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Times -Advocate, February 13, 1991
Granton and district news
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - Mr. and Mrs. David
Roloson and family of Strathroy,
and Dani Roloson of Waterloo.
were home with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Roloson and Kaylene on Saturday
when they celebrated granddaughter
Virginia Roloson's eighth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins
and John Herbert visited with their
cousin Sarah Steeper at the nursing
home in Parkhill on Sunday and
also called at the funeral home there
to pay their respects to another
cousin, the late Charles Hodgins
who passed away on Saturday in
Jean Riddell of Thunder Bay,
spent the weekend at her home near
The Granton Optimist Club held
their dinner meeting at Loonie's Re-
staurant on Tuesday evening, Feb-
ruary 5 when they enjoyed all they
could eat of chili. The guest speaker
was Constable McFadden of the
London OPP who explained how
"Crimestoppers" works and the
anonymous aspect of not being
identified. Rewards up to $1000. are
offered for information solving any
crime and less than 25% accept a re-
At the St. Thomas' Anglican
Church on Sunday, February 10,
the Reverend Bob Skelding, assist-
ant curate at St. Paul's Cathedral in
London took charge of the service
in the absence of Reverend Beverley
Wheeler. His message was about
life with its tribulations and the
hope which comes through the
healing of Jesus Christ. Cathie
`Nestman and Reverend Skelding
read the lessons.
At the Granton United Church on
Sunday, Pastor.Normalie Voakes'
sermon was about Mountain Top
Experience. The lessons were from
Exodus 34, Luke 9 and 2, Corinthi-
ans 3. Ginger McCall reported on
her time at the Toc Alpha Confer-
ence in Toronto which means talk-
ing about our concerns about life,
people and human achievement.
Margaret Cope presented the Sun-
day School awards: Andrew Bryan -
1st seal, and perfect attendance, An-
drew Shainline - diploma, Veronica
Blom, 4 year seal, Ina Humphrey, 8
year bar and perfect attendance, and
Jean Bryan, 9 year bar. The Granton
UTH Group met on Sunday even-
ing at Bethel Presbyterian Church
near Ilderton.
Unit two met at the church on
Thursday evening, February 7 when
Cathy De Young of the Strathroy
Health Unit and health nurse at
Biddulph School was the guest
speaker on how to discipline chil-
dren the proper way.
President Julie Riddell led the
business when the bazaar was dis-
cussed and plans made fora Valen-
tine's Box Social at the church on
Thursday evening, February 14 to
raise money for the roof. Call Julie
for tickets. Refreshments were
served by Debbie McRobert.
Unit three met at April Bryan's
home on Tuesday evening, Febru-
ary 5. Margaret Bryan and April
were in charge of the program us-
ing the study book Gospel, Cul-
ture and Media. Margaret opened
the worship by reading Matthew
13 verses 31 and 32 and also a sto-
ry What do Gospel and Quotes
really mean.
April read from the study book
how media affects Gospel and our
times. Johri 1 verse 1 and Mark 4
verse 2 were read and a discussion
followed on how images commu-
nicate to people, what media had
been enjoyed while growing up and
what media each would choose for
a year. A quiz was done on media
knowledge and it was learned that
each person watches and average of
3 1/2 hours of television per day.
After viewing a video entitled the
Power of Image, groups were
formed to discuss questions per-
taining to the film. It was conclud-
ed that the United Church should
start using the television as their
most powerful institution in to-
day's society. April closed with
prayer and as president led the busi-
ness when it was decided to have
the "Give Yourself a break" series
starting on February 25 for five
weeks and the date set for the ba-
zaar and luncheon is October 19.
Joan Hayden, Elizabeth Garrett and
the hostess served dessert and cof-
Unit four met at Elsie Dann's on
Wednesday evening, February 6.
Leader Marilyn Humphrey read 1st
John 4 verse 11 and gave the medi-
tation Let's think of love. She also
read the UCW purpose followed by
prayer. The World Day of Prayer
was discussed and then Mrs. Hum-
phrey read an article "The Female
Face of Poverty" from the Observ-
er about a refugee who came to
Canada and the problems she faced.
A poem Daily Valentine concluded
the program. Betty Dann and the
hostess served lunch.
Unit five met at Margaret
Spence's home on Tuesday after -
noon, February 5. What a Friend
we have in Jesus was sung and the
theme of the devotional was Noth-
ing is too good for a friend.
