HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-01-09, Page 17r -
GRANT • Hol Hot Hot Jamie sad Bab
welcome with love their Cady present from
Santa; Jessica Clan, weighing 8 b. 6 os.,
Dena ober 24. 1990 at 6:34 Fun. Proud
grandparents are Doo and lights Campbell
and Doug and Gail Gran. 2c
scOTT • Harry and Jute Schroeder, Cen-
ualia, are pleased to a sootce the bink of
their seventh grandchild, Kelly Lynn Scott.
1 Bore at Listowel Memorial Hospital Jami -
a/ 1, 1991 at 11:18 p.m. weighing 6 lbs.. 9
1R ass. Proud are Ead and Brenda
Solt (nee Dale) of Newton. Kelly is a little
1 sista for Randy and Janie 2•
VALKENGOED - Bob and L.orie are
to announce the Binh of their son
weighing 8 lbs. 8 an., bon
1990.The rSett `thildrah, the
ed of otth, the four -
for Gerald and
yan J
Mary VanV
. tenth
Schenk of
Times -Advocate, January 9, 1991
Page 17
MORENZ • Hugh and I with to thank eve-
ryone weary wd dinner
held at Dasbwood CC. our5.� nifa �
and cards. 'shanks also to the who dec-
orated, Lynda. Pa and Per-
sephone. And most of to the good cooks,
Doroth,y Rader and Mary Wailer. mil wait-
reues Linda Geowter, I elm W
Kathy Hayti. It was a ... ' happy
day for us.
2nc Hugh and Arnie
M • I would like to thank everyone for
cards, gifts and visits when 1 was in St.
's Hospital and since resuming bane.
thanks to Dr. Sales and the 4th floor
ursing staff and Dr. Steduk. Thanks to
Roy and Howard for helping with the
100th Birthday
Oa the occasion of her 100th Birthday.
Emma Farquhar will be happy to receive
from friends at Chelsey
Park Retirement Community, 312 Oxford
W., London, Room 208 from 2-5 p.m. on
Thursday, January 17. Best wishes only. 2c
SOth Aaalveraary Cdebratios
The family of Elam and Vera Shantz wish
to invite friends, relatives and neighbours to
en Open Haste in honor of their parents
SOth Wedding Anniversary on January 20,
1991 from 2:30 to 5 pan. at Zurich Mennon-
ite Church. Best wishes only. 2c
SPENCE • We wish to thank our family,
relatives, neighbours and friends for the
beautiful cards. flowers, gilts, and best
wishes on the occasion of our 50th Wedding
Anniversary, also to those who helped to
make our day so memorable, at the dinner
on Saturday and open house on Sunday.
Your kindnesses and best wishes will be
cherished for a tang time.
2c Mac and Marg
AANCIRSIVISL •• In loving memory of
Anne V tdatdstwMi, who peeled avray 2 ycsn
ago on Jamnry 6,1989.
ftu family ties as babe.
And loved ones have to part.
1t leaves a wound dirt never heals,
an aver addles bean.
e carred Bing the old days batt,
When we were an together,
But loving thoughts and memodes.
WiSadly missed and ll live with us forever. always lovedmembered and
husband sons and daush-
ter and their families. •
WEIIERG - In loving memory of our dear
panda; Fred. who tressed away January 21,
1983; Flossie, who pocked away November
23, 1961; our deft' brother Caine, who
deiced awtay J 9, 19and sawayour
dear Aunt a W. whoho 1��
Jan 11.1989.
Thou their smiles are gone forever
And ' hands we cannot toad%
Still we have so many memories
Of the ones we loved so much.
familLovingly remembered by the Wealters
THOMPSON - Thank you to the Exeter
Police and the 3AAA's, the Exeter Legion
and Finnigan's in Grand Bend.
2• Karat
BECKER - We wish to thank all those who
joined in making our twany-fifth anniver-
sary truly memorable. Your warm wishes
are sincerely appreciated. Special thanks to
our children Todd, Paul and Jody for arrang-
ing a special gathering with family and
2c Bob and Borrie
BECKER • I would like to thank my fami-
ly, relatives and friends for, cards, flowe
gifts and visits -while a patient in St. J ,
H2ospital and since returning home. Gregf
CLARKE • I would like to thank my fami-
ly, relatives, friends, neighbours and co-
worker for the prayers, visits, cards, flow -
en and .treats while in the hospital and at
hone. Special thanks to my mother-in-law
Margaret, raster -in-laws Marg and Evelyn
and Rev. Lakimanis, Dr. Feaaloy, Dr. Pour,
Victoria Hospital, Westminster Rehab Cen-
tre, Suathroy Hospital, Hoffman's Ambu-
lance and Town snd Countryomanakers.
