HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-02-13, Page 20Pape 20 Times -Advocate, February 13, 1991 CFMF NTS
FLEMING • Beatrice and Ron ate to
announce the birth of Michail ca
February 9 at St. Joseph's Heath Cants.
London. weighing in at 10 ib., 9 oz Krista
and Kevin have a new brother and Fred and
Margery Fleming of Woodstock have a new
grandson. 7c
LOVE • John and Joan are plated to an-
nounce the birth of their third eland. WY.
Conrad John, born February 5. 1991. weigh-
ing 7 lbs. 13 oz. Excited ase big Luber and
sister. Tau and Charlie. Grandparents are
Jim and Marg Love„ Grand Band, and Jan
and Ruby Lagerwerf, Gteatway. Grae-
ae arate Labelle Cann, Exeter and
Effie Harrison, Ailsa Craig. 7•
TOWLE • Harty, Cathy and Lisa would like
to announce the birth of a son and baby
brother. His name is Ryan Nicholas; he was
bom Friday, February 1, 1991. He weighed
6 lbs. 8 ozs. Proud grandparents are Hany
Towle Sr., FuWrton and Rose Towle of
Landon and Beuy and Cannon Cable of Hu-
ron Park. 7c
HUXTABLE • At South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, on Sunday, February 10, 1991, Mn.
Lina (Reeder) Huxtable of Exeter, in her
87th year. Beloved wife of Fred Huxtable of
Exeter. Dear mother of Marie of Exeter and
Jim of St. Bruno, Quebec. Special mother to
Helen Harris of Exeter. Dear grandmother of
John, Jeff, Jacqui and Mark. Dear great-
grandmother to seven great-grandchildren.
Lina was predeceased by her brothers Elmer
and Jack Reeder and her sister Mn. Cooper
McCurdy (Elsie). Rested at the Hopper
Hockey Funeral Home, William Street, Ex-
eter, for visitation on Monday 2-4 and 7-9.
A private funeral service was held Tuesday,
February 12, 1991 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Rich-
ard Hawley officiating. Interment in Exeter
Cemetery. Donations to the Alzheimers So-
ciety would be appreciated by the Hi stable
family. 7c
DEVIN • I would like to thank all my
friends and relatives for their visits, cards,
and treats while I was a patient in South Hu-
ron Hospital and since returning to the
ham. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace and to
Pastor Larry Stojkovic for his prayers. Lorne
FAHNER • I wish to express my sincere
thanks to the friends, neighbours and rela-
tives who visited me, sent flowers, cods and
treats and brought food to the house since I
retumed home from the hospital. Your many
acts of kindness and thoughtfulness have
helped to make each day a little brighter.
7c Norma
GAISER - We, the family of the late Emery
Geiser, wish to thank relatives, friends and
neighbours for their many acts of kindness,
beautiful floral arrangements and memorial
donations. Thanks to the staff at St. Joseph's
Hospital, Dr. Hock and Home Care. Many
thanks to Rev. John McKay, Rev. Anne -
Beattie Stokes for their visit and to Rev. Ed
Lakamanis for his caring message. Special
thanks to T. Stephenson & Sons Funeral
Home, the ladies of Crediton U.C.W. for
their delicious lunch and to the pallbearers.
MAWHINNEY • The family of the has
James W. Mawelt to thank tela•
dves, Meads aadwbistei ibatts for dud malty
acts al kiadrtem. beautiful floral arrange-
ments and manorial donations and espies.
dons for hes kindness adoy
vice and to Hopper Hodkey fueasal home.
andthe naff ci Earner Villa
tebaster Hospitaldunksb also the ladies of 4iedi-
tce Chatrdm for the lovely lunch. Your sup-
port std ktndness will always be reman-
.'rod Betty . Harty Squire and family.
MILLER • We wish to thank our relatives,
friends and neighbours for flowen. dona-
tions, phone calls and those who brought
food to aur homes. Also thanks to Rev.
Bruce Pocock for the beautiful service and
to C. Haskea & Son Funeral Home. Special
thanks to the pallbearers and to Pat Egan and
staff and the ladies who helped in the hall at
Holy Trinity Church.Without the suppppoorrtt
and kindness of all involved, we would have
bean truly alone.
