,
gifts, flowers and cards have loft us with
memories we will always treasure.
20' Howard and Mary
KNOX • I would like to thank all my fami-
ly, friends and neighbours for their visits,
cards and telephone calls while I was a pa-
tient in st. Joseph's Hospital, London and
since returning home. Special thanks to Rev.
Kevin Rogers for his home visits and the
lovely flowers from the folks at the Exeter
Pentecostal Tabernacle.
20c Robert
LEWIS - I want to thank everyone who tat
flowers, truer and cards during my stay in
hospital and since +stunting home. Your
kindness is greatly appreciated.
20' Edith
ROSS - We wish to express our thanks and
appreciation to our family, friends, relatives
and all those who attended our party on the
occasion of our 25th Wedding Anniversary.
Sincere thanks for all the best wishes, cards,
gifts, flowers and to those who auisted with
our party. It truly was an evening that will
be cherished in our hearts and will be long
Gordon and Eileen
rXirx _.
ROBINSON • At South Huron Hospital,
Exeter on Saturday, May 11, 1991; Edna G.
Robinson of Exeter and fomnerly of Napan-
ee and the Hensell area, in her 85th year. Be-
loved wife of the late Charles Robinson and
daughter of the late John and Mary Jane Co-
chrane. Also predeceased by her brothers
John, Jim, Allan and Bill and her sisters Ida,
Claudia, Alice, Maty and Ann. Also surviv-
ing are a number of nieces and nephews. At
the request of the family, there was no funer-
al home visitation. A memorial service was
held at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Home,
William Street, Exeter on Tuesday, May 14,
1991 at 2 p.m. Cremation to follow with in-
terment of ashes in Baird's Cemetery. Dona-
tions to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or
the Kidney Foundation would be appreciat-
ed by the family.
SUMMERS --At Chateau Gardens, Parkhill,
on Saturday, May 11, 1991, Alice Eileen
Summers formerly of Granton, in her 82nd
year. Beloved wife of the late John MacKen-
zie and Elmer (Chic) Summers. Dear mother
of Shelagh MacKenzie of London Ind Allot
MacKenzie of Toronto. Step -mother of
(Diane) Mrs. Robert McGill of Penh; Mi-
chael of Prescott and Keith of Mississauga.
Dur sister of (Muriel) Mrs. Forbes Powell
of Stoney Creek. Also survived by eight
grandchildren. Predeceased by two sisters,
Joan and Clarice and one grandson. Rested
at the C. Haskell and Son Funeral Horne,
223 Main Street, Lucan, on Monday where
the funeral service was held on Tuesday,
May 14 at 11 a.m. with Pastor Normahe
Voakes officiating. Interment Mount Pleas-
ant Cemetery, London. Donations to the Ca-
nadian Cancer Society would be appreciated
by the family. 20nc
HENNESSEY - In loving memory of our
dor parents and grandparents: Vi, who
passed away May 18, 1983; and Leo, who
passed away March 29, 1956.
We do not need a special day
To bring than to our minds
Precious memories never die.
Ever remembered by the families. 10'
MacZSAAC - In loving memory of a dear
husband, father and grandfather, Norman
Meclaaac who passed away Mardi 17, 1990.
You are always in attt minds
No matter what we do,
All the time within our hearts
There are thoughts of you.
Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten by
wife Boy and family. 20'
WHITEHEAD . In loving manoty of a
dear grandson Jimmy, who passed away one
year ago, May 27.
We think of you in silence
We often speak your name,
All we have are memories
And your picture in a frame.
Our hearts still acne with sadness
Our silent tears still flow,
For what it meant to lose you
Only we know.
Sadly missed and loved by Grandma and
Grandpa Whitehead. 20c
WILSON • In loving memory of our dear
son, brother and grandson, Doug, who
pasted awayon Friday, May 19, 1989, in his
19th year, rom a car accident.
Little did we know that morning
The sorrow the day would bring,
The call was sudden, the shock severe,
To part with one we loved so dear.
You didn't have time to say farewell
Or for us to say good-bye,
You had gone before we realized
And only God knows
We you in
And often speak your name,
All we have are memories,
And your picture in a frame.
Our hearts still ache with sadness
Our silern tears still flow,
For what it meant to lose you
No one will ever know.
Loved and deeply hosed by Dad and Sue,
sisters Cathie, Judi and Tracy and gnusdpar-
ents Les Wilton and Doug and DorothyInIn-
WILSON • In loving memory of a dear son,
brother and uncle, Douglas Sanunuel
George, who passed away two years ago,
May 19, 1989.
No one an know the sorrow we share,
When the family meets and you're not there,
We hold our tears when they speak your
But the ache in our hearts remains the same,
We are thinking of you Doug,
But then that's nothing new,
We thought about you yesterday,
And the day before that too.
