HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1991-01-02, Page 15Times -Advocate, January 2, 1991 Page 15 Private, Non- commercial ads only Z , €B Super Ads must be pre -paid Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPER AD with us. For only one low fee of $10.00 we'll nm your ad 1, our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPER AD. You can take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Monday and we'll gladly repeat the ad at no charge. And we'll keep running the ad as long as you want (Excluding real estate). TALK TO OUR AD -VISORS MON.-FRI. UNTIL 5 P.M. OR LEAVE DETAiLS:.ON OLIR ANSWERING MACHINE .. .<•:. j'(�f�: •' • act CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT classifications SEMi-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $8.50 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $7.50 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of /half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $2.50 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or pric- es count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $8.50. 15¢ per word there- after. SUBSEQUENT INSER- TIONS - No copy changes,20 words $5.50, 15¢ per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $9.50. 15¢ per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death .Notices - 20 words $9.50 each additional word 15¢. IN MEMORIAMS - $10.50 plus 25¢ per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $9.50, each additional word 15¢. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $9.50, additional words 1 Qe each. 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to -Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 16 For Sale 1983 SKIDOO CITATION SS. Good condition. Best offer. Phone 236-7441. (1:2c) 1987 SKIDOO used Citation 250 a electric start, new track. 51500. o.b.o. Phone235-0194. (1:2e) 1 Lost, Strayed BARBECUE COVER in Exeter. Finder phone 235-3t22.'{Y') • • 4 Help Wonted URGENTLY NEED dependable person who can work without supervision for Canadian oil company in Exeter area. We train. Write A.M. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, 87 West Drive, Brampton, Ont. 1,6T 2.16. (1c) Deadline: for classified ads Is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. �1 VISA Phone 235-1331 6 Services RIPl1DE MUSIC SERVICES, D.J. service for any occasion. P.A. and sound systems. For office or establishment. Phone 235-1854. (20tfn) TRANSMISSION? Transmission as low as 5175.00 installed. Also transmission repair. Guarantee price quotes. Phone today 234-6250 or 234-6790, Mt Exeter. TowingSercice available. (44ifn) SNOW REMOVAL •Driveways • Parking Lots Snowblower and Loader available C.A. McDowell 228-6129 or 228-6780 11 Cnrs, Trucks • PATONS YARNS ' - Discount Noss. Rga'aHealth Centre, Hensall. (16t6n) ANIIQUE DOUBLE DRESSER with or - without large round mirror, 3/4 iron bed with like new box Spring mattress. Call after 6 p.m. 233-9297.(25tfx) BRICKS - approx. 3000 or more red antique brick. Many uses 254 each or sell the lot for 200 each. Phase 227-1266. • „ SAFETY INSPECTIONS 531.00. Cut costs, with used parts at Advance Auto Wreckers. Phone today 234-6250 or 234-6790. RRl Exeter. Towing Service available. (44tfn) 1979 FORD COUGAR RX7, blue, 351 engine, power windows, bucket seats. Ideal for winter vehicle. Call 235-1180 $900 or best offer. 1978 FORD PICKUP 4x4 3/4 ton equipped with 8' 4 way arctic snow blade, air compresser and tank. Propane powered which makes it tax refundable 45,000 gqriginal miles. 54200 as is. Excellent ci3ndition. Phone 235-0768. (45tfn) 1977 CHEV IMPALA, good condition 5600 or best offer. Phone 235.1358. 1984 LASER TURBO, silver, 5 speed, excellent condition, asking 54200. Call 284-3683. 1986 FORD CROWN VICTORIA, 8 cyl., 4 door, automatic, p.s., p.b., tilt steering, power windows, power door locks, remote trunk locks and remote gas door lock, , power side mirrors, automatic air, leather interior, premium- .stereo radio and lite group, formal goech vinyl roof power seats, chi>i `cdtrr'' ih l iteWngcervi fed: Phone{ 2296681, r 1,111 t��; .I. ` 'n!..Il{l.a�rtl 1984 CHEV -that/IV: •4 dtiait hatchback, p.s., p.b., automatic, am radio, new tires and exhaust, excellent condition. Certified. Phone 229-6661. 1989 S10 new in February 1990. Short box, 4 cylinder, 5 speed, white. Exoellatt condition. 9800 km. $8700. Phone 262-3406. (49tfn) 1977 FORD COUGAR - Copper, 2 door, 302 engine, excellent running condition, good body, brand new battery, new exhaust. 5900 or best offer. Phone anytime 238-2383., 1986 FORD LTD. 6 cyL AM/FM cassette, V, pp s., p.b., power windows, power lode,. 