Times Advocate, 1989-12-20, Page 7Reunion after 45 years
By Annie Morenz
SHIPKA - Annie Zielman re-
turned home December 8 after a
three week trip to Europe. She was
accompanied on the trip over by
three sisters, Kaethe Freiter, Dash-
wood, Helen Stadler and Susan Jan-
zen both of Leamington and two
brothers Bill Janzen, Leamington
and Peter Janzen, of Winnipeg,
This trip was made to visit their
brother, Henry Janzen, of Russia,
who they had not seen in 45 years.
The families all met together at
cousins in West Germany. Henry
was 16 and his youngest brother
Bill was.5 years old when the fami-
ly got separated in 1944.
Areas visited in West Germany
were Mains, Pctershogan, Porta
Westfalica, Espelkamp and Mun-
chen. Annie and sister Helen visited
relatives in Salzburg Austria. Henry
was accompanied out of Russia
with two daughters and a son-in-
law. They all had a joyous reunion
with aunts, cousins, nieces and
The Janzen family hopes their
brother and family will migrate to
Presentation - Margaret Hoggarth (centre) secretary, of Kippen East
Wi, presented 4-H leaders Karen Kinsman (left) and Lynne Alderdice
(right) with gifts of appreciation.
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Exeter United Church
EXETER - "Light the Advent
candle three:
Think of heav'nly harmony;
Angels singing 'Peace on earth'
At the blessed Savior's birth."
leavenly harmony was present at
Exeter United Church this week as
the Junior Choir sang like angels
singing "While Shepherds Watched
Their Flocks" (Winchester New).
Congratulations to the Junior
Choir, their director, Susan Graham
and accompanist, Ralph Topp for a
fine presentation.
Congratulations, also to the Sun-
day School children, their teachers
and all who assisted in a fine pres-
entation Sunday evening at the
Christmas Concert.
The third candle of Advent was
lit this week by Doug Needs and
Robert and David Fox to 'Fill our
hearts with Christmas light.' Rev.
Hawley spoke of "...when children
come into your life."
Our sympathies go out to the
family of the late Laurel Wilson.
Beautiful flowers decorated thc
Sanctuary in her memory this Sun-
EXETER - Exeter Odd Fellows
held their annual Christmas Party
on December 5 at the Lodge Hall.
A good attendance of 70 Brothers
enjoyed a lovely turkey dinner with
all the trimmings. Lunch committee
chairman Bro. Gord Jones had
everything well organized and help
arranged to serve the food.
After a very enjoyable meal, en-
tcrtainrncnt was provided by Ray
Cann, Jean Hodgert, Bob Blair,
Gord Smith and Sam Skinner: A
good evening of fellowship was en-
joyed by all present. •
Let's practice- Matthew Baker, Joe Fahie and Dan Van Roestel of
class at SHDHS are getting some shuffleboard practice at the Exeter
Heywood, Legion president Phil Campbell and Laverne Stone.
the Challenge Learning Needs
Legion, assisting are Eldon
Bus trip to Frankenmuth
By Annie Morenz
SHIPKA - Several arca folks here
attended the "Sounds of Christ-
mas", music program presented by
South Huron District High School
students, last Wednesday evening,
December 13. Admission was
canned goods for the food bank.
Pat and Jake Schroeder attended
the Kerslake pre-Chrisunas dinner
on Sunday, December 9. Others at-
tending were Russ and Dorothy
Waun, Archie and Ilene Webber,
Bob and Marian Kerslake, and
Phyllis Case, all of Exeter and arca,
Harold and Shirley Kerslake, Elim-
ville, Elwyn and Wilma Kerslake,
Winchelsea and Hazel Crockford,
Toronto. After their dinner in,a res-
taurant the family all gathered at
Russ and Dorothy's home for a so-
cial evening.
