HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-02-06, Page 30Page 30 Times -Advocate, February 6, 1991 COMM1JNITt. The play's the thing... 4.4\* \ pl‘*. ,.1 Erewhon theatre The Erewhon Theatre troupe vis- ited Precious Blood School on Friday, spinning a tale of how the rain forests of Brazil fall prey to the concems of big business and politics. Students from Pre- cious Blood, Exeter Public School, and Usborne Central School attended the perfor- mance and a few even took over small roles in the play. Above, Theresa Wilhelm of Precious Blood joins performers Nickie St. John and Keith Cole (monkey) on the Amazon. Below, Cole takes on the role of a snake. St. Boniface operetta; tickets now on sale By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - Tickets are now on sale for the operetta that will be held at St. Boniface School on Wednesday, February 27. The event will be presented at 7:30 p.m. by the grade seven and eight students with the theme being The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf. Dress rehearsals will be held at 1:15 p.m. on February 25 and 26. The $3 tickets can be obtained by phoning the school at 236-4335. Bowl for Millions A reminder that Town and Country Bowling Lanes will once again be hosting Bowl for Mil- lions. The event will be held Sun- day, February 10 with proceeds going to the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Association. Golden Agers The Zurich Golden Agers will be meeting at the Hay Township Hall on Monday, February 11 at 2:30 p.m. Please note the time change due to the foot care clinic that day. Teen Dance The next Zurich Optimist Club Teen dance will be held at the public school gym on Friday, Feb- ruary 15 for Valentines with music by Serious Business. Loonie Tickets / Tickets are on sale at Most -Zurich stores for a chance at winning 100 loons. The event will be run by the Zurich Chamber of Commerce and the tickets are $2. Winter Carnival Anyone needing a ride to the Grand Bend Winter Carnival Satur- day, February 16 can ilet one com- pliments of the Zunch Optimist Club. Reservations for the free bus ride can be made by phoning Rob Vandcrhoek at 236-7134. The bus will leave the public school at 10:30 a.m. with 30 passengers so it is best to call earl . Zurich ns meet The Zuri cons met recently with 16 in attendance. The meeting was chaired by President Joe Ken - da Jr. and guest speaker was Peter Million from Stratford, Chairman for Zone 37. A A Chinese auction was held for collection of Lions Club pins from the late Russell Grainger which were donated to the club, and won by Jeff Laporte. The second auc- tion was won by Norm Koehler. A motion was made that the club pur- chase a plaque with the profits in order to honour Lions. Motion was made that profits be waved from the last bingo split so that the association could purchase electronic bingo boards. Motions were also passed to send $250 to the Zurich Public School and $200 to Si Boniface to be used for VIP programs on drug awareness. The next regular meeting will be February 18, while the Region 37 rally will be held at the Community Centre in Bayfield on Tuesday, February 28. Personals Birthday wishes go out to Greg Masse, Melissa Jeffrey, Lorne and Lloyd Klopp, Clayton Neilands, Megan Gingerich, Denise Meiding- er and Herb Klopp. Congratulations to Henry and Annie Becker on their 65 anniver- Best wishes for a speedy recov- ery to Russell Oesch who is a pa- tient in Clinton Hospital. May we offer our sincere sympa- thy to the families of Gerald Sree- nan and Ora Homer who passed away recently. Hensall Block parent meeting hosts good turnout By Vanessa Cook HENSALL - A Block Parent meeting was held January 28 at Hensall Public school. Richard Packham chaired the meeting. Con- stable John Marshall and MMararyy Moffatt, principal of Hensall school, were also present: There was a good turnout for this meeting which was good to see. There are at present 41 active Block parents in Hensall but there is a need for more. If anyone *in- terested in becoming a Block Par-, ent, application forms are available at Hensall school. Phone 262-2833. If yon would like more inforrmt tion about Block parents the new execu- tive is planning an information night sometime in April. The new officers are: Chairper- son, Jan Hoover Co -chairperson, Shelly Hay; Secretary-Treasut'er, Linda Persson.Shuffleboard On Jan pry 29, shuffleboard was played in HensaU. The high six game winners were Eileen Dawson with a score of 444, Dave Wood- ward with a score of 406, Pearl McKnight with a score of 388, Glen Davidson with a score of 364 and Dave Kyle with a score of 361. The next shuffle day will be Monday, February 11 instead of Tuesday due to the seniors meeting. Library news A book exchange has been com- pleted so there will be many new books available in the Hensall li- brary this week. Susan is consider- ing doing a Saturday morning sto-, ryhour. If anyone is interested' please call Susan at 262.2445 or 262-2449. Bmwnics, Girl Guides, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Reading Circle, Nursery School and any oth- er group I would like to hear from you. Call me at 262-3026 and let me know what you're doing. I would be happy to attend one of your meetings and write a piece for the paper on your special activity. Give me a call 262-3026.