7• John, Johnny, Jason and Jean Warner
RESTEMAYER • The family of the late
Melvin Restemayer wish to express their
sincere thanks to relatives and friends for
their kind expressions of sympathy, floral
tributes, memorial donations, food and cards
received doting the bas of a dear husband
and father and special grandfather. A special
thank you to Dr. Margot Roach and her team
at University Hospital who cared for Mervin
for the past ten years and extra special
thanks to all the nurses on 4th floor north
and east for their excellent care during his
lengthy at" 41 hospital. Thanks to Dr. Lam,
the V.O. Hoffman's Funeral Home, the
pallbe..,ei>, pastor Larry Stojkovic for his
comforting words, visits and prayers, and
the Ladies Guild for serving the lunch. Your
suppon and caring has helped us through a
very difficult time.
7• Dorothy, Jane and Euke,
Sandra and Randy, Susan and John.
THIEL • Thank you to my friends, reL-
tives, nurses and staff at South Huron Hospi-
tal, especially Dr. Lam. Your help and kind-
ness will always be remembered.
7c Hubert
WEIGAND - We would like to say Thank
You to our family, relatives, friends and
neighbours who gave us gift,* cards, and
came to congratulate us on our 50th Anni-
versary. Thanks to the ladies who served us
at the church. The meal was delicious and
we will always remember it.
6• Lewie and Nellie
WRAGG • The family of the late Robert
Wragg wish to thank friends, relatives and
neighbours for the many acts of kindness,
beautiful floral arrangements, memorial do-
nations and expressions of sympathy shown
to us at this time. A special thank you to
Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, Rev. Bruce
Pocock and the Legion Ladies Auxiliary for
supplying the lunch.
7• Margaret Wragg and family
BRINTNELL • In loving memory of my
beloved wife, Shirley, who passed away two
years ago, February 13, 1989.
Today is remembered and quiet kept,
No words are needed, I'l1 never forget;
Deep in my heart you will always stay,
Loved and remembered every day.
Dearly loved and sadly missed by husband
BiIIINTNEJ L • In loving estelo/y of our
dear Mose. SN Mennen who was taken
frog w So uoyss,s
Iw*Ser February
13. 1989.
No one knows how much we faits you
No one knows the biter Oa
We have suffered linos we lost you
Life just hasn't been the same.
You meant so very much to us
That nothing we an say,
Can tell the sadness in our hears
On this February day.
You will never be forgotten Mom •
Though on earth you are no mace,
In memory you aro with us
As you always were before.
Forever in our loving thought=, Terri and
Scott. 7c
BRINTNELL • In loving memory of a won-
derful daughter. Shirley. who was taken
from me so suddenly 2 years ego. February
13, 1989.
Beautiful memories are all I have left.
Of a daughter I loved and will never forget,
On earth she was loved, in heaven she rata.
God bless you dear Shirley. you were one of
the best.
Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten by
your Man. - 7c
BRINTNELL • In loving memory of a dear
sister and aunt, Shirley (Rundle) Brintnell,
who passed away suddenly 2 years ago, Feb-
ruary 13, 1989.
Just as you were, you'll always be,
Tre surediorever in our memory,
No tae knows the grief we bear,
When our family meets and you're not there,
There is always a face before us,
A voice we would love to hear,
A smile we'll always rememnber,
Of a sister we loved so dear.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
Larry, Jane, Lindsey, Kaylene and Bill. 7c
DIETRICH • In loving memory of a dear
husband, father and grandfather, Benedict
Dietrich, who passed away February 9,
We cannot have the old days back
When we were all together,
But secret tears and loving thoughts
Will be with us forever.
Lovingly remembered by his wife M
and family. 7*
GAISER - In loving memory of a dear hus-
band Arnold Frederick, who passed away
February 15, 1989.
I think of you with love today
As I have done so often,
The ache within my hean
Never seems to soften.
So down the path of memories
I gently tread today,
All my thoughts are with you
As life goes co its way.
It is sad to walk the road alone
Instead of side by side,
But w all there Domes a time,
When the path of love divides.
You gave me years of happiness
Then sorrow came and tears,
But you left me beautiful memories
I will treasure through the years.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missedby
wife Mona. 7
GAISER • In loving memory of a dear fa-
ther, Amold Fredenck, who passed away 2
years ago, February 15, 1989.
What I would give if I could say
Hello Dad" in the same old way,
To hear your voice, to see your atm'le
To sit and chat with yoe awhile.
Lovingly remembered by your
Mane and family.
Pastor -teacher Bob Drumm
Sunday; February 17
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
6:00 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
7:00 p.m. Kid's Club
7:15 p.m. Bible Study
All services are held at
Usbome Central School,
Huron St. E.
