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Times -Advocate, November 29, 1989
Exeter United Church begins Advent season
EXETER - On Christ the King
Sunday, November 26, following a
thought-provoking sermon by Rev.
Hawley, the congregation of Exeter
United Church was treated to the
music of Mozart's "Alleluia", sung
by Mrs. Susan Graham, accompa-
nied on the piano by Mr. Ralph
T That same afternoon, a small
group of the Church family gath-
ered to celebrate the beginning of
the Advent season. Hot chocolate,
cookies and conversation began the
opening session. With Linda Haw-
ley at the. piano, we sang some
Christmas carols before joining in a
few of Bev Robinson's "getting to
know you games".
We then worked on making
Auction- Lioness president Laurie Dykstra (left) helps auctioneer
Joyce Evelanad start off the Lioness Club's annual. fundraising crafts
auction, held in $Jie Exeter Lions Youth Centre.
Christmas tree ornaments with help
from the master artisans - Jane Ea-
gleson, Lori and Jenalyn Baker,
Ruth Mercer, Elly and Ben Van -
Bergen, and Flora Doerr. Our poor -
bare little tree was very quickly
transformed into a beautiful Christ-
mas tree.
Jennie Robinson put together our
Advent Celebration banner with
each family's personal Christmas
symbol. It is now hanging in the
church parlour for all to see.
We shared a potluck supper, fol-
lowed by a family communion ser-
vic'led by Rev. Hawley.
Our time together came to a close
at 7 p.m., just in time for little ones
like Sarah Watson, Allison Gra-
ham, and Claire Hodder, who had
so much fun, to be tucked into bed,
and also in time for some of the •
dads to catch the last of the Grey
Cup game!
Many thanks to Ben VanBergen
for operating the elevating device
these past two Sundays.
Occupying the main portion of
the Official Board meeting on
Wednesday eventing was presenta-
tion of the budget for 1990. The
budget was recomnfended for ap-
proval of the congregation at the
annual meeting to be held on Sun-
day, January 28.
The Board also learned of the
purchase of new carry bags for the
Meals on Wheels drivers and the
upcoming expansion of the pro-
gram in January 1990.
A donation to the Centre for
Christian Studies in Toronto was
approved. The Centre provides fa-
cilities for Continuing Studies as
well as accommodation for students
and out-of-town guests.
The Property and Finance Com-
mittee reported that new lights will
soon be installed in the parking lot.
If you would like to respond to
the proposed cuts to Via Rail, you
may pick up a copy of a postcard to
send to your M.P.P. and/or the
Prime Minister from the bulletin
board in the Andrew St. entrance.
The Exeter United Church news-
letter will soon be arriving in your
home. Many thanks to Elly Van -
Bergen for coordinating the reports
and preparing them in their final
form, and to the carepeople for
their valuable assistance in deliv-
If you need assistance in getting
to church on Sunday mornings, the
courtesy car driver for December is
Jenny Rowe.
Sunday, December 3 marks the
First Sunday of Advent with White
Gift Sunday following on. Decem-
ber 10. This Sunday we will be col-
lecting toys, games and food for
less fortunate families to be distrib-
uted by Family and Children's Ser-
Following the service on Decem-
ber 10, the Senior Youth Group
will be hosting a luncheon. Every-
one is invited to enjoy the food,
conversation, and fellowship as a
church family. A donation would
be appreciated towards the cost of
the luncheon as well as the expens-
es of our delegates to the Toc Al-
pha Conference.
Be sure to mark 7, p.m. on De-
cember 17 on your calendar as the
date for the Sunday School concert.
The children have already begun to
practice so we will all want to give
them our support.
Other special Christmas events
will be held on December 24 with
worship services at 11,00 a.m.,
7:30 p.m., and 11:30 p.m.
Advent means "coming" so join
us in this season as we prepare for
the coming of Christ.
