HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-05-08, Page 24Page 24 Times -Advocate, May 8, 1991 16 For Sale 18 Wanted 15 Personal 16 For Sole IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's earn. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934,227-4562 m345-25%. (17dn) GARDEN PLOT 62 by 32 ft. at 291 Astdtew Si. Exeter. Have it in exchange for prod Phone 235-2607 between Maio -Tri. by 6 pm. (191) 1990 JAYCO 1006 Tent Trailer wish fridge, double as bottles, self -storing ectopy, ppl�oop�a pole holder, other MAK Sews extras, MSe s war S1000 on mew. Child's asaind i ski equipment Rwaiyd 120 skis, Saiastan size 2 boots and poles. Phone 284.2390. HEAT PUMP, 4 ton (new compressor), in excellent condition. Call 235-2650 or 229-8851. ALFALFA AND TIMOTHY HAY first and second art. John den Otter Kirkton 229-8232. FOUR DOORS, twtk lid, front and rear bspt�psn, all are Southern U.S. pans, fit 1980.84 Olds Cutlass 4 door sedan, 1/2 h.p. Duro jet pump. Phone 349-2605. FIBERGLASS TOP, metallic grey, less than two year sold, excellent shape, fits 1/2 ton truck, $650. or best offer. Phone 284-1527. TREES TREES TREES Fully brunched 10-16' Norway Maple 828.00, Red Maple 838.00, Sugar Maple $40.00. Mw available Mt. Ash, Linden Locust, Zekova, Birch Clump. Discount for quantity 284-3400. • MOTHERS DAY * Grcat gifts from our Gift Boutique or Wicker Gallery. Patio sets, ea arts, loungen, etc. Patio Rattan Warehouse, 71 King • West, Forest. Tues -Sat. 10-5. (519) 786-2180. (19•) 20" BMX BICYCLE, excellent condition. 229-8718 after 5 p.m. CAPONS, ducks and geese oven ready and lambs. Call 225-2609. HAIR DRESSING EQUIPMENT. Dryer and bather chair, zinc and roller tray, will sell together or separate. Phone 263-3030. (16-18c) 217 Main St. S., Exeter 1 1/2 storey, solid brick, 3 bed- room in prime area, lovely family home or ideal live in business ability. Hardwood floors, huge kitchen, central air. CaII owner (519) 235-2373. (a�maR� GRAM SYSTEMS LTD TRAILERS - PARK MODELS 5th Wheels, Hard Tops Motor Homes New/Used Hitches, Truck caps • Prowler • Conquest • Hy -line, • Golden Falcon • Viking • Tioga SMOG • Rentals • Service 29 years in Business CAMP -OUT TRAILERS Hwy. 8 -1 mile west of Stratford 393-5938 • PATONS YARNS • - Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre, Hensel!. (16tfn) ANTIQUE DOUBLE DRESSER with or without large round mirror, 3/4 iron bed with like new box spring and mattress. Call after 6 p.m. 233-9297. (25tfx) ENGINE PROBLEMS? Engines for most can and pickup trucks. Pnces u low as 1450 installed. Call Advanced Auto Wreckers 234-6250 or 2346790 RR 1 Exeter. Towing service available. (44tfn) STEREO CABINET with record player, radio and 8 track. Excellent condition. Phone233-9297 evenings. (491&) FIREWOOD seasoned hardwood maple, beech, ash. phone Dignan Landscaping 235-1678. (51tfn) WOOD CHIPS - Pine and spruce loosens the soil when worked in. Retains moisture and keeps weeds down when spread on top Ironwood Golf Club 235-1521 or235-0707. (10tfn) GORGEOUS SATIN BRIDESMAID GOWN, 3/4 length, wom once. Fuschia withjacket, spaghetti straps, lace inset. Size 10. Call 235-0561. (16tfx) DIXON FRUIT FARM. Welcome to another farm season beginning with asparagus. We are taking orders now - only 800 a Ib. Why pay more. Phone 293-3043. lim and MaryLou Dixon, RR2 Ailsa Craig. (18:19•) RED CLOVER SEED, double cut. Phone 262-3448. (17;18c) OAT STRAW, approx. 900 square bales. 750 each. Phone 263-2651. 1984 HONDA GOLDWING ASPENCADE, loaded, AM/FM, cass, CB, lots of chrome, custom pinstripe. Helmets and cover 86800 certified. 