Your kindness and caring is mly appre-
2 Shirley
HICKS - I would like to thank my many
friends and neighbours for the visits and
cards I received while a patient in Si. Jo-
seph's Hospital A special thanks to those
Brothers who took Olive to Landon and
thanks to all for the enquiries and telephone
2• Garnet
McLINCHEY - The family of the hie
Wilmer McLinchey wish to thank their
many relatives, friends and neighbours for
the love, prayers and support dunes their re-
cent bereavement. Thanks to all those who
called at the funeral home and to those who
stood with us at the graveside Thank yppr
for flowers, food and and to tltb'
ladies of the Baptist Church for the recep-
tion following the service.
2c Pearl McLinchey and family
CAMERON • In loving memory of a dear
son and brother, Danny, on the 15th anni-
versaryrd iris death on January 13, 1976.
Fifteen years have passed.
We still miss you.
The memory ot your love,
Your happy nnik,
The sparkle in your eyes,
Your wit and your great courage sustains us.
Loved 'always by Morn, Chris, Belly and
Bill and famihes. 2c
GOWER - In loving memory of a wonder-
ful mother and grandmother, Mary, who
pawed way 2 years ago. January 5, 1989.
The ma y special times we shared
Are precious to recall.
For happy family memories
Are the nicest ones of all.
So as we think of you today
We thank you for your care,
The memories that you left with us
Are treasures fondly slated.
Missing you today, tomorrow and always,
daughters Vera, Luella, Alma and families.
GUENTHER - In lovins memory of a dear
father, grandfather, and great-grandfather,
Earl Guenther, who passed away one year
ago, December 31, 1989.
Like falling leaves the year slips by
But loving memories never die
They live within our manory still
Not just today but always will
Ranembered by son Lloyd, daughter-in-
law Vera and fanuly. 2*
ROWCLIFFE - In loving memory of my
husband Hector, who passed away January
It WM io sudden
No matter what I do
All the time within my heart
There sue thoughtsof you.
Runemberhd bwife Molly.
HODGINS • Suddenly at University Hospi-
tal on Tuesday, January 1, 1991. Abna B.
(Fitzsimmons) Hodgins of Lucan in her
86th year. Beloved wife of Evan Hodgins.
Dear mother of Helen and William Delorme
of Lucan and Dallis and Robert Robinson
of London. Dear grandmother of Scor. Ma-
rie and Marion. Predeceased by brother Ed-
ward Fitzsimmons. Sadly mussed by Joan
and Eleanor. Rested at The C. Haskett and
Son Funeral Hance, Lucan where the Funer-
al Service was held on Friday at 2 p.m. with
Rev. Bruce Pocock officiating. lineman St.
James Cemetery. CWideboye. Donations to
The Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation
would be appreciated by the family, 2c
LEAKE - Arlie H. (nee Barrowdaugh),
born in Oshawa, Ontario, 1909. Peacefully
at the Queensway General Hospital on Mon-
day, January 7, 1991. Beloved wife of Jade.
Dear mother of Roger Black and his wife
Gwen and the late Barry Black and his wife
Theresa. Loving grandmother of Tracy,
Norma, Kimberley, Shawn, Sarah, Adam
and Heather. Remembered for her work in
Special Education in Etobiooke. Devoted
long time member of Islington United
Qiurdh. Friends may call at the Turncr and
Porter Butler Chapel, 4933 Dundas St W..
Btobicoke from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednes-
day. Funeral service in the Qupel, 11:00
Thursday, January 10. 1991. Interment
Mount Lawn Memorial Pack Cemetery,
Whitby, Ontario. Zc
WARNER - Peacefully at his inc resi-
dence, Blue Water Red Home,
Zurich on Sunday, December 30-
limn John Warner, formerly of RR2, Grand
Bend, in his 85th year. Dear father of Keith
and Muriel Wamer of Hudson, Quebec, Pe-
ter and Esther Warner of Grand Bend, Pat
and Chuck Bartuce of Englewood, Florida
Loved by his grandchildren Stephen and
David, Susan and Renee. Also survived by
his step -sister Eileen (Mrs. Ossie Falden) of
Kincardine. Predeceased by his first wife
Betty (Munro) Warner (1964) and his sec-
ond wife Ruth Warner (December 30,
1989). Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman &
San Funeral Home, Dashwood. Funeral ser-
vices were held at Si. John's By the Lake
Anglican Church, Grand Bend on Wednes-
day, January Z. 1991 at 10 a.m. heathen
St Georges Anglican Church Cemetery,
London Twp: Rev. Grant Dating officiated.