50th Anniversary
Friends and relatives attended an open house in Londesboro United
Church on November 11 to honour Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen on their 50th
wedding anniversary. Thomas B. Allen, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thom-
as C. Allen, Farquhar, and Genevieve. P. Kerslake, the only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kerslake, RR1 Woodham, were married on No-
vember 11, 1939, by Rev. C.L. Lewis. Their attendants, Miss Audrey
Fletcher, now Mrs. Elliott McRoberts of Exeter, a cousin of the bride,
and the gloom's brother, Dr. Lester Allen, now of Watford, assisted the
anniversary couple in welcoming their guests, along with their family,
Gloria and Wayne Jackson of Ridgetown. Karen and Don Scruton and
Keith and Nancy Allen of Londesboro. .They have also been blessed
by nine grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Tom began a feed mill
in Farquhar in 1937, which was sold when they moved to Londesboro in
1947 and bought the mill from the late Alex Wells. They, along with their
son Keith, operated this and Allboro Elevators until Sepbember of this
year. Following the open house, a dinner for family and a few close
friends was held at their home, bringing to a close a most unforgettable
VanValkengoed - Schenk
Lorie Schenk, daughter of Ge-
rald and Rita Schenk, Crediton,
and Bob VanValkengoed, son of
Mary and the late Joe VanVal-
kengoed, Seaforth, were united
in marriage on September 16,
1989 at Zion United Church,
Crediton. Maid of honour was
Tammy Bibby, sister of the
bride. Bridesmaids were Wendy
Bierling, Lisa Hewitt and flower -
girl Jo -Dee Regier, all of Credi-
ton. Best man was Rick VanVal-
kengoed, brother of the groom,
Houston, B.C. Ushers were
John Freriks, Dublin and Brian
Elliot, Mitchell. Ringbearer was
Matt Regier, Crediton. A recep-
tion followed at Exeter Legion.
Thanks to family, relatives and
friends for helping to make the
day so memorable.
Kerslake -Melady
Colleen Melady and Craig Ker-
slake were married Saturday,
September 30, 1989 at St. Co-
lumban Catholic Church. The
bride is the daughter of Theo
and Catherine Melady of RR2
Dublin and the groom is the
son of Elwyn and Wilma Ker-
slake of, RR1 Woodham. Maid
of honor was Carolyn Hoube,
friend of the bride, and brides-
maids were Cathy Melady, sis-
ter-in-law of the bride, Joan Sa-
raras, friend of the bride, and
Maureen Butters, cousin of the
bride. Flowergirl was Angela
Weido, niece of the -groom.
Best man was Steve Kerslake,
brother of the groom and
guests were ushered by Dennis
McBride and Scott Pincombe,
friends of the groom, and Pat
Melady, brother of the bride.
Ringbearer was Darren Snow,
nephew of the groom. Following
a honeymoon in the Barbados
the couple are residing at RR3
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Call ExOMr Paint and Paper for arrangements.
Gifted Hands - Judy Dougall, of Gifted Hands Studio in Exeter, puts
the finishing touches on one of her many crafts on display and sale
at the Hensall Minor Hockey Craft Show and Bake Sale at the Hen-
sall Arena Saturday morning.
Kippen East WI
By PRO Margaret Hoggarth
KIPPEN - Kippen East W.I. held
their November cultural activities
meeting in the home of Mona Al-
President Grace Drummond wel-
comed 10 members and two guests
and handed the evening over to
Helen MacLean who opened with
"Man's Best Friend", then proceed-
ed to introduce pharmacist Leo
Krahn as our guest speaker.
Krahn informed us about drug in-
teraction, warning us of the three
different types and explaining how
they come about.
Each member answered the roll
call by asking Krahn a question re-
lating to pharmacy A very interest-
ing and informative period fol-
Mona Alderdice thanked Krahn
for an enlightening evening.
Helen MacLean informed us she
had gone out with five men all in
one day! Will Power, John, Charlie
Horse, Arthur Itus and later on in
the evening Ben Gay.
Grace Drummond gave a few
predictions by reading "A Typical
Day in the Year 2014".
Hilda Payne brought a report
from the District Board meeting,
and reminded us that the district
will cater to the Sportsman's Ban-
quet on February 6, 1990, we were
to be prepared to help as in the
Ruby Triebner and Margaret
Hoggarth each had to pay a 300
fine for failing to wear their Insti-
tute pin. Helen MacLean conducted
a very lively contest - "Animal Tic
Tac Toe" won by Margaret Hog-
garth whose pig sounds were,heard
the most.
Our -December citizenship meet-
ing will take the form of a Christ-
mas Party on December 13 at 6:30
p.m. in Hensall United Church,
when Don Reynolds will be our
guest speaker.
Remember happiness is not who
you arc, or what you have, but what
you think.
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