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Times -Advocate, January 2, 1991
Christmas celebrated In Staffa
Saintsburyby Mary Davis
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Deity - Hunt
Guy Stewart Deitz and Sandra
Joan Hunt were married on Sep-
tember 15, 1990 at St. An-
drew's Presbyterian Church in
Brampton, Ontario. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Hunt of Brampton. The
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Deitz of Grand
Bend. The bride's maid of hon-
or was Sandra McDonald.
Bridesmaids were Susan Hunt-
Pangborn, Kerry Deitz, Martha
Mitchell and Cathy Leavens.
Christine DeCaire was a junior
bridesmaid and Jenna Rader
was a flowergirl. The groom's
best man was Dave Bogart. His
ushers were Bob Hunt, Jack
Hunt, Rick Lindenfield and
Brian Mercer. Ringbearer was
Kyle DeCaire. A wedding recep-
tion followed at the Brampton
Golf Club.
By Roberta Templeman
STAFFA - Leon and Gwen
Gregg, Brisbane, Australia are vis-
iting with Robin and Joan Daynard
and family for a few weeks.
Neighbors of Robin and Joan
were guests at their home on Fri-
day evening, when conversation
and' ood food were enjoyed byc_all
An added bonus far everyone
was the great music provided by
the Hibbert United Church Carol-
A good crowd was in attendance
at the Sunday evening service in
.the Hibbert United Church. Like-
wise the Cromarty Presbyterian
and Mitchell Presbyterian congre-
gations enjoyed . their Christmas
Eve service at Cromarty.
The Finlayson family held their
annual Christmas gathering in the
Family Life Centre this year with
hosts Ina and Reg Finlayson.
Irene Quance of the Hillside
Nursing Home spent Christmas
with Gary and Mildred Quance and
family, Sunday.
Family members joined Pearl
Harburn at the Mitchell Nursing
Home on Sunday to celebrate
With Pearl were husband Fred,
Seaforth, Ted and Elizabeth Har-
burn, Cromarty, Jim, Gail, Denise
50 years .Y J
Adrian Harte would like tq- tin-
gratulate his grandparents, Alan
and Doroth' Harte of Loi.
on their g wedding at,ni-
versaty ceiL Jted Dek:ember
31. Also wishing the Hartes
the best are Derek and Valerie
Harte of London and Julie Harte
of Caledonia.
and Scott Haliday, London, Bob
Maureen, Rick and Christine Har-
burn, Seaforth, Jill fiarbucn wed
Kevi* _Q'Connor, Mount • Carmel,
MaArian, Sharer, Curtis and Philip
loche, Woodstock.
With Rob and Bcv Templeman
and family for dinner on Saturday
evening were Chuck and Dorothy
Ebel, Goderich and Carol Stewart
and.Jane Robinson, Kitchener. Rob
and Bev and family were guests of
Hap and Audrey Swatridge, Wing -
ham on Sunday.
Bert and Margaret IIaynnard had
family with them on Christmas
Ed and Eleanor Lawrence and
family Milton, spent Christmas eve
with Arthur and Margaret Kemp
and all were guests of David and
Audrey Kemp and family in Clin-
ton on Christmas Day.
Margaret Brait, St. Johns, New-
foundland and grandson David
Brait and Ethel Stanzak visited re-
cently with Orpha Norris and Ber-
nice and Bob Norris. Family mem-
bers were also with them on
Christmas Day.
John and Roberta l'empleman
had over 40 family members with
them on Chrisunas Day.
Hazel Scott hosted her family
• Christmas gathering on the 251h.
Spencer and Doris Jeffery enter-
tained family members on Christ -
nuts DaY-
Duncan and Joy Scott had their
families with them on Christmas
Day. '
Larry and Isabel Elliou hosted
the McCaughey Christmas gather-
ing and the Elliott family gathering
over theho�idays.
Art and Smale and family
spent Christmas Day with Ross and
Agnes Miller and family, Carling-
Ted and Elizabeth Harburn spent
Chrism as Day with Jim and Gail
Haliday and family, London.
John and Marjorie Drake had
their daughter Margaret visiting
with them for the holidays. They
spent Christmas Day with Brian
and Lauraine Bromley, Mitchell.
Mike and Mary Jane Parsons and
family spent boxing day with Gor-
don and Jean Parsons, Mitchell.
Ron and Gretta Miller and fami-
ly, Cromarty and Doris Miller, Ex-
eter, spent Christmas Day with
Rick and Diane Young, Stratford.
Beuy Kitcar and her mother Mrs.
Haist, Seaforth, visited over the
holidays with Jim and Marie Hen-
derson, Paisley.
John, Roberta and Rick Temple-
man were hunch guests of Rob and
Bev Templeman and family on
Thursday. Friday John and Roberta
visited with Margaret Cole in Hen-
Morenzs celebrate Gorden Anniversary
SHIPKA - As an old saying goes,
"Hugh and I beat the gun". We cel-
ebrated our 50th wedding _anniver-
sary last Saturday, December 29, a
few weeks early, because our
grandchildren Persephone and
Christian were home from B.C. for
Christmas and holidays with us.
