HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-01-16, Page 7Times -Advocate, January 16,1991
Start your engines
Life has always been an unpredictable thing. And in these next few
days, we wait anxiously for word of any peaceful resolutions to the
Persian Gulf crisis.
What started out as a United Nations issue has become a personal
cause for the Unite(' States. Unfortunately, they are led by a Presi-
dent who tells us hp is not "in the mood" to negotiate. Nor does he
"care" what Saddam Hussein wants!
Canadians, long known for our resistance to violent resolutions, are
now entertaining the possibility of our being part of an offensive at-
tack! Fortunately, were not equipped to do more than offer back-up
It would seem that everyone wants peace; no one wants war - and
yet, neither side wants to make the first move. Does it sound like the
kids on the telephone - "You hang up first! No; you hang up first!"
We're not dealing with children here. Nor are we listening to un-
feeling, incompassionate people. Both sides voice their spiritual con-..
unction the God - Allah - is with them.
Allah will give the Iraqi's victor
ide the actions of
those committed to jus...For all of time wel hal ve used our faith to
justify our actions. Seldom do we allow God to initiate our moves.
Are not our religious convictions meant to equip us to deal with the
,.uncertainty of life? Is our faith not meant to somehowjhelptis to live
through life's complexity?
Part of being a mature person is learning how to live with this un-
predictability of life; to know that it exists, to maintain our sense of
are ntability as a balanced person - and never to lose our lust for
Striving to survive
One day, while lost amid the 'star-shaped' streets of Paris, I passed,
in rapid succession, the following signs:
A restaurant offered free lunches. The library proclaimed easy an-
swers. A pharmacy was selling cure-alls, and a repair shop was ad-
vertising a quick fix.
It almost seemed like the ideal place to live.
-A counsellor I know says that some people shuffle through' life
some stroll, others - walk fast, jog or even race. The experts tell us
that a good way to approach life is simply to strive.
What does it mean to strive?
It means to start where you are to turn your life around or make
I your dreams come true. Being in tune with God sure makes things
easier. Wonderful things will start happening when we listen to God's
ideas first.
Striving means to think of all possibilities. Jesus once said some-
thing to the effect that nothing is impossible. Mind you - you may
have to reshape your dream, recheck traditional answers, ask smarter
people or even resort to taking a problem solving course - but noth-
ing is impossible.
It means to reach a little further. I always tell my kids, "If you want
to get a B - yobli better aim for an A". Shoot for the clouds - you
may find you like the mountaintops! The farther you stretch yourself,
the farther you'll go
How about investing w' ? This means thinking about more than
just money. What about r energy and your reputation. Be sure to
tie in with honourable
Striving means to vi • success. Kee
eams and
aspirations in your ye. Then - go for it!our Havinoalsg a dream
means moving! Start d in s. It feels good to be an achiever.
Our days may be unp ble but our future is secure. Allow your
faith to let the Spirit of ess to take the lead in your life.
January is Crime
Shoppers month
Improve your environment and
assist in solving a crime,call
Crime Stoppers of Huron County
1-800-265-1777. Crime makes the
world you live in a hectic place
anddes the quality of your life.
You can help to correct this prob-
lem by taking steps to stop crime.
You may not think you know
enough to call the pol' or Crime
Stoppers but, often Ats of small
information add up to the straw
that breaks the back of a crime
ring ora criminal.
Remember that Crime Stopper
needs your help to work and in the
last few years your help has added
up to a great deal in that it has
been the direct force which as re-
sulted in the solving of crimes
that the police had reached a dead
end on and was instrumental in
the recovery of $52,579.00 worth
of stolen property and $36,00.00
worth of drugs.
This is not all however, as
many crimes were solved that
don't involve dollar amounts
such as cases that involve dam-
age to public and private proper-
ty but are not reflected in the
above figures.
Your information has also re-
sulted in 15 Break Enter and
Thefts, 10 possession of stolen
property, one fugitive from jus-
tice, 4 auto thefts and other
crimes being solved for a total
of 87 charges laid.
Crime Stoppers appreciates
your help in solving crime and
making our area a better place to
live by controlling crime by as-
sisting us to solve and thus deter
crimnal activity.
Potential criminals are less
likely to become active if they
know they are likely to be
Annual meeting in Hensall
By HENSALL - CookmAgri
culture Society will hold their an
nual meeting Wegy. January
16 at the Hensall Community
tre, at 6:30 p.m. There will be a pot
luck dinner and everyone is wel-
The St. John Ambulance will be
offering a fust aid course for any-
one interested. Y -
The course will be held Maida
nignx hts starting pr person
is 1.192.9
course will be held at the Hensall
Community Centre. For more infor-
mation contact the arena or the vil-
lage he village of Hunan's third an-
nual photo contest is opera to all in-
terested snappers.
