HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-04-10, Page 11s Appreciation night held for donators By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Royal Canadi- an Legion branch 498 of Grand Bend held an Appreciation Banquet for all those who contributed to the construction of the new addition to the hall on Saturday, April 6. A delicious roast beef dinner was served compliments of the Legion. President Ron Crown was the Mas- ter of Ceremonies and introduced special guests Bob and Mary La- londe, Zone A-4 commander and district commander Norm White. The new addition was built to pro- vide a permanent stage for commu- nity activities with more seating downstairs and additional storage. 'Two plaques will be engraved and mounted to acknowledge area contributions. The fust plaque will contain the list of area businesses: Oke Woodsmith, Dan Stanlake, Xa- vier Boogemans, Doug and Lee Jennison and Jennison Construc- tion, Joe Batson, Handi-Man Cen- tre, Grand Bend Decorating Centre, Exeter Glass and Mirror and An- derson Electronics. The first splash - Warner Auto -Marine Inc. of Grand Bend launched its first boat of the spring Wednesday at the !age's south south dock. The Mantinka officially docked at ap- proximately 12:30 p.m., and became one of the first boats in Ontario to be launched. It is prouIl owner Colin Cunningham's fifth boat. 'Two foot-itus keeps me go- ing, " laughed Cunningham, saying he likes to buy a boat two feet longer every few years. The Mantinka will be headed for the Thousand Islands and Cunningham's Flor- ida home this summer - she will be docked in Toronto. Seen on the Mantinka is Pete Warner. Celebrate Diamond Month with A BRILLIANT PROS Holy Week The other plaque will list those members wbo have contributed in- cluding Dave Green, Remi Van Praet, Bill Waugh, Dave Johnson, Glen Dyson, Alex Leatheriand, Wayne Schlegel, Rick Maguire, Xavier Boogemans, Joe McNeil, Richard'fiance, Chris Sterling, Jack Stanlake, Rick Richard, Jean Chambers, Jean Scott, Danny Dal- ton, Jim Price, George Gallant, Ken Dawe, Wally Twpel, Ed Chamberlain, Al Randall, Jim Crown, Verne Fischer and Ron Crown. They also acknowledged the con- tributions of several service clubs; Prosper Van Bruaene of the Grand Bend Lions' Club, Norm Johnson of the Chamber of Commerce, Ron Dann of the Golden Age Club and Shirley Mitchell and Bruce Wood- ley of the Grand Bend Town Coun- cil and Nellie Blake and Roberta Walker. Special tribute was paid to the six Life Members of Legion 498, Bob Holley, George Gallant, Art Chambers, Burton Green, Andy Crown and Irwin Holt (absent) for a lifetime of service to the Legion. After the thank-you's had been said, entertainer Bob Findley start- ed up the entertainment portion of the evening. Meat raffle Friday night's meat raffle winners were Mars McIntyre, Chuck Ho- ward, Ed Chamba, Wilf Mitch- ell and Vern Williamson. Dolly Ab- bott won the mysery prize. Thanks to the kitchen crew for a great job on Saturday. Hello to comrade Judy Jewel who is still in a London hospital. Bikes ready for Great Ride GRAND BEND - The Great Ride for cancer will be held at the Pinery Park at 1 p.m. on Sunday, April 28. Not only will you be able to ride, but walkers are most welcome as well. Sponsor sheets will be availa- ble at the following Grand Bend businesses: Whites pharmacy, Denny's Drive-in, Loeb-IGA, Ten- derspot, Valu -Man, ReMax, GB Decorating and Best's Ice -Cream. nutuessi Leisure Time Sports store will be offering a, free bicycle rental ser- vice on a fist come - fust saved basis to participants. See Pat or Sharon for details. Also, for every S20 on your sponsor sheets, your name is entered in a draw for a chance to win one of four bicycles from Canadian Tire. Rain date for the Great Ride is set for Sunday, May 5. GREAT RATES! End of ceremonie celebrated in Ben GRAND BEND - Father Paul Beck, pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church was assisted dur- ing Holy Week by David Kowalksi and Jose Cabral, two seminarians from SL Peter's in London - they are both Winnipeg natives. Holy Thursday not only re-enacts the breaking of the bread, but also the ceremony of the Washing of the Feet - representing Christ in this humble task. Father'Beck washed the feet of 12 parish teenagers sig- nifying the 12 Apostles. For Good Friday there was no or- gan music - all singing was done acapella by the choir. Rose Van- buene and two seminarians took parts in the reading of the Passion of Christ with Father Beck acting as Christ. The congregation recited the Litany of the Saints, took part in Veneration of the Cross and re- ceived Communion. Roberta Walk- er performed