HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-12-06, Page 271
Times -Advocate, December 6, 1989
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DIGNAN - Brian and Sandra are
thrilled to announce the birth of their
son Caleb Brian born November 21,
1989 weighing 7 lbs. 7 oz. We thank
and praise our loving heavenly Father
for the miracle of giving our little Ca-
leb his very breath of life. Also spacial
thanks to Dr. Lam and Dr. Maynard
and the staff at St. Joseph's hospital for
their extra special care. 49c
ROMIPHF - Kimberly and Jeffery are
pleased to announce the safe arrival of
their first born, "a bouncing baby boy",
Kalem Jeffery born November 17, 1989
at St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
weighing 6 lbs. 5 oz. First,grandson for
John and Jackie Snell and second for
Neil and Patricia Romphf. Great grand-
parents are Nome and Olive Wilson and
Mrs. Ila Snell. A very special thanks to
Dr. Maynard and the third floor nursing
staff. 49*
STECKLE - Cam and Kathy welcome
with love their first child, Brent Came-
ron, born at 1:30 p.m., November 22,
1989 at Clinton Public Hospital weigh-
ing 7 lbs. 8 ors. Proud grandparents for
the first time are Jirn and Marj Love
and Paul and Kathy Stickle. Brent is
also the first great grandchild of Seleda
Stickle and Gordon Erb. Special thanks
to Dr. Steele and Dr. Steed, the O.R.
team and the excellent obstetrical nurs-
ing staff at Clinton Public Hospital. 49
WELLS - Amanda would like to an-
nounce the birth of her baby brother
Derek William, 7 lbs. 12 ozs., Novem-
ber 2.5, 1989 at Strathroy Hospital.
Proud parents are Randy_ and Laura.
Special thanks to Dr. Perkins and staff
on O.B. 49*
Patricia and Douglas Cook of Hensall
are happy to announce the marriage of
their daughter Elizabeth Hope to Mticio
Benevides Duarte, son of Doralice
Benevides and Mticio Mauricio Duarte
on Saturday, November 25, 1989 at
Bloor St. United Church, Toronto. 49c
BRINTNELL - I would like to say a
"Special Thanks" to all my family, rela-
tives, friends and neighbors for their
visits, flowers, cards, treats, gifts and
phone calls while I was a patient. at St.
Joseph's Hospital and since I have re-
turned home. Your kindness and
thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated.
49c Mary
DOWSON - The family of the late Ce-
cil Dowson would like to extenu their
thanks to relatives and neighbors for
their floral tributes, donations, cards
and food that was brought to our
homes. Thanks to Dr. Salsbury and the
nurses at Clinton Public Hospital as
well as Horne Care and Community
Nursing Services for all their help and
kindness while Cecil was ill. Special
thanks as well to Rev. Sam Parker for
all his prayers and kind words at the
service. Thanks to Michael Falconer
Funeral Home, also to the ladies of
Wesley Willis United Church for the
lovely lunch. Thanks to all my grand-
children for being flower and pallbear-
ers. The kindness of the community
and all our friends will never be forgot-
49c The Dowson Fancily.
FREITER - I would like to thank all
my friends, the Coffee Club people for
then warm welcome home wishes and
their prayers that were said while I was
in Germany. A special thank you to my
husband for the bouquet of flowers on
my arrival. Thanks again and God bless
each and everyone.
49* Kaethe
FYDENCHUK - 1 wish to express my
sincere thanks and appreciation to my
family and friends for visits, calls,
cards, flowers and treats during my re-
cent stay in hospital and since returning
home. Special thanks to Dr. Steciuk
and nurses of South Huron Hospital for
their tender loving care. May you all be
richly blessed.
49c Marie
NOELS - I would like to thank all
friends who inquired of my health.
Thanks for cards, flowers, and other
gifts. Special thanks to Pride of Huron
Rebekah Lodge and Exeter Legion La-
dies Auxiliary. I wish one and all a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New
49* Jean
OVERHOLT - I would like to say a
"Special Thanks" to all my family,
friends, relatives and neighbors for
their cards, phone calls, flowers, gifts
and prayers while I was a patient in St.
Joseph's Hosp'tal, London and since re-
turning home. Thanks . also to Dr.
Meads and all the nurses and staff on
the 4th floor. Your kindness and
thoughtfulness was very much appre-
ciated and will always be remembered.
