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1 imes-Advocate, December 20, 1989
Thames Road Christmas concert
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Rev. Sheila
Macgregor was in charge of the
Third Sunday of Advent Church
Service on aunday morning. The
Seasonal color is violet.
The choir sang two anthems,
"Mary's Little Boy Child" and
"Echo the Song" accompanied by
the organist Agnew Bray.. We sang
the children's hymn "Away In a
Manger" and Rev. Sheila gave the
children's message "The ' Three
The Lighting of the Advent Can-
dle was done by Robert, Kathy, Va-
nessa, Kristy and Jessica Bray.
They said "We light this candle for
joy because Christ brings joy to
every human heart."
Rev. Sheila's sermon was entitled
The Questions of Christmas. Is
Christ the One, or Must We Go On
Expecting Another?"
Coming events
The final Confirmation Class will
be on Thursday, December. 21,
from 4-6 p.m. at the manse. Please
be present.
Confirmation Service on Christ-
mas Eve and Communion Service
at 8 p.m. in Thames Road Church
with Elimville people attending.
All confirmands, their parents, faith
sponsors, and elders are asked to be
present. All welcome.
On Sunday, December 24 a joint
Worship Service at Elimville at 10
a.m. There will be no morning ser-
vice at Thames Road.
• UCW officers '
Manse Committee: Jo -Ann
Rowe, Barbara Ballantyne; Exam-
iners: Ferne Stewart, Judith Parker.
Group Leaders: U - Beatrice
Dawson, Doris Simpson; C Kathy
Bray, Pat Ballantyne and W - Shar-
on Passmore, Helen Webber.
Baby Band Superintendents: Mel-
onic Miller and Marilyn Vanden-
bussche; Card Secretary: Anne
Standing Committees: Nominat-
ing Committee - Margaret Stewart,
Kay Hodgert, Diane Jeffery; Com-
munications Co -Ordinator - Rhbda
Rohde; Stewardship and Finance -
Nancy Hodgert, Marion Cann, Kay
Hodgert; Church In Society - Helen
Hodgert, Doris Elford, Mary Row-
cliffe, Anne Bray; World Outreach
- Hilda Kellett, Rhoda Rohde;
Christian Leadership and Develop-
ment Committee - Anne, Kernick,
Elda Riehl.
Sunday School concert
The Sunday Schbol Christmas
Concert was well attended on Sun-
day evening. Superintendent Karen
Etherington welcomed everyone.
The Sunday School choir sang
several Christmas numbers accom-
panied by Marilyn Vandenbussche
on the piano.
The Beginner Class had a "Xmas
Sing Song". The teachers are Melo-
nie Miller and Laurel Miner. Erin
Parker and Ryan Parker, Erin Rich-
ardSon, Jayne Ballantyne, Rebecca
Miller and Laura Miller all played
piano instrumentals.
The Primary Class, "A Party for
Jesus", the teachers are Judith Park-
er and Ann Kenrick. A clogging
number was done by Lori Richard-
son accompanied by Jean Hodgert
on the piano and Ken Duncan on
the violin.
The Junior Class "The Guest",
the teachers are Janie Richardson
and Joan Morgan.
The Intermediate Class: "A Tele-
phone Order to Santa" and "The
Little Rebels", the teacher is Barb
Santa Claus arrived and gifts
were handed out from under a well -
laden, decorated tree which brought
an enjoyable evening to a close.
• Personals
Quite a number of people from
this area called at the Hopper -
Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter on
Tuesday to pay their respects to the
'late Laurel Wilson. Sympathy is ex
tended to her family and grandchil-
The Country Corners, a musical
group from St. Marys of which Ken
Duncan and Bill Rohde are players,
We're glad you asked!
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, most commonly strikes
infants between one and twelve months old. No one knows what
causes it. These infants, about two of every 1,000, simply' die in
their sleep, without any sign that they are ill.
Doctors are now investigating exactly how and why SIDS strikes,
but little is known at present. Certain factors, however, are known
to be associated with SIDS. It seerfis that infants who have died
from SIDS often are boys, twins, were born prematurely to young-
er mothers or to mothers who smoke cigarettes. These factors are
not proven causes yet of SIDS, but they may help in the research
being done.
Itj.known that the deaths are no one's fault. SIDS victims are
cared for as carefully as are most infants, and there is no reason
to believe parental neglect has anything to do with their deaths.
That, in part, is what makes SIDS so baffling.
We have more information about SIDS and how to help the families
who experience it. Please call us or stop by.
the Funeral Home ,n Exeter who , who n o member of rhe
Onla,,o Funeral Somas Association 11 -
PHONE 235 '220
OP r
atilikkt MVP'
Best W, .. the Holiday Season.
and " cind Happiness in.1990
W kill
selection and
went to the Parkhill Leisure Club
last Wednesday. We had a roast
beef dinner and the players enter-
tained the seniors for the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert enter-
tained at a get-together last
Wednesday evening. Euchre was
played and prizes were won by:
Men's High Lee Webber, Men's
Low Glen Stewart, Lone Hands Ar-
nold Cann, Ladies High Rhoda
Rohde, Ladies Low Marion Cann.
A very delicious. lunch was then
partaken of.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert at-
tended a wedding in Calgary over
the weekend.
