HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1989-12-06, Page 6P .. a 6 Times -Advocate, December 6, 1989
Exeter Lioness Club gets new mascot
EXETER - The Lioness Club Plans are underway for our annu-
hcld their November meeting at al chicken barbecue, January 26,
the Masonic Hall with 34 mem- 1990 at the Youth Centre with ad-
bers present. A new club mascot vane tickets only. The Lioness
was donated by Lioness Ann Prout club are canvassing for the March
- a fuzzy bear. of Dimes,in January.
The float for the Santa Claus Pa-
rade on December 2 is ready and
Lioness dressed as clowns will be
collecting canned goods along the
route for needy families this Christ-
A successful Craft Auction was
held at the Youth Centre. Lioness
Joyce Eveland was a hilarious auc-
tioneer bringing in over $1,200 in
less than three hours. This money is
given to the Lions for their new
Youth centre.
.The Lioness District President
was the speaker for the evening
She has chosen the letter "L" in the
word Lioness for the motto, "Lead,
Roll call was answered by giv-
ing a pair of mitts or socks for the
Christmas Bureau and $5.00 for a
Christmas gift for Villa residents.
Lioness District President Janet
Dawson inducted three new mem-
bers, Linda Marsden, Jane Hundey
and Cathy Robison.
It was a new induction service
and very impressive. The new
members lit their candles from a
central candle, representing all Li-
oness Clubs around the world.
Lion Liaison Ross Mathers lit the
other candles representing the
goals and ideals of the club.
It's arrived - Exeter Library patrons can now look up their books on
the computer catalogue that arrived at the library last week. Look-
ing it over are librarian Helen Hodgins and representatives Ross
Long and Gary Bean from the Exeter insurance Brokers who donated
•the money to purchase the system. Next on the library's list, is a
second computer for the children's library downstairs.
Exeter United Church
EXETER - Light the Advent
Candle one;
Now the waiting has begun;
We have started on our way,
Time to think of Christmas Day.
A candle was lit by the Hundy
Family in celebration of thc First
Sunday in Advent as we prepare
for the coming of Christ.
Taylor - Kinta
Janet Kints and Jeff Taylor were
united in marriage on October 7,
1989 at Our Lady of Mount Car-
mel Church with Father Frank
Murphy officiating. The bride is
the daughter of Eric and Helen
Kints of RR3, Exeter and the
groom is the son of Jack and
Mary Jane Taylor of RR3 Exeter.
Maid of honour was Joanne
Kints, sister of the bride, and
bridesmaids were Deborah Tay-
lor, sister of the groom, Debo-
rah Down, Heather Prout, and
Susan Birmingham, all friends
of the bride. The flower girl was
Danielle Long, friend of the
bride. Best man was Jeff Bor-
land, friend of the groom, and
guests were ushered by Jeff
Kints, brother of the bride, Don-
nie Parsons, Alan Quick, and
Gerry McCarter, all friends of
the groom. The ringbearer was
Brent Hoffman, cousin of the
groom. After a honeymoon in St.
Maarten the couple are residing
in Exeter. Thank you to our fami-
ly and all Our friends for helping
make our day a special one.
William Mason Photography
Now the 'waiting has begun...
For the children it will seem like
forever but for the adults it is al-
ready slipping around too quickly.
Rev. Hawley told us the "unoffi-
cial version" of Gabriel this morn-
ing. Earlier, Beth and Amy Haw-
ley along with Chris Passmore and
Bev Robinson conducted a service
with our friends at Huronview.
We were urged, this week, to
continue to remember thc sick and
needy at this time of year despite
how busy we are gelling involved
with our preparations for Christ-
We are remindedthat next Sun-
day is White Gift Sunday. Please
bring your gifts or donations for
the less fortunate to be distributed
by Family and Children's Services.
Following the service the Senior
Youth Group will be hosting a
luncheon. Donations to the Youth
Group would be greatly appreciat-
ed to help defray the cost of the
luncheon and assist them with
covering the cost of the Toc Alpha
Flowers were placed at thc front
of the church this week in memory
of the late Vera Wasnidge.