49* Phil
POLLOCK - I wish to thank the area
manager, Wes Nelson, Stratford, San-
dra Rivett, Evelyn Verner and the rest
of the Bank of Montreal staff in Hen-
sall for a lovely breakfast last Friday
and for providing the beautiful anniver-
sary cake which I had the pleasure of
serving throughout the day. Many
thanks to all my friends, relatives and
loyal customers who took the time to
offer their best wishes over cake and
coffee. A sincere thank you to Dorothy
Corbett for her support and assistance
for the entire day. It has been a pleasure
to work in Hensall for the past 25 years
and I shall continue to do so. The gold
watch and pin will be treasured forever.
49* • Pat
RADER - I would like to say "Special
Thanks" to my family, friends, and rel-
atives for cards, gifts, flowers, and
many phone calls when I was a patient
at University Hospital, Exeter Hospital,
and since returning home. Thank you to
Dr. Fowler, Dr. Levich and Dr.
O'Connor. Also to Pastor Larry Stoj-
kovic for his visits and his prayers at a
very trying time. Everyone's concern
and thoughtfulness will never be for-
49c Marion
WASNIDGE - We wish to express our
sincere thanks to our neighbors, rela-
tives and friends for their expressions
of sympathy and thoughts over the past
months of Vera's illness. For the flow-
ers and sympathy cards sent, donations
and phone calls, also Rev. Ann Beattie -
Stokes for her message and the Ste-
phenson Funeral Home, Ailsa Craig
along with the Ladies of the Ailsa
Craig United Church who served the
49* Arnold and Helen Bell and Linda
ROBINSON - I would like to say
thank you to• everyone who expressed
their concern and care during the weeks
I was in hospital, and since returning
home. Your prayers, flowers, cards and
visits are sincerely appreciated.
49* Glenn
DEATHS :. h >
COWARD - At the Blue Water Rest
Home, Zurich Ontario, on Sunday, De-
cember 3, 1989. Mrs. Hazel E. Coward
(Hunkin) a resident of Blue Water Rest
Home and formerly of Usbome Town-
ship; in her 92nd year. Beloved wife of
the late John Coward (1964). Dear
mother of Wib Coward of London,
Mrs. Philip Hem (Leona) of Exeter,
Mrs. Robert Bibby (Lois) of Kirkton,
Murray Coward of Exeter, and Mrs.
Bev Parsons (Muriel), of Usborne
Township. Also surviving are 25 grand-
children and 35 great-grandchildren.
Rested at the Hopper Hockey Funeral
Home, William St., Exeter for visita-
tion on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9 where the
funeral service will be held on Wednes-
day, December 6, 1989 at 1 p.m. with
Rev. Sheila Macgregor officiating. In-
terment in Exeter Cemetery. Donations
to the charity of your choice would be
appreciated by the Coward family. 49c
HENDRICK - At his residence on
Tuesday, November 28, 1989, Mr.
Richard Hugh Hendrick of RR 1, Dash-
wood; in his 43rd year. Dear son of
Ruth (Turnbull) Hendrick and the late
Donald Hendrick (1974). Dear brother
of Audrey and her husband Robert
McKinley of RR 3, Clinton and Alma
and her husband Robert Westlake of
Zurich. Also surviving are eight nieces
and nephews. Rested in the Zurich
Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral
Homes, 49 Goshen Street North; where
the funeral service was conducted on
Friday, December 1, at 2 p.m. Rev.
Colin Stover officiated. Interment to
follow in Grand Bend Cemetery. As ex-
pressions of sympathy, donations to the
Heart & Stroke Foundation would be
appreciated by the family. 49c
LOVE - Robert Grant of Caro, Michi-
gan passed away early Saturday morn-
ing December 2, 1989 following a brief
illness, age 84 years. He was born Au-
gust 4, 1905 in Huron County, Ontario,
Canada, moving to Michigan in 1927
and to Caro in.1939 and has lived there
since. He married Olive Cooper in July
1929. She survives him. He was an ac-
tive member of the 1st Presbyterian
Church of Caro and an elder of the
church since 1944. He was a life mem-
ber of Mt. Moriah Lodge #226 F. &
A.M. Life member of the Caro Chapter
#96 R.A.M. Life member of the Bay
City Consistory -Scottish Rite. A past
patron of the Kedron Chapter #33
O.E.S. Past adviser of the Caro De Mo -
lay, Past President of Caro Exchange
Club, Past Noble Grand of the I.O.O.F.
of Caro. Mr. Love owned and operated
a hardware and sporting goods store in
Caro from 1939 until his retirement in
1958. Surviving besides his wife are
one daughter Nancy Coleman, Flush-
ing, Michigan, five grandchildren, 4
great grandchildren, several nieces and
nephews living in Ontario, Canada. 3
brothers and 2 sisters' predeceased him.
