HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-01-30, Page 8ti Page 8 Times -Advocate, January 30, 1991 Eastern Star donation - The Exeter chapter of the Order of the Eastem Star donated $680 dollars to the South Huron Hospita&.so that this special mattress could be purchased for the care of long-term pa- tients. The medl-mattress has a layer of gel to make it especially comfortable. From left are nursing supervisor Judy Thurman, past DES worthy matron Christine Traqualr, current worth matron Jean Eas- ton, and RNA Marion Snider. Zurich Agriculture Society meets By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - The annual meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society was held January 24 at the Hay Township hall with 21 members attending. President Paul Klopp chaired the meeting along with secretary -treasurer Margaret Deichert. 1 After dues were collected and' the minutes were read Paul talked about the happenings of the last year and Margaret gave a report on the financial statement. This year's fair will be held from July 26 to 28, Two new directors were ap- pointed, Lloyd Otterbein and Jerry Thiel. They replace Ted Lansber- gen and Gerald Shantz. Paul Klopp will remain as president for another year and five voting dele- gates will attend the convention in Toronto from February 19 to 21. Bowl for Millions The Town and Country Bowling Lanes in Zurich will once again be sponsoring their annual Bowl or Millions to raise money for ig Brothers and Big Sisters. The event will take place during the wok of February 10 to 17 and will end with a celebrity bowl. Marlene Bedard is the president orthe Exet- er agency which services our area. Rural Life Conference The Catholic Rural Life Confer- ence annual meeting will be held in Ingersoll on Saturday, February 2 from 10 am. to 4 p.m. at the Hen- derson Hall. Guest speakers will be Bishop John Sherlock and MPP Paul Klopp. Registration and lunch will be 10 dollars. 4-H Club The Zurich 4-H Club, under the direction of Sylvia Neeb and Marg Deichert is doing well with 13 girls enrolled in the present project, Bread Venture. They will be host- ing a social evening on Monday, February 4 with family members invited to sample some of the reci- Within the next two'weeks cours- es will begin under the topics of horticulture and conservation. Anyone between the ages of 10 and 21 is invited to join the club by phoning Sylvi# at 236-4042 or Marg at 2364130. Personals Congratulations to Norm Eckel and Susan Kunder who were mar- ried at the United Church on Satur- day. Congratulations to Ralph and Peggy Mathonia on the arrival of Stacey Jeanne, born January 23, and to Marilee Ayotte on the arrival of her four grandchildren. The r . quadruplets, two boys and two girls, were born on January 23 to Deb and Donald of Brantford. Shipka by Al ue Morenz SHIPKA - At the Shipka euchre last week we had six tables in play and 12 games played. Winners as follows: ladies high - Doris Eagle- son; ladies low - won by Lorne Fenner playing a ladies card; mens high - Fred Gibson; mens low - Ke- vin Beierling; ladies lone hands - Doreen Finkbeiner, men's lone hands - Norman Breen. The east group were in charge of lunch refreshments and there will be another euchre in two weeks. Personals Birthday wishes to Art Webb, a former resident here, now of Strath- roy who on February 1 will observe his 91st birthday. Happy 50 Anniversary to Nellie and Louis Weigand. Several area friends called to offer congratula- tions, Sunday, at Dashwood United Church. Community sympathy is ex- pressed to Don and Mabel Fraser, in the death of Don's brother, Roy Fraser last Friday, at Tampa Gener- al Hospital, Flonda. Funeral service was Tuesday, January 29 at Box and Son Funeral Home in Parkhill. The Parkhill Fraser s were vacation- ing Florida Our nephew, Bradley Finlayson of Seaforth, stopped In last Friday night for a short visit with Hugh and I, on his way home fiom work in Windsor. PRYDE MONUMENTS 310 Victoria St., Centralia, Ontario NOM 1K0 ,1A 10th Anniversary Sale 796 to 1796 