HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-12-06, Page 22Page 22 4 Times -Advocate, December 6, 1989 NOW You Can Place Your Ad Anytime ad v,sdrs are ar rhe olhce 10 a YOU personal ser Our professional ,alk to us Mon row e( IIIol 0m 9'v vice however d ,r y0 nor ytirneconvenient to nswenng rheas call onyway °nur me s 9e and we II hovee your 1 od m' the nell takext issue Oen'r forget number toloe your name address and charge Oulomah( billing Service Technician We have an immediate open- ing in our Exeter tractor repair dept. Are you ambitious and capa- ble of working in a high quali- ty shop, please come in and talk to us. We offer: Competitive wages Benefit package Tool allowance Apply to: Ken Bruxer Manager Tech. Support Exeter 235-1115 After hours: 262-3047 II IP. WITH OUR $8 SUPER AD!! Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPERAD with us. For only one low fee of $8.00 well run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPERAD. You can take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. 11 you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Monday and we'll gladly repeat the ad at no charge. And well keep running the ad as long as you want. (Excluding real estate). Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers At No In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus Extra el t Charg• CALL YS AT 235.1331EIITrVISA classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 28 Yard and Garage Sales 1 lost, Strayed COAT - Lady's black 3/4 length coat mistakenly taken from Pineridge Chalet November 18, 1989. No questions asked if returned 235-1799. (48:49e) 3 Situations Wanted TREE TRIMMING and or removing, prompt service, reasonable rates. ('hone evenings 527-1939. (46-49c) WILLING TO BABYSIT in my home beginning January 1990. Weekdays only. Phone 235-0529 after 4:30. (49:50c) BABYSITTER AVAILABLE in Exeter, in my home. Starting in early 1990 on William Street, near crosswalk (on Main). Supervised play, with or without meals. Rate: S 1 00/week. Phone 235-2821. (49*) 4 Help Wanted THREE PEOPLE to help with mink pelting. No experience necessary. Call in evenings between 5 and 8 p.m. 229-8885. (47-49c) DRIVER with class DZ licence. Apply in person to Grand Bend Produce Co. Hwy. 21 at Walker Rd, 8 miles south of Grand Bend, 243-2435. (47-49c) IMMEDIATE OPENINGS in all areas of telephone, clerical, mailing, addressing and general duties. All training provided.. No need to leave present job. No experience needed. Choose hours, work from home or our office. Housewives and students welcome. For application write Research and Developmeng, S84-738 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, B.C. V7M 11-13. 1 I Parkhill Group Home Inc. Exeter Residence is now accepting applica- tions for part time and relief residential counsellors. Send resume to ,,vorsiar-Residixatist. Manager Box 437, Exeter, NOM 1S6 by Dec. 15/89 DRYWALL FINISHERS Experienced taper and drywall finishers required for Manufacturing Housing firm. Applicant must have a complete knowledge of all drywall tools including, automatic taper for high speed production. We offer a competitive wage and benefit package. Please reply in writing providing full particulars of previous experience to: General Manufactured Housing 175 Oxford St. West Hensel!, Ontario NOM 1 XO Attention: Assistant General Manager 4 Help Wanted MARKEL 1-800-265-7173 Class AZ -DZ Professional Transport Driver Training. Careers? Financing? Tax Deductible? We've got the answers. Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265-7173. MALE OR FEMALE ROCK SINGER wanted. Phone 524-5847 or 482-3179. (49:50c) LICENCED SHEET METAL WORKERS or _.4th or 5th term apprentices. Call days JDJS Mechanical Ltd. 190 Thames Rd. East Exeter 235-1911 or evenings 235-0185. (49tfn) BABYSITTER in Hensall for 4 month old starting January. Please call 262-3504. (49:50c) EXPERIENCED TRIMMERS. Call Exeter Produce 235-0141. (49:50c) TURNIP 4 Help Wanted FREE: 1990 guide to study at home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigiuos careers: accounting, air conditioning, bookkeeping, business, cosmetology, electronics, legal/medical secretary, psychology, travel. Granton (5A) 