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Times Advocate, 1989-12-27, Page 22
Page 22 Times -Advocate, December 27, 1989 i1 . Saluting soldiers - Tin soldiers appeared in the School concert last week. Back, Teff, Lee Brideau, and Eric Plantinga. Front, Khamxay Chantharath, Terry Jeff Glover. J.A.D. McCurdy Bryan Jesney Price and Plan alternative in agriculture 'TGRONTO - The Ontario Mini- stry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) is holding a conference on alternative agriculture in Hamilton in January, 1990. "The I.D.E.A.S. 1990 Conference will provide farmers -- and would-be farmers -- with dozens of innovative ideas they'll be able to use to make their operations more profitable and their products more marketable," said OMAF Transition Crop Team manager Arthur Loughton. I.D.E.A.S. stands for Innova- tion, Diversification and Entrepren- eurship in the Agricultural Sector. The two-day conference, presented by OMAFs Transition Crop Team and the Ridegtown College of Ag- ricultural Technology will be held January 20-21, 1990 at the Hamil- ton. Convention Centre. "The conference will provide in- formation on a diverse number of topics, quite literally from soup to nuts," Loughton said. The conference will provide a fo- rum of presentations and discus - Make believe Indians These kindergarten students appeared as Indians in last week's concert at Ste- phen Central. sions on numerous topics dealing with the production and marketing of alternative crops and animal en - Edwin Miller re-elected to Gay Lea board WESTON - Fred Meier, RR #4, Brussels was re-elected Chairman of the Board of Gay Lea Foods Co- operative Limited at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on De- cember 7, 1989. This is Meier's second term as chairman. Also re-elected to the ex- ecutive were John Stafford, RR 1, Wroxeter, first vice-chairman and George Pinkney, RR 3, Listowel, second vice-chairman. Robert Turner, RR 5, Owen Sound retired as director this year and was replaced by Ray Robert- son, RR 2, Markdale elected by member shareholders at a Zone An- nual Meeting held in Owen Sound on December 5. Mr. Turner had been associated with Gay Lea since its beginning in 1958 serving on plant committees, then as a dele- gate and finally, a director. Edwin Miller, RR 3, Exeter was re-elected director by member shareholders at the Zone 2 annual meeting held at Brussels on De- cember 4 and Thomas McGee, RR 2, Flesherton, was re-elected direc- tor by the delegates at the Annual Meeting on December 7. The Co-operative's after tax earn- ings of $2.3 million was the second highest in history on sales of $155 million. A dividend of $1.05 a share was r paid to common shareholders and a l patronage dividend issued to milk, and cream producers, returning close to $700,000 in total dividends to members. As well, the Co- operative paid down debt and re- placed and improved existing assets and equipment. New Year's Face Dal1Oe yKirkton Woodham • Community Centre at Music by Jamband © (Phil Bladder band) $30 per couple Tickets available at Kirkton Primary performers - These grade 1-2 students participated in last week's Christmas Concert at Ste- phen tephen Central. Market or from Board Members terprises for Ontario. It features 12 sessions on topics such as organic agriculture, gour- met produce for the food service in- dustry, peanuts and specialty beans, and aquaculture. There will also be sessions on country kitch- ens, home and hearth and rural life- styles. "Production is an important part of farming, but this conference is saying that marketing should be farmers' number one concern," said conference chairman Charles Bald- win, head of continuing education at the Ridgetown College of Agri- culture. "It's not enough to just know how to grow a crop. You have to know how and where to sell it," he said. There will be some 70 speakers and a trade show highlighting in- novative aspects of the increasing- ly diversified agricultural economy in Ontario. Crop and animal pro- duction and rnarketing will be fea- tured, as well as rural crafts and lifestyles. The fee for both days of the con- ference is $40 in advance, $50 at the door. For one day, the cost is $25 in advance, $35 at the door. Anyone interested in more details can call Linda Balmer at (519) 674- 5456 or your local OMAF office. iii rime Stoppers Two all -terrain vehicles (ATVs) were taken from the yard at Country Corners, Mt. Carmel on April 3, 1989. The vehicles would not start, and since the laneway was blocked the thieves would have had to have pushed the ATVs around the building onto County Road 2 and then load them onto a trailer or truck. The ATVs are described as fol- lows: •Oqe 1988 Polaris Trail Boss 250cc, blue with black racks. -One 1988 Polaris Cyclone 250cc, white with serial #1462230. On November 11, 1989 there was extensive damage done to the Canadian AGRA Elevators on Highway 4 in East Wawanosh Township when all theofficewin- dows and glass doors were broken and a gas pump smashed. There were three windows broken out of the power house as well. The Wingham OPP and Crime Stop- pers are asking for your assistance in apprehending the perpetrator of this crime which caused over $1,000 in damage. If you have any information about these or any other serious crime, call Crime Stoppers toll- free at 1-800-265-1777. You will not have to identify yourself, and if your information leads to an arrest you could receive a cash reward up to $1,000. Remember, crime doesn't pay, but Crime Stoppers does. 1rcle !'A BARN DANCE, Fri, Dec. 29 Singles Dance Jerry Van Diepen Sat., Dec. 30 No Dance . Sun.. Dec. 31 NEW YEAR'S EVE Lee Davidson and Sagebrush Mary Elliott Freeman & The Blue Roses No Blue Jeans, Please) 348.2678 Group Reservations Welcome R.E. Pooley Branch 167 Exeter Ontario Sun., Dec. 31st - New Year's Eve Party - Upstairs Hall - 9:30 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. Sat., Jan. 20th - Mens sport night Feb./90 - Associate members night Clip and Save . R.R.S.P. SEMINAR By Ron Broderick RRSP Specialist with Walwyn Stodgell Cochran Murray Ltd. Investment Securities Special Guest Highly respected tax advisor Peter Kennedy C.A. At: Hensall Town Hall Date: Wed., January 10/90 at 8:00 p.m. To reserve a seat call toll-free 1-800-265-4780, .as seating may be limited