Everyone Welcome
For more inIormation please
call 229-8881
Our Lady of
Mount Carmel
RR *8, Parkhill
Sat. 7:30 p.m.
Sun. 11:00 a.m.
Precious Blood
Main St. at Gidley,
Exeter (Trivia)
Suit. 9:00 a.m.
Pastor: Fr. Frank Murphy
Sunday School offered at aN morning
masses for children 4-6 years Ind.
Both churches are
wheelchair accessible.
KIWIS are Welcomer.
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, February 17
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Moming Worship Service
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday Everyon».momh
94 Orchard Street Noeh
Sunday, Febn*ry 17, 1001
Pastor Laty 160 a.m. Murat"b*SMOG
Sunday, February 17
9:30 a.m. - Christian Education
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
URC68 Mei�nStreet S South
Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Organist: Mss Carolyn Love
First Sunday In Lent
Sunday, February 17
8:00 a.m. - Men's Ind Guests Breakfast
Guest Speaker: Ms. Begs Armstrong,
representing the Alzheimer Society
9:45 a.m. Worship Service
and Sunday School
'Nursery Available'
Everyone Welcome
Main Servat Gidley
Sunday, February 17
11:15 a.m.Holy Eucharist
Firit Sunday in Lent
Rev. Greg Smut
Nursery available
Everyone Welcome
Hunan Street East, Exeter
• Minister
0 00 a.m. 17
11:10 a.m. Sunday School
7:30 p.msEyw�Vllorsh►ip
Everybody *Weare*
Cane Ittd Mbnhp - w
Main St. North
Albert Vandedaan
Worship Servioes
10:00 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
y Radio
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
There Is no place Nke the feet of Jesus
for resolving the problems that perplex
our hearts.
Comer 01 James and Andrew St.
The Rev. Richard W. Hawley
Mrs. Bev Robinson
The Rev. Grant L Mills
( DirectorofMusic Emeritus)
Ralph C. Tqpp
February 17, 1991 -11:d. *a.m.
First Sunday in Lent
Courtesy Car - Gord Ross 235-2764
Sunday Church School - 11:00 a.m.
Nursery Facihtles available
Everyone Welcome!
070 Main Si. S.
Rev.' Don
Yount Pastor - Rev. Rogers
C.E. Director - Mrs. Verona Snider
Sunday, Febnsitry 17
1080 a.m. Sunday School
11 00 a.m. Worship Service
700 p.m. Evening Service
available for M services
vary vee Waken*
HENpDaReICsK • With loving memories dour
h s Oban home, and_
��Fe6ruary us 12.9 0
and hyla. May 25. 198
Nothing but manories as we journey oe,
Longing for angles from faces That are gone,
pBautt we keep in our memories the love of the
Far deep in our hears, it was planted to last.
Always remembered by Don, Pauline. Ho-
ward. "henna. Lawrence, Carol and fermi -
HODGERT • In mangy of my dear bus -
band, Reginald M. Hodgen, who was taken
frau me so wddestly one year ago as Febru-
ary 14, 1990.
I ant forget the why you eniled,
The things you uujed you did
your MitMiti - did for me,
The thoushts Ihave from day to day,
No tenet!' of time an take away,
The Gate of Memory will neva close,
I miss you more than anyone knows.
Rennembcred with love, Jean. 7•
HODGERT • In loving memory tif
fa won-
derful dad and grandpa, Reginald Hodgert,I
who passed away one year ago, February 14.
When family ties are broken,
And loved ones have to part,
It leaves a wound that never heals,
And an ever -aching heart.
We cannot bring the old days back,
When we were all together,
But loving thoughts and memories,
Will live with us forever.
Sally missed and always remembered by
sons, Grant and Scott, and dao ter Brenda,
son-in-law Ivan and grant ten Jeanne,
Holly and Richard. Inc
HODGERT - In loving memory of our dear
brother and broths -in -Lw, Reg Hodges,
who passed away one year ago, February 14,
When thoughts go back as they constantly
We treasure the loving memories,
And good times we shared with you,
This day is remembered and quietly kept.
No words are needed,
We shall never forget.
Lovingly remembered by Ross and Kath-
leen, Arnold and Marion. 7•
HODGERT - In loving memory of Regi-
nald M. Hodgen, who passed away February
14, 1990.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
Isabelle, Jack and Mary, Margam and Jim
Ray and Alice. , 7•
JOHNSTON • In loving memory of Charles
Johnston, who passed away. February 16,
A special smile, a special face,
A part of our family, we can never replace.
