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Times -Advocate, February 20, 1991 Page 9
Guest speaker next Sunday In Crediton
CREDITON - The guest speaker days until February 26, Rev. Colin
at next Sunday morning's service at Stover of Grand Bend United
Crediton United Church will be Church will be on call for any
Rev. Clare Geddes of Bluewater emergencies which may arise in the '
Beach at Goderich. Crediton congregation.
Rev. Geddes, who is chaplain at Senior choir practice is tonight,
the Goderich Juvenile Correction Wednesday at 8 p.m.
Centre will fill in while Rev. Ed Members of the Crediton congre-
Laksmanis holidays in Florida. gation send heart -filled sympathy
White Rev. Laksmanis is on holt- to the family of the late Rev. Bruce
Pierce who ministered in Crediton
during the late 1970's. A memorial
service was held Sunday afternoon
at Wesley United Church in Brant-
Those from the Crediton area in
hospital are Greta Beaver at South
Huron in Exeter; Bloss Pepper at
University in London and Peart
England at St. Joseph's in London.
Campbell's presents the
"Deal of the Century"
Offer ends Mar. 23
Ibtrn FAT
Proud sponsors - In appreciation for their many generous donations, the Hensall Minor Hockey Associa-
tion took time out Monday night to honour some of the local industrial and service groups by awarding
plaques to those who have helped provide a program for area children. Here are, left; Derwyn Hodgins,
Cooks of Hensall; Ken Clarke, Hensall Kinsmen; Peter Groot, President, Hensall Minor Hockey; Rick In-
gram, W.G. Thompson and Sons; Peter Zwaan, President, Hensall Legion
Family discover old newspapers
behind wails of home
By Vanessa Cook
HENSALL - As most people in
Hensall know the Bisback family
are renovating their house.
While they were tearing plaster
they discovered two early newspa-
pers placed inside the north wall of
the house.
The December 29, 1892 paper is
Issue 52 Volume 1.
The cost was one dollar in ad-
vance to subscribe and it also cost
one dollar to discontinue the paper.
The Bisbacks hope t4 be able to
clean and preserve the better of the
two papers so others who are inter-
ested can see it. "
Three Links Seniors
The Three Links Seniors met on
Tuesday, February 12 in Hensall.
There were 13 members present.
Correspondence included a letter
from the Caring Community Con-
ference in Toronto. This will be
discussed at the March meeting.
The June rally will be held in
Dungannon in April. The next eu-
chre party will be February 26 at 8
The next seniors meeting will be
March 12 at 2 p.m. and the Zurich
club is invited to attend. All mem-
bers are to bring lunch.
The winners of euchre were
Stewart Blackwell, Vera Smale,
and Hilda Payne.
The winners in shuffleboard Feb-
ruary 11 were: High six game win-
ners; Dave Woodward 433, John
Pepper 394, Walter Spencer 388,
George Dowson 384 and Lorna
Spencer 377.
Sunday, March 10
Figure skaters prepare for carnival
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - The Zurich and Area
Figure Skating Club is busy pre-
paring for the annual carnival
which will be held at the arena on
Sunday, March 10 at 2 p.m. The
Club recently waived their share
of the. winnings at the last bingo to
help y for the electronic bingo
Brother Bob's Bingo
The bingo for Brother Bob Mit-
tleholtz was a huge success on
Sunday afternoon with excellent
World Day of Prayer
On the Journey Together will be
the theme for the World Day of
Prayer that will be held on Friday,
March 1 at 2 p.m. at St. Boniface
Church. Everyone in the commu-
nity is invited to attend to give us
a chance to pray together for
world peace.
CWL Euchre
The CWL members of St. Pe-
ter's Parish will be holding their
second Euchre Party at their hall
Sunday, February 24 at 7:30 p.m.
Cubs meet
The Zurich Cubs held their
meeting on Tuesday in the meeting
room of St. Boniface Church. Feb-
ruary 26 will be practice night for
the Cubs to race their homemade
cars in preparation for the annual
Huron District Cub -Kar Rally that
will take place on Saturday, March
2. The event will be held at the
Brucefield Huron Centennial
School at 9 a.m.
The Cubs spent the weekend .at
winter camp, sleeping overnight in
the arena while enjoying many ac -
Valentines Social
Students at St. Boniface held a
Valentine Social Thursday after
decorating the gym with hearts, rib-
bons and balloons.
Students at Zurich Public did
likewise and at noon enjoyed all
kinds of sweet treats.
Senior Diners Meet
The Diners enjoyed a special Val-
entine's dinner Wednesday at the
Community Centre. The members
received Valentines designed by
grade five and six pupils from St.
Boniface. The guest speaker was
Bill Mills, Ontario Volunteer for
Special Olympic Games for the
Mentally Handicapped, who
showed slides of various games and
their participants.
Congratulations to Tony and Jane
Lansbergen on the arrival of their
Ml0l6111AA110N IOrftMMSS A1[1
17 ft. and larger Refrigerators
Buy a Qualifying
appliance and get
1/2 your money
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* Moffat self clean ranges
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Sale is limited HURRY!!
All instock 'Bed roam Suites
eighth son, Michael.
Birthday wishes are extended to
Mandy Mathonia, Jeffrey Du-
charme and Shelly Hay.
Iva Neeb was once of the lucky
bingo winners Thursday, taking
home $500.
Ed and Donna Lesperance: spent .,
the weekend with relatives as they
were victims of a recent house age.
Donations for the family are being
accepted at tJ}e Town and Country
Bowling Lanes by Tony Bedard.
May we offler our sincere sympa-
thy to the family of the late Jack
Hamilton who passed away sudden-
ly on Tuesday.
Best wishes for a speedy recov-
ery to Ivan Meidinger now home
recuperating and also to grand-
daughter Pamela who is sporting a
cast on her arm after falling.
Dari and Tillie Rau returned
home from a holiday in Florida.
Sales & Service
Free Delivery
at Appliances and Furniture
63 Main St., Exeter 235-1501
C. 9 -{ask tt and Son
188 Main St. Lucan
Suitings ...
...with Co-ordinated 2 pa Dressings
Spring shades of Petal Pink, Navy and Cream
available in both regular and petite sizes.
Drop in today, our staff are eager to help you select
your new spring wardrobe.
Judy is wearing a pretty pink Blazer (84°D) and all
round Pleated Skirt (4800) complimented by a cream
Blouse with accent Floral Scarf (48°°).
Louise is at ease wearing a 2 pc. floral soft gathered
Skirt (48°°) and matching Blouse (48°9
for a smart clean look.
OPEN: MON.-THURS. 9-5:30
FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-5
OPEN: MON. -i: RI. 9-530 SAT. 9-5