263 -Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. EARN YOUR CERTIFICATE! Learn Income Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping by correspondence. For free brochures, no obligation, contact U & R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. Also enquire about exclusive franchise territories now available. AREA DISTRIBUTOR NEEDED to service scratch and win tickets. Unlimited earning potential 5100,000 no selling required, part and full time business investment from $15,650. Call for brochure (519) 432-2302, ext. 106. Fax (416) 873-0755. Financing available. Quebec sold out. All other areas available. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: February 10-17/90. For information contact: Southwestem Ontario School of Auctionering. RR5 Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. AROUND THE WORLD: Experience the world with I.A.E.A. Farm in either Europe and Australia or United Kingdom and New Zealand. Relaxing Stp overs in Hawaii and Singapore. If you are between 19-28 and looking for a Fantastic Challenge contact: I.A.E.A., 206, 1501-17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. LASER TECHNOLOGY, earn unlimited income, full or part time. Initial investment from 58,500. Call for details today (416) 850-2881. , INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. Get a long term guaranteed rate of return on a 50% first mortgage. Please respond to Box #26P. Confidentiality guaranteed. (48:49*) MAKE 5500 a day + in your own Laser business. Only 56,795. Lightlaser Technology Inc. 1-800-661-5786. 6 Services RIPTIDE MUSIC SERVICES, D.J. service for any occasion. P.A. and sound systems. For office or establishment. Phone 235-1854. (18tfn) 6 Services WOODHAM MEAT MARKET - wholesale and custom killing. $8.00 to kill, 18¢ a lb. cutting and wrapping. Phone 229-8966. (3tfn) SOUTH HURON AGRI SYSTEMS PATZ Feeding and Manure Handling Equipment FARM EZE Belt conveyors and feeders MULTI CHOICE FEEDERS BSM Stabling - Hog and Dairy BERG Stable Cleaners, Mixers, Meter Mills FLEX AUGERS RR2 Crediton 234-6403 7 Livestock LARGE SELECTION, good quality, aggressive working boars York, Land, Duroc, Hamp, Spot Hamp x Duroc, York x Hamp, Duroc x Spot. Also bred and open gilts. ROP tested. Reasonably priced, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. Richard Stroebel,' RR2 Granton, (519) 225-2587 or 284-2628. (3tfn) PUREBRED YORKSHIRE, and Hampshire, Duroc Boars and gilts, ROP tested, Government Health Inspected. Ted Schendera 225-2734 (21 tfn) !!ATTENTION FARMERS!! Muray Grinsven Stock Removal is now paying 530 to 575 for freshly dead or disabled animals weighing over 500 lbs. Sows, pigs and calves will be picked up Free of Charge. 7 days a week. Prompt service 245-0838 or 1-800-461-4501. We are looking forward to serving you best. Lic. #1171-C-89.(45tfn) 25 BEEF CALVES 400-500 lbs., good cross bred calves. Phone 263-5342. (49:50c) 8 Farm Machinery COMBINE 300 Massey Ferguson, cab, bean and grain equipment, quick attach, excellent condition; 9'x3' vegetable washer/dryer unit; Holland 2 row transplanter; 2 h.p. refrigeration unit; turnip harvester; tractor 504 Farmall. Phone 235-2366 after 6 p.m. 150 BUSHEL HOPPER WAGON on 6 ton chassis, field ready, 5575.00. Call 461-0709 after 5 p.m., anytime on weekends. ALLIS • CHALMERS 36" snow thrower with clutch for a 700 or 900 series lawn tractor. 5500.00. Ask for Gold 229-6700 or 229-6191 after 5. 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles BONAIR R.V.s, campers, trailers, hardtop, tent, fifth -wheel, Travel, Park -Models, accessories. New and used. End of season prices. Large selection. Fibreline fiberglass and aluminum truck caps. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. 1-519-343-2122. 