HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-02-27, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, February 27, 1991
by AnnitMorenz
SHIPKA - Another progresslve
euchre party was held Wednesday
night at Shipka Community Cen-
tre. Winners as follows: Ladies
high - Aileen Ravelle, ladies low -
Elizabeth Riley; mens high - Don
Fraser; mens low - Russell Mel-
lon; ladies lone hands - Alwinna
Galloway; and mens lone bands
won by Allen Pfaff.
There were 10 tables in play
with ?2 games played.
The south group were in charge
of refreshments.
Another euchre will be held in
two weeks.
Three Zurich ladies, who includ-
ed, Ina Neeb, Annie Finkbeiner and
Annie Becker, visited Hugh and I
last Thursday afternoon. We had an
enjoyable visit, several games of
Solo (most of the bucks went to
Zurich) and supper together.
Happy Birthday wishes this week
to Melvin Stade, and Ed Turnbull.
by Mary Kooy
CENTRALIA - Holy Commun-
ion was held at the United Church,
last Sunday, with Reverend
Charles Henderson officiating.
Bible study will take place on
Wednesday, February 27. The
World Day of Prayer will be held
at the Zion West Church begin-
ning at 8 p.m., followed by fellow-
ship. Choir practice will be held
on Thursday.
Last Monday, prize winners at
the community centre included;
high score - Helen MacDonald
and Andy Thompson; lone hands -
Ieleen Pullman and Harry Noels;
low score - Ilene Rollings and
Charlotte Barker. The next euchre
tourney will take place at 8 p.m.
on March 4.
The community is sorry to hear
that Ken Greb has been hospital-
ized. He is wished a speedy recov-
Optimists honoured
CREDITON - At last Wednes-
day's regular dinner meeting, the
Crediton Optimist Club received a
plaque honouring a Special effort
for the youth of the community dur-
ing the fall of 1990.
President Norm Tripp accepted
the plaque for the club's contribu-
tion to a very successful Hal-
lowe'en party held at the Crediton
United Church with assistance from
the youth group of the church.
The event was praised by Credi-
ton and area parents in keeping
their children well entertained and
off the streets during the annual
spooks night.
At Crediton United Church Sun-
day morning, the guest speaker was
Rev. Clare Geddes, chaplain of the
Bluewater Correction Centre at
Goderich. His sermon was entitled,
"Cool Christianity".
Rev. Ed Laksmanis returned
Monday from a week's holidays in
Senior choir practice is tonight,
Wednesday, at 8 p.m.
C.W.L. meeting
MT. CARMEL - The February
monthly meeting of the C.W.L.
was held in the Parish meeting
room at 8 p.m. Many tnembers re-
cited the Rosary and attended Mass
at 7:30.
A full evening of discussion fol-
lowed. Father Murphy talked to us
about the program "Renew". This
is a spiritual renewal process to
help parishioners develop a closer
relationship with Christ. "Renew"
will be taking place in the parishes
throughout the Diocese over the
next two and a half years.
Renew can build a new sense of
faith community and increase par-
ticipation in parish activities.
A number of our members attend-
ed Fun Night at Seaforth Commu-
nity Centre. Fun Night is an annual
get-together of 24 C.W.L. councils
of the Huron -Perth Deanery., -At
Medallic House, retreat centre in
London, 10 members attended a day
retreat. Sister Mary St. Louis was
the facilitator.
Alice Dietrich showed her slides
and pictures and talked to us about
her two-year travtl around the
World Day of Prayer Services
will take place at Mt. Carmel the
tbst Church, March 1 at 2 p.m. La-
dies from Crediton United and
Greenway United will be attending.
Our next meeting will take place
Tuesday March 5 in the Parish
meeting room. Husbands of mem-
bers are invited to a pot luck sup-
per. Roberta Walker, Grand Bend,
will be guest speaker, an evening of
playing a variety of games will fol-
The following are dates for euchre
card games at the Mt. Carmel
Church meeting room at 7:30 p.m.
sharp. March 10, 24. April 7, 21.
A M1!'1Y
Bridal show in
Grand Bend Thursday
GRAND BEND - "It was a love-
ly wedding - well, except that the
minister had a coughing fit and
knocked over the candles, and then
the ring bearer tripped over the vid-
eo camera. And at the reception
hall, the air conditioner kept blow-
ing fuses, so dinner was an hour
late and we danced in candlelight.
But it was a lovely wedding."
Planning your wedding or anni-
versary celebration this summer? If
you want to avoid any disasters,
such as this, you'd better come to a
special "Bridal and Anniversary
Evening", to be held this Thursday
evening at Oakwood Inn, Grand
Bend. Several Grand Bend and area
businesses have organized the show
to help brides plan their weddings.
Photographer Victor Alderson,
who recently moved his studio to
his home at RR 2, Grand Bend,
planned the show.
"We're covering all aspects of
weddings and anniversaries - flow-
ers, jewellery, wedding cakes, li-
mos, invitations, disc jockey, ice
sculptures, make-up artist, dresses,
tuxes, shoes, even a travel agent to
plan the honeymoon. And for after
the wedding, there are real estate
and insurance agents, furniture, chi-
na, interior decorating, - everything
that a couple just starting out would
need," Alderson says.
This is the first bridal show to be
held in recent years in Grand,Bend.
Alderson says he hopes it will be-
come an annual event. There are 17
different exhibitors lined up, and a
bridal fashion show has been
planned. The show will include bri-
dal gowns, bridesmaids dresses,
flower girl dresses and tuxedos.
As photographers, Alderson, and
his wife, Mary, attend about 30
weddings a year. Mary has com-
piled a list of some of the funny
things that happen at a wedding,
which she will talk about during a
short "These ngs can be funny as
long as they aren't happening to
you," Victor explains. For example,
they were at one wedding, where
the groom's mother didn't want to
litter the church yard with confetti -
so she threw cracked corn, figuring
the birds would eventually eat it.
What she didn't count on was all
the dust which collected on the
groom's black tux, and the groom's
The show is being held at Oak-
wood Inn, Thursday, February 28,
7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Each exhibitor is
donating a door prize, and draws
will be held throughout the eve-
ning. There is no admission charge
and everyone is welcome.
Sunshine and Busy Buddies
seniors groups meet
LUCAN - The Sunshine and
Busy Buddies met last Thursday.
Harry Noels gave a report from
the Dashwood meeting of Tri -
County games. The next meeting
will take place in Seaforth on
March 19.
Noels read the list of games, and
seniors will be starting to work on
each individual game. Contestants
will be chosen.
Committee for the coffee hour
will include Jean Miller and Elnora
Bingo was played after the meet-
ing, and the members attended a
Hobo Supper sponsored by the Boy
Bingo prizes went to Florence
Hodgins, Jean Miller, Wilma Hes-
sel, Chris Hall, Pat Davis and Chris
Lebedew awards - Presented with the annual Lebedew awards for
excellence in Exeter scouting groups were (from left) cub Greg Roy,
colony B beaver Jeffrey Beaver, colony A beaver Bradley VanBakel,
and scout Shawn McCurdy. At right is presenter Evelyn Lebedew.
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