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Times -Advocate, February 6, 1991
FA M114Y
by Mary Kooy
Granton by Muriel Lewis
CENTRALIA - Prize winners at
the euchre held at Heywood's Res-
taurant on January 28, are as fol-
lows; high score - Jessie Lewis and
Ray Beavers; lone hands - Ieleen
Pullman and Ed Armstrong; low
score - Marian Noels and Murray
Carter. The next tourney will take
place at 2:30 p.m., on February 11.
Ron and Linda Holcum, Barb
Smith of Centralia, Wendi Horton
of St. Thomas, Bonnie Kooy of
London, Clayton, Alice and Clyde
Kooy of Huron Park, were dinner
guests of Mary Kooy, last Saturday
night. Clyde and Alice Kooy were
celebrating birthdays.
The annual congregational meet-
ing will be held following the ser-
vice at the United Church on Sun-
day, February 10. The meeting will
begin with a potluck lunch.
Day of Prayer
EXETER - The annual World
Day of Prayer will be held at the
Exeter Christian Reformed Church
in this community on March 1.
The theme for this year is "On the
Journey Together", and the service
is written by women in Kenya "to
come on a journey, a safari, with
them in their country."
This year will mark the 104th
World Day of Prayer service and
will be held worldwide in 170
The ecumenical service will be
held at 2 p.m. on Friday March 1.
Kirkton W.I.
tended to Florence
ly in theusing of
late Louisaa MoGregan
Tuesday, January 29
Lois and Helen
Hodgins and Betty
all of London were
day with Mr. and
Tate and Muriel Lewis
form Prospect Hill and Granton
Women's Institutes attended the
North Middlesex W.I. district direc-
tors meeting at the home of the
president Margaret Harris near
Lobo on Monday, January 28.
At the St. Thomas' Anglican
Church on Sunday, February 3,
Rev. Beverley Wheeler's message
was on authority. She stressed that
as God's people there is a need to
be aware of the easy influence of
society. The lessons were read by
Marlene French and the minister. A
time of fellowship followed the ser-
The Anglican bible study was
cancelled last week due to the un-
and fami-
sister, the
of Sarnia on
Herbert, John
Anne Waugh,
home on Sun -
Mrs. Kenneth
Wady death . of lean Warner's
daughter Lynda Miller.
At the Granton United Church on
Sunday, in the abeenee of Pastor,
Normalie Voakes, Russell Tousaw
of Srribro took chtuge of the ser-
vice. His sermon topic was Living
with Grief - Above and Beyond.
The lessons were form John 14 and
Romans 8.
The Granton UTH Group met at
Bethel Presbyterian Church on Sun-
day evenings.
Granton 4-H Club J�1
The Granton 4-H Club held their
fust meeting for the course "Fitness
and Health the 4-H way" at the
Lion's Club Pavilion Hall on Thurs-
day, January 31. After opening
with the 4-H pledge, the new mem-
bers Paula Wallis, Charlotte McII-
hargey, Kelly Campbell and Col-
leen Moore were welcomed. Then
the officers were elected as fol-
lows: president Sylvia Beatson,
vice president Lee Anne Kelly, and
secretary Susan Bryan. Next, a 20
minute warm-up, workout and cool
down was led by Sylvia Beatson.
Appreciation night - Retired Blddulph Township fine chief Wes Hixon
was honoured for his 30 years of service, Friday at the Lucan rec
centre. He is seen here displaying one of many gifts, with his wife
KIRKTON - Kirkton Women's
Institute held their January meeting
Thursday, January 24, at the Com-
munity Centre in Kirkton.
President, Eleanor Williams
opened the meeting with the Insti-
tute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect.
Women were reminded of the date
February 20 for the celebration of
St. Pauls Institute from 2 p.m. un-
til 10 p.m. and all were invited to
attend. Several thank yous were read
from the girls receiving special
awards at the December meeting in
their 4-1-1 work.