We had a dinner at 1 p.m. for about
60 relatives at the Dashwood Com-
munity Centre. Our afternoon was
spent visiting, reminiscing, along
with musical entertainment.
We received many lovely gifts,
flowers and cards, and greetings
from Prime Minister Mulroney,
Governor General Roy-Hnacyshyn
and Premier Bob Rae.
Relatives came from Coquitlam,
B.C., London, Hensall and area,
Mitchell area, Exetdr, Belleville,
Toronto, Ottawa, Clinton, Scarbo-
rough, Kippen, Brucefield, Sea -
forth, Auburn, . Burlington, Grand
Valley, Mio Michigatl, , Crediton
and one special guest, our Olympi-
an nephew, Howard Dell, flew up
from Los Angeles to attend. It was
a memorable happy day for us
both. A phone call from Florida
brought greetings from our niece
Sharon Morenz.
Christmas visitors
With Ken Baker on December
27, were Sandra, Tony, Chris,
Heather and Jill Regier, Mt. Cle-
mens, Ken and Carol Baker, Bon-
nie and friend, Tracey and Shellie,
Goderich, Sharon, Don and Jamie
Baker, Gary, Sheona and Jeffrey,
all of Shipka.
Don and Ann Russell and daugh-
ters hosted the Russell family
Christmas. Attending were Cliff
and Velma from Dashwood, Doug,
Ann and family, Bruce, Judy and
family, all. of this area, Tom, Ro-
sanne and family, of Cotham, Ka=
thy and Rick Plaine and family, of
With Harold and Doreen Fink-
beiner were their family on Boxing
Day, Bill and Nancy Finkbeiner
and family, Bob and Diane and
family, all of the area, daughter
Joan of Exeter, Dave and Mary
Finkbeiner and family of Kincar-
December 23, visitors with Hugh
and I were John, Lynda and Chris-
tian Little, and Persephone Morenz
of Coquitlain B.C., our son BW of
London. We celebrated Persepho-
ne's 15th birthday.
The annual Picketing family
Chrisunas dinner was held Dee em-
ber 25, at Shipka Community Cen-
tro with 67,
areas of Forest,
Parkhill, Greenway, Grand
and Dashwood.
Stan Pickering, of Brantford was
home over the Christmas' -holidays
with his parents, Ross and Evelyn
and his family.
SAiNTSBURY - The service of
lessons and carols was held at 11
a.m., Sunday.
The lessons were read by Scott
Jefferies, Ryan Carroll, Nadine
Bedel, Margaret Carroll, Jean War-
ner, Mary Jefferies and Rev. Bever-
ly Wheeler.
Cheryl Carroll provided 'muakc
for the carols.
Nadine Bedell read the prayers
and the rector closed the service
with the collect and prayer.
The service closed with Joy to
the World.
Courtney and Katie Scarlett Mac-
Gillivray, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Noels, Mrs. Helen Mac-
• Donald and Howard Dolan calla
on Mary Davis during the past
week. ,
Mr. and' Mrs. Howard MacDon-
ald held a birthday party on Sunday
for Howard's` mother Helen.
Community residents were sorry
to hear of the death of a former ren
ident the late Hubert 'Quinton, son
of the late Tom and Mabel Quin-
Editor's note: This will be Mary
Davis' last column due to her re-
tirement after years of faithful ser-
vice to the Times -Advocate. Mrs.
Davis will be missed by the edit4rl-
al department and remembered as
a loyal and dependable correspon-
Preparation for
Huron County Board of Education
Elementary Schools
is being made.
Snyder, Corey and Colin of Strath-
Hugh and I hosted the Morenz
Chrisunas December 25. Attending
were Les and Marjorie Adams, Ex-
eter, . Hazel Corbett, Hensall,
Blanche Chapman and our son Bill,
of London, our grandchildren Per-
sephone and Christian and their
mother Lynda of B.C. Persephone's
step -father, John Little had to fly
back to B.C. early Christmas day to
work due to machinery changes
caused by the G.S.T. tax.
Harold and Doreen Finkbeiner,
accompanied by Lila and Tom
Rosser, of London, recently re-
turned from a trip to Las Vegas.
Ross and Evelyn Pickering, with
grandson Chad Pickering, and Jane
and Dale Kerslake, visited last
Thursday at the Henry Ford mu-
seum in Detroit.
Children born.in 1986 are eligible to enrol.
January 15, 1991 to confirm your intent to register.
Your call will allow your school to provide you with
REGISTRATION DETAILS and assist the Board in
planning for staff.
Exeter P.S.
Hensall P.S.
Huron Centennial P.S
McCurdy P.S.
Stephen P.S.
. 233-3330
228-6321 -
Buren Public Etacation
Opeaint Op thi Vali
Joan Van den Broeck
Bob Allan
Hosting the Snyder family
Christmas were Keith and Nancy
Snyder, at Greenway. Attending
were Fermon and Leola Snyder,
Jim, Judy, Nicholas and Lisa Snyd-
er, Suzanne and Ouo Plein, Chris-
topher and Melissa, Elmira, Ric
and Esther Storey, Scott and Ste-
ven, London, Edwin and Gail
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