HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-12-06, Page 13Oakwood craft - Pat Green, left and Leeann Meloche, of Creations'
by Pat in Dashwood, show the many things they had on display dur-
ing the annual Oakwood Christmas Craft show Sunday. Attendance
was down because of the snowy weather.
Times -Advocate, December 6, 1989 Page 13
Stormy weather affect
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Oakwood Inn
held its annual Christmas Craft
Show on Sunday, despite the wind
and blizzard conditions that persist-
ed most of the day.
About six exhibitors, from the
worst - hit areas around Forest and
Strathmv. didn't come at all, but
nearly 25 braves souls carted in
their treasures and set up for busi-
ness. Those shoppers who came,
in spite of the icy blasts of winter,
found a Christmas Wonderland
awaiting them.
The first exhibit to greet your
eyes, in the lobby was "Keith's
Woodworking and Crafts" by Keith
and Bernice Haynes of Grand Bend.
He carves tiny wooden chairs,
wooden baskets of all sizes, useful
"Country Bath" shelves, towel
holders, all finished and stenciled
with that country charm!
Mary Jo Schotrogg proudly dis-
played a unique collection of hand
painted sweatshirts, accented in
rhinestones or sparkle. Very chic!
Her father contributed some unusu-
al "driftwood corkscrews" for the
wine lover on your list.
Nora Skinner and Mary Coeck
teamed up to create "Cotton Nite",
a collection of lovely lacy white
cotton nightgowns, tucked and
gathered in exquisite detail, perfect
Amnesty International speaker
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Members of
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic
Women's League met on November
20 at the Alhambra Hall, with 27 in
Guest speakers from Amnesty In-
ternational were to come from
Goderich, but stormy weather
caused them to cancel.
Instead, CWL president Roberta
Walker spoke to the ladies about
the toy library for handicapped
children in Huron County. She also
gave an update on the progress of a
Huron County -wide Parent Support
group and information resource li-
This library of books, magazines
and -VCR tapes will eventually be
•located in Clinton, but will be tem-
porarily set up at ARC office in
Dashwood. It will contain a variety
of information about diseases, syn-
dromes,handicaps both mental and
physical, services available and ob-
taining government assistance, all
helpful to parents and support
She . showed a film "Nicholas"
from the TV show "Man Alive",
about a handicapped child who ob-
tains support to live in his commu-
nity in Digby Neck, Nova Scotia,
made by the National Film Board
of Canada.
The • business meeting opened
with prayer. 5250.00 will be sent to
the CWL for catering lunch for the
Alhambra Cash Draw Dance. S88
were collected from rolling pennies
for Esk-Omi Missions in the north,
and it was decided to round off the
amount to S100.00.
New Lunch lists are now availa-
ble, reprinted and up-to-date, so
please take one, now available at
the back of the Church.
Final preparations were made for
the Christmas Ecumenical, to be
held on Tucsday, December 5, at 8.'
p.m., at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Church. Lunch groups H, I, and J
are in charge of refreshments, to be
served at the Alhambra Hall. Invita-
tions were mailed to :Dashwood
United, Greenway United, Grand
Bend United Church of God, and
St. John's Anglican.
President Roberta Walker gave a
report of the Deanery meeting, held
October 25. Father Joe Hardy was
guest speaker for that afternoon,
talking about evangelization within
the Church.
• Toni Vandenburk is in charge of
Christmas Baskets -this year, so if
anyone knows of a name to be put
on the list, please tell Toni.
Plans were made for the special
11 a.m. CWL Mass on Sunday, De-
cember 10. Respect for Life Day
CWL members will serve as reader,
cantor, ushers, and communion dis-
tributors. Pro -Life material will be
available after the 11 a.m. Mass.
The CWL sign has been pur-
chased for the North Grand Bend
service club sign, to be mounted by
public works in the near future. ,It
was decided to make December 9
and 10 the White Gift Sunday col-
lection weekend, for canned goods
and wrapped toys. The Grand Bend
Lioness will collect all the dona-
tions, to be used in the Christmas
Baskets for needy families in the
A list of volunteers was made up
for Meals on Wheels, which the
CWL will help with from march 7
to April 11.