1986 Ford Thunderbird Elan, power windows, mirrors, gas, truck, air, cruise and tilt. 87400 certified. Call Gary 236-7222. METAL BATH TUB, five foot, beige colour. Westinghouse clothes dryer. Speed Queen super twin washer. Phone 238-8393. (18:19c) DININGROOM SET, 7 piece, French Provincial. Like new. 8900.00. Phone 235-2441. (19x) COLOURED TV, floor model, Zenith 24" remote control 8100. Sofa and chair, excellent condition $475. Phone 228-6923. (18:19c) 7 H.P. TROY BUILD rear end tiller. Phone 235-2854. (19') LAKEWOOD AIRTIGHT STOVE, original, very good condition also 2 lengths 7" double wall pipe, $300 or best offer. Call 225-2228 after 6 p.m. DININGROOM SET, 1940's solid maple and pink depression glass, 2 chesterfield sets and old cherry wood cupboard. Phone 2848. Apartment for Rent 2 bedroom upper apart- ment, stove and fridge in- cluded. Utilities extra. $298.00 per month. Available May 1, 1991 Contact Oke Woodsmith 262-2737 RICOH R -L70, 35 mm., automatic canters, one year old, lithium battery, case. 8300 or bee firer. Phone ovations 229-8884. TABLE SAW with stand and 4" plater. 12 gauge Remington pump shotgun. 12auge bolt action with clip shotgun Call after 7 p.m. 215-0357.09°) MODERN ARC moveable floor lamp, brass and acrylic sand 5 piece brass fireplace sot Phasro 235.3197. HOT WATER TANK used, 60 gal. electric 850. Pbone235-0399. (19c) AIR COMPRESSOR - Lincoln 5 h.p. with 80 gallon tank. 87000. Phone 237-3465. Excellent condition. (19:20') CULLIGAN WATER SOFIhNER like new 8650.00. Table tennis table, regulation size with bola and balls. $75. Phone 237-3431. (19tfn) 1983 RENAULT ALLIANCE, loaded, excellent condition 82950; boy's BMX bicycle 835; utility trailer $100. child's playpen $15.00. Phone 238-8861. (19c) VISSCHER FARMS COUNTRY MARKET Open - Monday to Saturday 9 am. to 5 p.m. CLOSED Sundays POTATOES $6.00 - 50 lb. bag 3 mi. west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 Phone 237-34.42 BICYCLES - Adults and children's. New and used. Phone 229-6433. (19-22c) WET BAR padded curved type 78"x22"x38" high. 2 high back padded bar stools new condition cost 5600 sell for$350 includes bar lamp and many accessories. Ideal for ret room or den. Phone 235-2429. GOLF SET custom-made for tall left-hander. Two to nine, putter and sand wedge and one and three persimmon woods. Bag and deluxe Bag boy cart. 3195.00 complete. Phone 235-2656. YORK EXERCISE BENCH and 200 lb. weight set. 8200 or best offer. Phone 349-2435 or 349-2276. ELECTRIC FORCED AIR FURNACE, 15 years old, Dual -Matic. Also wanted slide for swimming pool. Best offer. Call 284-3829. WEDDING GOWN and headpiece, pearl white, full length, all lace, short sleeve, excellent condition, wom once, size 7-8, paid 81000, asking 8500 cash or beat offer. Phone between 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 225-2875. BRIDESMAID'S DRESS, dusty roe, full length, satin with slip, 3/4 length sleeve, excellent condition, wom once, size 7-8, asking 350. Call between 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 225-2875. STOVE - air tight with insulated pipes. Raspberry plants. Phone 237-3450. (19c) TRACTOR - Allis Chalmers 13 with Woods 60" mower, excellent condition. Phone235-0389. (19c) KITCHEN CABINETS - 10' mahogany. New bone bathtub. Call evenings 235-3293. (19tfn) ARTIST SUPPLIES • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • Art Nibs • Sketch Pads • Calligraphy EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE 17 Wanted To Buy DAILY CAR RIDE from Exeter to London downtown core. 'Leaving 6;30 am., 4:30 p.m. Phone Soon m after 6 p. 23.(19•) Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products 'DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE, AL.YAtt ORM $YITeuss LTD. ail MMapun at W. So.550 EXETER ONMiVO PM 150 Awns su. (5111285.10111 Rus (51D 2512015 JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS. Will pick up. Call McStephen Auto Wreckers 228-6214.