HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-03-13, Page 22GROOT/DOWSON and Justin are thrilled with civ Matthew other lisle brother Jeremy, born February 26, 1991. A son for Bosuue and Pat Groot. Proud grandparents are Bill and Joyce Dow - son, Varna and John and Bridget Groot, Zu- rich. 1 lc INSLEY • Murray and Pauline are happy to announce the birth of their son, qua Mur- ray William, born March 6, 1991, weighing 7 Itis. 11 oz. Proud gnat 9a,ts are Nell McCann of Mt. Carmel, Ted and Ruth Ia- sky of Exeter, also great -grandma Philo- mene Hogan of Mt. Cannel. Speou thanks to Dr. Maynard and the 3rd floor nursing staff at Sr Joseph's Hospital, London, u well the exceptional care and attention given by Dr. Lam and the staff at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. 11• MATTHEWS • Annette and Stephen are pleased to announce the quick and safe arri- val of Hannah Elise on 144ardt 4 at St. Jo- seph's Hospital. Proud Opa is Bruce Cann of Exeter and proud grandparents Doreen and rim Matthews of St. Thomas. Thanks to the nurses and Dr. McNair. 11* RYAN • Maurice and Terri (nee Brown) thank God for the safe arrival of their beauti- ful daughter Teresa Mary Frances, bom Fri- day, February 8, 1991 at St. Joseph's Hospi- tal. Proud grane dparents are Mile Theresa Ryan of Mount Carmel. 1 lc ray.42:;+cw.v. r AIKENS • I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to friends, neighbours, and ac- quaintances for their expressions of sympa- thy and kindness during my recent bereavement. A special thank you to the nu- merous homemakers that have cared for George over the past ten years. To the staff of the Exeter Villa, thank you, for the times 1 you went that extra mile in caring. Respectfully, Rae BILCKE - I would like to thank my family and friends who put on a surprise birthday party for me on the occasion of my 60th birthday. A special thanks to Mary -Lou and Ron, Cheryl and Rob, Rita and Brent, Susan and George. a job well done guys. I I • Silvere BORLAND • My sincere thanks and appre- ciation to all our friends and neighbours, to Pastor Udall, Dr. Gans, the caring nurses at South Iluron Hospital, Bob Fletcher, Bill Haskett, and those who were with Bert at the Curling Bonspiel. To the Exeter Legion for their service, the Legion Auxiliary for serv- ing lunch, to those who visited, sent flowers, cards and letters, and for donations to me- morial fundi: A very special thank you to our families, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. Words cannot adequately express how much your support and love has helped during these difficult days since Bert's death. 11� June BRINTNELL . Special thanks to my rela- tives for all the visits, flowers, cards and gifts, also my friends for their kindness and Oione calls. A very special thanks to Mabel MacLean for her daily deeds and thoughtful- ness. It will always be cherished And to my family, Brenda and Larry for their suppon while a patient at University Hospital in London. I lc Lois CORNISH - The family of the late Mary Cornish wish to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, flowers and phone calls of sympathy. Special thanks to the Hu- ronview staff, Rev. Hawley and the Hopper - Hockey Funeral Horne. 11• Donna, Gerald, Ron, Marion and Dorothy ENGLAND • 'Uresis so all my Mends, neighbours and retadves for the cards, gifts, flowers and treats while I was in St. Joseph' s and South HuronThanks also to my suing family for all their help and con- cern for their mother. 'Menke also so my good friend Art Baldwin for taking tate of the house and dog. Thanks so Dr. Philips. Dr. Steele and cruses at both hospitals and to Rev. Lakamanis for his prayers. I 1 • Peel FANNER • I would like to tank my fami- ly, friends and relatives for the surprise patty they held for me on the occasion ct my 75th birthday. Thanks again to everyone. 11 • Clarence LATTA • The family of the late Mary Am Latta wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympathy, floral tributes, generous memorial donations, meaningful sympathy cards and donations of food to our horse during our time of sorrow. Special thanks to the C. Haskett & Son Funeral Home for their compassionate help, to Rev. Bnice Pocock for his words of comfort and to the ACW ladies of St. James Church, Oandeboye for the lunch served after the fu- neral service. Thank you grandsons for be- ing pallbearers and to all the staff at Chateau GardParkhill and say "Asir re Thankyou forr your personal, loving care to a very special person in our lives. Your support and concerns will al- ways be remembered. 