The conveners for the programs'
Education and Cultural Affairs are
Doris Batten and Mary Tufts.
The guest speaker was Marion
Baker of St. Marys, who spoke and
showed pictures of their holiday in
Hawaii last February.
SAINTSBURY - The sincere
sympathy of the community is ex-
tended to the family of the late
Lynda Lee Miller. She is survived
by her husband John, and two sons
John Jr. and Jason, as well as her
mother Jean Warner of Lucan. The
service was held at the C. Haskeu
and Son Funeral Home, last Thurs-
The St. Patrick's annual vestry
meeting was held last Tuesday.
Reverend . Beverley A. Wheeler
opened the meeting with prayer.
The following were chosen as rep-
resentatives; Nadene Bedell as rec-
tors warden, Wayne Carroll as peo-
ples' warden, Nadene Bedell as lay
dele to to Synod, Mary Jefferies
as substitute lay delegate, Margaret
Carroll as vestry clerk, Hazel Davis
as treasurer, and auditor Wayne
Carroll. Board of management are
wardens, lay delegate, substitute
lay delegate, vestry clerk, and
church treasurer, A.C.W. president
Cheryl Carroll and Hugh Davis.
House church was again held ai
Hugh and Hazel Davis's residence.
The service of morning prayer was
held at 8:30 a.m. on February 3.
Holy Communion service will be
held in the church at 11 a.m. on
Sunday, February 10.
Nadene Bedell will read the les-
sons Job 7: 1-7, 1 Corinthians 9:
16-23. Gospel reading Mark 1: 29-
39. Pam Greenlee to be server and
Margaret Carroll as lay assistant.
Reverend `Bob Skelding, assistant
curate from St. Paul's Cathedral,
London, will take the service.
Ambrose Koricina was a guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis and
family, last Sunday.
George Miller of Flint, Michigan,
recently enjoyed lunch with Hugh
and Hazel Davis.
Dashwood by Bernice Boyle
DASHWOOD - A former Dash-
wood resident, Everett Haist will
celebrate his 98th birthday Sun-
day, February 10. He will wel-
come his friends and relatives in
the Sunday School rooms of the
Dashwood United church from
1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Everett lived in
Dashwood for 47 years before
moving to the Bluewater Rest
Home rn September,1990.
Calvary United Church congre-
gation held their annual meeting
Sunday, February 3. The U.C.W.
served a fingerfood luncheon to 50
Gary Carruthers expressed his
appreciation for the co-operation
he has received from all members
this past year.
The Chairperson Robert Hoff-
man, reviewed the annual reports.
Secretary for the meeting was
Donna Hoffman.
The nominating committee Dean
Boyle and Michael Tiernan pre-
sented the following officers for
Elders, Hugh Boyle, Jack Gais-
er, Bill Weber, Jane Newman,
Maud Hoffman; Stewards, Bernice
Boyle, Maida Gaiser, Rita Chan-
dler, Jack Riddell; Trustees, Dean
Boyle, Jim Hoffman, Eleanor Wei-
Nominating committee 1991-92,
Dean Boyle, Donna Hoffman, Mi-
chael Tiernan; Auditors, Cliff Pen -
hale, Maud Hoffman. U.C.W. rep-
resentative to , the board of
stewards, Karen Tiernan; Presby-
tery lay delegate, Bernice Boyle/
The treasurer, Bernice Boyle, for
12 years and recording treasurer,
Stanley Haist, 23 years of service
have both retired and will be re-
placed by Chuck Ford and Char-
lene Edwards.
Winners at the Dashwood Wom-
en's Institute euchre party Tuesday,
January 29 in the community centre
were: high lady, Millie Webber,
high man Elda Adams, low lady,
Hazel Lovie; low man, Ada Die-
trich; lone hands Arlene Higgins .
and Allen Pfaff.
The Dashwood Men's Club will
be sponsoring a Valentine's Dance.
February 9. Tickets are available
from any club member.
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