HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-02-20, Page 19FARMS NOW THAT THE "GRIP" PROGRAM IS IN PLACE AND LOWER INTEREST RATES ARE HERE ITS AN IDEA 'TIME TO LOOK AT THESE CHOICE FARM PROP ES. USBORNE TWP. - 95 ACRES - Excellent location situated on the edge of Exeter. 4 bedroom home. CT 124. USBORNE TWP. 100 acres situated on paved road. 5 acres bush, 95 acres workable.'$179,000. CT 163. STEPHEN TWP. 300 ACRES- 275 WORKABLE, Two good homes, barn, sheds and grain bins. Ideal set up for: a father -son operation. CT 124. HAY TWP, 265 ACRES - 235 WORKABLE - Clay sandy loam, good set of buildings. Can be sold in 3 separate parcels. CT 124. HAY TWP - 175 ACRES - 160 WORKABLE - Excellent 5 bedroom home and out buildings. CT 124. HAY TWP - 90 ACRES - 86 WORKABLE - No buildings, clay sandy loam soil. CT 124. HAY TWP • 43 ACRES - 39 WORKABLE - Sendy loam soil systematically tiled. CT 124. HAY. TWP. 99 acres with 94 workable. 117 acres with 90 workable and house, 110 acres with 108 Vvorkutsk and house. CT 28. McGILLIVRAY TWP. - 59 ACRES, highway location, all workable. CT 124. AOpopI� VRAY TWP - 99 ACRES, excellent building site 83 workable. CT 124. TUOKtRSMITH • 71 ACRES, 70 W4RKABLE. Tiind. &T 26. 20 Proper ty F ur Rent DASHWOOD DUPLEX • updatui 2 bedroom 3 level apartment. For tent utunediateiy. Utilities, fridge and stove included. $375.00 per month. Phone 229-6891 after 6 p.m. or weekends. Lige backyard and deck. (lifn) APPROXIMATELY 2000 SQ. FT. BUILDING. Insulated and propane heat, high ceilings, cement floor, overhead door, 2 milts eau of no. 4 hwy. at Big O corner. Additional 1500 aq ft. also available. 263-5789 or 235-2879. (8tfn) 3 BEDROOM HOME Main St. Exeter. $600.00 per math plus utilities. First and last month's rent. References and place of employment. Available Apr. 1st. Phone 235-1647. (ltfn) YOUR CHOICE 1 and 2 bedroom aparanami., 1 l~Aeoos $425.00, tribics included; 2 bedrooms $425.00 plus talkies. Free laundry. Located just north of St. Josephs. To view call 236-7238 or 236-7113. (7tfn) EXETER - 472 Main St., one bedroom apartment Available inunodiately, fridge and stove $300 plus utilities. Call 451-4349 days, 433-3621 evening.. (8tfn) CLANDEBOYE - one bedroom apt.,'stove and fridge, Lake Huron water, hest included. Pay own hydro. $350.00 per month. Phare 227-4117 or451-7233. (8c) FARM HOME - Mount Carmel area. Phone237-3387. (8c) 26 legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN FRANKLIN GILLESPIE Late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Retired Power Engi- neer, who died on the l l th day of June, 1990. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of March, 1991 after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims ebbs have ihest bees received. RAYMOND i Winn Banisters A Solicitors Exeter, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 21 For P THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals, including weddings, meetings, banquet room, Lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 262-3027 or 235-1020. (1711n) CASH CROP LAND, Exeter, Halsall area. Phone237-3436. (7 -lot) .23 Wanted io Rent GOOD CASH CROP LAND for 1991 season, Dawson Farms 229-6426 or 235-0907.(4tfn) LAND WITHIN 10 MILES OF EXETER. Top rent plus paid. Prefer well -tiled day loarn, just out of wheat or spring grain. Please reply to Box 73P, Exeter Times Advocate, NOM 1S6. (6-9c) WANTED - CASH CROP LAND for 1991 crop. Phone 237-3452 or 237-3410. (7:8c) Apartments for rent One and t'.".O txc OOr? Cal! Marlene M. Parton; Sales Rep. 235-1304 Extate Realty Inc. Realtor 235-1621 Apnt r ehboltR apart - nt stovie `and fridge in- cluded, utilities extra $364/month available January 1, 1991 COMM: Oke Woodsmlth 262-2737 •` s OPEN HOUSE UL(� March 12, 1991 (5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.) 