About seven Confirmation Gifts
will be needed for presentation to
newly confirmed students, by Fa-
ther Beck. The January meeting
will be cancelled. The next meeting
will be December 11, a Christmas
Party with husbands invited.
Catholic news
The first Candle of the Advent
Wreath was lit at a special ceremo-
ny to celebrate the first Sunday of
the Advent Season, at Inc oegin-
ning of each Mass this past week-
end. Father Paul Beck was cele-
brant for all Masses at Immaculate
Heart of Mary Church. Mr. one
Mrs. John Bannon served as Eu-
charistic Ministers for Communion.
and John Bannon also did the
Scripture readings.
In his sermon, Father Beck spoke
of Advent as a special time of prep-
aration. The custom of using extra
lights and hanging evergreen
boughs to decorate homes predates
Christians used this time of hope
and expectancy to anticipate the ar-
rival of Christ, the Son of God.
The sympathy of the parish is ex-
tended to the family and friends of
Mrs. Edna Noonan, who was bur-
ied from our church last week.
Advent devotions and Benedic-
tion will be held on Wednesday,
December 6, at 7:15 p.m. and Ben-
ediction will be held on Wednes-
day, December 6, at 7:15 p.m. Con-
fessions will be heard before all
weekend Masses and on Saturday
morning from 11 am. to 12 noon.
There will be a special Mass on Fri-
day, December 8 at 10 a.m., in hon-
or of the Immaculate Conception of
Next Sunday, December 10 there
will be a Respect for Life Mass at
11 a.m. Members of the CWL will
be ushering, reading and helping
with communion, so all CWL
members are asked to attend.
All parishioners are asked to
bring canned food or wrapped toys
to church with them next weekend,
December 9 and 10, for. White Gift
Sunday. All items collected will be
picked up by the Grand Bend Lion-
ess and included in Christmas Bas-
kets which are given to the needy
families in our community. Just la-
bel your gift "boy" or "girl", with
the appropriate age, and please be
generous - poverty is a heavy cross
to bear, especially at Christmas.
tor that little angel on Christmas
morning! All three of these ladies
come from Grand Bend or Dash-
wood if you want to order some-
thing and were unable to come on
Julia Twynstra, of Grand Bend,
specializes in stuffed animals, like
country geese, teddy bears, and lacy
quilted cushions. But her most un-
usual item is a pink and blue pat-
terned hobby horse, whose legs are
jointed so that he can rock back
and forth, and still be soft and cud-
dly. Really sweet.
Mayda Simonse, Grand Bend has
a sweater boutique "Knit One, Purl
fie" She starts from scratch with
s1Ieeps wool, which she spins,
weaves and dyes herself, then hand
knits into unusual designs. Several
of her cardigans feature zipper
openings, the vests are lacy and
beribboned, and some sweaters
copy Indian patterns. Her work is
top quality.
Yvonne Falsetti of Unique
Trends, Smokey Hollow Shop and
Country Treasures" all had displays
of their merchandise, well known
to local treasure seekers.
Pat Green of Dashwood works
on "Creations" from her home, a
line of all occasions custom-made
floral creations, as dried flower ar-
rangements, baskets, wreaths, and
candle centerpiece.
"Crafts from Elva" McIntyre of
Grand Bend charm all moms and
grandmas into buying a carefully
detailed crib quilt or original design
sweat shirt for a
The wea
hibitors, in allo
Oakwood, but al
craft show
Jai tiny tot.
voured local ex -
g them to get to
kept the crowds
of other years away, so although
the choice and quality dazzled the •
eyes, there were few to buy. Better
luck next year!
Ron's Health Centre
and Jean
/yeti on 's
■ y non's
• sari
"ISw odwar p:: d' hips
gl sp.YpA.M rd
Ori a�� • OFFER EXPIRES: Doc. 15/89. • 190/) oh S
�e's "P.S." Don't Forget sa,/
All Timex $7.00 off each watch
Ro .
hen a%
15 Store Price Smasher....
Our Entire Selection of
* No gimmicks * No limits * All stock
DVIhIVVCtFABRICS 373ExeterMain St.,
'Tis the season. So pick up A Christmas Shopper Special at
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
You'll get our twelve -piece Econo Box, medium french,fries and
a 500 ml salad for only $15.39. Serves four lords a -leaping for
$3.85 each. Or our twenty -piece Barrel and two 500 ml salads
for only $21.59. Serves seven for less than 83.10 each.*
'The Christmas Shopper Specials. 'Tis the seasoning.