1978 YAMAHA DT250. Very quick and reliable. Phone after 4 p.m. 5800 or best offer. Call 228-6295. Ask for Steve. (48:49*) 1981 POLARIS TXL 340. Good condition. S1500 firm. Ca11 237-3723. (48:49e1 HURON COUNTY HOME CARE PROGRAM Requires Home Care Co-ordinator QUALIFICATIONS: A recognized graduate of a Health Care discipline at Univer- sity level or equivalent combination of experience and education such as nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy or a Masters in Social Work. RESPONSIBILITIES: Working within a multi disciplinary environment the respon- sibilities will include assessing patient/client eligibility, co- ordinating the delivery of health care services and any necessary follow up. Apply in writing by December 15, 1989 to: Betty Cardno Director Huron County Home Care Program P.O. Box 458, CLINTON, Ontario NOM 1L0 11 Cars, Trucks 1986 BUICK SKYLARK V6 fuel injected. AM/FM cassette deckair, tilt, p.s., p.b., power trunk, excellent condition - 75,000 kms. Certified $8,995.00. Call 235-1304 after 6 p.m. 1985 CHEVETTE 4 door, automatic transmission bucket seats, low mileage, certified, excellent condition. Call 229-8952. 1989 PONTIAC GRAND AM, 4 door, air conditioning, auto, stereo, aluminum wheels, low mileage. Phone days 284-2381. 1979 HEAVY 1/2 ton Chev Pickup, automatic. 52,000. Phone 284-3400. 1978 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 2 door hardtop licenced and certified, asking $1195.; 1963 Meteor running condition, asking $795. Phone 238-8109 after 6:00 p.m. (48:49c) 1982 CAMARO V-6, 4 speed, lady driven 52800. Certified. Scrap 1971 Ford 1 ton with hoist $500. Phone 234-6407. (48:49c) 1986 PLYMOUTH, 4 door, black Caravelle, 66,000 kms. A-1, certified, fuel injection, 2.5 motor. 55900. Phone 228-6812.(48tfn) LEAVING COUNTRY - 1985 Olds Cutlass Cierra Brougham, 2 tone grey 3.8 litre, overdrive, automatic, air, power brakes windows, locks, tilt, cruise, heavy duty suspension, sunroof, new tires, 130,000 kms. $7350. Phone evenings 1-666-0559. 1980 BUICK RIVIERA 150,000 kms., fresh paint, all new tires, new brakes. Sell certified. 53500.00. Phone 227-4502. (48:49c - SAFETY INSPECTION only 525.00. Most cars and pickups. Advanced Auto Wreckers 234-6790. (48tfn) 1974 ALOUETTE; one owner, low mileage, rebuilt motor; 1974 Ski -Doo Olympic; 1979 Polaris Apollo 340; 1986 Polaris Star, one owner, less than 1000 km. Phone after 7 p.m. 229-8838. 1975 GMC SIERRA 1/2 ton, p.s., p.b., V8 automatic and fibreglass topper, 89,000 original miles, well cared for truck, 51100 certified or best offer, as is. Phone 349-2858. EXCELLENT SECOND CAR - all winterized, 1981 Honda Civic. Phone 262-2343. (49c) 1974 GMC 3/4 ton pickup. 5300 as is. Call after 6 p.m. 238-5763. (49:50c) 1984 VOLVO DL WAGON, standard, would make an excellent second car, excellent condition, 160,000 kms. $6,500 or make an offer. 461-1669 call preferably evenings. FULL SIZED Ford Pickup truck topper. Best offer. Phone 284-3795 days or 284.3027 evenings. 1986 BUICK SKYLARK, V6, fuel in- jected, AM/FM cassette deck, air, tilt, p.s., p.b., ••wer trunk, excellent condi- tion - 75, t f I kms. Certified $8,995.00. Call 235-1304 after 6 p.m. 12 Pets TROPICAL BIRDS for Christmas for sale. Various colours, Cockatiels, Zebra finshes, Budgies, Love Birds, 262-2200 Hensall after 6 p.m. (48:49c) 14 Appliances, Television LIKE NEW - Kirby vacuum cleaner, all attachments included. Call after 5 p.m. 565-2728. (25tfx) KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER 2 years old with all attachments plus shampooer and polisher. New $1700. Will sacrifice $485. Phone Centralia 228-6531. ELECTROLUX VACUUMS - sales on selected models. Sales and service or parts and repairs/ loaners available. Call your experienced area dealer 228-6531.(47-49*) USED ELECTROLUX VACUUM in very good condition with all attachments 5165. Call .Centralia 228-6531. 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934, 227-4562 or 345-2536. (48tfn) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! 4 bedroom, 3 bath Spanish Villa. Elegantly furnished and completely stocked. Spectacular view! Write to Islay Investments at 800 Garden Street, Suite K, Santa Barbara, California USA 93101 for brochure and rate schedule. CLARE BURT TOURS offers agricultural tour to Arizona, California and Laughlin, Nevada. A brads' new tour destination February 18 to 25. Call (416) 451-4944. Toll fret 1-800-268-3090. RESPONSIBLE, caring financially secure gentleman, all ages. Seek correspondence with serious ladies. Age, race, status no factor. Cal 4 i¢o, 5717-i2ff28arlyfhin ' days. HURON ADDICTION ASSESSMENT AND REFERRAL CENTRE requires a CASE MANAOENAUSESSMENT