HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-12-20, Page 16Times -Advocate, December 20, 1989
. Grand Bend Nursery School students
How Rudolph got
his red nose
By Teresa Zwambag
Grade 2, Mt. Carmel School
A long time ago Rudolph didn't
have a red nose. He was very sad,
because if he asked if he could
play a game • ' th" ether rein-
deers they wow. ..
"Why don't thL . .et me play,"
sobbed Rudolph. "I'm gonna go
ask the wise old owl, why they
don't like me," said Rudolph.
"Maybe because you look like
another reindeer, and they don't
like that," said the wise old owl.
"How about if I tape the red Tight
on your nose so you look different
then the others," said the wise old
owl. One day Santa saw Rudolph
on a foggy day near Christmas,
"Rudolph come here, you're the
one I need to guide the sleigh for
Christmas," said Santa.
Now all thereindeers love him.
Now they play with him all the
Christmas is coming
By Ashley Jones
Grade 2, Precious Blood
Christmas is coming coming
Snow is falling falling falling
People are shopping shopping
Christmas is coming coming
Children are singing singing
Wisemen are following follow-
ing following
Bethlehem is waiting waiting
Christmas is coming coming
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If s
Wishing you peace, hap-
e piness and every joy for g
I Christmas and the New g
Year. We would like to g
thank all our customers g
for their _ patronage
throughout the past year.
g Exeter Cab,
Wilfred and Gladys Borden
49 Slmcoe St. 235-2110
ready for their annual Christmas concert
Santa Quits
By Cheryl Lynn Wein
Grade 5, McCurdy Public
One Christmas' Santa Claus quit
his job. Because he could never get
any sleep on Christmas Eve. That
year Santa never gave the kids any-
thing. On Christmas morning all
the kids woke up and there weren't
any candies in their stockings and
no presents under the tree. The kids
were so sad, they went and told
their -mom that there were no
Their mom said that maybe Santa
had forgot. Their mom said I will
buy you some presents in London
today. The kids felt much, much
That night, they opened the
presents and the girls got two Bar-
bie dolls, some clothes and a book
and shoes and a pair of winter
She said "Oh thank you, I love
you. The boy got some . clothes,
Dinky cars, shoes and a pair of win-
ter boots. -Then they said "Thank
you we love you alot. -
That night the newsman said on
the radio that Santa Claus quit and -
the kids started to cry again but
their mom said, "I will buy you
some toys next year. "OK', -they
said, "Mom you're great". She said,
"Thank you. They said, "You're
welcome", and they lived happily
ever after. The end.
Saint Nicholas
By Letisha Fairbairn
Grade 7, Exeter Public
Saint Nicholas
Happy, Fat
Dashing, delivering, giving
He fills up stockings
Christmas is
all about Love
By Jason Becker
Grade 5, Stephen Central
Christmas is not about presents
but it is about Jesus Christ our Sa-
viour. We should think about other
people than just us.
Think of all the people who need
food, clothing, and education.
Christmas is a time to give to the
Elves on
Christmas Strike
By Laureen Bott
Grade 5 Usborne Central
As Christmas was quickly ap-
proaching, the elves were feeling as
though they weren't getting paid
enough for their hard work. One elf
By St. Boniface
Angles gazing down from heaven
on the peaceful tiny baby
By Laura Youmans
Grade 5, St. BonifaceGentle
is Mary holding baby Jesus in her
By Kris McKinnon
Grade 5, St. Boniface
is a soft warm sheep ''zing on
sleeping baby Jesus.
By Nicole Masse
Grade 5, St. Boniface
Three Wise Men looking with great
wonder at the new born baby
By Andrew Bedard
Grade 5, St. Boniface
is Nicole wondering why Jesus was
picked to be the Saviour
Nicole_ Turkheim
Grade 5, St. Boniface
is waiting for the New Baby who is
going to be born.
By Erin Gillespie
Grade 5, St. Boniface
is Jesus going to sleep in Mary's
By Brock Weiss
Grade 5, St. Boniface
are the confused animals watching
newborn Jesus.
By Daniel Finkbeiner
Grade 5, St. Boniface
is Mary and Joseph in prayer,
silently staring at the newborn.
By Aimee Hoffman
Grade 5, St. Boniface.
is the love Mary had for Jesus
By Jimmy Denomme
Grade 5, St. Boniface
are animals watching Infant Jesus,
the newborn leader
By Mark Durand
Grade 5, St. Boniface
Advent is a time for changing.