Funeral service took place at 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday from the First Presbyterian
Church, Caro with Rev. Barry Sweet
officiating. Burial Caro Cemetery. Ar-
rangements were made by the Huston
and Ransford Funeral Home in Caro. 49c
es4P 5 i �o
68 Main Street South
Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Sunday, December 10
9.00 a.m. Men's and Ladies Breakfast
11:15 a.m. Children and Youth Service
12.15 Pot Lurk Lunch
Sunday December 17
11:15 Communion Seniico
Sunday School
7.00 Carols and Candlelighting Service
Everyone Welcome
Nursery Available
94 Orchard Street North
Sunday, December 10, 1989
9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Adult
Bible Class
10.30 a.m. tai l i i . •;.rvii
Everyone Welcome
Sunday, December 10
9:30 a.m. Congregational
Christian Education
11.00 a m. Church Service
Everyone Wokome .
Main St. North
Rev. Robert Arbogast
Sunday, December 10
10.00 a.m. Worship
Sunday School - (Preschoolers)
2.30 p m. Afternoon Service
Nursery Available
• Everyone Welcome
Listen to
The Back to God Hour
CKNX Dial 920 - 10.30 a.m.
Faith 20 - Global 6 (cable 3)
Sunday, December 10
9:45 a.m. Sunday School and Adult
Bible Class
10:40-11:00 a.m. Fellowship
11:00-12:00 noon Family Bible Hour
6.00 - 7:00 p.m. Communion Service
A Nursery is provided
for the above services
Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Kids Club and
Bible Study
All Services held at
Usbome Central School
Huron St. East
Everyone Welcome
For more information please
call 229-8881
Rev. Don Rogers
Youth Pastor - Rov. Kevin Roows
C.E. Director - Mrs. Verona Snk r
Hwy. 4 South
uuti.iy, ilu�uwl of 10
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Wednesday night 7.00 p m.
Family Night
Programs for all ages
Nursery available for all services
Air conditioned sanctuary
Everyone Welcome
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday, December 10
10:00 a.m. Worship
11:10 a.m. Sunday School
7:30 p.m. Worship
Nursery available
Everybody welcome
Come and Worship with us
Corner of James and Andrew St.
The Rov. Richard W. Hawley
Mrs. Bev Robinson
The Rev. Grant L. Mills
(Minister Emeritus)
Director of Music
Ralph C. Topp
2nd Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 10, 1989
11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship
with the Rev. Richard W. Hawley
11:00 a.m. - Sunday Church School
Courtesy Car for December
Nursery Facilities Available
Everyone Welcome,
Main Street at Gidley
Sunday, December 10
11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Socond Sunday of Advent
7.00 p.m. Christmas Lessons
and Carols
Refreshments in the hall.
Rov. Walter (Duke) Vipperman
Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, December 10
9.45 a.m. Sunday School
11 00 a m Morning Worship Service
7,00 p m. Evening Fellowship ,
Missionary Bamey Robison
Wednesday 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
MacDONALD - At Parkwood Hospi
tal, London, formerly of Lucan, on
Sunday, December 3, 1989. Major
Roderick L. MacDonald of London; in
his 74th year. Beloved husband of
Mary R. Kervin MacDonald. Former
husband of Jeanette Mable. Dear father
of Roderick of Granton, James of Hen-
sall, Edward of Kitchener, Betty Cro-
nyn of RR 2, Lucan, Sandra DeBlock,
of RR 1 Mooretown and the late John
MacDonald. Dear brother of Carolyn
M. Cameron, Fergus, and Janette E.
Boggs, of Grand Valley. Also loved by
his 12 grandchildren, and 6 great-
grandchildren. Interment of cremains at
Woodland Cemetery. Major MacDon-
ald's service record is R.C.E.M.E.
