HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-12-06, Page 12Tree sale - The South Huron District High School students council are selling Christmas trees again
this year. Aubrey (left) and Christie Bedard give an approving nod to a" tree chosen from the 350 on
sale by Traci Tryon and Mandl Fields.
White Gift Sunday service
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Karen Ether-
ington, superintendent of the Sun-
day School, was narrator for
"Christmas Through The Centu-
ries" White Gift Service.
Gillian Collings read Isaiah 7:13
and 14, 9:1-7. A Dramatization by
the Primary Class. Ann Kcrnick
read Luke 2:1-20. Judith Parker
changed the .time signs. Thcy arc
the Primary teachers.
The Beginners' Class were an
angel choir. The teachers are Mel-
onie Miller, Laurel Miner and
Deanne Bal lantyne.
The Story of Saint Nicholas was,
told by Tim Parker. The Story of
Si.`Francis and The Creche was
acted out by Jon Passmore.
The Window of Charvcl was
acted out by tho Junior Class
whose teachers are Janis Richard-
son and Joan Morgan. Derck
Etherington was the reader.
The White Gift Story was dra-
matized .by the Intermediate Class,
taught by Barb Ballantyne. White
gifts wcrc then given.
The Lighting of the First Advent
Candle was done by the Macgre-
gor family. The first candle is for
Tight and hope.
•Thc choir sang a Christmas an-
them accompanied by the organist
Agnes Bray. It was a marvelous
service. Much credit goes to the
Sunday School Supt. teachers and .
The flowers in the church were
placed there by the family of the
late Stanley Peter.
Rick and Karen Etherington and
family donated the Christmas tree
that is in the auditorium of the
church. Thanks very much.
Coming events
Confirmation Class is to meet at
the manse on December 7, from 4-
6 p.m.
Young Peoples Bowling Party
December 9, 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Meet at the manse at 7:00 p.m.
Cost $ 1.60 per game and money
for donuts and pop. Pickup time at
the manse is 10:00 p.m.
Sunday, December 10 - Christ-
mas Open House at the manse 2-4
and 7-9 p.m. Thames Road Ladies
and the Macgregors hosting.
On Thursday, December 14 the
Confirmation Class Party at 6-7:36,
p.m. at Thames Road Church, for_
all confirmands, elders and spon-
sors. Hot dogs and donuts will be
served and games will follow. Shir-
ley Kerslake, Jack Hodgert and
Rev..- Sheila are in charge of orga-
nizing the event.
The Thames Road Sunday
School Concert will be held on
till Christmas
Critters Col ger
420 Main St., Centre Mall
Exeter 235-0251
Sunday, December 17 at 7:30 p,m.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert
called at the A. Millard George Fu-
neral Home London to pay their re-
spect to their cousin the late Stan-
ley Peter on Tuesday evening. On
Wednesday, Mrs. Hodgert accom-
panied Rev. Sheila Macgregor to
the funeral.
Mr• and Mrs. Ross Hodgert visit-
ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Miller and Lois Hodgert of Sea -
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Rohde and the rest of
the Country Corners from St. Mar-
ys enjoyed a turkey supper and all
the trimmings at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson McCartney near
Brucefield on Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Campbell of
RR Seaforth visited on Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stewart of Sar-
nia, Mr. and 'Mrs. Pete Kosi and
Justin of near • Ilderton, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Van Allen and Rachel
of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Stewart of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Stewart, Michael Stewart and
Paul Stewart had their Christmas
on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray, Ryan,
Darren, and Amanda of St. Thom-
as, Mr. and Mrs.. Jim Cogger _t ,a
Shannon Dawn of near Kippen, Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Passmore of Exet-
er, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Passmore and
Rob were Christmas guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Passmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Etherington,
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hodgcrt visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ellis of Ba-
den on Saturday evening.
Unique Des -g-t
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all occasions
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by Mrs. Tom Kooy'
CENTRALIA - At the United
Church on Sunday the sacrament of
Holy Communion was held.
Christopher Eveleigh was bap-
tised and Anne and Jamie Eveleigh
became new members by transfer
from Crediton United Church.
They were all welcomed into the
Next Sunday will be White Gift
Sunday. Children and adults are in-
vited to bring nonperishable goods
for the Huron County Christmas
Envelopes will be available for
money offering to the M&S fund or
a special fund for baby Stephanie
Skinner at National Trust, Excter.
The Christmas concert will be
- held Friday, December 15 at Cen-
tralia at 7:15. Christmas eve ser-
vice, December 24 at 8 p.m., will
be held at Centralia church.
A snow storm set the Christmas
scene for our Santa Claus parade on
Sunday which was enjoyed by
young and old alike. It was a hard
decision to make on the prize win-
ners but the judges Linda Holkum,
Brent Caslick and myself decided
on First Prize winner, Huron Park
Brownies,second prize going to
Perry's Drywall and third to Dash-
wood Industries. Congratulations to
everyone on a wonderful parade. •
Bags of candy were tossed out
along the route which ended at Hu-
ron park for more goodies.
At the euchre at the community
centre on Monday, Nojvember 27
prize winners were: high score -
Jcssie Lewis, Earl Morgan; lone
hands - Wilma Davis, Ed Arm-
strong; low score - Ilene Rollings,
Gordon Eaton. Special prize win- •
ncrs were lelene Pullman and Al- 4J 1J
ford Mathers. .4•
Next euchre December 11 will be •
convened by Harold and Wilma ik
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cronyn along
ith other members of their family •
attended the Horton-Sellon wedilri(
ding in Detroit on Saturday.
Von Overholt and several memth
bers of her family gathered at St. •
Anne's R.C. church, St. Thomas on!
Sunday, December 3 for the bap- _
tism of Nathan Bradley, son of
Brad and Pauline (Overholt) Tait. •
Nathan is Von's 12th grandchild. A
delicious meal followed the ser-
New Beaver - The latest addition to the Exeter Beavers Colony A is
Joshua Long, who is flanked by two keeos, Geoff Stasik and Bran-
don Kraftcheck, helpers from the Cubs.
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