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Little lead weights can make all the difference
Those little lumps of lead that cling to your car's wheels - you proba fy
don't give them a second thought, but they do in fact play a large part' in
the smoothness of the ride of your car.
Those little weights, which are attached to perfectly balance each wheel,
are sometimes overlooked by motorists who wonder why their car doesn't
ride as well at certain speeds as others.
Then again, some motorists will assume that a wobble or steering prob-
lem is only an imbalance, not realizing the problem is a little more serious.
What seems like simple job can be quite complex.. As Mike McNichol
at Haugh Tire in Exeter points out, there is more than one way to balance a
The traditional method of letting the wheel rotate to its heaviest spot and
then adding weights to the top - the static balance - has fallen by the way-
side as quicker and more accurate methods have come to the forefront.
It wasn't that long ago either that the wheels were spun with the car rest-
ing on a trolley with a strobe light pointing out improperly balanced
On balance - Rob Bryson at Haugh Tire loads a wheel onto the elec-
tronic spin balance machine - one of the best ways to achieve per-
fect wheel smoothness. -'
points. That method is still popular for truck tires, says McNichol, but the
electronic spin balance has far and away become the favourite method for
passenger tires.
In this method, the car's wheels are removed and placed on a machine
which, after a few quick spins of the tire, displays on a computer display
the exact placement and amount of weight required to perfectly balance
the wheel.
Customers can even request a single plane balance, or a two -plane bal-
ance. The second is the best method because it compensates for any side-
to-side weight imperfections in the wheel, but requires mounting weights
on both the inside and outside of the rim, something which owners of fan-
cy wheels and trim may not desire.
The computer can also calculate perfect balance right down to the exact
gram if the customer so desires. But this is usually only necessary for
sports cars and those with high -revolution small tires.
A typical symptom of improper balance is a slight vibration through the
car's steering or accelerator pedal at a certain speed, usually above 70 km/
h. The vibration will often disappear and reappear at specific points on the
If you experience a vibration at something slower than highway speeds
then the problem can usually be traced to a tire failure, explains McNichol.
Balance problems are not as common as they once were either, says
McNichol. He says that the electronic spin balance method is good
enough that if the wheels are correctly balanced when the tires are first in-
stalled, then they can remain in balance for virtually their entire road life.
Of course, nothing is perfect. Those little lead weights can disappear on
contact with potholes or curbs. Tire wear can also shift balance enough so
that a vibration can become nv able.
Balance problems can a.,o ...anifest themselves elsewhere in the car's
drivetrain. Not only are wheels balanced, but so are brake drums and
drive shafts. If a weight comes of a brake drum, the effect is identical to
an imbalanced wheel. In this case, doing an on -the car balance can correct
the problem, so long as the wheel is returned to the same position every
time it is removed.
Because the South Huron area has quite a few gravel roads, McNichol
says it isn't uncommon for car and truck owners to come to him with very
severe balan :e problems. These aren't caused by a loss of balance
weights, but he addition of mud and calcium buildups in the back of the
rim. Although it might not be visible from the outside, it can cause a very
noticeable problem.
"Mud sits in there and it's just like two pounds of weight," laughs
McNichol, who says the simple solution is to hose it out and return the ve-
hicle to the road. _
More serious problems can also be interpreted incorrectly as being bal-
ance related. `
"We get a lot of people coming in and saying 'it's pulling to one side - I
need a balance', when what they need is an alignment," said McNichol.
Wheel balance is largely a matter of smoothness and comfort, at least at
less than racetrack speeds. Very seldom will a balance problem affect a
Tire care tips for improving fuel economy
• Maintain proper tire inflation - between 20 and 35 pounds per square
inch (psi). Underinflation of our or more psi can reduce 'fuel economy
by at Least five percent and tire life as much as 40 percent.
• Check the placard in the glove box or on the driver's door for the ve-
hicle's recommended tire pressure.
• Check tire pressure at least once every two weeks with a reliable air
pressure gauge.
• Valve stems should have a plastic or metal cap. Plastic caps keep out
the dirt, but metal ones have a rubber gasket that seals against leakage.
• Rotate tires every 10,000 miles.
• Check the alignment of your vehicle once a year. Misaligned tires
can cause the car to drag, lowering mileage and causing unnecessary
wear on the tires.
Spring cleaning on wheels: Here's
how to conquer cleaning problems
If your house looks like too big
a spring cleaning project to tackle,
don't despair - you can get instant
gratification for the spring clean-
ing bug... in your driveway. In less
than three hours you can clean up,
clean out and clean off most com-
mon car care concerns and, drive
off to a "spring fling". Here are the
top five cleaning problems most
motorists face each spring - and
how to conquer each. All it takes
is a little know-how to get you on
your way.
• With road "hazards" such as
road tar, grime, bug and bird resi-
due, cold, heal, acid rain and hard
water bombarding my car each
day, what steps make up complete
car care today?
As with a good recipe, following
all the steps will guarantee suc-
cess. The complete home car care
system should include exterior
washing, drying, and waxing, as
well as interior and tire cleaning
and protection.
• My car is deep down dirty
from the winter elements - how
can 1 make sure it comes clean?
It may sound a little crazy, but
wash your car - then wash it
again! First, wash with a car wash
formulated for hard water (not dish-
washing soap, which is damaging
to paint), with a sheeting action to
remove the paint -damaging residue
that builds up on your car. Then,
before it dries, wash your car again
to remove the five percent of dirt
that the first wash left behind that
does the most damage to your paint
during teh drying process.
• Cleaning "tools" are so expen-
sive. What are the best tools to use
for my car and my budget?
Some of the best tools can be
found around your house. For in-
stance, a baby diaper is the perfect
balance of cotton and flannel with
which to dry your car - far surpass-
ing a more abrasive chamois or ter-
ry cloth towel. The fine -sprayer at-
tachment for your garden hose
makes an excellent car wash teat
repeated use of too strong a water
blast can weaken your car's paint.
Other tools are inexpensive in-
vestments. For example, a cellulose
sponge that is specially formulated
to lift direct off a car without
scratching today's paints and finish-
• !low can 1 protect my car from
the elements?
Waxing protects your car in two
ways. First, it leaves a protective
coating on the paint to guard
against those elements, or hazards,
mentioned above. And, second, it
reduces drag or friction on the paint
surface during future washings.
Most cars today require a low -
abrasive, long-lasting water bead-
ing wax. The safest way to supply
it is to place the wax on the applica-
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tion rag (a baby diaper comes in
handy here) and apply to the car in
a circular motion. Then, allow the
wax to dry ,to a haze and buff it
away with a smooth, soft cotton/
flannel cloth (another diaper)
•Do I really need to use a protec-
tant on the dashboard, tires and in-
Absolutely. A quality silicone -
based protectant guards against
ozone, oxygen and ultraviolet light
rays which can crack, dull, harden
and fade these items. It also makes
these, surfaces anti -static to repel
dust and dirt. Used as directed, pro-
tectant can add years to your car's
dash, tires and vinyl accessories.
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tire's wear, but alignment and suspension problems do.
Another method of balancing a tire that has McNichol enthused is the
fluid balance. In this case, a sticky liquid known as Tire Joy is pumped di-
rectly into the tire. When on the road, the fluid finds its way to the thin-
ner, lighter parts of the wheel and automatically compensates for imbal-
ance. It works wonders says McNichol, who adds that it is best used for
targe truck and four-wheel drive tires that are very hard to balance other-
•'. •
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