Kirkton show
KIRKTON - Have a magical
Christmas at the Kirkton Branch
Library on Saturday, December 16
at 11:30 a.m. Peter Mennic's Thea-
tre of Magic will be at the library to
amaze and entertain with a hilari-
ous program of magic.
Magician Peter Mennie will de-
light all ages with his balloon mag-
ic and balloon animals. He likes to
get some of his audience involved
in the magic so come prepared to
Children aged five and up will
enjoy the show. There is no admis-
sion charge and there will be some
,fun handouts for the kids to take
home. Everyone is welcome.
The program is sponsored by the
Huron County Library.
will do portraits of
people or animals using
charcoal pencil
or pastels.
Just present to me a
clear photo of your sub-
ject and I will create a
portrait from it.
Call Stephanie at
zzie,0104 tf
Wins Stephen contest - Irene Haugh of Crediton receives a cheque
from Stephen Sesquicentennial Committeechairman Allan Walper
and secretary Wilmar Wein as the winner of the recent slogan con-
test. "Three times fifty, Stephen's nifty" will be used'to promote the
township's 150th anniversary celebrations in 1992.
Pentecostal WM see
slides of Holy Land
EXETER - The November 30
meeting of the Women's Ministries
was held at 2:30 p.m. at the Exeter
Pentecostal Tabernacle. Mrs. Ruth
McLaren presided.
Mrs. Carol Rogers opened in
prayer. Mrs. Jean Triebner led in
the hymn' "Savior like a Shepherd
lead us."
The Roll Call, taken by Mrs.
Shirley Prouty, was answered by a
scripture verse on "Savior".
The speaker for the afternoon
was Rev. D. Rogers who showed us
slides on the Holy Land. He closed
in prayer.
All the ladies helped with prepar-
ing for the Women's Ministries
&Pedal Gift
For That Unique
010 cot temPof s a t
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joints teat'. 00 to
at $80
P e$130.00
Wood & Metal
Framing also
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rd., Sat. & Sun. 10-5
Centralia Farmers
cordially invites you to our
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PI Pit
Saturday, December 9,
lnstore Specials
10°° SAVINGS In most departments
except feeds, animal health and Christmas items already on sale.
Banquet at 6:30 p.m. Rev. D. Rog-
ers led in some choruses after the
Mrs. Chris Caldwell sang a solo
entitled "People Need the Lord",
accompanied on the piano by Mrs.
Don Rogers.
A challenging message was given
by Mrs. Ray Faulkner, missionary
to Thailand.
leam and like". ess Cathy Hugill sit on this com-
Another new project is Trans- mittee as regional reps.
plant Canada. This project is to Lioness Janet ended .by saying
make all Canadians aware that if "The greatest gift one can give is
you are planning to donate your or- oneself".
gans you must sign your driver's li- The next meeting of the club will
cense and also tell your next of be a Christmas Pot Luck at the
kin. Lion John Stephens and Lion- Youth Centre.
//t, a. a
tea/ W.I/Aw
ititlitli IA /A yr
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Appointments not
always necessary.
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Vicki Parsons
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Unisex Hair Design
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• Appointments not
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Coll: Janet, or Sandy
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'Appointments not
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For appointment call_
Carol Gilmour
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Dolly Creces
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X 111 9.4„.
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Facials . Eyebrows
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Latest Computerized Fitness
Sun Tanning Room
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Cleaning Services
Plant Location Address: 81 Brock St., Hensall Ont.
If coming from the east off #4 Highway - cross tracks
turn right - you're there
"Annual" Plant
Saturday, Dec. 9
9 a.m. till 3 p.m.
• Uniforms
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Coveralls all sizes,
slightly used and some
new,odd colours
• Linens - sheets
(new and used)
• Diapers - out of
• Tea towels and
• Table cloths,
some new -:some
used - oriel
• Unclaimed drycleaning
- shirts, pants, coats and
misc. items - this mer-
chandise to go for
cleaning and storage
costs only.
Some really good buys
' • Misc. office equipment
• Radio Shack
• Photo copier
• Cash register (Manual
operation) to be picked up at,
end of sale
" AU Sales Final"
No Returns, Exchanges or Refunds