12th & 7th Ave.., Vanastra The Board of Directors of VANASTRA LIONS CLUB APARTMENTS INC. (a Ministry of Housing Non -Profit Housing Development) invite you to attend an "open house" to view thek bachelor, 1- 2- and 3 -bedroom apart- ment accommodation locates) at 12th and 7th Avenues in Venastra, Ontario. Thee. lovely units will be ready for occupancy April 1991. Rents $300- 5475 including utilities. NOTE: Rental assistance available for qualified applicants. Application forme may be obtained at the open house or may be requested immediately from McCormick & Zock Inc., 262 PaN Mall St, Suite 300, London, Ontario N6A 5P6 (619) 432-3222. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .In the Estate of HARVEY ELDON THOMPSON Late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 2nd day of December 1990. Credi- tors and others having claims against the above estate are required to file full particulars of such claun with the un- dersigned on or before the 12th day of March 1991, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims then filed. LITTLE & GRANT Liw�ns 71 Mart Street N. Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S3 Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CARL LEWIS WITHERSPOON Late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 30th day of November, 1990. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to file full particulars of such claims with the undersigned at or before 14 Mardi 1991, after which date the uses of the estate will ber distributed having regard only to the claims then filed LITTLE & GRANT Lawyers 71 Main Street N., Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S3 Solicitors for the Executrix Times -Advocate, February 20, 1991 Page 19 Former Granton minister passes away By Murkl Lewis GRANTON - Sympathy is ex- tended to the family of the late Rev. Bruce Pierce, recent Granton Unit- ed Church minister, who died at Brantford on Friday. A number from the United Church congrega- tion attended a memorial service at Wesley United Church in Brantford on Sunday afternoon. Serail, local people attended pancake slippers at St. George's Anglican Church in London and at St. George's Anglican church in Thorndale on Shrove Tuesday. The Valentine box social spon- sored by Unit two members at the United Church on Thursday eve- ning was enjoyed by a limited num- ber of couples due to the unfavour- able weather. At the Graviton United Church on Sunday, February 17, Pastor Nor- malie Voakes' sermon was entitled "Once and For All" based on the lessons from Genesis 9, Mark 1 and 1st Peter 3. The minister also baptized Martin Keith, son of Julie and Walter Rid- dell; Krista Jayne, daughter of Ray and Lauren Cook; Whitney Mack- enzie, daughter of Don and Heather Benner; Leanne Elizabeth, daughter of Kevin and Diane Hartwick; and Norman Glen. son of Norman and Cindy Bilyea. At the St. Thomas' � Anglican Church on Sunday, February 17, the Rev. Beverley Wheeler's mes- Women teachers attend winter institute EXETER - Birgitte von Schmelling, a teacher at Exeter Public School was one of over 600 delegates from across the province attending a three-day conference on the environment. The theme of the Winter Institute, The Environment Our Future Today, was chosen be- cause itis a priority for FWTAO to encourage awareness of environ- mental issues and environmentally responsible behaviour among teach- ers, students and the public. The Federation of Women Teach- es' Associations of Ontario which represents over 38,000 women who teach in public elementary schools, sponsored the conference on January 24, 25 and 26, in Toronto. In the opening keynote speaker address, "Planet Under Stress", Dr. William S. Fyfe, Dean of Science at the University of Western Onta- rio, brought