1 lc Daughters, sons and families. TOMLINSON - I would like to thank all my neibours, friends and family for their cards, flowers, gifts and visiu dunng myre- cent stay in University Hospital. Your kind- ness shown to myself, Irene, Rob and James will always be remembered. Special thanks to Wendy and Sarah and their parents for their extra kindness, support and gifts will especially be remembered Once again, thanks to all. Ilc Barry VAN DAMME • Thank you to Kirkton Op- timists for your generous donation at Christ- mas and your super hard work in setting up a benefit dance. They both show us that we come from a caring community. 11c Rob and Terrie VAN DAMME • Special thanks to all our neighbours, friends and family who'support- ed us after the accident on November 18, 1990. Your acts of kindness was over- whelming. l l c Rob and Terrie ALLEMAND • At South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Thursday, March 7, 1991, Olive Mary ) Street, Exeter rin hery 94th year. Widow Widow the Marlborough late Arthur Allemand (1973). Dear mother of Doris Allemand of Ada, 1171icltigan, and dear sister of Edward Robair of Redford, Michigan and a sister-in-law Mrs. Wanda Williams of Farmington Hills, Michigan. Also survived by a number of nieces and nephews. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral !tome, Dashwood. Funeral Mau..at Precious .Blood Mission. (Trivia Memorial Church), Main & Gidley Street, Exeter, on Monday, March 11, at 11.00 a.m. Interment in Mt. Carmel Cemetery. Father F. Murphy officiated. Memorials to Precious Blood Church or charity of your choice would be appreciated, Ilc No . . DURAND • At her Ise tesldeuoe, Hach Sa. W., on T_tteadar. Mardi 12e 1991. Ruth Caa- saarsco Dursod of Exeter in her 67th Beloved wife of Pests Durand. Dar mother of Ron and Leigh of Totono. Susan and Sam of Toronto, Nancy and Dennis of Hen- sel Loved by 3 grandchildren Vanessa. Al- and Warren. Also survived by 1 brother Stephen of W� HPredeceased by 1 sister Alice and 3 Lio- nel and Ken. Resting at the R.C. Dirstey Fu- neral Home, Main St., Exeter for vtattatian on Wednesday from 2.4 and 7-9 p.m. The Thursday,complete on March 14 as p.m witwill h Rev. Rosen of the Exeter Pentecostal Church of - flaming. Interment in Exeter Cemetery. Do- nations may be made to the charity of your choi0e. l i c COCHRANE - At Victoria Hospital, West- minster Campus on Sunday, March 3, 1991; Elizabeth (Martin) Cochrane of Goderich, inher 75th year. Beloved wife of His Honour Judge William G. Cochrane. Dealoved mother of Martha Jane Cochrane of Bedmin- ster, NJ., Elizabeth Grafton Cochrane of Victoria, B.C., Mary Margaret and her hus- band Helmut Hofmeister of Lake Cowed - on, B.C. Loving grandmother of Jeffrey Gascho, Jane Miatuki, Cbristo[ Hofmeister, Jennie Hofmeister and great-grandmother of Kaytlyn Micinski. Sister of Margaret Mason of Kingston, George Martin of St. George, and the late Mary Martin. Funeral service was held at the McCallum & Pella Funeral Horne, Cambria Road at East Street, Gode- rich. Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. Crema- tion. Donations to the Canadian Cancer So- ciety would be appreciated u expressions of sympathy. 1 lc DAVIS - At St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Saturday, February 23, 1991; Mrs. Irene Edwina Mary (Fowler) Davis of Hensall, in her 78th year. Loved wife of the late Ernest Richard Davis (1983). Dear mother of Kay Rathwell of Hensall, Robert of Taunton, England and Michael of Nelson, B.C. Dear- est sister of Drew Fowler of Hensall and Winifred Harvey of Wheddon Cross, Eng- land. Mao surviving are four grandchildren Nicola and Janaki Davis, Katie and Jeffrey Rathwell and several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Davis was a former Counsellor of the Municipality of Hensel' for malty years. Vis- itation was held Monday, February 25 at 118 King Street, Hensall; where the funeral ser- vice was conducted on Tuesday, February 26 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Mark Gasketoffciat- ing. As expressions of sympathy, donations to the Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation or the charity of ones choice would be appre- ciated by the family. (Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Home Ltd., was in charge of ar- rangements.) 