HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-12-06, Page 31Coffee and cake - Fifty-two people arrived for the first meeting of the
Zurich Dining for Seniors last Wednesday. The meal included this
appetizing slice of cake along with coffee as shown by co-ordinator
Sallie Lawton.
Santa, mascot, and free hot dogs
a hit at Hensall's tree -lighting
By Susan Hartman
HENSALL - A large crowd gath-
ered at the Town Hall for the annu-
al tree -lighting ceremony.
After a few brief words by reeve
Jim Robinson and Hensall's two
ministers, the tree was lit amidst
cheers and song.
The Hensall Bean Mascot made
his debut and was•almost as popu-
lar as St. Nick, who also put in an
Free foot -long hot dogs and hot
drinks were served at the fire hall
afterwards, donated by the Pine -
ridge Barbecue Co.
In keeping with the Christmas
spirit, the Kinsmen and Kinettes are
Poinsettia sale - The Hensall and District Kinettes sold a roomful of
poinsettias on the weekend to aid the fight against Cystic Fibrosis.
Selling the flowers Friday evening in the Town Hall were Sandra Con-
sitt (left) and Carolyn Knight.
ijott[eii Cimpses
ZURICH - Monday evening, the
video programs shown to thc resi-
dents were on Puerto Rico and Sri
Lanka, some very interesting parts
of the world, and sometimes very
much on the map.
• The children of Mrs. Suplat's
room visited the rest home on Tues-
day. They brought craft materials
with than and spent the morning
.helping each' adoptive resident
create Christmas wreaths with all
the trimmings so that they could
decorate their doors or walls.
Best wishes for a speedy recov-
cry arc extended to residents Edwin
Martcne and Nelson Howe who arc
both confined to London Hospitals.
Friday afternoon a few of our res-
idents enjoyed a car ride through
the countryside, thanks to Marc
The sympathy of residents and
staff is extcn led to the family of
the late Hazel Coward.
Despite the inclement weather,
Rev. Sam Parker of Goshen United
Church braved the elements to con-
duct the Sunday evening chapel
collecting toys and non-perishable
food items for the Huron County
Christmas Bureau. The drop off
box is at the Town Hall and is open
all week.
The Hensall Scouting movement
is once again selling Christmas
trees. Advance orders may be
picked up Friday evening and sale
to the general public begins at 9
a.m. Saturday at the old Thuss gas
station next door to the Town Hall.
Saturday January 6-, the scouting
groups will be holding a bottle
drive to collect all those returnable
beer and pop bottles that pile up
during the holiday season.
The Hensall Kinettes held a very
successful poinsettia sale over the
weekend. All proceeds are going
towards Cystic Fibrosis.
Don't forget to tour the town and
enjoy all the Christmas displays.
The winners of the decorating con-
test will be announced December
Top scorers at the November 28
meeting of the Hensall Happy
Pushers were Dave Woodward,
HENSALL - Monday afternoon
Queensway resounded with the
singing of our Intergenerational
Choir. Students and residents alike
arc getting excited about our per-
formance December 18 at 1:30
p.m. Following practise the Bethel
Reformed ladies played their last
Bingo this year with us.
Tuesday Reverend Gaskin led
our worship service with Edith Bell
as pianist.
Members of the Zurich Mennon-
ite church helped Wednesday night
as we decorated Queensway for the
Christmas season.
Thursday residents celebrated the
November birthdays at our monthly
birthday party. Entertainment by
Laurene Madge, Tony Hyde and
Gerd Harris was enjoyed by every-
one. Birthday greetings to Esther
Gill, Mary•Westlake and Vera Hod -
'Friday residents and staff were
busy with preparations for our pro-
gram and big day Sunday, whcn
our Nursing Home Family Christ-
mas dinner took place. We were
thrilled. with the turnout of family
and friends for our program at 2
p.m. and dinner at 4 p.m.
Luella Hall gave welcoming re-
marks, Dorothy Insley read a poem
Country Christmas, Doug Insley
played several 4umbers on his Ha-
waiian guitar. Lloyd McDougall
whistled • Jingle Bells, Sandi
McCarron and Delores Gingerich
accompanied by Catherine Shantz
on piano sang several songs. Bill
Gibson played the piano as our au-
dience sang Christmas carols. We
ended our program with a devotion-
al by Reverend Van Essen and the
lighting of the second Advent can-
Altogether it was a wonderful
day made possible by dedicated
volunteers and staff and supportive
family and friends. .