Manorials to the Blue Water Red Home
Building Fund or charity of choice would be
appreciated by the family. 2c
WEIIERG - At tie Golden Yeas Nersiag
� at Wedgy.
Deoaaber 31.1 Cad Fred W
reedy of Andrew Street. Exeter; in his 91161
year. Husband of the We Dela Fischer (De-
caetber 31, 1979). Dear lather of Carrie
I4pttstitA el Cambridge, Lome Weibetg of
Hay Township. Predeceased by one sen.
Raymond, in Italy, World War Two. Mao
survived by seven grandchildren. and a
ntanber okgrest-granddiildren. Rented at
the T. Harty Hoffman and Sons Ftusaal
Horne. Dashwood where the funeral and
committal service took place on Friday. Jan-
uary 4. 1991. Interment in Exeter Ceunetcry.
Rev. J. Obeda officiated. Memorials if de-
sired to Peace Lutheran Church, Exeter, or
charity of your choice. 2c
WOODBURN - Suddenly at Victoria Hos-
pital. London on Saturday. December 29.
1990. Milton W. Woodburn of McGillivray
Twp. passed away in his 87th year. Beloved
husband of Margaret (Dixon) Woodburn.
Dear father of Shirley and Lloyd 1homusa t,
Ruth and Jack Tweddle of McGillivray
Twp., Bill and Shirley Woodburn of Ste-
phen Twp., Pauline and Jim Miles of Lon-
don. Also survived by 11 grandchildren and
orlon, sister Verde Paterson andeceased d
Viola and Olive who died at infancy. Rested
at the M. Box and Son funeral bone, Park-
hill, where the funeral service was conduct-
ed on Monday. December 31, 1990 at 1:00
p.m. Rev. Anne Beattie -Stokes officiated.
Interment in Parkhill Cemetery. 2*
9 p.0.10111.01.
Fri. Jart. 11
Singles Dance
Nite Watch
Sats, Jon. 12
Al Knight (Norton)
Jan. 12
For Information phone
235-1209, 229-8102
'Dress Code 'Group Reservations
Welcome 'Hall Rental Available
CLOGGING LESSONS. Free introductory
demonstration on January 12, Grand Bend
Legion, 3:00-4:00 p.m. Coupe and watch
then register for 8 week beginners course on
Saturdays at 3:00 for only $330.00. Registra-
tions also taken at Chamber of Canmerce
office. For information call 294-0494 or
238-2001. 52,1,2c
Agriculture Members' Meeting on January
10, 8:30 p.m., at Brumfield Public School.
Lionel Lebrun. Clinton Area Manager will
speak on Ontario Hydro initiatives. HCFA
new ccrnmittees will meet also. 1,2c
ron County Pok Producers Association.
January 18, 1991, Stanley Complex, Varna.
Supper at 6:30 p.m. Meeting and election,
immediately following. Tickets $12.00,
available from local directors. 2,3c
STORY HOUR, Exeter Branch Library,
January 17; Thursdays 1:30 -
2:30 for3 and 4 year olds. Moe pre -
register children at the Junior Library with
Mrs. Hundey. 2•
UNIT invites you to attend the Exeter Adult
Health Clinic hdd at the Health Unit Office,
South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Tuesday.
January 15, 1991 from 1:30-3:30 p.m: for.
1. Health Surveillance; 2. Foot Cue; 3.
Utitne Testing; 4. Blood Pressure. 2c
68 Main Street South
Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Organist: Mss Carolyn Love
Sunday, January 13
9:45 a.m. Worship Service
and Sunday School
Su8 a.m. January Men's Men's dash t .
with guest speaker from
the Canadian Bible Society
'Nursery Available'
Everyone Welcome
9:30 am-CCh' ristian E lducation
11:00 a.m. - Worship Service
Everyone Welton
EUCHRE PARTY - Sunday, January 13,
7:3015.m. sharp at ML Cannel Church Meet-
ing Room. Everyone welcome. 2•
Shopping Trip
Jan. 18 - :20
Starts at $99. pp quad
Incuding motorcoach
- room at Bavarian Inn
Sponsored by Beta Theta
Please call 1-800-265-1730
or 235-1329 - Evenings
Travel Mart QS
1020 Ontario St.,
Stratford, Ont.