Deep in our hearts, your memory is kept,
To love and to chensh and never forget.
To us you were someone special,
You stood out from the rest,
We treasure the memories we have of you,
Because you were the very best.
Always remembered and missed by your
family. ' 7c
JORGENSEN - In loving memory of Anne
Cora Jorgensen who left us one year ago to-
day, February 11, 1990. A wonderful and
special lady.
No one knows how much we miss you
No one knows the bitter pain,
We have suffered since we lost you
Life will never be the same.
In our hears your memory lingers
S ,leader, fond and true,
'lite npta zostbr
Thou we do not think of you.
Always loved, always remembered and
sadly mused by Dad, brothers, sisters and
in-Lws, grandchildren and nieces and neph-
ews. 7nc
JORGENSEN • In memory of a good
friend Anne, who passed away February 11,
Special memories we cannot forget
Your friendship, your smile, your gestures
These and more we will always treasure.
Sadly missed by run and Bonnie. 7c
MATTUCCi • In loving memory of a dear
wife, mother and grandmother, Rutb M.
Matured, who passed away ane year ago,
February 17, 1990.
Toa beautiful life amu a sudden end,
She died as she lived, ev 's friend.
She was always thoaghtfulovin and kind,
What a wonderful memory she left behind.
She left so sudden, her thoughts unknown,
But she left a memory we are proud to own.
Treasure her God in your garden areal,
Far in this world she was one of the best.
Too loved and too special to ever be forgot-
ten by husband Tony, and children Tonett,
Me and and Sharlene. elle Karen and Erick.,
MATTUCCI • In loving memory of a dear
mother and grandmother, Ruth Matured,
whoone away year ago, February 17.
I hada mother with a heart of gold,
Who meant more to me than anyone could
Without farewell, you fell asleep.
With only a memory for me to,
Always a =mil instead of a frown,
Always a hand when I was down,
Always true, thoughtful and kind.
What wonderful memories you left behind.
Akthough your smile is gone forever,
And your hands I cannot touch,
I still have tha many memories,
Of the mother I loved so much.
Lovingly remanbered by your eon Butch,
Lenore, your grandson Matthew and grand-
daughter Miranda. We love you and miss
you very much Mom. 7•
The families of Audrey and Cliff
Moore wish to invite friends and
relatives to their
50th Wedding Anniversary.
Open -house
on Sunday, February 17
from 2-5 p.m.
at the Masonic Hall, Exeter.
Best wishes only please
Your Local Employer
Image Cleaners and Launderers,
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"Burst of
Wed., March 20
South Huron Dlstric
High School
7:45 p.m.
Tickets - $9.99 ea.
Everyone welcome,- tickets
at all participating store's in
Exeter. Dresser, Design-
ers, ,Brigette's, Thomas H.,
Wuerth's, Purple Turtle or
phone 237-3212 or any
Eastern Star Member
Our house
will bo open
-to familrf&friends
Ertl v11 .
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BiNGO. Safath Minor Span Bingo every,
Monday night. 7:30 p , Seaforth Anna.
31,900.00 in prizes pro Share The Wealth,
'must go Jackpot 673000. 7,8,9,10,12c
ship night to be bald at Kiskson-Woodham
Cammasity Centre, Elkton. Otstarlo, Satur-
day, Marcs 23, 1991. All Oddfe1lows, Rebe-
kah and friends are welcome to anezd. Din-
ner and Dodos 815.00psssan Dhow
only 810.00. Dance on y1 86.00. EnDhowtertairs-
ment by Paul Brothers and Shirley, Requ-
isites Basil for daaoe music. Public is wel-
come to dance and tickets ase available at
door or from Ray Cann. 235-1231. Diana
6•.30 pm. w 7-12•
Aduk Health abide. Landau Heath Unit
Office. South Huron Hospital, Banner. Date:
3'15 *, February 111 11991. Time: 1:00-
are (Fmk 3. Blood eidi Commiling; 2 Foot
presort* feedbag. 7e
8guo . EUCHRE, W , February 7.
A RAINBOW OF UILTS 11 at So/a►pd,iHl Hu -
too dada
7.7,1991. .00. .0 Por fuether
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Ilmordey. mum a.* Emit
Mimes kveilabis has Ho* salsil,e.
Vcth?ntiiie's Day
Chateau Briand for Two
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Caesar Salad
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and potatoes
Chocolat and Grand Mamier
Torte, coffee or tea
$59 95
"Reservations Recommended"
527 Main St.,
57" Exeter, Ontario