COUNSELLOR Starting Date: January 8, 1990 Qualifications: Minimum education requirements, B.S.W. or equivalent health care degree & appropriate counselling experience. Responsibilities: To provide case management services to Huron Coun- ty clients, maintenance of confidential client records, establishment of in- teragency communications & participa- tion in public education programs in the County. Apply In writing to: Huron Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre P.O. Box 478 Clinton, Ont. ����NOM 1L0 Laing Date: December 15, 1989 16 For Sole BUILDING SPECIALS GALOREI Quonset 40x50 55,699; model "S" 25x30 53,359. Straightwall woodsteel 30x45 55,949 with erhdwalls. Take delivery before March 31/90. Certain areas may require heavier gauge at higher cost. Factory prices. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). SEVEN NEW TONING TABLES. 522,000 includes freight and training. 5 yr. guarantee. Futrex 5000 fitness computer $1,500. Complete body wrap kit 51,250. Tone "0" Matic Canada Ltd. 1-800-667-5825. FUTURE STEEL Year end clearance on all steel buildings, immediate or Spring delivery. Large inventory. Call toll free: 1-800-668-8653. BEST BUILDING BUYS. Save thousands - Winter Works Special. Help keep factory busy during winter months. Avoid upcoming . price increase. Limited Steel. Paragon 24 hours. 1-800-263-8499. THE GREENHOUSE AND HYDROPONICS INC., 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont., N5W 5W7, (519) 452-3919. Complete Hydroponic Systems. We do mail orders. Send S2.00 for catalogue. 52.00 rebate on your first purchase. MATERNITY CLOTHES, size 12-13, newborn clothing and buggy. Call 284-3159: VIRGIN WOOL CAR COAT, fuschia colour, like new size 10-12. Phone 284-1650. FRONT END COVER CAR BRA made of breathable vinyl for 1984 to 1986 Pontiac 2000 Sunbird (except GT). Brand new. Phone 235-0299 after six. (43tfn) APPLES Northern Spys and Other Varieties Corner of Crediton Sideroad and No. 4 hwy. Frank Sawyer - Saturdays YARNS - Discount Prices, Patons, Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. (33tfn) FIREWOOD - delivered by cord or by larger truck loads. Phone 236-4457 or 235-1678.(11tfn) FIREWOOD - dry - hardwood, free kindling, delivered. Phone Leslie Cudmore235-1267. (45-50*) FIREWOOD, seasoned, picked up, $35.00 a face cord or $1.10 cu. ft. Call Walter Dunbar 393-5388 in St. Paula area. FIREWOOD split mixed seasoned hardwood, sold bythe standard cord. (128 cu. ft.) $165 each. Free kindling and delivery included. Phone 238-2943. (34tfn) BOOTS - lady's blue suede leather, size 7, never been used, 560; lady's size 11 long brown corduroy winter coat, 530; lady's black suede coat, size small, never been used 5200. Call days 284-1206. BODY SHOP SUPPLIES We stock • 6" P.S.A. sand paper • Grinding discs and file paper • and much more HUREX TOOL & RENTAL 235-0918 DRYER AND WASHER, heavy duty, er excellent, washer needs repair) 5350.00; metal detector and accessories, 5250.00; set of World Book Encyclopedia includes Childcraft books, Childcraft annuals, science year and wooden stand. 5200; boy's dark tan suit W30-31", 510; young man's blue pin stripe suit, 32-34' W., 515.00. Call 284-1912. MUSIC COMPUTER ORGAN, Gulbransen, top of the line. Chrome retail display case, excellent condition; steel shelving display unit; ski equipment, downhill and cross country, various sizes; McBee one write accounting system binders, sheets, filers, like new, half price; • • •1 table and accessories. Phone 235-1 • FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE PHONE 262-2020 BAILEY'S OF HENSALL LTD. MASSAGE THERAPY Kimberley D. Rathwch R.M.I. MASSAGE THERAPIST OFFICE: ISA RATTENBURY ` ' 1 \ST CLINTON Phont for •n app, ,t 482-50o.) Fri7i.AR RAID i SVS' i e:m: l' Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products • DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE - AL -MAR GRAIN SYSTEMS LTD. Phone: 244 Welleqlonw W I -MO Due (MO) 2161010 Boar, ante scs., so R•• (51114 725.20q4 • CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $7.25 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSER- TIONS $6.25 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or pric- es count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $8.00. 