January 9,8 p.m. Ladies bring lunch. 24
SAWS New Par's Weft 53
This year, my family and I are going
to get to know each other better - and
we're going to start by getting
involved in a community project.
Winter Hours
Fri, Sat., Sun.,
each week
Except for
reservations for
special groups on
other days
Sunday Brunch
Reservations appreciated
Hwy. #21, just north of
St. Joseph
Agricultural Society
Annual Meeting
Jan. 18,. 1991
at Exeter United Church
7:00 p.m. Roast Beef Dinner
Everyone welcome - Advance Tickets only
For tickets or information call 235-0814, 235-2122
Main Street at Gridley
Sunday, Jenim,y 13
11:15a t.
Nunnery available
Everyone Welcome
Main St. North
Albert Vanderlaan
Worship Servbes
10:00 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
su'hday Radio
CKNX 9201020 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 620 s.m.
Pastor -teacher Bob Drumm
Sunday, January 13
9:30 am. Sunday School
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
8:00 p.m. Communion Servtoe
Nursery Available
7:00Tesday evenings
1p.m. KidClub
7:15 p.m. Bible Study
All services we held at
Usbome Central School,
.Huron 8t. E.
Formore ►raise
call 229 -Crud 1
You finally made it,
Baby Brother
Happy 19th Craig
Main Street and
Wellington, Exeter
We deliver Exeter
and /" -ea
January. Special
•A large pepperoni
(no substitutions)
Good Times
Thee is no puce Ills the feet o1 Jesus
fox resolving tie problems that perplex
our heats.
670 Main 8L S.
Rev. Don Fiopan
Youth Peeks*- Rtes. K.�vfrs Rogers
C.E. Director - Mrs. Verona Snider
Sunday, January 13
10.00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
7:00 p.m. Evertitt° Service
Comer of Janes and Andrew St.
rine Rev. Richard W. Hawley
Mrs. Bev Aobihson
The Rev. Grant L MtIs
(Motor Minister
Ralph C. Topp
Arnuary m.
Fist nd it 11%00 pteny
Courtesy Car - Bob Reicher, 236.1755
Sunday Church School -11 A0 a.m.
Nursery Facilities available
Everyone Welcome?
187 Huron SL W. Exeter
Pastor Res. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, Jattuwy 111
9:45 am. Sunday 8c#iool
111:10 am.Moming Worship Service
7:00 p.m. Everting Fellowship
Wednesday p.m. Fan* Night
Nuavailable for d services
nteryorte Welcome
94 Orchard Street North
Sunday, aims $ s* 1
820 ant Church Service
Huron Street East, Exeter
0V 13
11:10 a.m. Sunday School
7:90p al. �vYbrshlp
January 9
Bingo starts 7:30
Regular Games
Jackpot Game
Eanyrme wsibonte
Come and Worship irfdh tae
Total prizes $2300
Duo to rho Noence regulations, no
one under 18 Mowed 10 play
Lioenos e537495
Eating Emporium
414 Main St.,Centre Mall, Exet+r
(Plenty of parking at rear)
* Presents Live*
Fri. & Sat., Jan. 11 and 12 - 9 p.m.
"Positively Stompin"
The best music of Steve Earle, Stompin Tom, Kevin
Walsh and much, much morel
Advance tickets $4.00, at the door $5.00
Coming Soon Live
Fri. & Sat., Jan. 18 and 19 - 9 p.m.
* The Legend Killers*
Tickets $3.00 at bar. The best music of the
Ramones, and rock and roll dance music!
Live Fri. & Sat., Jan. 25 and 26 9 p.m.
Advance pickets $5:00, at the 'door $6.00
* Free * Free *Free *
Bus shuttle service to Huron Park Arena
• Fri. mit Sat., Jan. 11 and 12
Bus departs arena 9:00 p.m.
Bus departs Good Times 1:30 a.m.
Don't drink and drive, let us do the driving!
* Free *Free * Free
(Max. 48 people)