HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-12-20, Page 11Magic show - London magician Peter Mennie gave a special demon-
emonstration of his tricks at the Kirton Branch Library Saturday morning,
but the crowds were held down because of the weather. Helping
Mennie with one of the tricks is, assistants, Will Howitt, left and
Elsa Pihl, both of Granton. The show was free of charge to kids five
and over.
Doubts need for inspection
EXETER - Councillor Ben Hoo-
genboom said at Monday's council
meeting he thought the Public In-
spections Panel's report on Precious
Blood should not have been made
public. He said the embarrassing
comments made by the panel about
Open House
A Tisket
A Tasket
wishes everyone a
Merry Christmas
157 Main St.,
Exeter 235-0634
Wendy King &
Pat McFalls
the school's appearance should
have gone directly to those con-
Mayor Bruce Shaw noted the pur-
pose of the panel is not to conceal
its findings.
"I think the point is, those reports
have to be made public," said
Shaw, adding that the panel is com-
prised of public jurors, who com-
ment on public buildings and
present their findings to a public
"This province has so many civil
servants, why do we need these in-
spection panels?" asked Klungel,
who said the jurors were probably
inexperienced in inspections any-
Shaw said he understood the ori-
gin of the Inspection Panel was as a
means of safeguarding the public
interest by evaluating publicly-
! owned buildings, but he, too, ques-
tioned their place in today's govern-
ment structure.
Times -Advocate, December 20, 1989
Page 11
Granton groups celebrate Christmas
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hod-
gins were Betty Anne Haugh, Lois
Herbert and Rod Johnston.
Get well wishes from the Granton
community to Alma Nicholson who
has returned home from Stratford
Hospital following a knee opera-
Amelia Jameson and Madeline
Hardie visited with Mabel
McNaughton at Craigholme in Ail-
sa Craig on Saturday.
At St. Thomas' Anglican Church
on Sunday, December 17, Rev. Be-
verley Wheeler led the service of
lessons and carols. The lessons
were read by Jenine and Ken
French, Melanie and Ken Beatson,
Scott and Jim Hodgins and Roy
Moore. The Advent candles were
lit by Adele and Adam Miron and
Susan Acres.
Special music was provided by
Carol Hughesman, Peter Daniel
and Richard Miron of the Arise
Group from London in an anthem
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman.
A smorgasbord dinner followed
in the lower church hall. A short
program was then presented by the
Sunday School children. Piano so-
los included Rudolph the Red Nose
Reindeer by Melanie Beatson; a
porcupine dance by Philip Hodgins;
Good St. Wenceslas and Away in a
Manger by Jenine French; Jack in
the Box by Scott Hodgins.
Jingle Bells and Come All Ye
Faithful by Ken French; and Christ-
mas Greetings were given by Adele
and Adam Miron. A presentation of
gifts was made to the Arise Group
in appreciation for their contribu-
tion of music.
The Sunday School teachers De-
anna Beatson and Lynda Hodgins
presented treats and gifts to all the
children present.
The Anglican bible study group
met at the home of Marguerite
Greenlee of Saintsbury on Monday,
December 11.
At Granton United Church on
Sunday, Rev. Bruce Pierce's ser-
mon was entitled Directions to
Bethlehem. The lessons were from
Isaiah 40 and Mark one. The fourth
Advent Candle for Joy was lit by
Jean Bryan assisted by Kelly Wa-
ters. Carolyn Bryan was the bulle-
tin steward. There was a presenta-
costs are in
EXETER - The costs of compu-
terizing Exeter's police force are in.
Police Committee chairperson
Dorothy Chapman told council
Monday the bill will be $33,272.45,
once all hardware and software has
been purchased and installed and
the staff trained in its use.
The computer will be able to
keep better track of all information
on town police files, as well as sto-
len and lost property.
Chapman said the one concern
the police committee had with the
system's cost was its yearly mainte-
nance contract, which amounts to
nearly 56,000.
"We have fought this and we
think this is too much for a small
municipality to bear, but as you
know, with government, everything
falls on deaf cars," said Chapman.
In other business, reeve Bill
Mickle told council the executive
committee is going ahead with its
recommendation to council that a
bylaw or agreement with the Blue -
water Recycling Association be
drawn up prohibiting the dumping
of materials at the Exeter landfill,
after they have been collected in
blue boxes for recycling.
The idea, explained Mickle, is to
prevent the return of those materi-
als to the landfill even if a glut ex-
ists in the recycling market. Mick -
le cited examples in Toronto where
newsprint, collected and baled for
recycling, has ended up at landfills
because not enough plants are cur-
rently prepared to buy the paper.
Joy toAIITh
Out of the cold and frosty air comes a wish for a very
warm and happy holiday season.