Doing good deeds for family and
Violet candles glowing in -the
Eternal love of God.
Needy children depend on us.
Thanking God for His good deeds.
Grade 5, St. Boniface
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Like the Wise Men of old, let us worship
the new-born Prince of Peace — may He
bless you and yours.
• Have a full
measure of health
and happiness this
Christmas. We
thank all our
wonderful patrons.
Hensel!, Ont. 262-2319
sOaraa►SRO Pia piesRA*Ws aii+amekes►WOpd
1 Wanted to Stay
By Brianne Haist
Grade 4, Grand Bend Public
Once upon a time there was a
little boy named Johnny and he
could never get to sleep on Christ-
mas. But he seemed to go to sleep
every other night. His Mom said,
"Now sweet dreams and I will see
you in the morning.
So Johnny tried and tried to sleep
but he couldn't and so he went
downstairs and laid down on the
couch and an (an hour later). Then
Johnny's mother woke up and went
to check on Johnny but he wasn't
Then Johnny's mother said to her
self he always said he slept better
on the couch downstairs so John-
ny's mother went downstairs and
saw Johnny fast asleep on the
couch and said to her self it really
does work. Then she went upstairs
Then suddenly Johnny woke be-
cause of a thump that came from 1
the fireplace and he said to himself,
Oh My Goodness because he
thought it was Santa Claus. So he
pretended to be asleep. Santa Claus
went over to the Christmas tree
and set down all the presents for
Then he ate the cookies and milk
arid took the carrots for the rein-
deers and climbed up the chimney
and gave the reindeers the carrots.
Then Santa Claus swung the ropes
and they flew away and then John-
ny got off the couch and ran up-
stairs to his mother and father and
said wakeup.
Santa Claus was just here come
down, come down mom and dad I
got a toy airplane. and a GI Joe fig-
ure and I think daddy got a razor
and I think mommy got a couple
of lace hangers.
OK Johnny it is 5:30 a.m. try
and get some more sleep. We've
got to go to church tomorrow at
9:00 so you will have to get your
sleep. Come upstairs so you aren't
tempted to play with your toys so
Johnny and his mom and dad went
up to their beds and fell asleep
pretty fast and they lived happily
ever after. The End.
Peace On earth
In the spirit of
friendship and good
faith, we offer our %ery
special thanks to'ou
this holiday season.
The Lost Plane
By Mandy Smith
Grade 4, Grand Bend Public
Once upon a time a plane lost its
way around the North Pole and it
was the 24th of December Christ-
mas Eve and all the people on the
plane were scared and 't was nine at
Santa on his sled said ho ho ho
and the pilot thought it was alien
from space so he fired a missile and
it hit Rudolphs little nose, Santa
said hey what happened to my light
they made a landing. Sorry said the
pilot here .you are a new light.
Thanks bye" Rudolph led them
Christmas is...
By Matt Pursley
Grade 8 McCurdy PS
Christmas is... a time for great
tasting food and eating is with rel-
atives and close friends.
Christmas is... the smell of roast
turkey, the vegetables on the side, •
and the smell of roasting chestnuts
in the fireplace.
Christmas is... the vision of sug-
ar plums dancing in children's
heads and seeing pure white snow I
falling on Christmas Day.
Christmas is... the feel of sharp
pine needles on the Christmas Tree
that is glowing with bright and
beautiful Christmas lights.
Christmas is... the sound of
Christmas bells on Santa's sleigh
and on his special reindeer that fly
through the air and help Santa
drop off gifts to every good girl
and boy.
Reeve - Tom Tomes
Deputy -Reeve - Garry Baker
Councillors - Bill Weber, Pat O'Rourke, Gary Eagleson,
Clerk -Treasurer - Wilmar D. Wein
Road Supt. - Eric Finkbeiner
Arena Manager Frank Funston
iiiMisski ltbasK p piiisptis e~-1WI►aieet ika►claa ain Ci ssAisiA ea;Us WO %NO
+4 Joyous Noel
We take great joy at this time to express
our sincere thanks to all our General
Coach employees and wish you a -Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Qeneial Coach
73 Mill Street Hensall, Ontario
We would like to
thank all our customers
for making our 6th year
in business such a
great success
Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year
Ernst and Christa
Remember to reserve for
New Year's
Eve Party
RR 2 Zurich,
10 km. north of Grand Bend
Just north of St. Joseph