1939, Canada and Britain, former C.O.
at Wolsley Barracks, with the
R.C.E.M.E. and base workshop before
retiring in 1965 for 25 years. 49*
ROOSEBOOM - "Do not fear for I
am with you. Do not be dismayed for I
am your God. I will strengthen you and
help you. I will uphold you with my
.righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10." At
the Lord's appointed time He took on to
Himself peacefully at South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, on November 30,
1989, William Rooseboom of Zurich,
in his 62nd year. Beloved husband of
Els (Alice) Rooseboom of Zurich and
beloved father and grandfather of Ed
and Audrey Rooseboom, Edward Da-
vid, Christopher and Sara, all of Clin-
ton, Margaret and Christian Pauquet of
Sebastien, France, Harry and Maricllc
Rooseboom, of Y.W.A.M. Linton, Tex-
as, Jane and John Klasen, Jeffrey, Mi-
chelle; Kristi, Bryan, all of Wellesley,
Richard Rooseboom of London, Allan
and Jeanette Rooseboom of London,
Sandra Rooseboom of Grand Rapids,
Michigan. Predeceased by one daughter
Afiena (1957). Dear brother of John
and Jennie Rooseboom of Kalamazoo,
Michigan, Hennie Duyker of London,
Martha Rooseboom of Hensall and 2
brothers and 7 sisters in the Nether-
lands. Predeceased by 3 brothers. Rest-
ed at the Hopper Hockey Funeral
Home. The Funeral Service was held
on Monday, December 4 at 2 p.m. at
the Exeter Christian Reformed Church,
Main Street North, Exeter. Rev. Robert
Arbogast officiated. Interment in Exet-
er Cemetery. Donations to the Exeter
Christian School Society or the Heart
Foundation would be appreciated by
the family. 49c
TIF.DEMAN - At South Huron Hospi-
tal, Exeter, Sunday, December 3, 1989,
Jessie Elizabeth (Jennings) Tiedeman.
Beloved wife of Morris Tiedeman of
RR 1 Grand Bend; in her 73rd year.
Daughter-in-law of Gertrude Tiedeman
of Grand Bend. Dear mother of Doro-
thy and Bill Baker of London, Wanda
and Jim McCreight, Goderich, Walter
and Barb Tiedeman Exeter, Eric and
Shiela Tiedeman, Grand Bend, Carolyn
and Tom Thomaes of London, and
Donald Tiedeman at home. Dear sister
bf Harry Jennings of Harriston, Jack
Jennings of Chatham, Eric Jennings of
Ajax, Connie Huckins, Komoka, and
Rose Hill of London. Loved by 18
grandchildren and 13 great-
grandchildren. Predeceased by a sister,
Dorothy Turner. Rested at the T. Harry
Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home, Dash-
wood where the funeral service took
place on Tuesday, December 5 at 2
p.m. Interment in Pinery Cemetery,
Grand Bend. Memorial donations to the
Arc Industries, Dashwood, would be
appreciated. 49c
WASNIDGE - Vera E. at the Welles-
ley Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday, No-
vember 25, 1989 in her 74th year.
Daughter of the late Newton Wasnidge
and Edna Williams. Step -daughter of
. the. late Harriet McMillen. Dear sister
of Arnold and his wife Helen of Exeter.
Predeceased by sister Alma Gertrude
Wasnidge (December 28, 1930) and by
sister-in-law Hazel (Jones) Wasnidgc.
Aunt of William Arnold Wasnidge and
his wife Linda of McGillivray. Great
aunt of Brent William Wasnidge.
Friends called at the Sherrin Funeral
Home, 873 Kingston Road, Toronto
(West of Victoria Park Avenue) 2-4
and 7-9 p.m. Monday. Service was held
at Kingston Road United Church, 975
Kingston Road, Toronto, Tuesday at 11
a.m. Followed by visitation at the T.
Stephenson Funeral Home, Ailsa Craig,
Ontario, 7-9 p.m. Tuesday. Service at
Stephenson Funeral Home Wednesday
at 1 p.m. Interment St. Mary's Ceme-
tery, Brinsley. In lieu of flowers dona-
tions to Kingston Road United Church
or Canadian Cancer Society. 49
BLYDE - In loving memory of a won
derful wife, mother and grandmother
Irene who passed away two years ago,
December 9, 1987.
December has come again with sad re-
The month the day we will never for-
You left us quietly,
low thoughts unknown, -- -
But you left us with memories,
Wc proud to own.