11 c JOSSUL - Kathleen. Suddenly at University Hospital in London, Ontario on March 7 1991,Kathleen, beloved wife of Nickolas. Loving mother of Major Brian Jossul and his wife Agnes, Wendy and her husband De- vid Johnston and Rick and his wife Betty. Cherished grandmother of Jeff, Ron, Kevin, Michael, Kimberly, Michael and Mark. Dear sister of Mary, Ralph and Jenny of Austra- lia, and Walter of Scotland She will always be remembered and missed by many nieces and nephews. Kathleen had resided in Huron Park for the past 20 years and made many. close friends through her golfng and bowl - nig +etivities.. Rested at the -Jena "Scarbo- -; rough" Chapel, 660 Kennedy Rd. Funeral '. service was held in the chapel on Saturday. Interment Resthaven Memorial Gardens. As expressions of sympathy, danationa to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated' Ilc CAVEN/PR�ESSI3 i CHURCH 68 Main Street South 235-2784 Minister: Rev. Martz B. Gaskin Organist: Miss Carolyn Love Fifth Sunday in Lent Sunday, March 17 9:45 a.m. Worship Service and Sunday School Sunday, March 24 8:00 a.m. • Men's Breakfast 9:45 a.m. - Communion Service and Sunday School Beginning on April 7 the worship service will be at 11:15 a.m. 'Nursery Available' Everyone Welcome ZION LUTHERANDas�CdHURCH Pastor LARRY STOJKOVIC SuMarch 17 9:30 a.m.-Cristian Eckication 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service Everyone Welcome EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main 8t. North Clerk Albert Vanderlaan 235-0533 Worship Services 10:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. Nursery Everyone Ailable Wsloom. Sunday Radio CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. Daly T.V. Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m. There is no place Ike the bet of Jesus for resolving the problems that perplex our Marts. PEACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 94 Orchard Street North Exeter Sunday, Merck 17, 1991 PasStolkovic 8:30 a.m. huhurch Service EVOIyOlke Welcome 1) EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James and Andrew St. Ministers The Rev. Richard W. Hawley Mrs. Bev Robinson The Rev. Grant L. Mills (Minister Emeritus) Director of Music Ralph C. Topp -March 17, 1991 - 11:00 a.m. Fifth Sunday In Lent Moming Worship with Bev Robinson Courtesy Car - Betty Coates 235-2626 Sunday Church School - 11:00 a.m. Nursery Facilities available Everyone Welcome/ , EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Pastor -teacher Bob Drumm Sunday, March 17 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour. 6:00 p.m. Communion Service Nursery ailable Tuesdayeven 7:00 p.m. Kith Club 7:15 p.m. Bible Study M services are Field at Usbome Central School, Huron St. E. Everyone Weloornre For more cal 88, BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East, Exeter Minister REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN Sunday, March 17 1040 a.m. Worship 11:10 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 =many Worship available Everybody welcome Come and hire* eVW cant ROMAN CATHOLIC Our Lady of Mount Carmel RR *8, ParkhiN 237-3593 Sat. 7:30 p.m. Sun. 11:00 a.m. Pastor: Fr. Frank Murphy Sunday School offered at aN mooning masses for children 4-6 years incl. Both churches are wheelchair accessible. Visitors are welcome. Precious Blood Mission Main St. at Gilley, Exeter (Ttivitt) Sun. 9:00 a.m. TRINITY MEMORIAL CHURCH (AngNcan) Main Street at Galey Exeter 235-2565 Sunday, March 17 11:15 a.m.Moming Prayer Fifth Sunday in Lent Guest Spea Stephen Hendry Huron Sunday School Nursery available Everyone Welcome EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Huron St. W. Exeter Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge •238%2881 Sunday, Marcs 17 9:45 a.m. unday School 11:00 a.m.29th Anniversary Services Guest Speak*: Dr. Gerry Beret 7:00 p.m. Dr.EGerry Fellowship Bann Wednesdey 7 p.m. Night Everyone Welcome EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 670 Maim St S. Rev. Don Youth Pastor -- RevF.II;= Rogers C.E. Director - Mn. Verona Snider Sunday, March 17 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Evening S rvlce Nursery available for M eervioes e Wtttkhnnhe 11/ 14 GRINNEY . In 4. passed mother and 2. 1t brakeaour heats so lose yoou. But you didn't go ,tone, Because pen of us wast with you The day Ood called yet home. husband Always w�Rick and son a dear who Jim,. gra- dea of a very thusband, father sodgrandfather.AdopKeller, who paw away ago, Mardi 22, 1981. I think of the day you passed away, There was little I ooutd do. But memories never fade away, For I always think of you. To me you are very special. And I miss you more each day. For the saddest day in my life. Was the day you paned away. I think of you in Wenoe, And open speak your name, But all I have are memories, And your picture in a frame. Your resting place I visit. And place your flowers with care, And my heart just fills with sadness, As I tum and leave you there. Loved and always remanbered by your wife Lucinda and f ORR - In loving memory of a dear husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather and broth- er. Richard Anderson Orr, who passed away Mardi 16, 1989. You are always in our minds No matter what we do, All the time within our hearts There are thoughts of you. Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten by wife Myrtle and family. 11c POSTILL • In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother Elizabeth Jane Postill (Jean) who passed away March 13, 1988. Until the day breaks, And the shadows flee away. Always remembered by Vernon, Shirley and family. 11 ROELOFS - In loving memory of a very special moeder, grootmoeder, and schoon- moeder, Gerritje Roelofs, nee Kok, who passed away March 12, 1990. Dear Mother your battles are over You fought so hard all of your life First as a sister and daughter Then as a mother and wife You climbed every hill and survived it No matter how hard the climb And always put others before yob Unselfishly time after time From the Eiken Steeg in your Holland To the grave where they lay you to rest You never quit, or flinched, or faltered You always gave it your best laud Through the horrors of war in your home - Through the move to a land that was strange You fought to hold family together Always there when a call for help carne We cry for ourselves not for you mom We cry for your love and your smile Now you've gone to join John up in heaven Thank God you were ours for awhile You'll walk the streets of God's Great Gold- en City With your sweet chary smile and hello Ths same smile you had for your neighbours i On the e:races of the town ere below:. Wehoid tnd hat timemiss cannat lou forever With God bless you and keep you dear Mother Be happy, we know that you will. Met Heide, nix vergeten by uwe familie; Slim, Lydia, Raymond and ApriL !Inc TIEMAN - In loving memory of a dear hus- band and father, Mervyn Tiernan, who passed away March 16, 1985. We hold you dose within our hearts And then: you shall remain, To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again. Sadly missed by wife Alice, Nancy and family and Lynda and family. Ilc YEO • In loving memory of Floyd Yeo who passed away four years ago, Mardi 17, 1987; and Violet Yeo who passed away Feb- ruary 1, 1987, 4 yeah aao. To Mom and Dad, I love you both very much,I miss our times together, I miss our little talks, I miss your love. When times were tough they weren't that tough because it made us learn to respect things. Taking care of you both was one thing that made me feel like I could finally repay you both for beingmy parvus. Wishi you both were still ere is just being selfish on my part be- cause I know that you'are in God's hands now. My love will never die. My love keep growing. Memories of the two of you make me laugh and make me ay. I look at your picture and wonder why the good ones al- ways go first. I miss you!! Please watch over US now. From your loving daughter Barb and grand- children Joey and Amanda. 11 • z IT) Times -Advocate, March 13, 1991 Lucan Inn (Former Shillelagh) .St. Patrick's Day AB Dance Fri, March 15 Johnny Stevens and The Club Sound Band Door prizes, spot dances, Irish stew $5.00 per person Sun., March 17 2p.m.-6p.m. Bob Trask$ Singing Machine First prize $75.00 Sunday Brunch 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. $5.95 Sunda. Smorga bord 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. '7.95 280 Main St., Lucan 227-4045 Page 22 Dealers Act Now CAN. AM, ANTIQUE SHOW June 7,8, Sept. 27, 28 Dealer information P.R. Productions 6 MHlimead Rd., London, N5Z 4P6 Phone 1-686-7992 A Spacial Birthday Celebration for Marion Deline March 16 2-5p.m. Centralia United Chyrch Open House Given by her family. Please drop in. Everyone welcome Carman and Verna Levo With all our love and best wish- es Ken, Larry, Stan, Bob, Randy, JoAnn, Jim and our families. Friends relatives and neigh- bours are invited to an Open House Sunday March 17 2 - 4 p.m. Grand Bend Legion Hall. Best wishes only please/ Town and Country Homemakers Car Lottery The raffle lottery is for a 1991 Chevrolet Cavalier. Tickets will be on sale March 1st, 1991 with the draw to be held June 4th, 1991 at the Annual Meeting in the Goderich Town- ship Hall. Tickets are being sold at $20. each and are available from board members staff and at the office at 92 Victoria Street East, Wingham. w "Burst of Spring" Fashion Show South Huron District High School, Exeter Wed., March 20 7:45 p.m. Tickets - $9.99 ea. Everyone welcome - tickets at all participating stores in Ex: eter. Dresser, Designers, Brigette's, Thomas H., Wuerth's, Purple Turtle or phone 237-3212 or any Eastern Star Member O .' DDsort,Golf &Country Club 0 • •I. ,4 Grand Bend,Ontario St. Patrick's Day Dance! Saturday, March 16 Oakwood Pub 9 p.m. -1 a.m. D.J. Pat Richardson Contests and prizes for best' l Irish Jig. Most Green Person Awe admission 238.2328 t. • 1 1