Thank you for your patronage
in 1989 and we look forward to
o serving you in 1990
Ross, Mike and Staff
o ° o
HWY. 83 - 3'/2 miles East of Exeter
tion of white gifts by the adults and
Special music was provided in
song by the Sunday School and two
vocal solos by Cmdy Bilyea. The
clioir also rendered an anthem.
The Annual Christmas UCW
meeting was held at the church on
Tuesday evening, December 12
commencing with a smorgasbord
President Ruth Cook welcomed
everyone and Rev. Bruce. Pierce
asked the blessing.
Marilyn Humphrey introduced
the bell ringers from the Presbyteri-
an church in St. Marys and they en-
tertained with a variety of Christ-
mas songs.
Unit 4 members were in charge
of the program on the theme the
Lights of Christmas which was in-
terspersed with carols sung by eve-
ryone. Elizabeth Garrett presented
Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Pierce with a
gift form the U.C.W.
Donations were made to various
Sing Praises
To His Name
Let's join
in harmony and
celebrate in
happiness the
season that is
organizations along with a food gift
to the Salvation Army.
The election of officers for two
years took place as follows: presi-
dent Margaret Bryan, 1st vice presi-
dent April Bryan, 2nd vice presi-
dent Marilyn Humphrey, secretary
Audrey Harloff, treasurer April
Bryan. Ruth Cook closed the meet-
ing with good wishes to all for the
holiday season.
Masonic Lodge officers
The installation and investiture of
officers for the Granton Masonic
Lodge was held on Monday eve-
ning, December 4, as follows: Wor-
shipful Master, Wor. Bro. Michael
Andersen; I.P.M., wor. Bro. John
McColl; Sr. Warden, Bro, -Gary
Raymond; Jr. Warden, Bro. Gordon
Marshall; Treasurer, Wor. Bro.
Carl Mills; Secretary, Very Wor.
Bro. Reginald McCurdy; Assistant
secretary, Wor. Bro Glenn McRo-
.Sr. Deacon, Bro. Robert Wil-
helm; Jr. Deacon, Bro. Fred Zwaan;
Inner Guard, Bro. Brent Marshall;
Sr. Steward, Bro. Norris Atthill; Jr.
Steward, Bro. Raymond Currie;
Chaplain, Wor. Bro. Scott Duncan;
D. of C., Wor. Bro. Glenn McRo-
berts; Ryler, Wor. Bro. Kenneth
The Experienced
Auctioneers that
Guarantee You More $$
Considering A Sale or
Need an Appraisal
666-0833 666-1967
Call Collect
Supplying You with
30 Yrs. Efficient Service
' Mobile office
' Immediate Payment
• 2 Auctioneers
It Is Our Pleasure To Serve You
Prompt Courteous Efficient
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235-1964 EXETER
�Sewing Machine'\
to all makes
Free estimates
- 90 Day Warranty
since 1952
Sew and Save
Centre Ltd.
149 Downie St., Stratford
Closed Monday
L.lhone 271-9660 I
Bob Heywood
Licensed Auctioneer
Specializing in
household and
estate auctions
Reasonable rates
Bob 235-0874
Laverne 235-1278
Bruce & Brett
Farms or Homes
Grand Bend
G.I.C. s,
Contact Joan Love
RR 3, Parkhill. Ontario
Phone Grand Bend
Notice to Business. Partnerships
and to Publicly Traded Corporations
and their Subsidiaries
Starting in 1990, the rules by which business partnerships and
publicly traded corporations and their subsidiaries direct their school
tax support will change. This will affect the way the property assess-
ment base is allocated among Public, Separate and French -language
School Boards.
• Business partnerships will acquire the right to support a Separate
School Board, or the French -language School Board in Ottawa -
Carleton, up to the proportion that the partnership is held by
Separate School supporters or .French -language School supporters.
Until now, all partners had to be Roman Catholic or Francophone
and agree to do so.
• The property assessment of publicly traded corporations and their
subsidiaries will be shared between Public and Separate School
Boards in the same arca, and in Ottawa -Carleton by the Public,
Separate and French -language School Boards, in proportion to each
board's residential and farm assessment. Until now, a corporation's
support for a Separate School Board, or the French -language
School Board in Ottawa -Carleton, could not exceed the proportion
of shares held by Roman Catholics or Francophones.
In order to implement this initiative, the Ministry of Revenue must
amend its records to identify those business partnerships that wish w
split their school tax support, and to identify all publicly traded cor-
porations and their subsidiaries.
Information about the new school support rules will he sent to you in
the near future, along with a Notice of Property Valuation. Please
review the new rules, and then check your Notice to verify that the
Ministry of Revenue has correctly identified your school support. If
it's not right, please tell us. A. reply form will he included with the
Your cooperation will ensure the proper allocation of your school
taxes to the School Boards in your arca.