(1-26) WANTED - 100 acres or less for a young fanning couple with three children. Need a large house and usable bam(s). Would lilke to buy privately. Preferably McGillivray' Twp. but looking within a 40.50 mile radius north, north west of Landon. Phone 1-294-0386. (13tfn) USED TWIN STROLLER. Phone 263-5343. (18;19c) PIANO BENCH in good condition. Please ca11229-6345. (19:Mx) DEHUMIDIP'E7t in good condition. Phone 228-6867. (19c) 19 Pr operty For Sole GRAND BEND Pineview Mobile Home Park, retirement mrrununtty, paved toads and street lights, year round living. Homes for sale, exec -!km oosdiiton. Cable T.V., pool and club house, pear welocane. Phone 338-5584 or 243-2294. (42tfn) MOBILE HOME - 1988 - 14x70 Noshlander, 2 bedroom. Excellent condition. Plus deck. Asking 838,000. Phone 1-229-6602. (18:19") 20 Property For Rent IN LUCAN one bedroom apartment with stove and fridge. Reasonable nett with all utilities included, references required. Pbone225-2578. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Ground floor downtown Hensall, carpeted, beight paved parking, TV cable. Special rate for senior citizens 262-2230. (13-20c) FOR LEASE - Excellent retail space, ample parking, 2450-4500 sq. ft. Contact Norm Whiting, 63 Main St. Exeter. 235-1964 or 235-1931.(l0tfn) TWO BEDROOM apartments. Available immediately. First and lest month's rent required. Sanders St. Exeter. 1-660-6585 or 235-2395.(25tfn) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, stove, fridge, broadlooned, heat included 8273.00 per month. Not suitable for children or pear. Utilities extra. Phone 262-3146 after 6 p.m. (45tfn) ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT. One bedroom apartment. Elizabeth Court Apart rents building. Phone 262-2612 after 6 pm. (47tfn) MAPLES - Hensall, bachelor apartment. Available immediately. 8250.00 per month including heat. Phone 262-3124 or 236-4230. (81fn) GROUND FLOOR downtown 2 bedroom $475.00 plus utilities, private parking. Phone235-0302. (12tfn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, available April 1st. Basement, garage, fridge and stove S500 per month. Fust and last month's paid in advance. Apply to Box 77P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter, Ontario. References essential. (13tfn) LARGE 2 BEDROOM apartment with whirlpool air, dishwasher, fndge and stove, washer and dryer. Phone 235-0349. (13tfn) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in Exeter. 8495r month (includes heat). Call 235-0466. per EXETER - large newer one bedroom apt. Upper level. Oak kitchen, fridge and stove supplied, Central air. Phone evenings Jack Taylor 235-3293. (15tfn) THE MAPLES - Heual. 2 bedroom apartmeant available May 1. Phone 236-4230or 26Z-3124. (l5tfn) BACHELOR APARTMENT, fridge and stove, suitable for one adult. Parking and laundry. Phone 235-1497. (16tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, heat included, parking and laundry, close to downtown. Available May 1. Phone 235-0230. (19tfn) FOR RENT - 33 Huron Street West, May 1, 1991, 8500 per month, 3 bedrooms. References required. Contact: Don Carrell, Administrator, South Huron Hospital, 235-2700 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. (18:19c) CARLING PLACE - Two bedroom apartment with fridge and stove. Available June 1. Phone after 5 p.m. 235-0537. (lam) CLANDBBOYB - 2 bedroom apartment, available now, under new mansganent. Call anytime 681-6569 or 227-1107. (18-21c) SEALALL "ONE CALL, WE SEAL IT ALL" FREE ESTIMATES • Asphalt Driveways • Rooflng • Basements Guaranteed Work 1991 Apartments for rens drone ;.i . .? I'•p-ons S,+,es R1'p. 235-1304 Exlate Realty Inc. Realtor 235-1621 MEN Brookside Luxury Adult Apts. in Exeter Model Suite Open 10-5 Saturday & Sunday Directions: West on Huron St. to Marlborough St., then N. about 1/4 mile. 1-235-2961 1-565-5062 20 Pi aper ty For Rent HOUSE - 3 bedrooms in Exeter. References requited. Available June 13. Pbone235(18:19') MODERN 2 BEDROOM apaitment. Main St. Exeter. AvaiWe immediately. Phone 235-2557.