150 per word there- after. S IBSEOUENT INSER- T, DNS - No copy changes,20 words $4.00, 150 per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $8.00. 20 words $4.00, 150 thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $8.00, each additional word 150. IN MEMORIAMS - $9.00 plus 25C per lino of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $8.00, each additional word 150. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $8.00, additional words 100 each. • Deadline: for classified ads Is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. l � VISA I Phone 235-1331 Service Technician We have an immediate open- ing in our Exeter tractor repair dept. Are you ambitious and capa- ble of working in a high quali- ty shop, please come in and talk to us. We offer: Competitive wages Benefit package Tool allowance Apply to: Ken Bruxer Manager Tech. Support Exeter 235-1115 After hours: 262-3047 II IP. WITH OUR $8 SUPER AD!! Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPERAD with us. For only one low fee of $8.00 well run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPERAD. You can take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. 11 you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Monday and we'll gladly repeat the ad at no charge. And well keep running the ad as long as you want. (Excluding real estate). Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers At No In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus Extra el t Charg• CALL YS AT 235.1331EIITrVISA classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 28 Yard and Garage Sales 1 lost, Strayed COAT - Lady's black 3/4 length coat mistakenly taken from Pineridge Chalet November 18, 1989. No questions asked if returned 235-1799. (48:49e) 3 Situations Wanted TREE TRIMMING and or removing, prompt service, reasonable rates. ('hone evenings 527-1939. (46-49c) WILLING TO BABYSIT in my home beginning January 1990. Weekdays only. Phone 235-0529 after 4:30. (49:50c) BABYSITTER AVAILABLE in Exeter, in my home. Starting in early 1990 on William Street, near crosswalk (on Main). Supervised play, with or without meals. Rate: S 1 00/week. Phone 235-2821. (49*) 4 Help Wanted THREE PEOPLE to help with mink pelting. No experience necessary. Call in evenings between 5 and 8 p.m. 229-8885. (47-49c) DRIVER with class DZ licence. Apply in person to Grand Bend Produce Co. Hwy. 21 at Walker Rd, 8 miles south of Grand Bend, 243-2435. (47-49c) IMMEDIATE OPENINGS in all areas of telephone, clerical, mailing, addressing and general duties. All training provided.. No need to leave present job. No experience needed. Choose hours, work from home or our office. Housewives and students welcome. For application write Research and Developmeng, S84-738 Marine Drive, North Vancouver, B.C. V7M 11-13. 1 I Parkhill Group Home Inc. Exeter Residence is now accepting applica- tions for part time and relief residential counsellors. Send resume to ,,vorsiar-Residixatist. Manager Box 437, Exeter, NOM 1S6 by Dec. 15/89 DRYWALL FINISHERS Experienced taper and drywall finishers required for Manufacturing Housing firm. Applicant must have a complete knowledge of all drywall tools including, automatic taper for high speed production. We offer a competitive wage and benefit package. Please reply in writing providing full particulars of previous experience to: General Manufactured Housing 175 Oxford St. West Hensel!, Ontario NOM 1 XO Attention: Assistant General Manager 4 Help Wanted MARKEL 1-800-265-7173 Class AZ -DZ Professional Transport Driver Training. Careers? Financing? Tax Deductible? We've got the answers. Markel Institute of Professional Transport Training. Guelph 1-800-265-7173. MALE OR FEMALE ROCK SINGER wanted. Phone 524-5847 or 482-3179. (49:50c) LICENCED SHEET METAL WORKERS or _.4th or 5th term apprentices. Call days JDJS Mechanical Ltd. 190 Thames Rd. East Exeter 235-1911 or evenings 235-0185. (49tfn) BABYSITTER in Hensall for 4 month old starting January. Please call 262-3504. (49:50c) EXPERIENCED TRIMMERS. Call Exeter Produce 235-0141. (49:50c) TURNIP 4 Help Wanted FREE: 1990 guide to study at home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigiuos careers: accounting, air conditioning, bookkeeping, business, cosmetology, electronics, legal/medical secretary, psychology, travel. Granton (5A) 263 -Adelaide W, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. EARN YOUR CERTIFICATE! Learn Income Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping by correspondence. For free brochures, no obligation, contact U & R Tax Services, 205-1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. Also enquire about exclusive franchise territories now available. AREA DISTRIBUTOR NEEDED to service scratch and win tickets. Unlimited earning potential 5100,000 no selling required, part and full time business investment from $15,650. Call for brochure (519) 432-2302, ext. 106. Fax (416) 873-0755. Financing available. Quebec sold out. All other areas available. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering. Next class: February 10-17/90. For information contact: Southwestem Ontario School of Auctionering. RR5 Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. AROUND THE WORLD: Experience the world with I.A.E.A. Farm in either Europe and Australia or United Kingdom and New Zealand. Relaxing Stp overs in Hawaii and Singapore. If you are between 19-28 and looking for a Fantastic Challenge contact: I.A.E.A., 206, 1501-17 Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. LASER TECHNOLOGY, earn unlimited income, full or part time. Initial investment from 58,500. Call for details today (416) 850-2881. , INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY. Get a long term guaranteed rate of return on a 50% first mortgage. Please respond to Box #26P. Confidentiality guaranteed. (48:49*) MAKE 5500 a day + in your own Laser business. Only 56,795. Lightlaser Technology Inc. 1-800-661-5786. 6 Services RIPTIDE MUSIC SERVICES, D.J. service for any occasion. P.A. and sound systems. For office or establishment. Phone 235-1854. (18tfn) 6 Services WOODHAM MEAT MARKET - wholesale and custom killing. $8.00 to kill, 18¢ a lb. cutting and wrapping. Phone 229-8966. (3tfn) SOUTH HURON AGRI SYSTEMS PATZ Feeding and Manure Handling Equipment FARM EZE Belt conveyors and feeders MULTI CHOICE FEEDERS BSM Stabling - Hog and Dairy BERG Stable Cleaners, Mixers, Meter Mills FLEX AUGERS RR2 Crediton 234-6403 7 Livestock LARGE SELECTION, good quality, aggressive working boars York, Land, Duroc, Hamp, Spot Hamp x Duroc, York x Hamp, Duroc x Spot. Also bred and open gilts. ROP tested. Reasonably priced, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. Richard Stroebel,' RR2 Granton, (519) 225-2587 or 284-2628. (3tfn) PUREBRED YORKSHIRE, and Hampshire, Duroc Boars and gilts, ROP tested, Government Health Inspected. Ted Schendera 225-2734 (21 tfn) !!ATTENTION FARMERS!! Muray Grinsven Stock Removal is now paying 530 to 575 for freshly dead or disabled animals weighing over 500 lbs. Sows, pigs and calves will be picked up Free of Charge. 7 days a week. Prompt service 245-0838 or 1-800-461-4501. We are looking forward to serving you best. Lic. #1171-C-89.(45tfn) 25 BEEF CALVES 400-500 lbs., good cross bred calves. Phone 263-5342. (49:50c) 8 Farm Machinery COMBINE 300 Massey Ferguson, cab, bean and grain equipment, quick attach, excellent condition; 9'x3' vegetable washer/dryer unit; Holland 2 row transplanter; 2 h.p. refrigeration unit; turnip harvester; tractor 504 Farmall. Phone 235-2366 after 6 p.m. 150 BUSHEL HOPPER WAGON on 6 ton chassis, field ready, 5575.00. Call 461-0709 after 5 p.m., anytime on weekends. ALLIS • CHALMERS 36" snow thrower with clutch for a 700 or 900 series lawn tractor. 5500.00. Ask for Gold 229-6700 or 229-6191 after 5. 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles BONAIR R.V.s, campers, trailers, hardtop, tent, fifth -wheel, Travel, Park -Models, accessories. New and used. End of season prices. Large selection. Fibreline fiberglass and aluminum truck caps. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. 1-519-343-2122. 