us up to date on the environmental issues. On Friday morning, Dr. Rosalie Bertell, who is the president of the International Institute of Concem for Public - Health spoke of . strategies that classroom teachers can use to deal with health issues in the schools. Delegates could choose full and half-day sessions from over 90 workshops presentations by curric- ulum leaders in the environmental- Ailsa°Graig t1CVlh: AILSA CRAIG - Since the Ailsa Craig United Church Women met by SOW Wing tt tl a imltlal � �It was alsoi ht"and Mar- garet Wilson used "What's So Fun- ny" as the theme of her worship service. The hymn Give to Us Laughter was sung and Gertrude Rosser read some words of wisdom from Proverbs Chapter 15 and gave a prayer. Wilson read a story enti- tled It Only Hurts When we Don't 1 FOR RFNT 12 HURON ST. EXETER 4 brand new one bedroom apartments close to downtown Available immediately New fridge and stove $450 to $550 plus utilities 451-5308 days 4333821 evenings - Exandarea Meadows Housing Co-operative In Exeter Now Accepting . Applications for Membership Summer Occupancy Co-op Housing offers you: • quality affordable Irving • resident participation in management of co-operative • community spirit fostered by people working together Exandrea Meadows Housing Co-op Features: • new 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments/townhomes, including wheelchair accessible units with rents ranging from $530 - $650 phos utilities. • energy efficient and low maintenance units • on-site community centre and children's play areas • beautiful site in a country setting Laugh and a poem about Laughter. Mary Sutherland's program was 4 o .#A: da 3ho began with Me song Magic Penny and then read the story You're Only Old Once by Dr. Seuss and concluded with the video Bill Cosby 49. Wilma McIntosh presided for the business meeting. Gertrude Rosser reported the Community Outreach group were going to take a red car- nation to the sick and shutins.for Valentine's Day. Lena Stokes has more quilts to be quilted and quit- ters will be needed. Tickets were distributed and some plans were -made ,tom roast beef supper on ,-M rrch 14. McIntosh closed the meeting with a benediction. The UCW will meet again on March 12 at 7:30 p.m., in the Sunday School room. NOW RENTING Brookside Luxury Apartments 235-1646 Evenings 235-2961 or 565-5022 r,with ona.y.ar,sobs. l.,Ititilikiseriktilitalts ONE MONTH FREE 'Monday, February at7p.m. Exeter Legion, 316 William St. For more information contact: Community Homes 1519) 887-2900 : swrsrNitntd•. " l....* For p.rs.,.t viewing can EeaW I Garda Glenn at MO) 235-0349 ..M Wok or 1101Mw I r : 5 lmho" 644.41- i Y* ,i,1a0A.w 411 A ' • ly related areas of science, social science and health. A highlight of the conference was the Saturday morning panel discussion where four outstanding women (Rosalind Caimcross, Ja- nine Ferretti, Fiona Nelson and Carolyn Pearce spoke about "How Teachers Should Get Involved in Environmental Issues." The topic inspired many questions and com- ments from the audience. Private Sale 162 John St., East, Exeter 2 storey, 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, main floor family room with fireplace. Fin- ished basement, high effi- ciency gas furnace. Central air, roughed in for central vac. Phone 235-2738 sage was about Lent as a time of penance and about taking the easy way out. A choice must be made, the minister concluded. David Hughesman of London, student at Huron College, assisted with the service. Sylvia Beason and Rev. Wheeler read the lessons. A time of fellowship followed. A number from the Si Thomas' Anglican Church attended the Ash Wednesday evening parish service at St. Paul's, Kirkton. Margaret Oakley was the hostess for the Anglican bible study on Wednesday afternoon, February 