We will think of you tomorrow,
And each day as they Dome and go,
We will think of you forever,
Because.we love and miss you so.
Too dearly Loved to ever be forgotten by
Man and Murray, Brian and Karen, Kevin
and Karen, Tanya, Patricia, Justin, Ashley
and Benjamin
WILSON - In loving memory of a dear
grandson, nephew and cousin, Dougal Sam-
muel George, who was taken so suddenly
from us two years ago, May 19, 1989.
Doug, you never said goodbye to us
You never saw the tears,
But you left us beautiful memories
We will treasure through the years.
We think of you in silence
We often speak your name,
All we have are memories
And your picture in a frame.
Our hearts still ache with sadness
Our silau tears still flow,
For what it meant to lose you
No one will ever know.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
Grandma, Aunt Anna, Aunt Marion, Uncle
Al, Mark, Ken, Darryl, Michael, Victoria
and Lorrie.
Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Organist: Miss Carolyn Love
Sunday, May 19
I 1:15 a.m. Worship service
and Sunday School
Guest Preacher:
Rev. Charles Henderson
Sunday, May Zf;
9:00 a.m. Men's and Guests Breakfast
11:00 a.m. - Carmel
Anniversary Service
(No service at Cavan)
'Nursery Available'
Everyone Wekome
Main Street at Gidley
Rev. Fay Patterson
Sunday, May 19
11:15 a.m.Holy Eucharist
Sunday School
Nursery available
Everyone Welcome
670 Main St. S.
Interim Pastor - Rev. Kevin Rogers
C.E. Director - Mrs. Verona Snider
Sunday, May 19
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Nursery available for WI services
Everyone Welcome
Sunday, May 19
9:30 a.m. - Christian Education
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
Main St. North
Albert Vandedean
Worship Services
10:00 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Dacey T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
A truly rich man is one whose children
run into his arms when his hands are
Comer of James and Andrew St.
Mrs. Bev Robinson
The Rev. Grant L. Mills
(Minister Emeritus)
Director of Music
Ralph C. Topp
May 19, 1991 - 11:00 a.m.
8th Sunday after Easter
Rev. Peggy CampbeN
Courtesy Car : Chester Dunn 235-1400
Nursery Facilities available
Everyone Welcome!
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Ruiledge
Sunday, May 19
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Moming Worship
'Managing Gods Financial Portfolio'
7:00 p.m. Ohtf* ten Chows&
WednLis +m FaiNlyBoma Night
Our Lady of
Mount Carmel
RR 28, Parkhill
Sat. 7:30 p.m.
Sun. 11:00 a.m.
Precious Blood
Mein St at Gidley,
Exeter (Trivitt)
Sun. 9:00 a.m.
Pastor: Fr. Frank Murphy
Sunday School offered at all morning
masses for children 4-6 years incl.
Both churches are
wheelchair accessible.
Visitors are welcome.
Pastor -teacher Bob Drumm
Sunday, May 19
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
6:00 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
7:00 p.m. Kid's Club
7:15 p.m. Bide Study
M services are held at
Usbome Central School,
Huron St. E.
Everyone Welcome
For more information please
caN 229-8881
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday, May 19
10:00 a.m. Worship
11:10 a.m. Sunday School
Nursery available
7:30 p.m. Worship
Everybody welcome
O&M *Ad Wo l)lA wan w
ERS Annual Meeting, June 4 at the Gode-
ridh Township Community Castre, Hdmea-
ville. Reception 6 p.m.;Dinner 7 p.m.;
Lottery Draw oma 1991 hevrolet Cavalier
8 p.m. Entertainment by Harmesptn. Dinner
tickets $10.00, available at the offices of
Town and Country Homemakers or from
Board Members. 19,20,21c
A MEETING OF THE Huron Bruce Fed-
eral Progressive Conservative Association
will be held at the Brussels Legion on Thurs-
day, May 16, 1991 at 8:30 p.m. The purpose
is to select senior and youth delegates to at-
tend the general meeting aid policy confer-
ence of the PC Associauon of Canada at the
Metro Toronto Convention Centre on Au-
gust 6-11,1991. 19,20c
Childrai's Aid Society of Huron County will
be held on Wednesday, May 29, 1991 at
7:00 p.m. in the Board Room at 46 Gloucest-
er Terrace, Goderich, Ontario. Voting mem-
berships (S5) will be available at the door.
