HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-12-13, Page 13SINCE 1883 amu • .,,. ••• 11111 Huron College at The Unikersity of Western Ontario a mber 13 Church fundraising dance changes Iocation at last minute By Carmel Sweeney • I ZURICH - The St. Boniface Fund Raising Elimination Draw has undergone a change of plans. It is still planned for this Friday evening, but will be at the Zurich Community Centre instead of the Pineridge Chalet as originally an- nounced. Tickets are still $6 per person and there are still some draw tick- ets left for the $10,000 grand prize. For information, call 236- 4687. The St. Boniface Folk Choir and youth group are inviting everyone to their afternoon of Christmas song on Sunday at the St. Boni- face School from 2-4 p.m. Admis- sion is $5 per family, or $2 for adults and $1 for children. Pro- ceeds go to the building fund. KofC The St. Boniface Knights of Co- lumbus held their monthly meet- ing in Dashwood on Monday, where Fr. Peter Hayes presented some of his slides of the Holy Land. Bingo Last Thursday's bingo at the are- na included special games for 10 Christmas turkeys and five hams. The $1,000 jackpot winner was Zurich's own Karen Shanks. The mystery prize was split three ways between Dawn Marie of Exeter, Bev Bell from Hensall, and Gertie Fleischauer of Zurich. Bingo will resume after the holi- days on January 18. Christmas concerts Zurich Public School will be presenting a Christmas concert on Tuesday December 19 at 1:15 in the afternoon and again the next day at 7:30 in the evening. The students at St. Boniface School will be presenting their Christmas program twice on De- cember 20, also at 1:15 and 7:30 p.m. Naturally, everyone is welcome. The grade 4-6 classes of St. Boniface also went on a field trip to the London Free Press and the Children's Museum last week. Women's Institute Twenty-four members of the Open 003 HI LDREN'S SHOP 238-2954 Sizes infant - 14 Hwy. 21 South Grand Bend Christmas Countdown Sale Thurs. - Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Up 500 Off t O Regular Price Storewide Open until Christmas /rte, a Their own village - About 33 stu- iJents contributed to this village of candy and rice-krispie houses at Zurich Public School. With some help from Rosemary's Pan- try, the students put together the village which will go on display in the window of Blessings Unlimit- ed. nlimited. From left are some of its creators: Holly Steinmann, Shau- na McKinnon, Jerry Ziler, Valerie Gingerich, Jennifer McGee, Tim Estep, and Chris Keyser. •- Unique Design Baskets Gift Baskets for all occasions Contact Faye Van Oss 227-4586 97 Langford Drive Lucan or Rhonda McTeer 227-4856 St. James Drive (RR 12) Lucan J_ • A1. '( • • • Thinking seriously of UNIVERSITY Why not HURON COLLEGE? Since 1863 The Founding College of THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO Our — academic strengths are in Arts and Social Science — small classes and individual attention. Our — emphasis is on helping students to develop techniques of research, criticism, interpretation and scholarship. Our — facilities for 750 students offer an ideal community: 350 men and women reside at Huron, the other 400 live at home or in lodgings in the London area. Our — students have complete and easy access to the academic, social and recreational resources of the University of Western Ontario. Our — graduates find they are well prepared for graduate schools. law schools. b.:siness, teaching, social service, government, theology and many other positions of responsibility. Our — graduates in the Faculty of Arts and Social Science and Faculty of Theology are awarded the degree of The University of Western Ontario'thrqugh Huron College. Our = Faculty of Theology is a fully accredited member of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada and offers a three year, post B.A., Master of Divinity program. Forarompt response and absolutely no obligation. Write or Call Today for our illustrated brochure and Calendar. • • The Registrear, Huron College, - 1349 Western Road, London, Ontyio, N6G 1113 519-438-7224/FAX 519-438-3938 Women's Institute and their guests held an annual Christmas dinner meeting at the Dominion Tavern on December 4. The meeting was fol- lowed by a few games for a selec- tion of prizes. Santa Claus Kids, don't forget that Santa Claus will be arriving at the Zurich Arena on Saturday December 23 from 1-3 p.m. Sherri Ferguson and Vincent Samuels were married in London on December 2. Seven-month old Stephanie Skin- ner is a patient in the sick children's hospital in London. She is the daughter of Steve and Audrey Skin- ner and grandaughter of Joe and Rose Regier of Zurich. We wish her a speedy recovery. We see that Bill Ferguson, of Fer- guson's Apiaries, won three first prizes for his honey at the Ontario Bee Keeper's Association Conven- tion in Toronto last week. A new gift shop has just opened in town in the former location of The Country Duck. It is called Just Desserts and is operated by two sisters, Ruth Zehr and Debra Ward along with their mother, Annie Zeilman of Dash- wood. We wish them luck in their new endeavor. Theresa