13. UCW Unit one met at Mavis Knap- man's home on Thursday afternoon, February 7. The hymn Just at I Ant was sung and the president Doreen McRobert led the meditation on the theme Building Personality, fol- lowed by prayer. The _April general meeting and the Take a Break series were dis• - cussed and plans made for the nest meeting. Amelia Jameson contin- ued with the paogram and seed' at article Out of My Life by Hellen Steiner Rice. Madeline Hardie had a contest on Nursery Rhymes. Sup- per was served by the hostess. MAKE AN OFFER! - 1 2 0 acres near Hensall. $99,900 - Lakeview bungalow in St. Josephl $79,000 - Compare at this prices i a L $110,000 - Three bedroom bungalow( JERRY Z EH R ►j� 236-4712 Zurich Ont. 16 Victoria St., Canada Tt 1st Realty �fn;ld;f Trust R ' t Dirk Coolman 5 Pat O'Rourke 237.3763 Ron Cottrell 235-2473 Exeter's Home Team 147 Main St. 235-1449 • 235-1055 ATTENTION FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS The recent drop In interest rates will make purchasin ' ,a h more affordable, particularly for first-time bilyrrt it could be to your financial benefit to' act now before the ex- pected demand drives prices upward. We have an excellent range of homes suited for first-time buyers. Right now could be the time to get the best value for your money when proper- ty is priced realistically and interest rates are the lowest they've been for several years. HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF OUR EXCELLENT SELECTION $79,900 - DASHWOOD What better way to own your own home? Live in one side of this renovated duplex and receive $300/month income from the oth- er side. CT 124. EXETER - Real Nice. Three bedroom bungalow, approx. 1200 sq. ft.Iarge eat -in kitchen. Living room with fireplace, situat- ed on nicely landscaped lot Priced at $99,900. CT 163. FAMILY PLEASER - EXET- ER $99,900 - Look at the fea- tures; Family sized eat -in kitch- en with wood stove, finished rec room, pool, terrific treed lot. 4 bedrooms or 3 plus a den and all of this for under $100,000. CT 26. OTHER CHOICE PROPERTIES FOR THE FIRST TIME BUYER O HENSALL- Two choice lots, fully serviced, vendor will assist with financing. $23,900 each. CT 163. O NEW LISTING - Attractive building lot in good residential area. Sewers and water. Priced at $33,900. CT 26. O KIPPEN - $49,900 - Two bedroom Northlander mobile home with addition, situated on a Targe 1 acre lot. CT 26. NM LISTING - Multiple unit commercial building downtown. Grossing over $37,000. Priced at $279,000. CT 26. EXETER - MACHINE SHOP AND REPAIR BUSI- NESS - property can either be bought or ieasd. CT 124. O $54,900 - 3 bedroom han- dyman special with 3000 sq. ft. shop, all on 4.8 acres. Pipeline water available. CT 26. ❑ DASHWOOD - $71,900 - 3 bedroom starter home. Some recent renovations. Carport and a garage, Targe lot. CT 124. O CREDITON - Just listed - O $96,900 - 1 1/2 acres near Ironwood golf course, 3 bed- room brick, attached garage. CT 26. O PINERY - PORT FRANKS - 2 year old 3 bed- room home. Close to all beach- es. $97,500. CT 124. O HENSALL - $99,900 - at- fullly renovated home, one or two tractive bungalow, finished on bedrooms, fireplace, lovely lot. both levels, beautiful inground Priced under $100,000. CT 163. pool. Ready for those hot sum- mer days. CT 124. COMMERCIAL STNORTH EXETER - INCOME - Down- HHWYWY.. 834 -JUexcellentNORdevelopO- F town commercial property. meat potential or good income. Good return. Fully leased. Please call for further particu- $189,000. CT 26. lars. CT 163. HENSALL - 12,000 SO. FT. $ 79,000 4 bedroom brick WAREHOUSE - with air condi- tiered offices. $199,900. CT home, targe lot, located down - 124. town. CT 26. `Ychi N tt,lr«(i:, 5ervrn;l Exnter and area through the London St. Thomas & Huron County Real Estate Board