Get your Bat Man Motion Picture Video only
$24.95 at Kentucky Fried Chicken
'All prices plus tax.
Until December 24
227 Main St., N., Exeter
31 Ontario St., N., Grand Bend
S eci alt 433 Main St., Exeter xeter 236-1661
Dec. 4_ 17 1989
All Boxed
Christmas 257.
Cards Off
Bag of 20s 99,,
6 roll, 59
Christmas Creations'
Gift Wrap Plus 300"
Allan's, 12 pack
Candy Canes 994
Elegante , 600 G. 599.
Tofifee Nougat, 123 gr.ChocolatesChocolates
400 gr: 99
Turtles .
Planters, 750 g. bag
Peanuts 299
Simplicite 6 bars 850 gr. 359
Gift Soaps
Maybelline 69
Nail Polish
Maybelline Great Lash I 99p
All Maybelline
Nivea Moisture, 300 ml. 49
Foam Bath
Assorted, by "Its Not" 95
Mother Parkers Instant Coffee 10 oz. 399
tor that little angel on Christmas
morning! All three of these ladies
come from Grand Bend or Dash-
wood if you want to order some-
thing and were unable to come on
Julia Twynstra, of Grand Bend,
specializes in stuffed animals, like
country geese, teddy bears, and lacy
quilted cushions. But her most un-
usual item is a pink and blue pat-
terned hobby horse, whose legs are
jointed so that he can rock back
and forth, and still be soft and cud-
dly. Really sweet.
Mayda Simonse, Grand Bend has
a sweater boutique "Knit One, Purl
fie" She starts from scratch with
s1Ieeps wool, which she spins,
weaves and dyes herself, then hand
knits into unusual designs. Several
of her cardigans feature zipper
openings, the vests are lacy and
beribboned, and some sweaters
copy Indian patterns. Her work is
top quality.
Yvonne Falsetti of Unique
Trends, Smokey Hollow Shop and
Country Treasures" all had displays
of their merchandise, well known
to local treasure seekers.
Pat Green of Dashwood works
on "Creations" from her home, a
line of all occasions custom-made
floral creations, as dried flower ar-
rangements, baskets, wreaths, and
candle centerpiece.
"Crafts from Elva" McIntyre of
Grand Bend charm all moms and
grandmas into buying a carefully
detailed crib quilt or original design
sweat shirt for a
The wea
hibitors, in allo
Oakwood, but al
craft show
Jai tiny tot.
voured local ex -
g them to get to
kept the crowds
of other years away, so although
the choice and quality dazzled the •
eyes, there were few to buy. Better
luck next year!
Ron's Health Centre
and Jean
/yeti on 's
■ y non's
• sari
"ISw odwar p:: d' hips
gl sp.YpA.M rd
Ori a�� • OFFER EXPIRES: Doc. 15/89. • 190/) oh S
�e's "P.S." Don't Forget sa,/
All Timex $7.00 off each watch
Ro .
hen a%
15 Store Price Smasher....
Our Entire Selection of
* No gimmicks * No limits * All stock
DVIhIVVCtFABRICS 373ExeterMain St.,
'Tis the season. So pick up A Christmas Shopper Special at
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
You'll get our twelve -piece Econo Box, medium french,fries and
a 500 ml salad for only $15.39. Serves four lords a -leaping for
$3.85 each. Or our twenty -piece Barrel and two 500 ml salads
for only $21.59. Serves seven for less than 83.10 each.*
'The Christmas Shopper Specials. 'Tis the seasoning.
Get your Bat Man Motion Picture Video only
$24.95 at Kentucky Fried Chicken
'All prices plus tax.
Until December 24
227 Main St., N., Exeter
31 Ontario St., N., Grand Bend