000 certified 1978 Dodge 318 p kup, AM/FM cassette, p.s, p.b., $950.00 as is. Phone 229-6111. 1982 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT diesel LS -5 speed block heater, Baty with burgundy' interior. Sunroof. No rust. Oil sprayed annually. Alpine stereo system. Reliable, economical tranwporuseen. 52950.00 certified. Phone 235.3248. FIREWOOD - Sold by standard cold (128 cu) delivery included. 5165.00. Phone 238.2943.(37tfn) WANTED - CLEAN OUT THE BASEMENT, attic, bam. Instant SS for castes, old furinture, sets d chain, tables, cabinets, bookcases etc. is any candidata. Also purchasing ofd glassware, boxes, bottles, jars, any advertising signs. Call us first 227-1266. GARAGE DOOR - 7' to 9' high it 1'6" wide, wood rollup panels. Complete.) Phan 235-0173 da ask for Jon. OFFICE DES two steel office desks with sound surratnders. Phone 235-0173 days** for Jon. (40tfn) WOOD - Mixture d Maple, Ash, and Hickory. Ironwood Golf Course. Phone 235-0707 Gib Dow. (43tfn) 16 1 or '',',►�. i o For Sok USBOiligNittle and household 'nems, ss6all taibles toll a yntif bed, Lawn chairs, 10 *alike, electric grill, electric ice cream maker. Mr mo. items. Phone 235.3276. BLEC RRG EXERCISE Vic Talalti*so& Phan?233- max) x) Ardficrr ONE home gym similar to Yak 8�i3. 10-160 Ib. adjustable a t7 any Used 2 rut - e. Ask for Dave.. After a 6On.;-5'388.-(51ifx) - -FIREWOOD seasoned hardwood maple, beech,, ash. ptlone- Dignan Landscaping 235-101.011/n4 • 3 RISE TX75.0.' S.OQ; CEMENT STEPS $75.00; edoor pias tisane opener ie?liS2.3501(51-lc) DOWNDiti;APl' .. WOOD- STOVE, Teynprrood, a new .-matte , used It t vary . Artg 3210.00. Cai 229.654*. (32thi)_ ENGINE PROBLEMS? En¢ittes for moth can and pickup trucks. Prices a low ars 1450 installed. Call Advanced Auto Wreckers 234-6250 or 234-6790 RR1 • Exeter. Towing service available. (44dh) TRAILER - new for small car or motorbike- 40"x4$" asp to 1000 1M. 1 citmtemOAed• 3 5024.• Te ilLsa, FAMILY TRAILER - 17 ft. Gypsy. for winter or, summer camping. B condition. Propane and electric. stove, heater, sleeps 6. Badttoom. 31 Phone227-1266. ALUMINUM CHECK SHEETS 1/8" thick, brand new, 4 sheet!, 4'x6'. For running board, truck boxes, etc. Cost 5290 per sheet. Sell for 5125 each. Phone 227-1266. REMOTE CONTROL TV CONVERTER. Works on any TV. 550. Phone 2354768. (45tfn) STEREO CABINET with record player, radio and 8 track. Excellent condition. Piione233-9297 evenings: (49tfx) ARTIST SUPPLIES • • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pflllcils • Art Nibs ' Slcstch Pads ..Calligraphy 11 ADVOCATE SELKIRK GAS `UNIT HEAR 20,000 8TU with bkswer. Phone 227.4010. (1:2c) CAR STEREO SPEAKERS, pair for sale. 100 watts max per side, like new. Asking • 5150. One Getman World War II 303 for side needs to be refinished, works really well. Asking S100.. Call Steve anytime. Phone23S-2318. RICHARD LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR . Canton 482-7898 Sat, Jan. 12 at 10 a.m. Furniture and household effects for Madeline Harburn of Hensall at Lobb Auction Building. Consignments of good furniture, tractors and farm machinery, tools, etc.being accepted for fu- ture auctions. Cail now. 482- 7898. STOCrs•+*ALBS side*Bft4ryaa N Lh►r tssto kp.m. WO invite` Consignments est `Paidllra, and wdstebf' Waring dopy °dies 242-2831 IARR1f • MILLER - £ Manager • Meter 235.2717 • KtIrkton 2294205 Jos Zehr 1487-9599 c>�ntact Scott •O!r arlene c/o Mac's Music 235-3233 During business hours. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYFONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES iT ALL. THINK BIG • CALI.THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. 12 Pets FREE KITTENS - House trained, excellent pets. Phone 237.3377. (1 c) Financial and Administrative Advisor (One year contract position) The County of Huron seeks a qualified individual to provide financial and adminIstrative services for the Beard of Health's progrrls, and to as- sist on projects within other ar- eas of the County's activities. The successful candidate should have a University de - +gree, preferably in Business or Commerce, with formal ac- counting educlation, and at least one ye is relevant work experience. Micro -computer familiarity is essential. Use of an automobile is re- quired, since work assign- ments will be at both the County's and Board's premis- es. Applications should be ad- dressed to the Clerk - Administrator, County of Hu- ron, Court House Square, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 1M2, marked "Financial.and Admin- istrative Advisor", and to be received no later than January 9,'1991. - 7 Livestock LARGE SiiLECI1ON, good quality, aggressive working boars York, Land, Duroc, }lamp, Spot ilamp x Duroc, York x 11amp, Duroc x Spot. Also bred and open gilts. ROP tested. Reasonably priced, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. Richard , Strocbcl, RR2 Granton, (519) 225-2587 or 284-2628. (18tin) IiXCI:LLIiN T SELECTION of Yorkshire and Duroc boars, also ' 1 bred slltd open gilts. R.O.P. tested. Ted Schendcn, 225-2734.