HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-12-13, Page 16Page 16 December 13, 1989
Revival Centre
LUCAN - The Christmas meet -
Mg for the Women's Ministries of
Lucan Revival Centre was held at
the home of Mrs. Eileen Currie
Wednesday evening.
President Mrs. June Henry read
the Christmas story from Luke 2,
leading in singing choruses that
matched the highlights of the story.
the ladies then enjoyed singing car-
Judi Ross talked about a prayer
sister. Each lady writes her name,
address, birthdate, and anniversary
year and date on a paper. Drawing
a name of a lady means she can
send birthday and anniversary cards
to her as a secret sister. Also, she is
supposed to pray for her secret
prayer sister.
At the annual Christmas meeting,
she gives a little gift to her secret
sister, which allows each lady to
fund out who sent the cards and
was praying for her. Cathy Mason
then handed out the prayer sister
gifts, a real fun time for all.
There was a baking exchange of
goodies some ladies brought. Also,
• a table of crafts for sale provided
funds for mission project The la-
dies enjoyed Christmas party fare
after the meeting.
Sunday morning the trio of Mat-
thew Heffernan, Jane Bende, and
Cheryl Wuerch opened the service
leading in chorus singing. Rev.
Roger Mason introduced Rev. Ar-
chie Robertson as guest minister.
Rev. Robertson from 1I Kings
4:1-7 said most people never see a
miracle from God because they
have never placed a demand on
God's power. The widow in this
story was in great financial need.
In desperation she cried out to
God's prophet for help. Acknowl-
edging your need in desperation
can bring a miracle.
Going to God's prophet Elisha,
whose life showed the power God,
this widow depended_ on God to
meet her need. Are you allowing
God to meet your needs? First this
widow had to obey the prophet's
order to borrow vessels from her
neighbours. She had only pot of oil
leftin her house.
Obeying God's order, she poured
the oil out into all the many vessels
she had borrowed.
In obeying, she found deliver-
ance from God. Obeying released
God's power to meet her financial
needs. She sold the oil at the
prophet's order, which paid off her
debts, and gave her and her sons
enough to lie on.
Applying God's principles met
the need in her life.
Kevin Dance played the organ to
accompany Lorraine Armitage
playing the piano for the singing
Sunday evening. Karen Mason and
Jane Bende sang Emmanuel.
Miss Mason acted a deceiver of-
fering Mrs. Bende a life of easein
a lovely temple instead of going to
the mission field. Miss Mason said
this attitude is what keeps most
Christians from serving as mission-
aries. Yet Jesus said in Mark 16:7
to go into all the world and preach
the gospel.
Obeying God's command as in
Jeremiah 1:7 Miss Mason went to
Mexico on a missionary tour. Be-
fore going, she was impressed
with the name Miguel. She prayed
for this unknown man. While in
Mexico, she learned a Miguel had
come to the missionaries to return
to serving the Lord. Miss Mason
closed reading Matthew 28;19-20,
Jesus' call to Missions.
Upcoming events - December 17
Sunday morning Leonard, Evans,
missionary to Mexico, is to be
guest speaker.
December 25 Sunday evening -
Sunday School Christmas concert.
Christmas for
Zurich WI
Alr tour -
e ucan
u • s a • a very interesting tour at Air Ontario.
Scouting party
LUCAN - What a party! ! ! The
—fifth anniversary of the Lucan
Scout/Guide Hall was a great suc-
cess. Games of skill, face painting,
and having the speed of your base-
ball throw measured by radar were
a big hit with the crowd. Over 100
children and adults snacked on two
delicious birthday cakes.
A big thank you to everyone
who attended and to everyone who
worked so hard before, during and
At our recent committee meet-
ing, chairperson Linda Chatterson,
presented Dave Barr and Dale
Froats and their wives with gift
certificates to the Frenchlnen's Inn
in Exeter and a Scout Shop gift
certificate to Andrew Barr.
They just finished putting a back
entrance roof and door on the
emergency exit, at the hall, all on
their own time. Thank you guys.
The Co-ed Venturers did a super
job of supplying day care at the re-
cent Lucan Craft Show.
Don't forget the campfire on Fri-
day, December 15 at 7 p.m. Lots
of singing and hot drinks. The
Scouts have something special
Next group committee meeting
is Tuesday, January 9, 1990 at
8:30 p.m. Anyone interested is
most welcome.
On behalf of the Lucan Scout/
Guide groups and their families,
we wish everyone a very "special"
and "safe" holiday season!
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ZURICH - The Zurich Women's
Institute met for their annual
Christmas meeting on Monday, De-
cember 4 at the Dominion Hotel,
Zurich. A delicious turkey dinner
was served.
The meeting was well attended
with members and guests also the
joining of a new member, Margaret
Everyone joined in the singing of
Christmas carols, Annie Finkbein-
er read two interesting poems of
Christmas in days gone by.
A short business meeting fol-
lowed with the president Kay Hay
Christmas gifts for Children's
Services were brought by the
members. A cash donation by the
Institute will also be given.
Members with birthdays during
December were recognized. Every-
one then joined in playing bingo.
Prizes were distributed for numer-
ous games and contests.
Ina Neeb and her group were in
charge of the program. The meet-
ing closed with the appropriate car-
ol. We wish you a Merry Christ-
mas. .
New Shipment has Just Arri
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