off From January 30th to March 31 All Monuments ordered will receive a 7% Dis- count plus pre -paying for your memorial. in full.. when ordered during this sale period will receive an additional 10% If you are considering purchasing a monument please visit our showroom and production plant. Our only business Is monuments so our counsellors will be able to give you their full attention in assist- ing with your memorial purchase. Our on* hours are; Monday to Friday - 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday - By .appointment only 228-6430 1-800-265-3477 We thank you to advance for your patronage The Fergusson .11 dIMMONIIIIMIMW k, - Birthday wishes are extended to Jeff McKinnon, Dan Eybergen and Donna Klopp. May we offer our sincere sympa- thy to the family of Coby Vanden- boomen on the loss of her mother, Maria Vlemmix, who passed away on January 23. Olivia Bedard celebrated her 75 birthday by attending mass at St. Boniface followed by a party at the Zurich Community Centre. Seniors meet By Vanessa Coot HENSALL - The ' Thrce Links Seniors recently enjoyed a cad par- ty: The winners were: pink cards, Vera Smale. Pearl Taylor, white cards, Howard Adkins, Anita Ben- gou ; lone hands. Joyce Willat, Alpn.w Grader. Winners of the draws were: (ia- ven McKellar, Margaret Mole, Vera Smale, Gertie Moir and Ei- leen Consitt. The next card party will be Feb- ruary 26 at 8:00 p.m. Ther February meeting for the Seniors will be February 12 at 2:00 p.m. Shuffleboard In shuffleboard on January 22 the high six game winners were: Eileen Dowson with a score of 454, John Pepper with a score of 401, Dave Woodward with a score of 374, Pearl McKnight with a score of 356 and Ellen Coutts with a score of 350. Personals Congratulations to Bev and Doris Hamilton who celebrated their 25th anniversary by taking a trip to At- lantic City. ucan 1 n to LUCAN - Christian Fellowship Group members and their guests made a special trip to the Crest- wood Centre, last Friday. .The group set up shop In the centre with card tables and aoki- nole boards. A play entitled Country Cousins urch news for Sunday Dinner was put on by Bill Fronts, Dorothy Dedels, Ber- Dennis�and Mabel'Fiosls. Dinner was saved for over. 60people. and : entpro- ertainment by Dennis dug nen. How DoesYour RRSP Rate? }TOURS; . Mon. to Wed. 86 Thurs. & Fri. 8,8 Saturday'! ' 1 111 _ ata SIO ��1O From January2 through March 1,1991, you get a big Va% bonus when you sign up for National Trust's Special Bonus RRSP. And you can Wan this special rate for 16 reonthst That's why we all this RRSP irresistible. Stop in and sign up today. NATIONALTAUBT 425 Main Street, Exeter, 235-0530 D TRIANGLE ISCDUNLL. 433 Main St., Exeter' Jan. 28 to Feb. 10, 1991 236-1661 Elegante Boxed, 600 g. Chocolates 599, Efferdent, cleaning, 84s 469 Denture Tablets Les Fleurs D'Amour 8 pc. Gift Set in Basket 499 Low Calorie Sweetener, 80 packets 100 g. Sugar Twin 159 Hilroy 2" Vinyl Binders 399 Toilet Bowl crystals 1 kg. Sani Flush 159 Hilroy 200 Ruled or plain 189 Sheet Refills Crystalaire, Air Fresheners 259 Finesse, 300 ml. Shampoo or Conditioner 79 Concentrated Fabric Softener 359 3.6 L. Fleecy Lottery profits help hospitals. On the night of the car accident, Bruce was not expected to live. For- tunately, a specially equipped and staffed trauma unit was ready and standing by at a nearby hospital. This special facility helped Bruce beat the odds and he has returned to work. • Helping hospitals is lust one way lottery profits are used. Lottery profits are also used to provide grants in other areas such at helping people with disabilities. They also help fund sports and recreation, arts and culture, and province -wide charities. This is how Lottery funds are working for you its your area. George Street Outdoor Pool, Aurora City of Chatham Memorial Arena, Chatham Kimberley Public Library, Euphrasia De La Sage Park, Georgina Ontario Lottery Corporation 'ibgether we're making good things happen. Pick ENCORE ENCORE ENCORE TRA % PROA01111111*./, Val.C•lAl. r r 1 • • • • • • • , , • • • •