Coming events are December 10
our Queensway Rest Home Family
Christmas dinner and December 18
at 1:30 p.m. Intergenerational Choir
Bruce Watson, Eileen Coutts and
Eileen Dowson, with totals of 314,
307, 290, and 273 respectively.
Three Links
The winners of the Hensall
Three Links Seniors' card party
were Irene Finlayson and Sadie
Hoy for the ladies. Al Hoggarth
and Clarence Volland topped the
men's division. Winners of the
draws were Madeline Harbum,
Pearl McKnight, Mary Broadfoot,
Emma Campbell, and Hilda Payne.
United Church
The United Church Ladies
Group is meeting on Thursday af-
ternoon at 2:30. Next Sunday is-
sthe White Gift Service. Envelopes
have already been sent out to all
A Christmas music service will
be presented by the junior and sen-
ior choirs on Christmas eve at 7:30
p.m, which is also the Christmas
Eve Communion Service:
Carmel Presbyterian
Ian Glenn Bell was baptized on
Sunday, also the first Sunday of
Carmel Presbyterian has many
events planned for the holiday sea-
son, so be sure to watch these pag-
es in the next few days.
Hensall news for the next two
weeks can be dropped off at the li-
brary or at Jaki Blair's home at 93
Nelson Street.
As a personal wish from me,
have a very happy and safe holi-
day. I'll be thinking of you as I lie
in the sun.
Tines -Advocate, Decen1ber 6, 1989 Page 31
Seniors dining off
to a good start
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - The first dining for
seniors luncheon held last
Wednesday rated a big success on
all counts. Organizer Sallie Law-
ton said 52 people attended the
event, which featured entertain-
ment and door prizes afterwards.
A different menu is planned for
every week, but the price of the
meal till remain constant at $5
per person.
About 25 Zurich Senior Bowlers
followed their weekly bowling at
the Town and Country Lancs with
a pot -luck supper on November
30. Draw prizes were awarded af-
ter the event, which was organized
by Gcrtie Fleischauer and the pro-
prietors of the lanes.
Santa will be at the Tender -Spot
Friday from 7-8:30 p.m. with
treats for the youngsters.
Story hour
The theme for last Thursday's
story hour at the library was "on
the farm". Both groups will also
be having a Christmas get-together
at their regular times on Thursday
December 21.
The first story hour after the hol-
idays is planned for January 11.
St. Boniface
The St. Boniface Folk Choir and
Youth Group are presenting a
'Christmas program of songs and
skits at the school on December 17
at 2 p:m. Admission is to be $2
for adults and $1 for children, or
S5 for the entire family. Everyone
is welcome to attend this event.
Don't forget the St. Bonifacc
building fund elimination draw
and dance at the Pineridge Chalet
on December 15 at 9 p.m. Tickets
on the $1,000 prize are going fast.
Admission to the dance costs $6
per person. For more information,
contact Don Beauchamp at 236-
The students of St. Bonifacc
School are geuing in thc Christ-
masspirit. For the next week they
are bringing canned goods to
school which will be sent to the St.
Joseph's Hospitality Centre in
London. Director Sister Marcel-
line from the soup kitchen will
come to collect the food next week
and will be explaining to the stu-
dents how it will be shared with
the hungry and homeless.
The CWL also have a box at the
back of the church, collecting toys
and non-perishable food for the
Children's Aid Christmas Bureau.
Donations will be accepted until
December 10.
Mennonite Church
Members of the Zurich Mennon-
ite Church enjoyed .a Christmas
supper at their fellowship hall on
Friday evening. About 150 attend-
ed the event, which was followed
by entertainment.
Sadi Klopp spent a few days in
St. Joseph's hospital last week and
Lloyd Otterbein is presently in the
Clinton Hospital. We hope they
arc well in plenty of time for the
• Dorothy Finkbeiner and Ray
Rader were married at the Lutheran
church on Saturday.
The Blue Water Rest Home held
their staff party at the arena Satur-
day. In recognition of chair 20
years of service, Barb Shephard,
Vcrlie Lavery, Alana Adams, and
Marg Clarke received silver trays.
Pcn sets marking 10 years of ser-
vice were awarded to Martha Over-
holt, Debbie Regier, Paui Geoffrey,
Wendy Masse, Marlene Gingerich,
and Irvin Steinman.
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