(23tfn) 111G11 EST CASiI PACE PAID (or dead or disabled cask and hones over S00Ibe. For prompt service 1.245-0838 and 1.80(1-461-4501. (461fn) 9 Sports Equipment,Vellicles 13 Musicnl Instruments OLDER MODEL Hammond chord organ in excellent shape with owners playing nide and complete music library. Asking 5300. Phone235-0768 after 6p.m. (43tfe) 14 Appliances, Television USED EkL.ECTROLUX VACUUMS to choose from 3195.00 and up. Complete with power nozzle, and all suachmenta. Call Centralia 228.6531. FILTER QUEEN VACUUM, almost like new. Must be mean. New style, power nozzle and all attachmentshoses like new. 6 months warranty. Phorte228.6531. 197$ YAMAiIA ET 250 snowmobile, very cod condition. $800.' Phone 293-3191. 1;, ADOPTION PREGNANT? Happy, loving couple wishes to adopt, provide a home and best of care for your unborn child. With approved agency. CaII Pat collect (416) 482.2731. i;'tl0te: corrected phone number.) IF YOU WANT to drink that's yr t, business. If you want to quit that's ours. T6 meek with an AA, member pkase phone 5.1934,,427-4561 or 345-2536. (17tfn) Would the lady from the Crediton area who assisted on Exeter senior citizen in oompietirtg her purchases at the Big V stare ext October 31, 1990 please call 235-1593. , . Help Wanted Handy person with mechanical and'tool experience would be an asset Send or bring resume to Hurex Tool & Rentals 263 Main St., N., Exeter 235-0918 NOM 190 Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products DESKiN i SALES • SERVICE CAREER TRAINING, FREE career guide tq horn&'study correspondence Oiplornit' ,a rses: Accounting, Airconditianiftg bbbitkeepirig, Business, Cosmetology, Efeclydnics; Legal/- Medical Secretary, sychology,•Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Ibranto, 1- 800-950.1972. LEARN AUCTIONEERrNf , (jlt '‘ 1111- outhwestern Ontario School of tioneering, Neil#i- F, 1991. For information, Ontario School of AuctiolneetIfl ,' Woodstock, Ontario, t14S 7V9 (5194 537- 2115. TRANSPORT DRIVER TRAi41N ' for rewarding careers, 0 tnx cing.,CiIs A -Z and O -Y licences. trays acid weekaa0 bourses. Job placement assistance. Mantel Triereport , Training. Guelph: 1.00.265-7173. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - EXTRA INCO4EI Grow•baitworrhs in your basement or gsrage. Odorless operation. Low investment. Market guatonteedlFree informatloi. Early Bird EaoIC yy RERV1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0 (416),434111!52., TRANSMtSON: REBUILDEF3.. Sunny Okanagan 8: . ,Aamco Transmission', requires experienced bulkier lot autlxnailc4 standard transmisslong. Oppirtunily to take] over business. Resume, 5100 - 14 St. Vemon, R.C. V17 8X2. RECESSION FIGHTER. Free information by mail on our proven,. profitable, Ript at home businesses. Amazingly simple extra cash. CaII toleree now. (416) 550-0505 (24 hrs.). HELP WANTED TWO LADIES, preferably mother, daughter, Wfth or without children, 10 live In and care for a derly couple in their own home. Car available, private apartment. (519) 842-2718. OUT OP TOWN PROPERTIES CROWN LAND availability and Ontario properties to be sold for unpaid taxes. For information write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 530, Sin. F. Ottawa, K2C 3J1. VACATIONS OANAL CRUISES• five days aboard ,-1011WAWTHA VOYAGet,tli on iconic Trent- Sevem Waterway or Rideau Canal; private state -rooms, meals, free brochure.. Write Captain Marc, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. FARM EOUIPME Clr, BAIN CLEANER REPLACE ENT CIIIAIN for II makes of Cleaners, Ouantity on hand at good price. Call Husky (519) 846-5329. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - ALL MODELS - Pound of coffee if we can't beat your best deal. Take delivery in Spring avoid Increases. 25x30 $2;849. PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1-800-688-• 5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - -STEEL 8TRAiTWALL•type - not quonset - 32x48 $4,983; 40x84 $8,079; 50x98$14,908 - non - expandable ends. other sizes available - ,Jmlted steel. Paragon - 24 Hours - 1-800-• 283-8499. • Your ad could appear Mr t4.11.1pere in Ontario, or right acroir eliftsdal, or any individU ll previncatiOsipoie uggNed, so Caff This Newspaper Today! 4 +y� r ••• r