The deadline for entries is May
31. Entries will be judged in three
categories: Hensall in all SeaSon4;
Hensall Special Occasions; Hensall
Come Grow With Us.' More details
will be available at a later date.
Starting Monday, January 14 the
two stoyhour groups at the Hensall
Library will be combined into one
group. Storyhour will be every
Monday morning from 10:30-
11:30. Susan and I hope to see you
The high five game winners in
shuffleboard were Pearl McKnight
with a score of 353, Hugh McKay
with a score of 328, and Helen
McKay with a scare of 279.
The high six game winners were
- Eileen Dowson with a score of 395.
Thiel with a scare of 358, and
- Thelma Thiel with a score of 344.
Shuffleboard will be played on
TuesdaThree Links Seniors
met or
Januay8aatt2,:000p LinksSeniors
well chaired the meeting.
Eileen Rennie and Jeanette Tum•
er will attend the Economic Devel.
opment Committee meeting to lx
held January 15 at 7 p.m.
High card game winners went
Olga Chipchase, and Stewart
ell Low winners mourn Margaret
Mole. Lone hand winner was Eve-
lyn McBeath.
The next card party will be Janu-
ary 22 at 8 p.m. Admission fee
S1.50. Everyone is welcome.
Meat draw
EXETER - The results 'of the
R. E. Pooley Branch 167 meat
draw last week are as follows;
steak and chuck - Mike Veri;
pork chops - Isa Smith; steaks
and chuck - Gerry Smith; roasts
- Bill Parsons, and the mystery
prize went to Leanne Stewart.
hipka by Annie Morenz
SHIPKA - At the first euchre
party in 1991 at Shipka Com-
muicy Centre W esday night,
we had eight tabl with 12 games
Winners were as ollows: ladies
high Doris Pfaff, Crediton; ladies
low, Doreen Finkbeiner mens
high, Don Fraser, mens low Kevin
Beierling; most lone hands for la-
dies Gloria Beierling and most
lone hands for mei Bill Finkbein-
The town group were in charge
of lunch refreshfinents.
Another euchre will be held in
two weeks.
Visiting last week with Mabel
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Apple Cider $3.50 a ju
POTATOES $5.00 - 50 Ib. bag
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London 645.7939
and Don Fraser, was Mabel's
friend, Margaret Lane of London.
Mabel and Margaret trained at
the same time as nurses at Victoria
Hospital, London, and have kept
their friendship since that time.
Last week the Morenz, Adams
and Corbett cousins learned of the
death of a cousin -in-law, Stanley
Mosier in Hendersonville, North
Carolina. Hg was married to
Wealthy Schr der who survives, a
daughter of the late Mary and Char-
ley Schroder, who farmed east of
Crediton for many years. A sister-
in-law Mildred Goodman nee
Schroder lives in Detroit. Mildred
and Wealthy were well known in
the Crediton and Exeter areas.
mom ANDBIBJean Node's
OOYE 'lion January
en's Institute. � aaavcial p W9a►-
with convener in
charge. Twelve &embers met at the
Lucan Lanes at 1 p.m. for an hour
and half of bowling with lots of fun
and laughs.
From there they went to the
home of Jean Hodgins. The presi-
dent, Marion Hodgson, opened the
meetingeeand thank you notes were
2r Christinasfrom shuremem that sjoYed
Hazel Williams, convener of Cul-
ttual Activities, reported on the Hu-
ron Country Playhouse plays up-
coming this summer and the
members decided on the play they
wish to attend.
Ellie Worthington gave a report
on the group's finances and ex-
plained that fees will be sent in
low.February, leaving ow funds very
The Christmas meetingw as held
at the 4 and 7 Restaurant at Elgin -
field, where 25 members and
friends enjoyed a hot !turkey dinner,
followed by a program of readings,
contests and music.
Tribute was paid to Hazel Cun-
ningham, who passed away on De-
cember 14 after a very short illness
with cancer. Cunningham was sec-
retary -treasurer of the Clandeboye
Women's Institute for the past six
years. Sand he conducted ma member aover
tours f the community and also
for the Lucan Seniors, of which
was was treasurer. She was an ac-
tive member of St. James Anglican
Chunch,Clandeboye. She will be
sorrowfully missed by all who
knew her.
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