Pour obtenir des renseignements en francais, appeler sans frais le bureau regional
d'evalutation dont le numero se trouve dans les pages bleues de votre annuaire
telephonique. Veuillez appeler a frais vires si vous habitez a I'exterieur de la region
d'appel sans frais.
,,,(4.—. .. ... ;,t.),,,,,. ,,,..'y'4., tern.. ,j.` 'J':.
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fir• - -!. 16 ,,~ - / - .D IN l:.
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Fast away the old year passes, ..e
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses,
Sing we joyous all together, ;
Heedless of the wind and weather, ' ''':
Fa la la la la la la la la... •
- Traditional Welsh Carol
for a
Me Christmas
from all
of us to all of you!
9" X11...
Bakelaar )3Jewellers
•• .1L\f`w :iesy - - limited
(Formerly Campbell Jewellers)
421 Main St. S., Exeter 235-2720
Times -Advocate, December 20, 1989
Page 11
Granton groups celebrate Christmas
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hod-
gins were Betty Anne Haugh, Lois
Herbert and Rod Johnston.
Get well wishes from the Granton
community to Alma Nicholson who
has returned home from Stratford
Hospital following a knee opera-
Amelia Jameson and Madeline
Hardie visited with Mabel
McNaughton at Craigholme in Ail-
sa Craig on Saturday.
At St. Thomas' Anglican Church
on Sunday, December 17, Rev. Be-
verley Wheeler led the service of
lessons and carols. The lessons
were read by Jenine and Ken
French, Melanie and Ken Beatson,
Scott and Jim Hodgins and Roy
Moore. The Advent candles were
lit by Adele and Adam Miron and
Susan Acres.
Special music was provided by
Carol Hughesman, Peter Daniel
and Richard Miron of the Arise
Group from London in an anthem
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman.
A smorgasbord dinner followed
in the lower church hall. A short
program was then presented by the
Sunday School children. Piano so-
los included Rudolph the Red Nose
Reindeer by Melanie Beatson; a
porcupine dance by Philip Hodgins;
Good St. Wenceslas and Away in a
Manger by Jenine French; Jack in
the Box by Scott Hodgins.
Jingle Bells and Come All Ye
Faithful by Ken French; and Christ-
mas Greetings were given by Adele
and Adam Miron. A presentation of
gifts was made to the Arise Group
in appreciation for their contribu-
tion of music.
The Sunday School teachers De-
anna Beatson and Lynda Hodgins
presented treats and gifts to all the
children present.
The Anglican bible study group
met at the home of Marguerite
Greenlee of Saintsbury on Monday,
December 11.
At Granton United Church on
Sunday, Rev. Bruce Pierce's ser-
mon was entitled Directions to
Bethlehem. The lessons were from
Isaiah 40 and Mark one. The fourth
Advent Candle for Joy was lit by
Jean Bryan assisted by Kelly Wa-
ters. Carolyn Bryan was the bulle-
tin steward. There was a presenta-
costs are in
EXETER - The costs of compu-
terizing Exeter's police force are in.
Police Committee chairperson
Dorothy Chapman told council
Monday the bill will be $33,272.45,
once all hardware and software has
been purchased and installed and
the staff trained in its use.
The computer will be able to
keep better track of all information
on town police files, as well as sto-
len and lost property.
Chapman said the one concern
the police committee had with the
system's cost was its yearly mainte-
nance contract, which amounts to
nearly 56,000.
"We have fought this and we
think this is too much for a small
municipality to bear, but as you
know, with government, everything
falls on deaf cars," said Chapman.
In other business, reeve Bill
Mickle told council the executive
committee is going ahead with its
recommendation to council that a
bylaw or agreement with the Blue -
water Recycling Association be
drawn up prohibiting the dumping
of materials at the Exeter landfill,
after they have been collected in
blue boxes for recycling.
The idea, explained Mickle, is to
prevent the return of those materi-
als to the landfill even if a glut ex-
ists in the recycling market. Mick -
le cited examples in Toronto where
newsprint, collected and baled for
recycling, has ended up at landfills
because not enough plants are cur-
rently prepared to buy the paper.
Joy toAIITh
Out of the cold and frosty air comes a wish for a very
warm and happy holiday season.
Thank you for your patronage
in 1989 and we look forward to
o serving you in 1990
Ross, Mike and Staff
o ° o
HWY. 83 - 3'/2 miles East of Exeter
tion of white gifts by the adults and
Special music was provided in
song by the Sunday School and two
vocal solos by Cmdy Bilyea. The
clioir also rendered an anthem.