1978 YAMAHA DT250. Very quick and reliable. Phone after 4 p.m. 5800 or best offer. Call 228-6295. Ask for Steve. (48:49*) 1981 POLARIS TXL 340. Good condition. S1500 firm. Ca11 237-3723. (48:49e1 HURON COUNTY HOME CARE PROGRAM Requires Home Care Co-ordinator QUALIFICATIONS: A recognized graduate of a Health Care discipline at Univer- sity level or equivalent combination of experience and education such as nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy or a Masters in Social Work. RESPONSIBILITIES: Working within a multi disciplinary environment the respon- sibilities will include assessing patient/client eligibility, co- ordinating the delivery of health care services and any necessary follow up. Apply in writing by December 15, 1989 to: Betty Cardno Director Huron County Home Care Program P.O. Box 458, CLINTON, Ontario NOM 1L0 11 Cars, Trucks 1986 BUICK SKYLARK V6 fuel injected. AM/FM cassette deckair, tilt, p.s., p.b., power trunk, excellent condition - 75,000 kms. Certified $8,995.00. Call 235-1304 after 6 p.m. 1985 CHEVETTE 4 door, automatic transmission bucket seats, low mileage, certified, excellent condition. Call 229-8952. 1989 PONTIAC GRAND AM, 4 door, air conditioning, auto, stereo, aluminum wheels, low mileage. Phone days 284-2381. 1979 HEAVY 1/2 ton Chev Pickup, automatic. 52,000. Phone 284-3400. 1978 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 2 door hardtop licenced and certified, asking $1195.; 1963 Meteor running condition, asking $795. Phone 238-8109 after 6:00 p.m. (48:49c) 1982 CAMARO V-6, 4 speed, lady driven 52800. Certified. Scrap 1971 Ford 1 ton with hoist $500. Phone 234-6407. (48:49c) 1986 PLYMOUTH, 4 door, black Caravelle, 66,000 kms. A-1, certified, fuel injection, 2.5 motor. 55900. Phone 228-6812.(48tfn) LEAVING COUNTRY - 1985 Olds Cutlass Cierra Brougham, 2 tone grey 3.8 litre, overdrive, automatic, air, power brakes windows, locks, tilt, cruise, heavy duty suspension, sunroof, new tires, 130,000 kms. $7350. Phone evenings 1-666-0559. 1980 BUICK RIVIERA 150,000 kms., fresh paint, all new tires, new brakes. Sell certified. 53500.00. Phone 227-4502. (48:49c - SAFETY INSPECTION only 525.00. Most cars and pickups. Advanced Auto Wreckers 234-6790. (48tfn) 1974 ALOUETTE; one owner, low mileage, rebuilt motor; 1974 Ski -Doo Olympic; 1979 Polaris Apollo 340; 1986 Polaris Star, one owner, less than 1000 km. Phone after 7 p.m. 229-8838. 1975 GMC SIERRA 1/2 ton, p.s., p.b., V8 automatic and fibreglass topper, 89,000 original miles, well cared for truck, 51100 certified or best offer, as is. Phone 349-2858. EXCELLENT SECOND CAR - all winterized, 1981 Honda Civic. Phone 262-2343. (49c) 1974 GMC 3/4 ton pickup. 5300 as is. Call after 6 p.m. 238-5763. (49:50c) 1984 VOLVO DL WAGON, standard, would make an excellent second car, excellent condition, 160,000 kms. $6,500 or make an offer. 461-1669 call preferably evenings. FULL SIZED Ford Pickup truck topper. Best offer. Phone 284-3795 days or 284.3027 evenings. 1986 BUICK SKYLARK, V6, fuel in- jected, AM/FM cassette deck, air, tilt, p.s., p.b., ••wer trunk, excellent condi- tion - 75, t f I kms. Certified $8,995.00. Call 235-1304 after 6 p.m. 12 Pets TROPICAL BIRDS for Christmas for sale. Various colours, Cockatiels, Zebra finshes, Budgies, Love Birds, 262-2200 Hensall after 6 p.m. (48:49c) 14 Appliances, Television LIKE NEW - Kirby vacuum cleaner, all attachments included. Call after 5 p.m. 565-2728. (25tfx) KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER 2 years old with all attachments plus shampooer and polisher. New $1700. Will sacrifice $485. Phone Centralia 228-6531. ELECTROLUX VACUUMS - sales on selected models. Sales and service or parts and repairs/ loaners available. Call your experienced area dealer 228-6531.(47-49*) USED ELECTROLUX VACUUM in very good condition with all attachments 5165. Call .Centralia 228-6531. 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934, 227-4562 or 345-2536. (48tfn) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! 