We will always remember the way you
The way you spoke and smiled,
The little things you said and did,
Arc with us all the time.
Always loved and remembered by
husband George and family. 49
COTTLE - In loving memory of a dear
mother and grandmother Nora Cottle
who passed away December 13, 1979.
Beautiful memories arc woven in gold
They are the pictures we tenderly love
and hold
Deep in our hearts her memory is kept
To love and to cherish and to never for-
Lovingly remembered by daughter
Lois and husband Art and grandchil-
dren. 49*
MERNER - In loving memory of a
dear wife, mother and grandmother
Ethel who passed away December 8,
Silent memories keep you near,
As time unfolds another year,
No longer in our lives to share,
But in our hearts you're always there.
Lovingly remembered by husband Le-
onard and family. 49c
PENNER - In loving memory of a dear
wife, mother and grandmother Edna
Mae who passed away December 4,
Remembrance is a golden chain
Death tried to break, but all in vain.
To have, to love and then to part
Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart
Sadly missed by husband Charles and
family. 49c
THEANDER - In loving memory of
our mother Nora O'Rourke Theander
who passed away December 12, 1986.
There are no words that can be spoken,
For the empty spaces you've left be-
But love will always fill our hearts and
Sadly missed by family Gerald, Earl
and Virginia. 49c
TURKEY BINGO at the Township of
Stanley Community Complex, Varna,
on Wednesday, December 13, 1989 at
8:00 p.m. 15 regular games,3 share the
wealth. Everyone Welcome. 49,50c
hill. Moonlight Madness, Friday, De-
cember 8 stores will be open late for
your shopping pleasure. 49c
BAZAAR, Saturday, December 9, 9
a.m. - 3 p.m., Ailsa Craig Townhall.
"We have something for everyone".
Stratford Boychoir on Saturday, De-
cember 9, 1989 at Strafford City Hall
Auditorium. There are two performanc-
es. 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Bake table
and refreshments at each concert. Ad-
mission S5.00 per person/$12.00 per
family. 49c
SINGLES DANCE, White Carnation
Hall, Holmesville, December 9, Solid
Ivory. 49c
South Huron Hospital Auxiliary will be
held on Tuesday, December 12 at 2
p.m. in the Hospital. Board Room. The
staff of the hospital will entertain. 49c
MAGIC will amaze and entertain at
the Kirkton Branch Library on Satur-
day, December 16 at 11:30 a.m. Free
admission. Sponsored by the Huron
County Library. 49c
CRAFT FESTIVAL at the Progress
Building, Western Fairgrounds, Lon-
don. Thursday, December 7, 1 p.m. -10
p.m., Friday, December 8, 11 a.m. - 10
p.m. Saturday, December 9, 11 a.m.-10
p.m. Sunday, December 10, 11 h.m. - 6
p.m. Admission $2. London's largest
craft show and sale! Over 150 crafts-
people this year. Organized by Olga
at Kirkton Woodham
Community Centre
Sat., Dec. 16
Music by Beechwood
Proceeds for hall
Party &
Santa Claus
Community Centre
Sat.', Dec. 9
2 p.m.
Page 27
What a
of Christmas
Wed., Dec. 13, 7:30 p.m.
Large Gym, S.H.D.H.S.
Admission: Free with a
canned good for the food bank.
Bring the family for an evening
of Christmas Cheer!
Happy Birthday, Cupcake
Road House
Formerly Exeter Tavern
Entertainment this
Thurs., Fri., & Sat,
"The Shivers"
Saturday Matinee
Restaurant Now Open till
8 p..m. Thurs. and Fri.
Exeter Lions Youth Centre
Coming Events
Friday, Dec. 8
4:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Foot long for supper
Sunday, Dec. 10
4:00 - 5:00
Dancersize with Mandi (Co-ed)
Tuesday, Dec. 12
5:00 - 6;00
Exercise with Eleanor (Co-ed)
Friday, Dec. 15 4:30 - 10:30
Homemade Pizza for Supper
Notice to parents
Volunteers needed for Friday
night supervision - call us!
Gary Bean 235-2231,
rtnnrrm^ r=nrthnit 235-2Zd0,
Jenny Howe 231-3435
wry €gseitez-y-
16 Victoria St., Zurich, Ontario
Open House Hours December 7, 8, 9
10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Special on Saturday afternoon only
"A Mary Kay Christmas"
Come and see what else we have in store
for you