(19tfn) 3 BEDROOM HOUSE 2 baths, 4 Available innanediately. Phone al -2364. (19c) AILSA CRAIG July 1st. Storey and one half, 3 bedroom, 6 appliances included, gar efficiencyfurnace, treed lot. large garden. Firstandlast rncenth $550 plus teri)iuoies. Call 416-445-9741 after8 p.m. (19-22c) ONE BEDROOM ground floor apartment. central Exeter. Laundry, stove and fridge. Prefer no pets. Referenom. Available July 1. Phone Z5-3114. (19-22c) LUCAN - one bedroom apartment immediate possession. Phone after 6 p.m. 227-1017. (19c) OFFICE SPACE for rent in Hensall. Call 235-2420.(19tfn) 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 262-3027 or 235-1020. (17tfn) 23 Wanted To Rent LOW RENT ACCOMMODATION in country - suitable for raising small animals. Exeter or surrounding area. Phone 228-6883. (19') 26 Ledo{ Notices TKNDER Closing May 21, 1991 at 4 p.m. For compaction and cover of gar- bage at the Kirkton landfill site for a two year period from June 1, 1991 to May 31, 1993, to take place after each day of opera- tion. Cover material will be sup- plied by the municipality. Equip- ment preferred: Hy -hoe. State price per day for compaction and cover. State price per hour for drawing cover material. Sealed tenders, prepared on your own form and marked as to contents will be received at the Township Office by: Sandra Strang, Clerk, Township of Usborne, R.R. #3, Exeter, NOM 155. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARI- LY ACCEPTED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of AMOS ROBERT HERMAN Late of the Township of Usbome, County of Huron, retired farmer, who died on the 2nd day of February, 1991. Creditors and others having claims aginst the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of May, 1991, after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. ELMER D. BELL Barrister and Solicitor Exeter, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CHARLES BERTRAM GREENLEE Late of the Village of Ailsa Craig, in the County of Middlesex, and of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Hu- ron, retired farmer, who died on the 5th day of September, 1990. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particu- lars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of May, 1991, after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. ELMER 0. BELL Barrister and Solicitor Exeter, ONtth{d Solicitor for thei`Ek &ito' HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T. (H.C.) 91-10 For Janitorial Services and snow removal at 134 Sand- ers Street, Exeter Ontario. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. lo- cal time. May 15. 1991 by the Huron County Housing Au- thority, 44 East St., Gode- rich, Ontario N7A 1N3. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARI- LY ACCEPTED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors and others having claims against the Estate of ALMA ELERETTA HODGINS Late of the Township of Biddulph in the County of Middlesex who died on or about the 1st day of January, 1991, are to send in their claims with full par- ticulars by mailing than to the unda- signed on or before the 29th day of May, 1991, after which date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims then received. ' Dated at Forest, Ontario this 9th day of April, 1991. LEIGH CROZIER P.O. Box 816 Forest, Ontario NON 1J0 Solicitor for the Executors Dave (519) 262-2134 Ken (519) 262-2610 VAN BREE Vii -35 DRAINAGE & BULLDOZING LTD. • Excavating - Bulldozing - Trucking • Demolition • Land Clearing • Erosion Control • Earth Moving • Site Servicing • Basements • Septic Systems • Lagoons We are your construction experts No ob Is too