Stark, Rose Regier, and Bernadette Denomme are planning a craft and bake sale at the Hay Township Hall this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It looks like a chance to catch up on some Christ- mas shopping. Little interest in rezoning HENSALL - Only one person showed up at a public meeting called by Hensall council to dis- cuss a bylaw changing the zoning on property owned by Bill Taylor from light industrial to light indus- trial special. Harold Elder had no objections to the change; he had come out of curiosity, as he owns adjoining property. On the advice of Huron County planner Brian Treble, some op- . tions in the draft bylaw were delet- ed. Permitted uses exclude assem- bly, manufacturing, fabricating, and a contractor's yard. A service industrial use was changed to ser- vice industry. Taylor said he was satisfied with the changes. He has no current plans for the approximately two acres between Mill and Queen Streets, but wanted the permitted uses spelled out officially. A letter from Doug Cook asking for better winter sidewalk ploughing was discussed with works superintendent John Baker at the regular council session fol- lowing the public meeting. Cook stated that some sidewalks are completely cleared, some are ploughed on one side, and some are buried under tons of snow until spring. Baker said he had his priorities. The first sidewalks to be cleared were at the seniors' apartments, the nursing home, one side of Al- bert and Nelson for the children going to school, and both sides of Main St. Baker said 65 percent of the children walk on the road, 25 per- cent on the cleared sidewalk, and the rest on the uncleared side. He also noted that some people blow or shovel snow from their private driveways onto the public side- walks he has already cleared. Baker pointed out that in weath- er like the present he can keep more sidewalks open, and prom- ised to "do my best, but when I can't, I can't". Councillor Peter Groot opened up the topic of recycling. He stressed the importance of putting only clear glass in the depot carts. Council agreed with Groot's sug- gestion that some blue bags be or- dered for use at Northcrest. Many of the seniors fmd the blue boxes take forever to fill. Next year, some samples of composters that can be purchased from Bluewater Recycling will be put on display, and orders taken. Noting that the rail line going, through Hensall was designated "vulnerable' on a base map of rail- ways in Huron County, Reeve Jim Robinson recalled that a CN spokesman had promised to retain the line at the time of the official opening of the fertilizer domes at Hensall Co-op. • "We are interested in keeping a viable railway line through Hen- sall," he said. • >t� /' \\a`�►.1��~ Four Seasons Jewellers Announce Show and sale of water colours by Patricia Cook, Hensel) beginning Dec. 15 - Jan. 31 i s y / 1 lei i HAYTER'S TURKEYS Featuring • Ground Turkey • Drumsticks • Smoked Turkey • Breast Roast • Cutlets • Wings • Filets • Turkey Burgers Store Location Hwy. 83, just west of Dashwood 237-3561 Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 - 5:30 Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 SPECIAL THIS WEEK SAUSAGE 2.49 La. (While quantities last) Order Deadline Dec.- 15 for Fresh turkeys (IF The Commodore Solutions FREE PRINTER SOFTWARE RINTER EPSON LX -810 •180 CPS 9 Pin Printer I �r 11".1"11.6" a.,.l. �� •Auto paper load eject 1. *Front panel control with paper park S.l1y�� t ['SOFTWARE PC 20 -III •20 MB 31/2" Hard Drive •511" Floppy Drive •Multi -Speed Processor •Colour Graphics •Monochrome Graphics There's never been a better time to enjoy the power and value of Commodore and the time is NOW! 'LIMITED QUANTITIES' •Microsoft Works° - includes word processing, data base, spreadsheet and communications. •Learn To Use DOS - tutorial for the DOS system LIMITED QUANTITIES! $1795. The Blucwatcr Sohitioiis For home and office Al2" Dealt Ruler hnchlndm"rx srakfl Sfilewn style letleropener flus light Bent Tnmmer Wyle shear 6- Pocket Ruler finch and metre scales) and a pre.losded lull Yip I,thrwrltht Hand o. Desk Stapler All handsomely packaged ,n a clear lop oft ton, Cnlnursasartahle Burk Blue Green (o rhu Gm S.L.R. '33.95 E9 ta"•e4 •"r•ewc• c r MAR* aeoe•rr• SALE • $27 95 Vertical Cabinets Heavy duty full suspension vertical with lock 2 F,RA'A FR I. F(AL 0222h72 Regu'ar •213 90 (ASHA(APP. •13995 14115 raft, •11195 4 DRAM FR 1.44. 41 84121,72 Regutat . •420 SO ( AS11 A LARRY .21995 11F41'.FRFD .22995 As Low As SALE $13895 Lenon 12' Oahe with a amid . wood base gaited rel,el and an- tique wylrnq Die nus hall men. dun ring 131536 Reg •al lift SALE$ss99 EI!! ironic Dam wheel dually Vat rba,arrer red ...ono memory Word correct 13 spray Flectronu ma,pn Rehr we key Auto underscore Auto cement.. Complete watt tae no nit caw S.�rwr•fd Lw 72500 Bluewater SALE $289°0 OPEN SATURDAYS 10 am • 2;00 pm White Boards •Frasatae who, m.l,rn ne ..K... •Alum,num frame •llartIbrard hack •114.,ter 4.1‘. As Low A. $17'5 Renwick 65 Hamilton Street, Goderich • Fait No. 524-4812 250 Josephine Street, Wingham • 357-1554 LTD. UMW 11114401111 141104111-1722 Sale ends Sat., Dee. 23, 19R9