HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-12-13, Page 15Tithes -Advocate, December 13, 1989 Page 11,
Canvass begins to raise $200 000 forAilsa
Rec Centre
East Williams can call Gerry Hau- canvass. neat only going w do it
mann at 232-4720. once because we don't want to bug
There will be a College For Can- the folks, but when we do it, we're
vassers for all areas on January 10 going to do it comprehensively."
at Ailsa Craig town hall at 8 p.m. Anyone who has not received
Volunteers will be provided 'with one of the brochures by mail, or
kits and an identification badge. pickup at a retail outlet, by mid -
"If you can't canvass for some December, can have one mailed to
reason," Naumann said, "get your him by telephoning the Ailsa
�� �►,� ���� � ���� ���� ,� ��►yy��►��� friends and neighbours out to help Craig Village Office, 293-3401
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reat Ideas for -your home
AILSA CRAIG - A comprehen-
sive canvass of every home and
business in Aisla Craig, East Wil-
liams and McGillivary Townships
will be mounted in January, accord-
ing to Gerry Naumann, chairman of
the drive to raise $200,000 for the.
Aisla Craig Recreation Centre.
Haumann said area residents
would have Christmas and New
-Year's expenses behind them by
mid-January "and the start of a new
year is a time when a lot of folks
plan their year."
By early December, every home
and business on mail routes will
have received a six -panel brochure
outlining .why donations are re-
quired for the centre, and how the
$850,000 building is being- funded.
Copies of the pamphlet already
have been left on the counters of re-
tail businesses throughout the area.
Haumann said his committee
wasn't jumping the gun on the fund
drive, but making the information
available to those who might care
to make a tax-deductible donation
Good crowd at
Kirkton Society
annual meeting
KIRKTON - The Kirkton Horti-
culture Society. had its annual
meeting on December 5 at Kirkton
Woodham Community Hall.
A good crowd enjoyed a pot luck
President Marjorie Atthill wel-
comed everyone to the meeting and
gave a poem "A Wish for a Happy
New Year."
Julie Godbolt played a musical
number and sang solo, accompa-
nied by her father George Godbolt.
Mrs. Atthill introduced the
speaker Tom Morgan from Port
Stanley -who has grown orchids for
13 years at his greenhouse. Prior
to that he worked with his uncle
and aunt at their day lily nursery.
Tom has taught at Fanshawe Col-
lege and UWO in London. He had
several different kinds of orchids on
display and told of their care.
Miss Jean Copeland thanked the
speaker. Michael O'Shea and his
family entertained with Christmas
Mrs. Atthill announced the win-
ners of the beautiful Christmas dis-
plays: A Season to be Jolly Josie
Ryckman, Maxine Sereda, Gertrude
Willis; Christmas Epergne - Jean
Ratcliffe, Josie Ryckman, Joyce
Strahan; Peace on Earth - Maxi-
neSereda, JosieRyckman, Jean Se-
reda, Josie Ryckman, Joyce Stra-
Jean Lynn read minutes of the
last annual meeting and the treasur-
er's report.
Donna Paynter conducted the
election of officers for 1990.
Past President: Marjorie .Atthill;
president Marjorie Johns; 1st vice
Madeline Parkinson, 2nd vice Jean
First year directors: Beulah Mac-
Dougald, Olive Thomson, Doris
Elford. Evelyn Wiles, Jean Cope-
- Second year directors: Olive
Selves, Olive Hodgins, Marilyn
Robinson, Joyce Strahan, Jean Rat-
Associate Directors: Josie Ryck-
man, Ruth Skinner, Marjorie Hod-
gert, Myrtle Willis, Mary Tufts,
Evelyn Harrigan, Loralec Marshall,
Elaine Stephen, Gertrude Willis,
Mary Szabo, Gretchen Hazelwood.
Examiners: Delmer Skinner,
Franccs Kints, Nominating com-
mittee: Jean Ratcliffe, Joyce Stra-
han, Evelyn Wiles. There were
draws for several door prizes.
Scouts to
get funds
TORONTO - A $151,410 pro-
vincial recreation grant will assist
in providing more than 20,000 Ctn-
tario Boy Scout leaders with train-
ing in child abuse prevention and
The Community Recreation De-
velopment grant to Boy Scouts of
Canada's Ontario Council was an-
nounced by Ontario Minister of
Tourism and Recreation Ken
Black. It was approved under the
program's Leadership Development
Leaders will be trained in moni-
toring, identifying and taking ac-
tion in child abuse cases through
workshops and regular leader cours-
es. All 118 local Scout councils in
Ontario will also receive a Child
Abuse Prevention Kit comprising
a video, handbook and manual.
"Committed and thoroughly
trained leaders will benefit some
100,000 Boy Scouts annually,"
Mr. Black said. "They will be vital
in bringing about a better knowl-
edge of child abuse problems and
hopefully, a reduction in incidents
of abuse."
The grant will also fund a leader-
ship program which ,applies man-
agement concepts currently used in
industry to the Boy Scout voltm-
tecr movement.
Community Recreation Develop-
ment is a six -component program
which enables communities and
non-profit organizations to im-
prove or enrich recreation opportu-
nities of all Ontarians.
before the end of the 1989 tax year.
"Any donations made during calen-
dar 1989 may be deducted as charita-
ble donations on your next tax re-
turn," the chairman said.
Volunteers needed
While many traditionally commu-
nity -spirited citizens have volun-
teered to act as canvassers of the
fund, more are needed to make a
complete sweep of the area between particularly those good folks who
mid-January and mid-February. "It turn out forust about anything
would be nice to see some of -the which will help our communities,"
folks whose children will benefit he said.
from this facility doing some of the Volunteers for canvassing assign -
enormous amount of legwork re- ments in Ailsa Craig can call vil-
quired to make it a reality," Hau- )age Clerk Joyce Coursey at 293 -
mann said. 3401. Volunteers for McGillivray
"The more canvassers we have, should call Maria Tiede at 293-3696
the easier it will be on everybody -- and those available to canvass in
a a 3 33
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