Come out and support your Children's Aid
Society. 19,20,21 c
nual Church Service, Sunday, May 19. Meet
at Lodge Room, 10 a.m., service at 11 a.m.,
Hensel! United Church. 19,20'
WOMEN AGLOW • Shirley (Thiel)
Schuurs ratans to her home town to tell of
God's healing of an environmental illness
that made her allergic to everything. May
27. Zurich Public School. 8 p.m. 20"
July 20 and 21, featuring Bobby Vinton. Ex-
eter and Grand Bend departures. From S149
per person quad. Hosted by Lois and Iry
Amnstroig. For details call Ellison Travel,
519-235-2000 or 1-800-265-7022- 20,21c
MILLER'S BARN Annual Bam Homer
Event, May 18, 19, 20. RR el, Mitchell,
Hwy. *83 just west of Hwy. 023. 229.6429.
Adult Health Clinic. Location: Health Unit
Office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Date:
Tuesday, May 21, 1991. Time: 9 a.m. -
11:30 a.m, and 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 1. Health
Counselling; 2. Foot are (fee); 3. Blood
pressure testing. 20c
Sale, afternoon of May 17, all day May 18,
morning of May 19. 20c
LUCAN•BIDDULPH Home and School
Association is holding a Community Flea
Market/Garage Sale on Saturday, June 1,
1991 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Lucan Public
School. Raindate Saturday, June 8, 1991.
Reception for
Peggy Inch and
Ralf Mundinger
Sat., May 25
9 pm.. - 1 a.m.
Lunch provided
For information call 235-
2554, 235-0237, 237-3742
1- . -t's`ar
:71951 Boyle -Smith ii•'r/ Bernice Earline Smith `
Hugh William Laing Boyle J
I I exchanged marriage vows be-
ifore the Rev. F.J. Dunlop at
V the manse of St. Luke's United''
Church in Sarnia, on Saturday
May 19. The bride is the only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid-
ney Smith, Wyoming, while the
bridegroom is the youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Boyle, Wellington St. St.
1 Thomas. Miss Gwen Gold- `'
s. smith and Lew O. Shepherd r'
I both of Sarnia, attended the i
ii couple. Following a honey
Vmoon to Northern Ontario, the %
bride and groom will reside at
322 Tecumseh Avenue, Lon-
don, Ontario.
Open House
For Hugh and Bernice Boyl in
celebration of their fortieth
Wedding Anniversary from 1 - j.
5 p.m. Sunday May 19 �r
Exeter Masonic Hall
McConnell St., Exeter J
Best wishes only
(Behind the OPP station)
,.;. ,,
Buck & Doe
Eugene Glanville
& Ginny Cable
Fri., May 17
For information call
228-6860 and 228-6183
Pam Johns. &
Paul Allen
Fri., May 24 9 - 1
For more information call
237-3157 or 235-2717
Age of Majority required
Kirkton Woodham
Community Centre
Sun.. May 26
Adults $9.00 advance, or
$10.00 at door. Children
$4.50 & $5.00. Tickets avail-
able E, Someth Special,
Kirktc.o Busintr as and
Board Members
The Wizard of Oz
By L: Frank Baum
with music and lyrics of the MGM
motion picture score by Harold Ar-
len and E.Y. Harburg. Adapted by
John Kane
June 18 - July 6
Educating Rita
By Wily Russel
July 9 - July 20
By Mary Chase
July 23 - August 3
Two end Two Make Sex
By Richard Harris and LesleDarbon
August 6 - August 17
Anna of Groan Gabfas
Based on books by Lucy Maud
Montgomery. Book and Lyrics by
Don Harron. Music by Norman
August 20 - September 7
Box office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday to Saturday
phone for rosarvationa
(519) 238-8451
A.R. 01, Grand Bond
Ontario NOM 1 TO
rid. so
nes ar,
Buck & DOE
Jeff Dixon and
Cindy Dolphin
Sat, May 18
8 p.m. ?
Midnight snack
For information call
DiE fAMily of Bill SNOW iNVITE hands,
ANd NEiciPhbouRs 10 join whit Tb,EM IN
CE1EbnaiiNrn his 80T1t biRTlidAy
Sunday MAy 26, 2 - 4 p.M.
BEST wislstS oNly
Thank You
We would like to thank Huron
Tractor, Barry Miller and
Veal's Meat Market for the
tours they gave us, the Exet-
er Police and Dwight Monk
for his help in our bike rodeo.
Thanks also to all the parents
who helped throughout the
year. •
Thank you from all the
Beaver's & Leader's Debbie
and Steve Ray
and Mike Veal.
J-12;1q'*.-N9'55'i /-1
ANNC!'l1`1,_-h,52-1'/) -
Earl. ts Clara 'll'tit -tin
HAppy 4011s ANNIVERSARy Douce & DOROTIly INslEy
MAy 99TH
The Huron County
Alzheimer Advisory Committee
Presents a
LEN FABIANO workshop
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
at the
For complete details call
482-7405 or 482-7865
Donuts Now
Sunday May 19, Monday May 19 & 20th
Wishing everyone a happy and
safe weekend.
Regular hours Tuesday, May 21st