Mrs. Spence gave a reading,
Make Me a better friend. Business
discussion included quilts and then
Florence Mctobert continued the
program by reeading "Living the
way we pray" and gave lesson
thoughts on Buildins a way to
Heaven, closing with a poem
Hands and a bedtime story.
Ina Hariton served refreshments.
Irene Roloson was the hostess for
the St. Thomas' ACW on Thursday
evening, February 7. Marlene
French read 2nd Kings 5 and Mrs.
Roloson gave the meditation Learn-
ing to empty ourselves. Valentine
readings were given by Jean Noon
and Olive Hodgins read an article
from the Living Message. Some
upcoming events were discussed
and Mrs. Roloson closed with a
reading on Ladybugs. Lunch was
served by the hostess.
9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Fri. Feb. 15
Singles Dance
Eureka Band
Sat.. Feb. 16
Country Versatiies
'Dress Code 'Group Reservations
Welcome 'Hall Rental Available
We, want ou.
Dasyne a
The Huronia Branch of the
Humane Society, need a few
good men and women to volun-
teer their homes and love to cats
and dogs in need of temporary
The society would also appre-
ciate any financial contribution
towards a permanent shelter
which the Society has sought af-
ter since 1982.
If you are interested in donat-
ing money or goods to the Huro-
nia Society or becoming a mem-
ber ($10 fee), please send us a
letter and enclose your cheque
or money order in care of the
Huronia Branch, PO Box 8,
Clinton, Ont., NOM -ILO.
For more information on
adopting or fostering animals,
please contact Harriet Shillin-
glaw at #523-4376.
Sportswear - Amy Ridley Is seen hems modelling
the season's newest sportswear line.
in appreciation - Winter Carnival chairperson Dave
Sheppard is seen here presenting model Marlene
Brenner with a flower and a kiss.
Grand Bend Golden Agers
GRAND BEND - The Grand
Bend Golden Age Club met last
Wednesday, February 6 at the Le-
gion Hall.
President Ron Dann presided the
business. Four new members were
introduced and welcomed: Willa
Williams, Jan and Fred Bates and
Regina Lukaszewski.
Financial donations *etc mac to
the local Big Brothers an Sis-
ters organizations. The Gold Ag-
ers are sponsoring a Euch Night
at the Legion Hall next Wedhesday,
February 13, at 7:30 p.m. It's open
to all seniors in the community, for
a token $1 entrance fee.
Congratulations were extended to
Hugh and Annie Morenz on their
Golden anniversary, and they all
sang Happy Birthday to Februarj'
birthday girl Nellie Obermeyer.
Nola Loves group was in charge of
the program and lunch. Loreen Gill
read "The Story of St. Valentine's
Day", "To Her, the Mother of My
Children", and "Playtime". Nola
Love sang a solo, an old childhood
tune, then led a sing -a -long of old
favori tes.
The tables were all decorated
with valentines, and looked very
pretty. It was announced that the
Soap opera a hit
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - The Grand
Bend Legion hall was packed,
SRO, with a curious crowd on Sat-
urday night, all eager to know why
Lucille Bendover has come to the
'Bend, and what corned beef hash
has to do with it. Some of the
players on stage bore a haunting
similarity to some of our local deni-
zens, and by the end of the evening,
no sacred cow was left untouched!
Congratulations to writer/director
Barbara Wheefdon, to Dave Shep-
pard fix his inspiration, and to a tal-
ented cast: Annette Stover, Helen
Stewart, Shirley Pratt, Dave Fore-
man, Peter Haist, Yvonne Falsetd,
Fred Struckett, Norm Johnston and
company. That terrible organ mu-
sic, which provided perfect atmos-
phae for the play provided by
StePhen Wood
next Fun Day at Sauble Court will
be held on February 28, Thursday,
from 2 to 4 p.m., for seniors only.
After refreshments were served
they played games of shuffleboard,
euchre, bridge and crokinole.
Only three
GRAND BEND - Three snow
sculptures were attempted over the
weekend, despite poor weather and
poor stow, which caused rapid
melting. John Maychos of Grand
Bend won $200 and a second place
trophy for his "harmony theme",
the "Sun and Moon". Cam flaist of
Grand Bend won $300 and a first
place trophy for his sculpture,
which looked like three candles.