bl or too small! For free estimates call 828-3641 FOR RENT 12 HURON ST. EXETER 4 brand new one bedroom apartments close to downtown Available immediately New fridge and stove $450 to $550 plus utilities 451-5308 days 433-3621 evenings Now Renting OUAIG HARDWOODS LTD. Auburn Buying Bush lots or selected trees Top Cash Prices Call 519-526-7220 ONE MONTH FREE with ono year lass.. Ask for mora ¢Malta ti NOW RENTING Exandarea Meadows Housing Co-operative in Exeter Co-op Housing offers you: • quality affordable living • resident participation in man- agement of co-operative • community spirit fostered by people working together gttdareaMeaido_wa Hous- lnar features: • new, 1, 2.3 bedroom apart- ments/townshomes, including wheelchair accessible unite with rents ranging from $530 - $650 plus utilities. energy efficient and low main- tenance units • on-site community centre and children's play area • beautiful site in a country set- ting. INDOOR GARAGE SALE - 195 Main St. Loess, lower level, Sat. May 11, 1991. from 9-2. Bake table, furniture, toys, crafts, etc. Antique Singer leather sewing machine, Full Ce Fellowship Group living Werk Congregetioul Church, Lucan, Ontario. Sorneshmg for everyone. (19c) SAVE - Saturday, May 2.5 for Cromarty Presbyterian Church Attic Craft and Bake Sale. Enjoy free coffee u you browse through the "treasures". 2-5 pm. Church basement. (19;20c) YARD SALE - Sat. May 11. 93 Sanders St. W. Exeter. Carped, linoleum remnants, vinyl and ceramic tile, rowing madsine, air oonditioner and lots of misc. items. (19c) GIANT YARD SALE - Hwy. 83, just east d Dashwood, May 11. Venetians, verticals, windows and shoes and used articles, toys, eta Rain or shine. 8:00 a.m. to 7 (19c) Boron Public Ddncatiaa Opening tip the World invites tenders ' for.'' RENOVATIONS • TO SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Sealed individual tenders property identified for the General Contract for the following school, addressed to The Huron County Board of Education will be received by the Board Office at 103 Albert Street. Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1L0 before 2:00 p.m. local lime on Thursday. May 16, 1991. New Mezzanine South Huron District High School Auto Shop Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the tender prico must accompany tender. The successful contractor shall pro- vide a 50% Performance Bond and a Labour and Materials Payment Bond. Mrider documents are available at Kyles, Garratt & Marklevitz, 516 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 5T7 and the Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Street. Clinton, Ontario after Wednesday. May 8. 1991 upon deposit of 5100.00 per set. Lowest or any tender not necessanly accepted Bob Allan Director Joan Van den Broeck Chair Village of Lucan Office of the Clerk Public information Meeting Thutsday, May 16 at 7 p.m. Town Municipal Office, Council Chambers Exeter Ontario FIREWOOD i For more Information contact: Have you considered hardwood slabs? They are approximately 1/2 the price of body wood We deliver In 17 cubic yard Boxesfuls. Call Now 519-526-7220 ren p.rasnat viewing calf Sinew Gama Glenn at (115) 235-0349 Mon. • l.r. er lust tan by N e•.», COMMUNITY HOMES soutimni(rl Onrarto tnc. (519) 667-2900 5 t.-«" - NOTICE Sealed tenders are requested to prepare and paint all the ex- terior woodwork including storm sashes on the Municipal Building at 161 Main Street, Lucan. Tender prices should in- clude material and labour. Tenders will be received at the Municipal Office between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday until May 24th, 1991, and will be opened at council meeting 7:30 p.m. May 27th, 1991. The lowest bled will not necessarily be accepted. E.J. Melanson Clerk 161 Main Street Lucan, Ontario NOM 2J0 f5 1