On bus trip
Those from this arca who en-
joyed the bus trip to Frankenmuth,
Michigan last Wednesday wcrc
Madeline Swcitzer, Dorcen Fink- I
beiner, Lorne and Dorothy Fe,. C I
Pentecostal WM
EXETER - The Women Minis-
tries from the Exeter Pentecostal
Tabernacle met Dccembcr 14 at the
home of Mrs. Jenny Kipfcr at 2
p.m. There were eight present.
Mrs. Ruth McLaren presided
over the meeting and led in the
Christmas carols "Away in a Man-
ger" and "While Shepherds
Watched their Flocks".
The roll call, taken by Mrs. Shir-
ley Prouty, was answered by a
scripture verse on "Hope". We then
had our business.
There was a special reading given
by Mrs. Carol Rogers entitled "A
Christmas Wish". Mrs. Dorothy
Cooper gave the message of the af-
ternoon which was written by Billy
Graham, thc title being "When
God's Son Came to Earth". She also
read a pocm entitled "In the Bleak
Mid Winter".
Wc had a season of prayer. The
secret pal gifts were given out by
Mrs. lcnny Kipfer. We then had a
lunch time which was provided by
everyone and the hostess.
We hope your home and heart are filled with laughter,joy
and good will this glad holiday season. It's been a pleasure
serving you.
From all of us
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This trip was arranged by Ellison
Tours with Laing's bus from Stratli-
roy. Other seniors were on the bus
from Thedford, Forest and Grand
The group visited the fai sous
Christmas store, a beautiful Luther-
an church and had dinner at Zclu+-
der: restaurant.
On the way honk the bus driver
took than around to sec some of
the special Christmas lights in Sar-
-Thc.:annual Christmas Ecumeni-
cal was held last Tuesday evening at
the Immaculate Heart of 1'lary
Catholic Church in Grand Be,
Other churches participating w
Greenway United, Church of God,
St. John's Anglican and Grand Bend
United. -
Guest speaker was Father Paul
Those attending from Shipka and
Greenway areas wcrc Iva Lagcrwcrf,
Isobel Bullock, Violet Brown, Dor-
othy Fenner, Mabel Fraser, Leota
Snyder and Annie Morenz.
Lunch refreshments with fellow-
ship was held after the service at the
Alhambra Hall.
Euchre party
There were seven tables in play,
with twelve games played at the
Shipka euchre party last week.
Winners were - ladies high - Mary
Joser, arca ladies low - Katherine
Becker, Dashwood, mens high
Cliff Russell, Dashwood, mens low
- Brent Love, Grand Bend area.
Most lone hands for ladies won by
Ross Pickering playing a ladies
card, r :st lone hands for men -
Harold , -inkbeiner, area.
The cast group were in charge of
lunch refreshments.
The next euchre party here will be
January 3, 1990.
I wish all 'my readers a "Merry
December 20, 1989 Page
Caven PCW
EXETER - The combined Christ-
mas and Annual Meeting of Caven
P.C.W. was held on Monday, De-
cember 11 with President Mrs. E.
Simmons presiding. The Christmas
Devotional was used, with Mrs.
Henderson, Moir, Foreman, Hyde
and Cann taking part.
Favorite Christmas hymns and a
Christmas reading were enjoyed.
Mrs. Foreman was called to the
front and presented with a Life
Membership Certificate in the
Women's Missionary Society by
Mrs. H. Strang.
Annual Reports were presented
and the treasurer was pleased to an-
nounce that the 1989 W.M.S. allo-
cation from the Presbyterial had
been met.
Mrs. L. Learn presented the new
slate of officers for 1990 as fol-
lows: President Mrs. • B. Ersman,
Vice President Mrs. E. Simmons,
Secretary Mrs. D. Webster, Assist-
ant Secretary Mrs. H. Pryde, Treas-
urer Mrs. H. Bridges, Assistant
Treasurer Mrs. N. Taylor. Rev.
Mark -Gaskin conducted the instal-
lation service.
A beautifully decorated table,
compliments of Mrs. N. Taylor,
was the centre for a social time and
refreshments served by the commit-
tee in charge.
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