Organizers hope conditions will be
much better for the International
Snow Sculpture competition next
A new star joined the fimlament
this weekend, when LOBB-K3A
owner Peter Haist participated in
both the fashion show and the soap
6th Annual
Sweetheart Dance
Sat., Feb. 16
Dress in costume or optional.
Prizes for the
best costumes
Live entertainment
Edelweiss Trio
Please call for reservations.
Winter Hours
Fri., Sat., Sun.,
each weak
Except for reservations
for special groups
on other days
Reservations appreciated
Hwy.121, Just north of
St. Joseph
Township Hall
Thurs., Feb. 21
1:30 - 4 p.m., 7 - 9 p.m.
Display of photos collected
for township book, Wom-
en's Institute Tweedsmuir
Histories, Military scrapbook
slides, book vouchers availa-
Bring your ok photos to be
ZURICH oc�ation
�' ASS /
M.� Thurs.,
Feb. 14
Valentine's Special
Prizes 10 boxes
Valentine's Hearts
Zurich Community Centre
Bonanza Game in 54 calls
(Estimated value about $600)
$1,100.00 Must Go
Bingo Starts at 7 p.m.
No one under 16 eligible to play
Page 21
Huron County Family
Planning Services
Invites you to attend
Clinic Open,
3 p.m. to7 p.m.
Every Tuesday
For information CaII 235-1014
Weekdays or Tuesday
Evenings. Everyone welcome
February 13
Bingo starts 7:30
Regular Games
Jackpot Game
Total prizes $2300
Due to the licence regulations, no
one under 16 allowed to play
Licence #537495
The Middlesex County
lit , NBoard of Education
Pre -registration
Pre -registration for children eligible to commence kindergarten
in September 1991 is being carried out in Middlesex County
Public Schools.
Children who will be five years old by December 31, 1991 are
eligible to attend.
Please contact your local school by March 31, 1991 for more
information regarding registration times and procedures.
OK Kaiser
E.D. Anderson
Director of Education
t,,zztm n,'baa lona b�+ol tiiic,U
,rrmrr r a, r-'rr}.. cru
�r11 of bat, riJrurt 2UOC)liib 11 uIl
will be held for
Junior Kindergarten
Senior Kindergarten
ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1991, 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., in or-
der to register for Kindergarten, children must be four (4) years of age
on or before December 31, 1991. Parents are asked to bring the Bap-
tismal Certificate and Birth Certificate of the child you intend to register.
It is advisable that parents contact the school in which you Intend to
register your child for an appointment prior to the registration date.
The location for Kindergarten classes will be as follows:
St. Joseph's School (Kingsbridge)
Mr. James McQuillan, Principal
RR 3 Goderich
St. Columban School
Mr. Don Farwell, Principal
RR 2, Dublin
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
Mr. Laurie Kraftcheck, Principal
RR 3, Dashwood
St. Joseph's School
Mr. Edward Cappelli, Principal
169 Beech Street, Clinton
Precious Blood School
Mrs. Margaret Nelson, Principal
Sanders Street, West, Exeter
St. Mary's School
Mr. Jim McDade, Principal
70 Bennett Street, E., Goderich
St. James School
Mrs. Fran Craig, acting Principal
Chalk Street, Seaforth
St. Boniface School
Mr. David Sharpe, Principal
Mary Street, Zurich
Sacred Heart School
Mr. Jim Steffler, Principal
Cornyn Street, Wingham
St. Mary's School (Hesson)
Mr. Joe MacDonald, Principal
RR4, Listowel
St. Ambrose School
Mr. Michael Dewan, Principal
181 Louise Street, Stratford
St. Joseph's School �Y
Mr. Leo Turner, Principal
363 St. Vincent Street, Stratford
St. Aloysius School
Mr. Sam Aberico, Principal
228 Avondale Avenue, Stratford
Holy Name of Mary School
Mr. Paul Nickel, Principal
161 Peel Street, St. Marys
St. Patrick's School (Kinkora)
Mr. Ray Contois, Principal
RR1, Sebringville
Parents who expect that their child will enrol in the optional French Im-
mersion Program in Grade 1, in future years, have the option of enrol-
ment for Junbr/Sonlor Kindergarten at either their local Catholic School
or the French Immersion Contra (St. Mary's School, Goderich or St.
Aloysius School,Stratford) at which they expect to enrol their child for a
French Immersion program.
B. Murray,
J.S. Brown, M.A., Ed.D.,
Chairman of the Board Director of Education