the solo It is finished. Readers for the easter Vigil on Saturday night were Carol Luther, David Vrolyk, Kevin Peters and the seminarians. Dolores Tighes and Walker were canters. In his ser- mon, Father Beck explained the main idea of all five readings is to show the great deeds that God has done for mankind. On Easter Sunday, the choir again assembled under Dolores Tighe's direction for the last service of Holy Week. Walker performed a Handel's messiah solo Come unto Him. There were several celebrations at Immaculate Heart of Mary parish during the Easter season and con- gratulations are in order for several United church Ecumenical service people; Michael Vanbruaene, Jasbrt- McCann, Brent Kelders and Shawn Lane all received their First Holy Communion. A wedding mass was celebrated for Stephen Douglas Miller and Lynn Anne Haygarth on Saturday afternoon. David Smeekins, infant son of Pete Smeekins and Nellie Aarts was baptized on Sunday with Jane and Pete Rombouts as godpar- ents. A wedding anniversary mass was celebrated for John and Dina Keld- ers on Friday for 40 years of mar- riage. They have three sons and a daughter, all married, with nine grandchildren. All friends and rela- tives were invited to a reception at the Grand Bend Legion that eve- ning. Congratulations to all the pa- rishioners with joy and best wishes from the parish. `The Catholic Women's League will be holding their general meet- ing at 6:30 p.m. on April 15 with a icessupper to celebrate Mem- hip Month. Election of a new e ecutive will be held after the iness meeting. All members are ed to bring their own table set- as well as a potluck contribu- n. ;Most of the snowbirds have re - tamed from the south and familiar faces once again fill the church. Welcome back to Deacon Sam Dixon and his wife Mary and to our regular choir director Dolores Tighe and her husband Ed. Also welcome back to Jerry and Angie Backer, Jack and Wilma Smeekrns and to Valerie and David Scatchard of Oakwood. 9 .15% s�o S49 30 t 5100,000 to 5499,999 30 to 89 days .75% to 55000 to 599,999 30 to 30 89 days Cd trust of tern esu ran ensure a guarantee turn ouyaur says. 386 Main St. S., Exeter 235-1060 STANDARD TRUST Member Canada Deposa Insurance Com.xat.on YOUR HOMETOWN SAVINGS CENTRE REACH THE WORLD BY • • • MOUNT #343-26 STUNNING DIAMOND FASHIONS .26ct. Brilliant Cut Centre Diamond with 2 Tapered Baguettes, set in 14kt, Gold. 'styles 8E. diamond sizes vary by store. Regular -x;95 Special.$ 1365 A DIRECT SAYINGS OF $888.00 Anstett's hand select and purchase their diamonds and gemstones from world markets, then handcraft their own settings, so that they can bring you savings like these. ANSTEIT JEWELLERS LIMITED 5 Convenient locations to serve you: CLINTON. EXETER. OODERTCH. SEAFORTII & ST. MARYS. Soon to be open in Kincardine! GRAND BEND - An Easter Ecu- menical Service was held recently at Greenway United Church with 60 women from area churches in at- tendance. Hostess Eloise Eagleson wel- comed the women and led in prayer. Evelyn Kurtz was the ser- vice's organist. Several churches were called upon to contribute something to the program. Eleanor Durie of the Church of God in Grand Bend, gave a reading on the Resurrection of Christ com- paring the fear of the guards who ran away to the holy women who left the empty tomb in joy and won- derment. Roberta Walker of the Immacu- late Heart of Mary Church in Grand Bend performed solos Come down Lord and 1 am the Resurrection with taped musical accompaniment. Karen Tieman of Dashwood United read about the Resurrection of Christ and the message of the Empty tomb. Then Jean Wiegand also of Dash- wood United, sang a solo God is Watching Us with her mother Irene Kennedy accompanying. Idella Gabel represented Grand Bend United with a beautiful piano solo of Jesus Christ is risen t - Dorothy White of St. John's glican, Grand Bend, gave an Easter reading on God's trcanres. Hostess Eagleson read from scriptures John 12: 20-38 and then introduced guestspeaker Janet Johnstone of Parkhill. She took much of her material from a book entitled Last Chance by James Taylor which analyzed the last week of Christ's eyes. After her talk, Johnstone joined Judy Martin in a duet entitled Spirit Divine. A collection of S150.50 was tak- en for the Allsa Craig Food. Bads. After the service, the women met in the church basement for fellow- ship time and refreshments were served by Oreenway United Church members. IF a The Times Advocate asked "Why Not?" and here it is - a Fax machine is in our office enabling you to contact any other Fax machine in the world... instantly. 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