Surprise birthday
The following people surprised
Edwin Miller on Saturday evening
in honor of his 65th birthday which
is December 19: Tom and June
Hughes, Toronto, Bob and Marg
Turner, Owen Sound, John and
Yvonne Campbell, Bayfield, Mau-
rice and Phyllis Statchuk, Bob and
Win Weese, Sandra Goodine, Sid
Wignall, Jan Murray, Elsa
D'Andrea of London, Bob and Lex -
ie Tindall, Winston and Laurie
Shapton, Elmer and Etta Powe,
Kay Elston, Jack Switzer, Marion
and Harry Dougall. Happy birthday
" by Bernice Boyle
DASHWOOD - Lutheran Ladies
Guild opened the Christmas meet-
ing with Pastor Larry Stojkovic in
charge of the devotions.
Guest speaker, Dan Weigand
gave an excellent commentary on
his mission in Egypt last summer.
Twenty-four members and 10
guests enjoyed a finger food buffet
and dessert served by Group II.
A candlelight Christmas service
was led by the Pastor. Christmas
music was enjoyed by everyone.
Calvary UCW
Calvary United Church women -
entertained their . husbands and
teens Tuesday, December 12. Fifty
members enjoyed a delicious tur-
key supper.
Program committee ' convener
Donna Hoffman introduced the
guest speakers, Dale and Doreen
Good, Exeter, who showed pictures
and gave an excellent commentary
on their trip to Bangladesh. They
took their two adopted Bangledcsh
children to their homeland.
Bill. Chandler sang "Let there be
-Peace" and Annmarie Hoffman
sang "White Christmas" and "Silent
Rev. David Mack closed with a
special Christmas meditation and
Fifteen choir members from Zion
Lutheran and Calvary United
joined together and Christmas car-
olled throughout Dashwood Thurs-
day evening. They visited eight
shut-in residents. The Lutheran
members . served lunch at the
I extend to all the readers a very
Blessed Christmas and a healthy
New Year.
The Sparkle in the
Christmas Cheer
By Dwight Gingerich
Grade 7, Zurich Public
The sparkle in the Christmas cheer
Was so bright that Christmas year.
The lights were shining oh so
Almost as bright as the star on the
Christmas night
The birds are singing that great joy
To every girl and boy.
So lets give a cheer
Because Christmas is here.
To our
for the support you
have given in 1989
and for the past 44
serve you with low prices and
service in the coming years
•� , We Service What We Sell
• 4
Open 8 - 6
Friday Night till 9 p.m.
Open Mondays
O a•O, o•o
262-2728 Ontario
Story hour gra's - e eter nstian •e ormed Church held an eight-week session in the McCurdy
School. A graduation party last week saw diplomas go to Willy Coward (back left), Nathan Klingenberg,
Mark Oliver, Christopher Lumley, Roman Wilson, Shane Wilson, Marique Brandenhorst (seated left),
Amanda Yearley, Sarah Chantler, Melissa Simpson, Jasmine Lather, Hope Weber, Melissa Mulder, Me-
lissa Stephen, and Kallie-Jo Momeau.
Lectures at
KIRKTON - Nutritional scien-
tist Elaine Gottschall was guest
lecturer at the Medical Sciences
Building on the University of To-
ronto campus earlier this month.
The author of "Food and the
Gut Reaction" was one of the
speakers at an elective course for
one to four-year medical students.
The course focuses on alternatives
to conventional medical treatment.
Gottschall's lecture was titled "Al-
ternative therapy for inflammato-
ry bowel disease".
In his introduction, the physician
in charge commented that Gotts-
chall's area "should be considered
an adjunct rather than an alterna-
tive to traditional treatment".
During her 90 -minute. talk,
Gottschall explained the structure
of the human gastro-intestinal sys-
tem, and the changes that occur
when illness strikes, stressing the
fact "you can't continue to cat ordi-
nary food if you want to get better".
She told of the circumstances lead-
ing to the writing of her book, and
presented a number of case histo-
Gottschall described the students'
response as "profound" and "grati-
fying". They were fascinated with
the connection between the brain
and the intestinal tract, and interest-
ed in Gouschall's back-up research.
Many purchased copies of her
Gottschall has been invited back
to lecture again next year. -
Our joy is having
wonderful folks
like you as
customers and
friends. Merry
From the
and staff
T e»,arise the good zvill of those we serve is the foundation of our
success, it's a real pleasure
at this Holiday Time
to say "Thank You ", 14
* as we wish you all the best for the holidays and
a Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas! Tom, Cathy Seip
and all the staff
•i., 1.
For your holiday entertaining we will custom make for you:
(Please give 1 day notice)
. Win colouring
contest -
Cathy and Tom
Seip of Seip's
Valu -mart are
shown with the
winners of a
recent colour-
ing contest.
From the left
are Kathleen
Pamela Munn
and Robin
Missing was
Robbie Con-
-Meat trays
- Cheese trays
- Meat and Cheese combos
- Candy trays.
- Nut and snack trays
- Candy and nut combos
t - Fresh fruit and gift baskets
We will take your orders for fresh baked products
Mon. Dec. 18 - Fri. Dec. 22 e:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sat. Dec. 23 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.