4 bedroom, 3 bath Spanish Villa. Elegantly furnished and completely stocked. Spectacular view! Write to Islay Investments at 800 Garden Street, Suite K, Santa Barbara, California USA 93101 for brochure and rate schedule. CLARE BURT TOURS offers agricultural tour to Arizona, California and Laughlin, Nevada. A brads' new tour destination February 18 to 25. Call (416) 451-4944. Toll fret 1-800-268-3090. RESPONSIBLE, caring financially secure gentleman, all ages. Seek correspondence with serious ladies. Age, race, status no factor. Cal 4 i¢o, 5717-i2ff28arlyfhin ' days. HURON ADDICTION ASSESSMENT AND REFERRAL CENTRE requires a CASE MANAOENAUSESSMENT COUNSELLOR Starting Date: January 8, 1990 Qualifications: Minimum education requirements, B.S.W. or equivalent health care degree & appropriate counselling experience. Responsibilities: To provide case management services to Huron Coun- ty clients, maintenance of confidential client records, establishment of in- teragency communications & participa- tion in public education programs in the County. Apply In writing to: Huron Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre P.O. Box 478 Clinton, Ont. ����NOM 1L0 Laing Date: December 15, 1989 16 For Sole BUILDING SPECIALS GALOREI Quonset 40x50 55,699; model "S" 25x30 53,359. Straightwall woodsteel 30x45 55,949 with erhdwalls. Take delivery before March 31/90. Certain areas may require heavier gauge at higher cost. Factory prices. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-668-5422 (24 hours). SEVEN NEW TONING TABLES. 522,000 includes freight and training. 5 yr. guarantee. Futrex 5000 fitness computer $1,500. Complete body wrap kit 51,250. Tone "0" Matic Canada Ltd. 1-800-667-5825. FUTURE STEEL Year end clearance on all steel buildings, immediate or Spring delivery. Large inventory. Call toll free: 1-800-668-8653. BEST BUILDING BUYS. Save thousands - Winter Works Special. Help keep factory busy during winter months. Avoid upcoming . price increase. Limited Steel. Paragon 24 hours. 1-800-263-8499. THE GREENHOUSE AND HYDROPONICS INC., 63 Clarke Sideroad, London, Ont., N5W 5W7, (519) 452-3919. Complete Hydroponic Systems. We do mail orders. Send S2.00 for catalogue. 52.00 rebate on your first purchase. MATERNITY CLOTHES, size 12-13, newborn clothing and buggy. Call 284-3159: VIRGIN WOOL CAR COAT, fuschia colour, like new size 10-12. Phone 284-1650. FRONT END COVER CAR BRA made of breathable vinyl for 1984 to 1986 Pontiac 2000 Sunbird (except GT). Brand new. Phone 235-0299 after six. (43tfn) APPLES Northern Spys and Other Varieties Corner of Crediton Sideroad and No. 4 hwy. Frank Sawyer - Saturdays YARNS - Discount Prices, Patons, Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. (33tfn) FIREWOOD - delivered by cord or by larger truck loads. Phone 236-4457 or 235-1678.(11tfn) FIREWOOD - dry - hardwood, free kindling, delivered. Phone Leslie Cudmore235-1267. (45-50*) FIREWOOD, seasoned, picked up, $35.00 a face cord or $1.10 cu. ft. Call Walter Dunbar 393-5388 in St. Paula area. FIREWOOD split mixed seasoned hardwood, sold bythe standard cord. (128 cu. ft.) $165 each. Free kindling and delivery included. Phone 238-2943. (34tfn) BOOTS - lady's blue suede leather, size 7, never been used, 560; lady's size 11 long brown corduroy winter coat, 530; lady's black suede coat, size small, never been used 5200. Call days 284-1206. BODY SHOP SUPPLIES We stock • 6" P.S.A. sand paper • Grinding discs and file paper • and much more HUREX TOOL & RENTAL 235-0918 DRYER AND WASHER, heavy duty, er excellent, washer needs repair) 5350.00; metal detector and accessories, 5250.00; set of World Book Encyclopedia includes Childcraft books, Childcraft annuals, science year and wooden stand. 5200; boy's dark tan suit W30-31", 510; young man's blue pin stripe suit, 32-34' W., 515.00. Call 284-1912. MUSIC COMPUTER ORGAN, Gulbransen, top of the line. Chrome retail display case, excellent condition; steel shelving display unit; ski equipment, downhill and cross country, various sizes; McBee one write accounting system binders, sheets, filers, like new, half price; • • •1 table and accessories. Phone 235-1 • FOR COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE PHONE 262-2020 BAILEY'S OF HENSALL LTD. MASSAGE THERAPY Kimberley D. Rathwch R.M.I. MASSAGE THERAPIST OFFICE: ISA RATTENBURY ` ' 1 \ST CLINTON Phont for •n app, ,t 482-50o.) Fri7i.AR RAID i SVS' i e:m: l' Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products • DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE - AL -MAR GRAIN SYSTEMS LTD. Phone: 244 Welleqlonw W I -MO Due (MO) 2161010 Boar, ante scs., so R•• (51114 725.20q4 •