The Annual Christmas UCW
meeting was held at the church on
Tuesday evening, December 12
commencing with a smorgasbord
President Ruth Cook welcomed
everyone and Rev. Bruce. Pierce
asked the blessing.
Marilyn Humphrey introduced
the bell ringers from the Presbyteri-
an church in St. Marys and they en-
tertained with a variety of Christ-
mas songs.
Unit 4 members were in charge
of the program on the theme the
Lights of Christmas which was in-
terspersed with carols sung by eve-
ryone. Elizabeth Garrett presented
Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Pierce with a
gift form the U.C.W.
Donations were made to various
Sing Praises
To His Name
Let's join
in harmony and
celebrate in
happiness the
season that is
organizations along with a food gift
to the Salvation Army.
The election of officers for two
years took place as follows: presi-
dent Margaret Bryan, 1st vice presi-
dent April Bryan, 2nd vice presi-
dent Marilyn Humphrey, secretary
Audrey Harloff, treasurer April
Bryan. Ruth Cook closed the meet-
ing with good wishes to all for the
holiday season.
Masonic Lodge officers
The installation and investiture of
officers for the Granton Masonic
Lodge was held on Monday eve-
ning, December 4, as follows: Wor-
shipful Master, Wor. Bro. Michael
Andersen; I.P.M., wor. Bro. John
McColl; Sr. Warden, Bro, -Gary
Raymond; Jr. Warden, Bro. Gordon
Marshall; Treasurer, Wor. Bro.
Carl Mills; Secretary, Very Wor.
Bro. Reginald McCurdy; Assistant
secretary, Wor. Bro Glenn McRo-
.Sr. Deacon, Bro. Robert Wil-
helm; Jr. Deacon, Bro. Fred Zwaan;
Inner Guard, Bro. Brent Marshall;
Sr. Steward, Bro. Norris Atthill; Jr.
Steward, Bro. Raymond Currie;
Chaplain, Wor. Bro. Scott Duncan;
D. of C., Wor. Bro. Glenn McRo-
berts; Ryler, Wor. Bro. Kenneth
The Experienced
Auctioneers that
Guarantee You More $$
Considering A Sale or
Need an Appraisal
666-0833 666-1967
Call Collect
Supplying You with
30 Yrs. Efficient Service
' Mobile office
' Immediate Payment
• 2 Auctioneers
It Is Our Pleasure To Serve You
Prompt Courteous Efficient
We give complete sale service
Phone Coaled
235-1964 EXETER
�Sewing Machine'\
to all makes
Free estimates
- 90 Day Warranty
since 1952
Sew and Save
Centre Ltd.
149 Downie St., Stratford
Closed Monday
L.lhone 271-9660 I
Bob Heywood
Licensed Auctioneer
Specializing in
household and
estate auctions
Reasonable rates
Bob 235-0874
Laverne 235-1278
Bruce & Brett
Farms or Homes
Grand Bend
G.I.C. s,
Contact Joan Love
RR 3, Parkhill. Ontario
Phone Grand Bend
Notice to Business. Partnerships
and to Publicly Traded Corporations
and their Subsidiaries
Starting in 1990, the rules by which business partnerships and
publicly traded corporations and their subsidiaries direct their school
tax support will change. This will affect the way the property assess-
ment base is allocated among Public, Separate and French -language
School Boards.
• Business partnerships will acquire the right to support a Separate
School Board, or the French -language School Board in Ottawa -
Carleton, up to the proportion that the partnership is held by
Separate School supporters or .French -language School supporters.
Until now, all partners had to be Roman Catholic or Francophone
and agree to do so.
• The property assessment of publicly traded corporations and their
subsidiaries will be shared between Public and Separate School
Boards in the same arca, and in Ottawa -Carleton by the Public,
Separate and French -language School Boards, in proportion to each
board's residential and farm assessment. Until now, a corporation's
support for a Separate School Board, or the French -language
School Board in Ottawa -Carleton, could not exceed the proportion
of shares held by Roman Catholics or Francophones.
In order to implement this initiative, the Ministry of Revenue must
amend its records to identify those business partnerships that wish w
split their school tax support, and to identify all publicly traded cor-
porations and their subsidiaries.
Information about the new school support rules will he sent to you in
the near future, along with a Notice of Property Valuation. Please
review the new rules, and then check your Notice to verify that the
Ministry of Revenue has correctly identified your school support. If
it's not right, please tell us. A. reply form will he included with the
Your cooperation will ensure the proper allocation of your school
taxes to the School Boards in your arca.
Pour obtenir des renseignements en francais, appeler sans frais le bureau regional
d'evalutation dont le numero se trouve dans les pages bleues de votre annuaire
telephonique. Veuillez appeler a frais vires si vous habitez a I'exterieur de la region
d'appel sans frais.